HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.07.0784 Burllngarne , July 7, Cal lforzrla 1962 CALI TO ORDER An adJournod neeting from July 2, 1962,glven dato. Lileeting called to order at Tempore Jobnson In the Chalr. was hold on the above 11 : OO a. n. , - trilayor Pro PI,MGE OF ALLEGTANCE At wo nd. from the ChaLr, a1l- 1n the Councll Chanber arose and gavethe Pledge of Allegiance to the ELag. ROLL CAI,I Present - Councllnon: Crosby-Johnson-Mantl,n-MorganAbsent - Councilm€n: Lorenz Mayor Lorenz, absent bscause of L1lnoss, uras excused. DBCISIO}I RE : CHANGES-MCDIFICATIONS BURLINGA],IE ATTEI{UE AEEA PEFTTNG DISTRICT The Chalr lnvited Councllman i{artin, Chairman, Counci} Off-Street Parklng Comnittee to commsnt on the declsion of CounclJ- ln themattor of proposed r0hange s -Modiflcatl ons - Btrrlingamo Avenue Anea- Off -Street Parki.ng District. Counclfnan Ivtartln advised that Councll has given due conslderatlonto the pr.otests heard at the pub).lc hea:rlng and thereaften de- t ermlned: l-. Iho obJectlon of Grant B. Sweet that only one of two adJacentlots, ln whlch he has an lntenest ln, is proposetl fon the Distrlctand hls stateoent in a coomunlcatlon dated June 26, that therpurchasers havo asked. to be neleased from salen of tho two 1ots,dld not establlsh a valld obJoctlon; 2. The obJectlon of Jean Mourua11le, lessee, that the pnoposed along the s outhe:rIy boundary of a parklng lot corner of Prirrose Road and Donnelly Avonue, would creashlp 1n hls operatlon of the parklng 1ot, was not a valjedtlonr.particularly when the oween of the property en obJectlon; and strlpattte aldo t ere he hartl- b-dno 3. The opposLtion of proporty ou,ners that lots on Chapln Avonueare lncluded within the bountlarlos of the Parklng Distnlct, dld not constLtute a valid objectlon. Councllman Martln advLsed. that the changes and nod.iflcations ane monoly rec ommendati ons of the Englneers I for tho projoct and w111 not effect the publlc heaning conducted on tho Parking Dlstrict as a whole. Counc ll-man Martln empirasi,zed. the fact ttrat any actlon taken by Councll on thls occaglon is not final nor concluslve. RESOLUTION NO. 39-62 trA Bosolutlon Orderl ng Changes and Irtlod lf l cat lons Budingenre Ttenue Trea Off -Street Parklng Aroa rr was Lntroducedfor passago on motion of Councllman Martln. 1{n. Grant.Sweet, in attendanco, 1n clarlfylng the paragnaph refen- rod to ln hls communicatlon, advlsed that the purchaser has re- quested to be roleased from the salol however, he personally, as representatlvo of tho seIlers, has not consentocl to the cancel-Iatlon of the rrbona fidef, sale. The notlon to adopt Resolutlon No. 39-62 was seconded by Councllnan Mongan. 35 On the questlon, Councllman itlorgan questloned the status of the Dlstrlct tn the ovent lots on Chapln Avonuo were wi thdrarvn fron the bountlanies. Mr. Wlleon advlsed that the Proceedlngs come before the Councll followlng the fil.lng of tho Englneens t Report and sha1l remaln 1na trstate of fluxrr untll the matter ls heard bofore tho Councll. The boundarles are subject to the control of the Councll and Councll makes lts deterninatlon on the occaalon of the publLc hearlng on the Parking Dlstrlct. lb. George Sandidge, 1439 Chapln Avonue, ln attendance, stated that hls obJectlon was basecl on the Brounds that ncolluslonn was indlcated. ht's. freno C. Palamountaln, 1421 Chapln Avenue, in attendance, stated that hhe stt'ongly opposbd the Lncluslon of one of hen lotswlthln the boundaries of the Parklng Dlstrlct. lilayor Pro Ternporo Johnson assured the speakers that actlon onthls occaslon was pnellmlnary and lnterested persons sha11 be glven an opportunlty to be heard at tho publlc heari.ng on the ontfue Pnocoedings. A Ro11 CaI1 vote recorded tho adop as unanlmoug. tion of RESOLUTION No. 39-62 RECESS A necess was dsclared by the Chalr at 1l:2O a.n. CALL TO OIDER Councll reconvened at 11:25 a.nr. BUDGET PERTOD 1962-1965 The Chalr announced that at a Councl)- study meeting heJ.d prlorto the adJourned meet!.ng, conslder.able study had. boen glven totho p!3oposetl 1962-L965 budget. Fu::ther d.l,scusslon contlnued on varlous budgetary ltons: (a) $gOroO0.oo proposed for the converslon of the Pollce Bulldlnglnto a Publlc ]vor'lts Depar:tment; (b) $ASTOOO.OO fon the ac-quisltlon and/ or the lnstallatlon of a berm (prlorlty lteru) onwatenfnont proporty, both ltems to be lncluded in the pnoposed budget. Dlscusslon arose on the a]-locatlon of funds t o asslst ln thefinanclng of tho Off-Street Parklng p:roJect. Councllman Martln racomnended that the Capltal fmprovement Fund remaln lntact and that a soparate allocatlon of funals be reservedfor the Off-Street Parklng Dlstnict. Councllmen otrserved that the Clty 1s obligated to contrlbute $sso,ooo.oo ln fund s to the Dtsti.lct over a perlod of two years and that S175,OOO.OO should bo rmde avallable ln the current budget. A pnoposal to increase the recommended 1962-1965 tax rate of $1 .34to $1.84, tho addltlonal flfty cents to be applled toward. theparklng dlstrlct, was debated at some length. It was f\rthernoted that an amendmont to the ordlnance establishing the Cltytssalos tax. and plodging flfty percent of the sales tax revenue toreduce the pnoperty tax, would be necessary. Councllnan Johnson oxpressod stronous objectlon to the rovocetlonof a promiso nade to the taxpey€rs to r.educe tho general. property 66 Followlng conslderable dlscusslon, the Clty Attorney ras requestedto preparo an amendment rescindlng Councllts actlon deflnsal ln Sestlon 1171.8 of the Sales Tax Ordlnance (No. 726) provlded seid amendrrent do€s not confllct with the contract d. th the State Boar.dof Equalizatlon, the agency collectlng the sales tax. RESOLUTION NO. 40-62 iAdoptlng Budget of the Clty of BurJ.lngame Fonffing Juire 36, 1955r' ras lnt:roiuced ther:eifte:rfon passage on motLon of CouncLlman Marctln, s€condod by Councll- aan Crosby and unanimously carr16d. tax, polnting out that the Parklng Conamlttee has not requested a contrlbutlon of funds this year. Councllnran Martin statod, with Councilman Morgan and Councl,lman Crosby concurrlng, that lt ls morall-y Lncumbent upon th€ Cormcllto asslst ln the panklng prog?em whether the Dlstrlct becomos areallty or falLs to materlalize. PROPOST]D 1962.1963 SALARY AD JUSTMENIS lhe Clty Attorney was Lnstructed to preparo 1962-1965 Salary Ondlnances lncorponat lng such adJustments as wer6 consldered and determlnod by Counctl at 1ts prlor study meetLng, for lntroductlonat the next reguler meetLng, July 16, 1962. ADJ0LIRN}IENT The meetlng was declared adJourned at 1:OO p.m. RespectfuJ.ly subnltted, KT b fTE, City Cferk v L. Anmstrong, Doputy APPROVED: ll111nor /d SEPII H. LO I,'IAYOR 4 37