HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.11.16CAI,L TO ORDER A regular meetingt of the date. Meeting called to PLEDGE OF ATLEGIANCE At word from the Chair, Pl-edge of Allegiance to ROLL CAI,I Burlingame, California Noveniber 16, 1964 Burl ingame City order at 8:05 p 113 Council was held on the above m. - Iqayor Martin in the Chair. Present - ebsent Councilmen: Councilman: alL in the Council Chambe r arose and gave the the Flag. Diederich sen-ceorge-John son-Ir{art in - Crosby. Councilman crosby, absent due to a previous co[unitment, was excused. MINUIES The minutes of the regular meeting of Noveniber 2, submitted to Council, were approved and adopted. 1964, previously BIDS STREET I,IGIITING IMP ROVE}.,IE}qT S CAIIFORNIA DRIVE. Bids received for "street Lighting Improvements - California Drive - North Lane to Oak Grove Avenue. " and opened at 2:OO p.m.. on this date, in conformance with published notice. were announced as follows: BlDDER TOTAI, BID BIDDER TOTAT BID Kennedy Electric Ecco-Phoeni:< Electric Gillard Electric Rosendin Electric Flatland company 96,689.95 7,038.90 7 ,770.4O 8,855 .60 8,891 .50 Abbett Ellectric Steiny & l"1itche1l. Central Electric Brsco Electric $9,304.30 9,679.OO 9,87 3. 30 10, 34I . OO Engineer's Estimate $I4, 266.50 Kennedy Electric Company, acknowledged as the lovrest responsible bidder, was awarded the contract by RESOLIJ:TION NO . 15 3-54 "Awarding Contract for Street Lighting Improvements California Drive-North Lane to Oak Grove Avenue, .Tob No- 64-34" ($6,689.95) introduced by Councilman ,rohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, and unanimously adopted upon Ro11 CalL ANNO rINC El,rENT q /4!!AnOwT,Eq GMErfl r S llayor Martin announced and acknowledged the following: 1 2 Minutes I"1onth1y of the Library Board, Parking commission and Park Conunission, Report of the Police Departmenti A letter from the Bur]-ingame San l,lateo Insurance Agents Association acknowledging the City of Burl ingame participation in "FIRE PREVENTION ifEEK, " sponsored by the Association; Proclaimed the week of Novedbe r 2O through 26, L964, "FARM-CITY WEEK": The list of names of those persons receiving written acknowledgment from 1"1r. Ben L. Hechinger, Chairman, Sister City Corunittee, for their part in the recent Sister City Celebration. 3 4 474 Ivlayor l{artin suggested that those who contributed financially to the program receive appropriate acknowledgments - IIEARlNG ALPHA LAND CO]"IPANY RECLASSTFICATION APPLICATION DENIED. Mayor Ivlartin announced that this to conduct a public hearing on a by AJ-pha Land Company, suhnitted by the Planning Commission. was the time and place scheduled recl as s if icat ion appl-ication filed previously to and subsequentJ-y denj-ed Declaring the hearing opened, Mayor I{artin read a letter from the City Planner dated October 27, 1964. informinq Council that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the application of Alpha Land Company to reclassify thirteen lots in Blocks 39 and 43, Iv1i11s Estate No. 25, from R-I (single-family) District to R-2 (duplex dwelling) District. at the meeting of October 26, 7964; following a full- presentation by the applicant and comments from residents in the area, six Commissioners voted to disapprove the reclassif ication, one Commissioner abstained. The communication outlined the arguments set forth in support of the application by the representative of Alpha Land Company and the Commission's reasons for denying. A corununication dated Noveiribe r 72, L964, from Alpha Land Company referred to the location of the lots adjacent to and facing Skyline Boulevard. the existence of common driveways, serving two properties, which the applicant claimed are conditions not conducive to single* family living - The communication referred to the homes which Alpha Land Company is presently constructing in the lvlills Estate, commanding prices, in some cases, in excess of $45,000.00; the developer considers it impractical economically to build single-family homes of this value on Skyl ine Boulevard. The communication referred to three of the thirteen lots having drive- ways on l{argarita Avenue and Rivera Drive, but differing from other lots on the two streets because of their location abutting the highway. The communication set forth two reasons, as follows. for the duplex use: 1 2 Mainta in ing adjacent to improvements of high value on a less desirable street existing high-va1ue single-family homes ; I"laintaining the residential character of the neighborhood through the use of well-designed residential duplexes. Reference was made to existing duplexes in the lower !1i11s Estate, on Quesada Drive and Sequoia Avenue. rvh ich back up and are next door to single-family residences. Upon advice from the city Clerk that no other f ile, Ivlayo r l,lartin accorded Mr. Peter Ingber, Land company, the privilege of the floor. communications were on Vice-President, Alpha colored drawings representing archi- of the proposed buildings . Jt,Ir. Ingber placed on display two tectural design of the exteriors I{r. Ingber informed Council that Alpha Land comPany is the ovrner of one hundred eighty-three lots in the Mills Estate, other than the subject 1ots. all proposed to be developed for single-family 1iving, prices ranging from $42,0o0.00 to $45,950.0O. 115 Referring to the two three-story apartment buildings to be constructed at Skyline Boulevard and Trousdale Drive, approved as a buffer use between the residential area in Burlingame and the projected high-rise cornplex in the City of Millbrae, Ivlr. Ingber stated that Alpha Land Company is the owner of all of the residential lots opposite the apartment site. He stated that there was no opposition from Alpha Land Company when the apartment variance vras granted since it was felt that the buildings would not be harmful to the residential properties. For the same reason that the apartments transitional zone between high-rise and Company nov, requests a reclas sification of duplex dwellings between the Skyline areas. were permitted, to establish a single-family use, Alpha Land to create a transitionaL zone Boulevard and the residential Mr. Ingber pointed out that Skyline Boulevard eventually wil-1 become an access road to a proposed Freeway. By reason of their location, facing Skyline Boulevard, the thirteen lots are different from all other lots in the areai the development of land along Skyline Boulevard, within the City of Bur]. ingame, \.ras so planned that the lots bad< up to, rather than face, the highway. Mayor Uartin invited conunents from those in the audience in favor of the reclassification. lIhere were none. opponents were invited to speak. Mr. R. J. Street, 1543 Los Altos Drive, objected that duplex dwellings would detract from the residential character of the area; Mr. Howard Beede, 3125 ltlargarita Avenue, protested that compared with high-value single- family residences, two-family dweJ.lings do not contribute a faj-r share of the city's tax revenuei Mr. C. Kosack, 1547 Los Aftos Drive. protested the application as "spot zoning"; !1r- R. P. Quay, 3127 Irlargarita Avenue, pointed out that Skyline Boulevard, in time, will no longer be a State h ighway but a city streeti he mentj.oned that his home is on the corner of llargarita and Skyline Boulevard and he finds nothing objectionable about living there as far as traffic noisei Mrs. J. M. Lute, 1550 Los Altos Drive, stated that reclas sification would depreciate property valuesi I{r. C. w. Heiser. 3121 Margarita Avenue, declared his position in oppos- ition; !1r. A. E. Stein, corunending the manner in which the Pl-anning Conunission conducted its public hearing on the application. requested Council to uphold the Cotnmission decision. Itir. J. R. Horak, 1556 Los Montes Drive. Itlr. T. M. Broyles, 2744 Summit Drive and Mr. C. D. Coen, 1506 Los Altos Drive, spoke in opposition, also !lrs. Guy c. curunings, 3105 lvlargarita Avenue. No additional speakers desiring to be heard, Mayor llartin directed questions to ltlr. Ingber, which were raised by the protestants: Would there be less disturbance to duplex dweJ-lings frdn the traffic noise than to single-family residences? A1so, what is the projected sales price of the duplexes? Mr. Ingber replied in the negative to llayor Uartin's question concerning disturbances to the properties fron Skyline Boulevard traffic. In reply to the second question, Mr. Ingber stated that the value of a residential duplex would be more than the highest priced home Alpha Land company is building in the Ivlills Estate, but the assessed valuation of a duplex would not be twice that of a home. Referring to a corunent made h1t one of the protestants that he had pur- chased his home with the understanding that there v,,ould be no rental properties in the area, Irl.r. Ingber referred to the two apartment buildings to be constructed. at Trousdale Drive and Skyline Boulevard, a projected total of one hundred seventeen rental units. In conclusion, Mr. Ingber stated that Alpha Land Company, in requesting the reclassification, does not plan to develop the lots in a manner detrimental to either the single- family homes which it is presently constructi-ng, nor the homes in the area general ly . 116 The City Planner, in reply to I'layor Martin, discussed the land design abutting Skyline Boulevard, which he stated was difficult from the beginning; the City has had knowledge for some years of the eventual Junipero Serra Freevray and planned accordingly when the residential subdivisions were developed. He stated that at one time the City considered using one of the three Manor streets to connect to l"lills Estate but these streets were never designed to carry any amount of through traffic; when the final route of the Freeway was learned, the City decided that Skyline would serve as the connecting street- The City Planner stated that in laying out the lots along Skyline in the Mills Estate, the City worked with the developers to retain the tree belt as much as possible for a wind break and aesthetic values. The resultant subdivision map, providing for the City to become the owner of the forty foot tree stri-p and the driveway pattern of single access to pairs of 1ots, was considered a good plan for the whole area. In reply to Mayor Martin's cornments that duplex dwellings would create twice as much traffic on the access driveways, as single-family homes, Mr. Ingber maintained that a common driveway is not commensurate with single-family living. l{r. ilohn C. Bauer, #2 Aio Court, President, Burlingame lt1ills Estate Improvement Association, stated that in a poll of the entire member- shj-p, with the exception of one abstention, none opposed the appli- cation. Cormnunications addressed to the Planning Conunis sion, dated October 26, 1964. from Mrs- Guy c. cummings, 3105 Margarita Avenue, and october 20, 1964, from ur. ALbert E. Stein, l-554 Los Altos Drive, in opposition to the application. were read by Irlayor Ivlartin. Council members were invited to comment. councilman Diederichsen, referring to his experience on the Planning Conunission when the Mil1s Estate was first subdivided and maps dravrn, stated that the use pattern, ranging from industrial to commercial to residential, was carefully planned and conceived. commissioner Diederichsen stated his position in favor of retaining the single- family classif ication. In additional connent, Commissioner Diederichsen complimented t4r. Ingber on the quality of the homes which Alpha Land Company is constructing in the area. Councilman .fohnson explained her reluctance to approve reclass- ification except where extreme hardship can be proved. Councilman George. cornmending Mr. Ingber his concurrence with the decision of the zoningi not be changed . on his presentation, stated Planning Commission that the Referring to the conmon driveways, designed to preserve the tree be1t, the subdivision 1ot pattern which resulted when the subdivider changed the street pattern to create additional lots, tlayor lt1art in stated his opinion that the applicants were proposing "out and out spot zoning." Ihe hearing was thereafter declared closed. Councilman Diederichsen introduced a motion to deEy the reclas sif ication iapplication; motion seconded by Councilman Johnson and declared carried unani:nously on ro11 cal,1 vote. Ivlr. ,J . of the M. Lute, 1550 Los Altos Drive, expressed appreciation in behalf residents of Burlingame lvlanor for Council's action. RECESS The Chair declared a recess at 9:35 P.m 117 CALL TO ORDER The meeting reconvened at 9:45 p.m COMMI'NI CATlONS ].. TEMPORARY CHRISTMAS TREE LOT APPROVED. A communication dated November lO, 1964, from the City Planner reported that the Planning Commission, at its study meeting of Novenber 9, 1964, received a request for a permit to operate a temporary Christmas tree l-ot on vacant property on the easterly side of Dwight Road at Peninsula Avenue. The communication stated that the Conmission agreed informally to send the request to the City Council with the suggestion that a permit for the purpose be granted, since the use is temporary and tiJne an important factor. llhe conrmunication outlined conditions suggested by the Conmission; Lights to be turned off at 11:00 p.m-; the lot to be cleaned up promptly when the operation ceases. fhe Commission indicated that the use would not create any precedent for future zoning or use of the property. Council indicating no objection, on a motion introduced by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried the temp- orary permit was approved, subject to the conditions proposed by the Planning Corunission. Ur. Rich Allenby, who will operate acknowledged Council's action. 2 . PITBLIC II.4PROVEI"IEMS BEARIMT INDUSTRIAI PARK ACCEPTED . A communication from the City llanager dated Novedber L2, 1964, reported that public improvements within Bearint Industrial Park SuHivision have been completed satisfactorily in accordance with the improvement pl-an and it was the recolunendat ion of the City Engineer and his office that the improvement s be accepted- Council concurring,R.ESOLUTION NO. 154-64 , "Accepting Public Improvements in Bearint Industrial Park, Burling.rme, San Mateo County, California, " was introduced for passage by Councilman ceorge, seconded by Councilman Johnson, and adopted unanimously upon Roll call . 3. CORPORATION YARD SHOP BUILDING ACCEPTED. Col. E. L. Norberg, Architect for the recently constructed Shop Building at the City Corporation Yard, addressed Council, presenting, in behalf of congressman ,J. Arthur Younger. an American FIag, flown at one time over the Nation's Capitol Building, washington, D. C. CoI. Norberg stated that the flag was presented for the particul-ar purpose of the Shop Building. In an accepting the flag, llayor lt{artin requested the City }lanager to dj-rect appropriate acknowledgment to Congressman Younger. A letter from the City Manager dated Novedber 12, 1964, reportj-ng that Col . E. I,. Norberg, Project Architect, and the City Engineer have certified that Tanklage Construction company has satisfactorily completed the work on the Shop Building at the City Corporation Yard. recommended that council accept the building. pting Shop Building at The Burlingame Corporation Yard, Job No. 32-64, " was introduced for passage by Councilman George, seconded by councj-lman Diederichsen, and unanimously adopted upon Ro1l CalI . RESOLUTION NO. 155-64 "Acce 118 In acknowledging Council's complimentary remarks on the finishedbuilding, Col . Norberg pointed out that the work was done with noextra costs, resulting in a total cost below that estimated. 4. STORI{ DRAIN OPE}IING NORTH OF NORTH LA}IE ON SOUTIIERN PACIFI C PROPERTY. In a memo to Council dated November 13, 1964, regarding the stormdrain opening called to Council's attention at the Noveriber 2nd meeting by Mr. Joseph Siemont, the City I{anager reported that an existing large box opening is located on Southern pacific propertyjust north of the Hasty Tasty Restaurant. A snapshot of the location was submitted to Council . The cornmunication stated that to close the openinq vrould be impractical si-nce storm waters drain there the better part of the year. The City Manager recommended posting a r^'arning sign to trespassers and, as a further precaution, providing the Southern Pacific Company will consent, barricading the opening when the channel is dry- Counc i1 al- so to open ing concurred, directing the City l/tanager to proceed accordingly inform lilr. Siemont of the action taken and the reason the cannot be permanently closed. to the and he 5. REPORT ON GOLF COURSE SURVEY. A memo from the City t4anager dated Novedber L3, 1964, stated that Mr- WiLliam H. Sherman expects to submit the golf course feasibility report in approximately tvro weeks. 6. PROGRESS REPO RT NEW DT'I{P FACILIT'. A memo from the City !4anager dated Noveniber 73, L964, subnitting a communication from Anza Pacific Corporation, dated November lL, 1964, relative to plans for providing a neh, dump facility near the City of Burlingame, when the present facility is fi1Ied, stated that an effort will be made to have further information for Council within sixty days . 7 . I,IEMORIAL TO DR. .TOSEPH H. I,ORENZ. A colununication from the City Manager dated Noveniber 13. 1964, reported that the matter of a gift to the city for tree planting in the Mil1s Creek Wild-fife Canyon as a memorial has been discussed with the Park Superintendent and the City Attorney, The communication stated that the City can accept gifts subject to their use for the purpose given. ?he communication stated further that the Park Superintendent indicates that a water line would be required to be installed to the bottom of the canyon to provide water for the plants. the installation to be financed from the gift funds. fhe Ci.ty Manager's proposal that aLl of the detail pertinent project be compiled for council's consideration was accepted was directed to proceed accordingly. For the benefit of those in the audience, Uayor Martin announced that !trs. Aline H. Lorenz has offered a gift of trees, and an amount up to $1,OOO.OO to provide for the planting, to the City for the purpose of creating a tree memorial, with no cost to the City, to her late husband, Dr. Joseph H. Lorenz, past councilman and Uayor of the city of Burlingame, which Council agrees will be quite a fitting memorial . 119 8 . TRAFFIC SITUATION IIYATT i\,lUS IC TIIEATRE. In a memo to Council dated Novedber 72, 1964, the City uanager reported he was informed by Captain Kennedy of the State High\"ray Patro1 that the solution to the traffic situation at the Hyatt Music Theatre is an engineering oner the Highway Patrol can work only with exits and entrances frdn the Freeway as they now exi.st. Ihe communication stated that the theatre operators are trying to educate patrons to approach and leave over the Millbrae Overpass, which will relieve the situation considerably. llhe communication informed Council that the theatre operators have indicated their willingness to do vrhatever is constructive and reasonable to alleviate the situation. In reply to an inquiry from Mayor Martin concerning some discussi-on of a new roadway, the City Manager, using the aerial photo of the City in the Council Chambers, stated that the theatre owners are investj-gating the possibility of a one-v/ay road taking off from the Freeway, south of the Broadway Overpass, connecting rvith the MunJ.cipal Dump road, and bypassing the overpass intersection on the easterly side, to accommodate motorists approaching the theatre on the Freeway from the south. The City l\,lanager, in reply to Mayor Martin, stated that the site of the road$ray is owned by the State but not part of the parcel which the City is interested in acquiring for bayfront development. Upon recognition by Itlayor Martin, Mr. David Keyston approached the blackboard. Sketching roughly the area under di.scussion, he informed Council that should the State Department of Highways permit the roadway, Keyston Company will assume responsibility for its preparation. He stated that it is unlikely that the road would be permitted to be used on a twenty-four hour basis, until brought up to specification, but the State may authori.ze its use during theatre hours. Mr. Keyston informed Council that in an sigms are being installed on all of the theatre traffic to Millbrae Avenue. attempt to relieve the congestion, northern exits directing after- Itlayor Martin suggested would hold the cars in to It1r. Keyston that closing off some of the exits the parking area and off the street. The discussion concluded, the City lrlanager was directed to pursue the matter of the roadr^ray. 9 . PRINGLE CONSTRUCTION COIT{PANY " SKYIINE PROJECT . '' A letter dated Octobet 28, 1964, from Pringle Construction Company. bearing the signature of Robert Douglas Pringle, referring to a variance approved by Council for apartment construction at Trousdale Drive and Skyline Boulevard. requiring approval of final building plans, requested permission to sutmit partially completed drawi-ngs. A second letter from Mr. Pringle, dated Noventber 6, L964, submitted as follows: lIhe developers of the project have acquired a half-acre parcel, sixty feet wide, adjoining the !'resterly boundary of the site of the pro- posed development, and suggest deeding an eight foot strip of this parcel to the larger parcel to establish reguired building side setbacks; an easement to be granted to the two buildings to provide parking for fifty- one cars, for the lifetime of the buildings; the easement to be granted also the city of Burl ingame, subject to approval by the city Attorney of the docunent of grant. 720 A communication from the City Planner dated informed Council that the preliminary plans do not meet the terms of the variance. Novedber LO, 1964, submitted by Mr. Pringle The communication stated that the building is shown on the property line, in violation of building and zoning codesr Mr. Pringte's proposal to add a strip to the larger parcel for building setbacks requires submittal of a revised tentative map. The City Planner's comrnunication commented at length on the matter of an access easement over the land of an adjoining property ovrner in ltlillbrae and an indication from Mr. Pringle that he does not wish to improve the parking lot until a Later time, possibly a year or so. The communication stated that it is the opinion of the Building Inspector that the buildings indicated on the drawings are four and five stories: the City Engineer believes that there is proposed a subdivision converting acreage to lots, requiring a subdivision map, Jmprovement plans and an agreement to do public works. Mr. Pringle, upon recognition by Mayor Martin, plans before Council are preliminary only for informing Council of progress to date. 1. RESOLITITON NO. 156-64 "Approving Final Map Park unit No. 1, Burl ingame san Iilateo county. ing D<ecution of Agreement to construct Public introduced for passage by Couneilman Johnson, oiederichsen and unanimously adopted upon RoIl advised the sole that the purpose of Mr. Pringle stated that the purchase of the adjoining property is in escrol./, that proof of ownership will be available when final plans are submitted. Mayor Martin reminded lvlr. Pringle that the. terms of the variance provided that all of the parking shal1 be contained within the same property as the buildings. Any proposal to the contrary is not acceptable. Referring to the City Planner's cornments concerning the excessive height of the buildings, Mr. Pringle described a room for social purposes on the roof of the building, which it is hoped Council will approvei he stated that the buildings height will not exceed thirty-five feet, with the exception of the proposed social room - I{ayor Martin informed Mr. Pringle that the garage area, as designed, constitutes an additional building story. Following further comments from Mr. Pringle and Mr. Moqensen, the architect. Council advised Mr. Pringle that he must conform with the terms of the variance, namely, two three-story buildings, m measured from ground level, with garages and open parking sPaces for two hundred twenty-five cars on the same property as the buildings. Iur. Pringle was informed that revisions in the subdivision map, from that originally submitted, will require the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Planning Commission's approval, aIso. notations on the map relating to building and fire installations to be removed. Council agreed to Mr. Pringle's request that he be permitted to resutxnit revised drawings . RESOLIITIONS Entitled "Anza Airport California, and Direct- Improvements, " was seconded by Councilman caI1. 12a 2. RiESOLUTION NO. 157-64 "Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for the Acquisition of Parking Lot l-c by the Peninsula National Bank of Burlingame, " was introduced for passage by Councilman George, seconded by Councilman ilohnson and unanimously adopted upon RolL Ca1I. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 158-64 "Authorizin g the Execution of a Grant Deed to Parking Lot l-G to the PeninsuLa National Bank of Burlingame. " was introduced for passage by Councilman ceorge, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Ro1I Cal1 . 4 RESOLUTION NO. 159-64 "Acce pting option to Re-Purchase Parking Lot 1-c from Peninsula National Bank of Burlingame. A National Banking Association," vras introduced for passage by Councilman George, seconded by Council.man Johnson and unanimously adopted upon RolL call. Mayor I{art in acknowledged members of the Board of Directors of the Peninsula National Bank, in attendance, who expressed appreciation to Council. ORDINAIICES consideration thereof : ORD INANCE NO. 816 "An Ordinance of the Cit y Council of the City of Burlingame Author izing an Amendment to the Contract Between the City Counci.l and the Board of Administration of the California state Retirement System, " was given its second reading. Councilman Johnson, thereafter moved adoption of said Ordinance, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen. The City Attorney, in reply to lriayor Martin, stated that it is his under- standing that adoption of the ordinance requires a four-fifths vote of the Council. Mayor Martin explained that following a thorough investigation of the subject, including discussions with persons having knor,rledge of Social Security and State Retirement, it is his conclusion that, except in certain particular cases. an integrated program will not prove beneficial to the employees . Conunent ing that Social Security will prove costly to the City, Mayor l{artin stated that he has reached a decision to vote against adoption of the ordinance, mindful of the best interests of the employees and the Cityrs taxpayers. Tlhe City !4anager, in reply to Councilman Johnson, reported that well over half of the cities on the Peninsula have adopted an integrated system; the same situation applies throughout the entire State of California. Councilman Diederichsen, commentinq that Social Security is widely recogt- nized as an aeceptable supplement to other types of pension p1ans, recom- mended that the City of Burlingame extend the privilege of integration to its employees. Councilman George reported that a research of materiaL pertinent to the subject revealed that less t}]ar, 43% of the City employees indicated that they were in favor of Socia1 Security. AIso, that by reason of the City's share of the costs of Social Security, there wou ld be a sizeable increase in the funds paid by the City for employees' retirement. Pointing out that the State Employees Retirement System offers a broad p1an, designed to provide survivor's benefits simiLar to the Federal plan, without great expense to the City, Councilman ceorge indicated his willing- ness to consider the State plan in lieu of Social Security. Councilman Johnson maintained that the question of the nuniber of employees favoring Social Security should not influence Council ,s thinking; approval of the plan will affect only those requesting it. 122 Councilman Johnson stated that if the sj-tuation were otherwise, whereby all employees would be forced into Social Security, if the ordinance were adopted, she would not be in favor of the integratedsystem. Councilman ilohnson pointed out that Council must not overlookthe possibility that hiring of new employees may be adversely affectedby the City's position on Social Security- A vote by noI1 Call to adopt Ordinance No. 816 was thereafter recorded as follows: Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilman: Diederichsen, Johnson. George, Martin. crosby. By reason of the lack of a four-fifths vote in favor, the Ordinance was thereafter decLared defeated . the City Attorney, in reply to It{ayor l,lart in . inf ormed Council that the Ordinance lega11y may be reintroduced at another meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 817 "An Ordinance Amendin g Section 7222.L of the Ordinance Code of The City of Burl ingame Regulating Parking on the Westerly Side of California Drive by Repealing the ProhiJcition Against Parking Vehicles Between Oak Grove Avenue and North tane from 4:00 P.M., to 5:OO P.U.." was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilrnan ,fohnson. seconded by Councilman Diederichsen said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following Roll- Cal1 vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent Councilmen : D iederi chsen-George- Johnson-Martin . Councilmen: None Councilmen: crosby NEI{ BUS INESS Letter from City Manager to city Bnployees: cognciJ-/CiQ. Enploleqq Relations. T'here was a brief period of discussion relative to a letter to be written by the City lrlanager, at the suggestion of lrtayor Martin, with concurrence of two other medbers of the Council, informing City employees of their responsibility to recognize and cooperate vrith medbers of the Council in matters of City business. I{ayor Martin stated that he of a recent occurrence when from Cuernavaca. felt such a letter was justified because the City entertained the visiting dignitaries Councilman Johnson stated her position in opposition for the reason that the majority of employees are acquainted with members of the Council and conduct themselves accordingly. All of the ertployees should not be condemned for the occasional mistake of an individual . IJNFINISIIED BUSINESS l. Sister Cit Commi-ttee: Councilman 'Johnson, conunenting on her attendance at a recent meeting of the Sister City Committee, attended also by Councilmen Diederichsen and ceorge, reported that the members are planning the coming year's activities. Councilman Diederichsen mentioned financial assistance received by the Committee through the efforts of Councilman George. councilman ceorge reported that due to the cooperation of 1oca1 merchants, the Couunittee has funds in reserve- The menibers hoPe to incorPorate and to have stationery printed for their Purposes. 123 Councilman ceorge stated also that Mr. Ben L. Hechinger, Conunittee Chaj.rman, has received word that Dr. Bruce Vickers, who recently visited this City as a member of the Sister City delegation from Cuernavaca, wilL use the name "Burlingame" in the title of a 1,000 acre subdivision wh ich he is developing. 2. Council Activities. Councilman Johnson reported Council's participation in the recent "Open House" at the nelr San llateo Times building, the North County Council neeting, and the sympos ium on City-County Government problems at the Hyatt House. ?Peninsula Library cooperative System- In repLy to Councilman Johnson's J.ibrary system, the City Manager study meeting, since there is no inquiry concerning the proposed cooperative suggested holding the subject for a future need for an immediate decision. CLAIMS warrants Nos. 2946 through 3112, month of Noverdber, 1964, in the total amount of $156,828.16, duly audited, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman George, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanjmously carried . PAYROLL Payroll Warrants, month of October, 1964, Nos- 10360 through J-0362, new series Nos. 10I through 361 in the total amount of $111,703.04 \,rere approved on motion of Councilman George, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unani-rnously carried . AD JOURN}.IENT IN MEIUO RIAI\,I A motion by Councilman Johnson that the city council adjourn in respect to the memory of Joseph J. Verducci, past llayor and Councilman of the City of Daly City, and Supervisor-Elect of San Mateo County, and to the memory of James H. uitchell, member for rnany years of the Burlingame Planning Conunission, was seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried. Councilman ilohnson requested the City Clerk to inform the respective families of Council's aetion. The meeting thereafter adjourned at 11:35 p-m Respectfully submitted, APPROVED:IIERBERT K. I,OI]ITE CITY CTERK R. D. MARTIN, MAYOR