HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.07.0228 At word from the Chalr, all the Pledge of Alleglance to Call forni a t962' ln the Councll Chamber arose the FIag. BurlLngarre, JuIy 2, CALL TO ONDER A negular neetlng of the Bu:rJ-lngamo Clty Counctl was held on the above gLven date. Meetlng called to order at 8:1O p.m., by Mayor Pno Tempore Johnson - the Councll havlng sat flrst as a Board ofEqualizatlon, as requi.red by Iaw. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and gave ROLL CALL Present - Councllmen: Crosby-Johnson-MartLn-lilorganAbsent - Councllnen: Lorenz Mayor Lorenz, hospltal-lzed because of llhess, vras oxcused on motlon of Councilman I{spgsn and socond.ed by Councllman Irlartln. i.J!]NUTES The mlnutes of the previous meetlng on Jrule 18, to Council, were approvod and adopted on motlon and soconded by Councllman Martln. 1962, subnittedof CounclLman Morgan CHANGES AND I,{ODTFICATIONS - BIIRI,INGAiIE AVENUE AIiEA OFF-STNEET PARKING DISTRICT Mayor Pro Tempore Jolrns on announced that a pub1lc hearlng haal be€n schedulod on this date to considor the matter of nordening Pro- posed Changes and Modiflcatlons ln the Burllngame Avenue Off-Street Parklng Dl strl c t. n Councllman Mantln, Chairman, Councll Parklng Cirunlttee and llaLsonto the Bu:r1lngame Off-Streot Parklng Commlttee, was lnvtted by the Councll to conduct the publlc hearing. Councllman Martln, in acceptlng the Chalr, advlsed of the procedune to be obserrred during the cou.:rse of the hoarlng, and lnvlted Ennest A. Wl1son, Attornoy for th6 Distrlct to speak first. I{r. llVllson advlsed. that a petitlon to undertake the Burlingame Avenue area Off-Stroet Parking proJect has been presented and actl-on takenby the Councll to detormlne the sufflciency of the petltion. A Resolutton of Intontion thereafter: adopted, doscribed th6 proJect and appolnted the Enginoer.s for the Dlstrlct for purposes of maklng an englneer.tng report. the repont wilf conslst of maps and. doscrlpt-lons, plans and speciflcations, a detailed estimato of tho cost and a dlagram lnclLcatlng each parcel to be assessed and an assess- ment dlagram lndlcating the cost of the proJect. I{r. Wl1son statod that folfowlng a further study conducted by theOff-Street Parklng CommLttoe and tho Englneors fon the proJect, lt was detormlned that cortaln substltutlons and change s should be fiade ln the acqulsitlons to be had and the lmprovments to bo und6r-taken. In the lnterest of econooy, lt ls preferable that changesbe made prl"or to the preparatlon of the Englnoers I report. A re- commondatlon thorefore, rras mad.e to the CouncLl and subsequently a Rosolutlon of IntentLon nTo Make Change s e.rld Modlficatlonsn was adopted. A msp, deslgnatl,ng the proposed changes, was dLsplayed. and Ib. Wllson spoke on the followlng changes proposed: IIdARING 2s I. Deletlon of Lots D and E and addlng Lots G and E and 20 feet of Lot B, Block 11, Burllngane tand Co., 2. Addltlon of a sl,xtoon foot access stnlp along the rean llno of parcels botween Burlingame and Donnelly Avenuesl 5. Deletlon of Lot 6, Block 7, Town of Burllngame; 4. Deletlon of Lot 15, Block 5, Town of Burllngame; 5. Deletlon of Parcel M and adding a parcel one-hundred feet frontlng on Callfornla Drlve and llatch tane; 6. Addltlon of Lots 15 errd 16 anil I of each Lots 6 and 7, Block 10, T own of Burllngarne; 7. To provlde a pedestrlan walk-way, consi.sttng of the northeast ten f€et of Lot ?8, Block 1, Town of Burllngane, fron Burllngame Avenue to Parklng Lots K and L; and 8. Deletlon of a parcel havtng a flfty foot frontago on the south- east slde of Pnluorose Road. I{r. l'.ll1son advlsed that onJ-y the proposed changes and modlflcations to the Parklng Distrlct are to be consldered at the current hearlng; a fuI1 hearlng on the dlstrict as a whole, shalL be conducted sub- sequent to the recelpt by Councll of the EngLneers I Repont. Actlng Chalrman Martln advlsod that the pros and the cons of the pro- posed revlslons would be heard accordlng to aroas wlthln the bound-arles of the Off-Streot Parklng Dlstrict. 1. LORTON AVENI,E AREA A communlcatlon, alated June 26, 1962, was read from Grant B. Sweet,Realtor, advlslng of hls p€rsonal lnterest, togethor wlth other ofinors, 1n two lots Located at 136 Lorton Avenue and. protestlng the proposal to include one lot (No. 15) 1n tho Parklng Dlstrlct. Ilb. Sweet, ln attendance, advised that a transactlon to sell theproperty for apartment trouse use, ls 1n the pr:ocess of consummatlon; however, the buyers have requested to be released from sale in vlewof necent dovelopments to Lnclude one 1ot ln the Parklng Dlstrlct.lb.. Sweet suggested that both lots bB consLdened for lncluslon Inthe Par"klng Distnict at an establlshed pu:rchase prLce of $65roo0.oO. There belng no fur.then protests presented 1n connectlon wlth thearoa und.er dlscusslon, Actlng Chalrnan Martln lnvltod proponentsto speak. Theodore Blumberg, membor of the Burllngame Downt own Panklng Dls-trlct ComnLttee, described the lnltlal and subsequent moetlngs ofthe Comnlttee to cneate an adequate parklng distrlct; tho lots deslgnated wlthin the Distnlct reero so selocted to estabLish asrstnalght a line as ,posslbJ.et to provlde through trafflc fon bothpedestrlan and vehlcula? usaBe . lv[e. Blumberg statod that to cbange the lot e!3rengenent to accomodatelb. Sweet would destnoy the rrstnalght thnough traffLcx patt€rn thstis essentlal and ln hls oplnlon, lh.. Sweetrs plan d.1d not provldefor the best usage of the lots. Speaklng as a d.evoloper, Lb. Blum-berg suggested that the erectlon of a commer:cia1 or an offlceblrrlldlng on one lot srith a panklng faclltty road,ily aveilable onthe othor lot would creato a greater asset. Lt. Blunberg nocom- mended that no change be made ln the proposed allgnment of lots. ACCESS STRTP-DONNELLY AVENI'E AND PRTiMOSE ROAD A corurunLcatlon was reatl fnom Jean i[ourra11Ie, datod July 2, 1962,lessee and operator of a parklng 1ot on tb corner of Prlmroso Road and Donnelty Avenue, protestlng the proposed acquisitlon by tho BO Dlstrlct of a slxtoon foot stnlp along the southenn boundary of the 1ot. Jack Ven Zant, Dlst:rlct Englneor for th6 proJect, explalned. that an exlstlng ten foot encunbered strlp would be increased to slxteenfeet by taklng an eight foot strlp from each of the $Ihipple andl the TJurllt zer propertles. Itlr. Mounrallle, ln attend.anco, statod that tho curvature at the rear of the proposed. access strlp would croats a hardshlp ln the operatlon of the parklng lot. lllr. Van Zant, ln reply, ackxowledgod that sn error in the noar allgnment' of tho proposed strlp nay have occurred. PEDESTRIAN LANE - BURtINGAiilE A1IEIIUE i{r. Ra fua:nd Wur}itzer, Bu:r11ngame property ownar, entored hls ob- Jectlon to the creation of a pedestrLan lano fron Bu:'1lngsme Avonueto proposed parklng lots on Prlnrose Road, statlng that the ex- pendlture was unnocessary and that the walk-way may become unslghtly and hazandous. }ft.. Wurlitzer suggesteal that the publlc use adJacent stores for lngness antl egress to the parklng lots. J. Ed. Mcolellan, Parklng Dlstrlct Chalrman, stated thet lt was the oplnlon of hls Commlttee that the pedestrlan lane was a more feas- lb1e means Ln whlch to accomodate parklng lot users. CHAPIN AVENIIE IOTS The Chalr acl<towledged rocelpt of a communlcatlon from M1Io A. Johnson, D.D.S., 1433 Chapln Avenue, datod July 2, L962. Dr:. Johnson, ln attendanco, oxpressed hLs obJection to the eddltlon ofLot nGtr (1453 Chapin Avenue ) lnto the Parklng Dlstrlct, statlng th.at he has occupLed a fLve-roon sulte of dontal offlces on the prenrtsesfor the past twenty-five years; lf ths bulJ-dlng ls dostnoyed Lt w111 be necessary for hlm to move llom Burllngame in order to ob-taln ground floor offices to accomo<late hls nany oldorly patlonts. Fu:r.ther, ln hls oplnlon, the lots on Chapin Avenue proposed for lncLuslon Lnto the PairkLng Dlstrlct roul.d not ald. the shoppers of Burllngamo. Mlss Antolnette Zl11rner, represontlng l\[ns. Eattle Z111men, orner ofLot nGrr related the hlstory of the proporty and tho subsequont remodellng of the dwelllng to provlde lncome property for henaging mothe::. Miss Zlllmen observed that property owner:s on Chapln Avonue, thnough a prLor assessment pr.oceedlng, pnovided twentyfeet of theln respeetlvo prope?tles to lmpr: ovo the street fonfuture buslness potentlalltles and urged thet Chapln Avonue be ommltted from the pnoposed Parklng Dlstrlct. }1r. George Sandldge, co-owner of property at 1439 Chapln Avenue, Dtr. Vlllllam Orcutt, beauty operator tonant, 1455 Chapln Avenue, lttn s . Inene C . Palamountaln, 1421 Chapin Avenue, iihs . Laura Ctrap-eleonL, 1427 Chapln Avonue and Uernon Va1€, Attorney, repr.e s entlng Chapln Avenue proporty owner s volced protosts slmllan to the pre- vlous speakers. Actlng Chainman MartLn called the meetlng to order at 9:5O p.m. and lnvlted Llr. Jack Van Zant, Englnee:: for the pr:oJoct, to replyto some of the lnquinles posed by the opponents. 16r. Van Zant spoke on tho distrlct plan as a who1e, statlng that a nEcEss A recess ras declared by the Chalr et 9:5O p.m. CALL TO ONDEA 31 parklng dlstrlct to p::ovlde 1,OO0 pa:rklng spaces for the Clty of Bunllngame has become noaror to reallty than on prlor occasLons and outllned tho r.easons for whLch certaln lots wer:e dosignated for lncluslon ln the Distrlct, roforrlng partlcularly to those areas whereln panklng facllltles are deflcl.ont. Iilr. Van Zant advlsed that Burllngarne ls one of the last cltlosto lnstltute an Lntogratod parklnS plan; satelllte conrnerclal areas, developtng Ln su::rountllng communitles, wl11 deprlve Bur- llngamo of th€ revenue denlved from sales, real estate and per- sonal property taxes ralsod and. determine wLrether a hardshlp does ln fact exlst. ltb. Blumberg, addlng to the statements of I\lhr. van zant, statedthat the Parklng Dlstrlct as proposed wlII beneflt Burlingame as a whoLe and emphasized that the owner:s of pnoperty to bo acqulred and the lnvestment of long-tlme resldents and owners w1l-l be protected by payment of an adequate compensatl-on at the rate of current -day values. Ftr. Blunrberg, commentlng on the slow development of Chapln Avenue, 1n splte of the ridening of the street, stated that aalequato parklng ln thls pantlcular comnerclal zone wlI1 pnoduce hlgh- lncome pnoperty and that the adtlltlonal sales tax revenue will subsequontly redrrce the property tax rate. For purposes of cfarlfylng a point ralsod by the protestants, I,rt'. Blumberg advlsod that reotrests from lnterestod persons re-sultod 1n the declslon of the Pa rklng Commlttee to propose a change to provlde the parldhg on the north nather than the south side and further lvest on Chapln Avenue to accomodate EI Camlno Real and west of EI Camlno Real shoppors. J. Ett. ldcCLel-Ian emphaslzed that the proposed panklng faclllties on Chapln Avonue were not proposed to benefit Burllngame Avenue and ln hls oplnlon, thore tas no Justlflcatlon to the pr:otests. Mr. McClel1an confinmed. the statement of lilr. Blumberg relatlveto the reasons fon re-Iocatlng the several lots on Chapln Avenue. fn reply to Actlng Chalrnan Martinrs lnqu1ry, )tb. Mccle1lan ad-vised that all slgnatures to the petitlon were uncondltlonal andthe petltloners wlll b6 bound by Councllts flnel deternlnatlon. Surmarlzlng questlons ralssd by the protestants affecteil by th6proposed changes and modiflcatlons, Actlng Chalrman Mantln ln-vlted E::nest A. W11son to comment. I{r. Wl1son advlsed that wlth rospect to Lucky Storos, Inc., that conpany has not requestod a cnedlt agalnst the assessment dlstrlctfor lts exlstlng parklng area; property upon whlch credlt is not nequested or glven, shall be exempt from exlstlng and future ordlnance requlremonts for provlcllng off-str.eet parklng ln con-mercial areas. Wlth refer.ence to the legality of the proceedlngs on this occaslon,I!r. 1'Jl1son advlsed that hls re-exanlnatlon of the Act undor whl chthe pr"oceedings are belng und.o:rtaken, lndlcates that thero Lsnothing contrary 1n the proceedings to ctrango or modlfy the ac-qulsltlons and lmprovements of the Dlstrlct, provlded. notlce isglven and a publlc hearlng scheduled. Itlr. lY11son advlsed that the cost of the p:roceedlngs come toCouncll on an estLmato basls; tho estlmates are fair, f,computed on a r.atio of assessed. valuos whleh pt:ove themsolves out;rt lt1s expected that fu1l value wll1 be pald to every property ownorand Councll shaI1, at the appnoprlate time, engage an appnalsorto evaluate the pr:operty. There belng no further commonts fnon those ln opposlt!-on or lnfavor ther:eof and thore bel-ng no protests ontereal on the remalnlng a2 changes and modlflcetions proposed, Actlng Chalrman Mart ln de- clared the hearlng concluded and Mayon Pro Tempore Jobnson essun€d her posltlon as Chalnman. Councilrnan Dlartin reconmended t hat Council take ths nstter under advLsement and an ad journed meetLng was thoreafter schoduled. for Saturday, Ju]-y 7, 1962, at II:OO a.m. at whlch tlme a doclsLonrolative to the pnoposed ciranges and mod,if I cati ons, Buflingare Avenue Area Off-Street Parklng Dlstrlct would be fender€d. COIv[.,'IIINfCAT]ONS 1. RSVIE|U/ OT' CAPITAL IMPROVEI,ENT L]ST A recomnendation ln a communlcatlon from the Clty Manager, dated Jur:o 29, 1962, that the Capltal Impnovement Ilst of pnoJocts be revlewed by the Plannlng Commisslon and that an advisory report be subnlttetl to Councll for study, was concurred ln by Councll. 2. ;GU]DE TO BUDGET ANALYSISN A c ommtrrri cat L on from the Clty Manager, dated June n, L962, at- taching a ItGuld.e to Budget Analysisrr prepared by the Governmental Rosearch Cor:nc 11 of San Mateo County and submltted to Councll fon revL ew. 3. ACQUISITION VTATERFRONT PROPERTY A comrmlnlcatlon frorn the City Maneger, dated June 29, 1962, aal- vlsed that amlcable negotiatlons to purehase 6.23 acneg of water-front propertles having falled, lt vras rocomnended t hat condom- nation proceedlngs be lnstituted against the Bunllngame Sbore Land Company. Councll c oncur lng, Co 36-62 tlRESOTUTION NO Intere st Certaln uncllnan Crosby lntroduced for passage, A Resolutl-on Determinlng that the Pub1lc 6CeSS Lartd. and Dlr seconded by Corxrcllman Morgan and unanlmously adopted on ro11 callof mernbers. RESOTUTIONS RESOtUfiON NO. 5?-62 lrgtate Per:s onnel Board Contract 1962-I963rrsby, seconded ty Requlre the AcqulsltLon and Taklng ofectlng the Fl}lng of Emlnent Domaln Proceedlngsr R ESq!ULIQ{ Xqq 3A-62 rRequestLng tho Board of Supervlsors of SanM;EffiffiEo-1ffi?e1 San Mateo County Taxos for the Years 1961- 1962 and 1962-1963. Upon CorteLn ReaI Propenty and to Remove Sald Property From the Agsessment Rollrr was lntnoduced for passage on motlon of Councllman lfiongan, seconded by Councllman Crosby and unanLmously carrled upon ::o11 ca1l. was Lntnoduced for passage on motLon of Councllman Cno by Cor:ncl1rnan Mart ln and unanlmously adopted on no1l ca11of memberg . oRD INANCES - Introductlon thereof: }IEW BUSINESS 1. COMIIISSION REAPPOINTMENTS oRDINANCE N0. 761 rrAn Ord,inance Amending the Ordlnance Code of the elTt-of--ur. Ilngam€ By Addlng Thereto a New Sectlon 1222.27 Pro-htblttng the Parklng of VehlcJ.es on the Easter:]y Slde of EI Canlno Real East Servlce Road Botween Trousdale Drlvo and Murchlson Drlve and Authorizlng Dlagonal Parklng on the Westerly Slde Thoreoftr was lntroduced for flrst r€ading by Councllman Morgan. The Chair announcod the followl,ng reappolntdents to Comrnlsslons: 3ts CIVIL SERVICE Arthur W. Crump Joseph G. Hunten Cyrus J. McMl11an PI,AM]ING John J. Brauner Frank Clstulll The above reappolntmonts rvere conflrmod by Council. 2. CTVIL SERVICE RULB XIT (Soctlon 1) Councllrnan Morgan l-nitlated some dlscusslon on Rule XII of the Clv11 Servlce Bules and Regulatlons, particular.ly to Section Iportalnlng to rHearlngsr and questloned whether Lt {,as nec6ssarythat the findlngs and. concluslons of the Clvll Senvlce Commlsslon, subsequent to an opon heanlng, come before the Coulcll to beafflrned, nevokod. or modlfled. Councll concumed. wlth the necommendatlon of CouncLlman Mo::gan thatthe sectlon be cJ-arLfLed and the subJect was referrsd theroefterto the Clty Attorney and to the Clty Managen for consultatlon wlththe ClvlI Servlce Commlsslon and representatlves of the Ernployaes Ass oclatlon. 3. AGENDAS TO COMI,,{TSSTONMS Councllman Morgan reconmended that a copy of the Councll agendas be malled to commlssion merd)ers, as suggested by a member of a commls s 1on . AD JO1IRNI{E1.{T The meetlng was declared ad. Jou.:rneal at 11:IO p.m. to meet on Satur.day, Jul y 7, 1962 at II:OO a.m. A IO:OO a.m. study sesslonprlor to the ad Journed meetlng was also scheduled. Respectfully submltted, iIERB]'RTClty Clerk APPROVM: I flt ,// PH H. IORENZ I,TAYOR