HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.05.20254 Burl ingame, Cal i fornia nay ZO, l)5! A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. At 8:00 p.m., I'tayor Johnson announced that the lack of a Council quorum until 8:30 p.m., would briefly delay the call to order. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was cal led to order at 8:30 p.m., by l'l ayor Johnson. PLEOGE OF ALLEG IANCE At word from the Chair, all in the Counci I Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present - Counci lmen: Crosby-Johnson-l'lartin. Absent - Councilmen: Lo ren z-llorgan. Councilman Lorenz and Councilman Horgan, absent due to illness, were excused on motions introduced by Councilrnan Hartin, seconded by Councilrnan Crosby and unan imous I y ca r r ied. M INUTES The minutes of l,lay 7, 19 of 63, the regular meeting of l{ay 6, 1963, and the adjourned meeting were approved and adopted. PUBL I C HEAR INGS I. BURLINGAI.TE SHORE LAND COHPANY VARIANCES |layor Johnson announced that the public hearing on the reclassification proposed for Burl ingame Shore Land Company property between the Broadway Access Road and Carolan Avenue, south of lndustrial Way, having been declared closed at the last regular meeting, Council would consider on this occasion, the several variances requested by the subdivider for the development of the subject property. |lr. Robert Thompson, Attorney, speaking in behalf of Cyrus J. |tcltillan, Attorney, representing the subdivider and absent from the Country, requested that the scheduled hearing be continued for a period of two weeks. l,lr. Thompson advised that the extension was requested in order that the several conditions with respect to parking and landscaping, approved by the subdivl€r, may be properly incorporated into the revised plan and that the tentative agreement, submitted by the subdivider to the City Attorney, may be thoroughly reviewed by the latter's office. Councilman Martin protested the delay in the hearing on the several variances proposed and particularly the unfairness to those citizens appearing on manyprior occasions to protest the proposed project. Hr. Thompson observed that this is the first instance in which a delay in the Proceedings, fol lowing numerous hearings conducted by the Planning Cormission and the City Council, has been requested and advised of the extensive research that lras made prior to the submission of an agreement. Councilman Crosby and ltayor Johnson acknowledged the inconvenience, indicating, however, they had no objection to the delay created by circumstance. Councilman Crosby thereafter moved that the request for a continuance in the Proceedings for a period of two weeks be granted. Councilman Hartin seconded the motion, stating that he t'rould vote rrno'r and the motion was recorded as fol lows: Ayes: Councilmen: Crosby-Johnson. Noes: Coun c i lman: Hartin Monday, June l, l!6J, was announced as the date to continue the public hearing on the proposed va r i ances. 255 2. BUILDING CODE - ORDINANCE NO.780 The scheduled public hearing on proposed amendments to the Building Code, was continued to June 3, 1963, on motion of Councilman Hartin, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimous ly carried. UNIFORM RULES FOR TEEN-A6E DANCES Councilman Crosby, Council liaison to the North County Council of Cities youth Cormission, reported on his attendance at a meeting on May 16, 1963, in San Bruno, acconpanied by the Chief of Police and the Juvenile 0fficer to confer, as pre- scheduled, on the subject of rtuniform rules for teen-age dances.,, Councilnran Crosby recited briefly, the rules proposed by members of the North County Council of Cities and advised that the rules do not appear to be appl icable to the City of Burl ingamers recreation program for teen-agers. Fol lowing a period of duscussion, Councilman Crosby and members of the Counci I were invited by Student Recreation Cormission, ll,ckey Herman, to attend meetings of the Student Recreation Council and Bl ingum lnn dances and by lrlrs. I.lildred Grens, Recreation Cormission to attend Recreation Cormission meetings and the subject was tabl ed. RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 8:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 p.m. COHHUN I CATI ONS I. SE\.IAGE PLANT I }TPROVEHENTS A cormunication from the City l,lanager, dated }lay 17, 1963, advised that Hr, John Jenks, Consulting Engineer has presented a schedule for major steps to improve the Sewage Plant and that a Resolution is necessary to approve the schedule for forwarding to the Water Pollution Control Board, prior to June I, 1953. The City I'lanager further advised that the first phase of improvements to the Sewage Plant approximates a sum in the arnount of $30,000.00, with more improvements anticipated in the future. lt was recormended that the sewer rental rates be adjusted accordingly from the current rate of .05C per 1,000 gal lons to.08C per 1,000 gallons, with a credit allowed residential consumers using 12,500 9al lons during the sur ner months. lt was further recormended that the rate to consumers outside the City limits be increased to.l5C per 1,000 gallons, ln replying to Councilman Hartinrs inquiries, lt'lr. John Jenks, in attendance, advised that there is one or two specific requirernents of the l{ater Pollution Control Board wherein the City of Burlingame does not qualify; however, neither creates a problem to correct; with respect to the practice of the dump operations and the sewage treatment plant depositing within the same receiving waters, it is the operation of the dump that the Control Board has specifically al luded to. Continuing, l.lr. Jenks called briefly that the City of Burlingame has been one of the first cities to recognize the need for, and thereafter authorized the construction of a modern sewage plant, enlarged in later years due to the increased population, and in many, instances, the City is far advanced in its improvements than other cities. ln further reply to Councilrnan llartin, with respect to the two alternatives proposed on the Consulting Engineers Report: (l) extension of the plant outfal I line to the deep waters of San Francisco Bay andlor (2) additional facilities to provide a higher degree of treatment for disposal into the drainage canal system, l'lr. Jenks advised that the proposed long-range plan would permit the City to utilize either proposed alternative in the future. Councilman l,,lartin questioned the financial aspects of the contemplated improvement and in reply, ltlr, Jenks advised that the resolution prepared for this occasion, includes a 'rReconmended Time Schedule" for "six phases" necessary for cornplianceyrith the Water Pollution Control Board requirements; the City is obl igated to proceed only with the first 'rfive phasesrr at an inltial i mprovement cost in the sum of $30,000.00. 25,U^ A brief inquiry with respect to "phase 6" satisfactorily answered by both l'{r. Jenks and The City Attorney, concluded the discussion, Councilman l.lartin introduced and moved the adop tion of RESOLUTI0N N0, 38-53 'tResolution of the City Council of Burl ingame Approving and Adopting a Time Schedule for Construction of Additional Wastes Treatment l./orks at the City's Treatment Plant" seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried upon Roll Call of menbers present. With reference to the reconmendat ion of the City l'lanager relative to an increase in the City's Sewer Rental rates, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the appropriate legislation, 2. AUCTION PERHIT GRANTED. A reconmendation from the City Hanager in a conrnunication dated ilay 17, 1963, that a request submitted by the Royal Company, Auctioneers, I'li llbrae, California, the latter company properly vouched for, to conduct an auction in behalf of the Bottom Cabinet Shop in Burl ingame was concurred in by Council, on motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilman l{artin. 2. AB ?6?2 ''PROHIBITING BAY FILLING'' A memo from the City Hanager, dated I'lay 17, 1953, called attention to AA 2622 proposing to prohibit bay filling and referred to a conmunication received from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) under date of ltay 14, 1953, ttrelatter association recommending that the bill be amended to include specific provisions. A brief discussion concluded with a motion introduced by Councilman Crosby that a comunication be forwarded to ABAG, advising that the City Council concurs with its policy statement and the proposed amendments to the Bill. The motion was seconded by Counci lman |lartin and unanimously carried. 4. POPULATION SERVICE AUTHOR I ZED A cormunication frorn the City I'lanager, dated I'lay 17, 1953, advised that by applying to the State Department of Finance, the City may obtain a population estimate, for a nominal fee, possibly resulting in an increase in the State Gas Tax al location to the City. The City l{anager was authorized to petition for the service. 5. RECLA}IATION DISTRICT REQUEST TO OREOGE A conmunication fron the City }lanager, dated ilay 17, 1963, advised that l,lr. David H. Keyston has requested that the Reclamation District be permitted to dredge the proposed lagoon on City property between its property and the Bayshore F reeway. The subject was referred to the Joint Baylands Conmittee and to the Ci ty ,{anager for reconmendat ion and report to Council, 5. SPEC IAL SERVICE ACCOUNTING RECREATI ON DEPARTI.TEN A cormunication frorn the City llanager, dated l,lay 17, 1963, reported in some detail the result of a conference held with Recreation Cormissioners and the Recreation Superintendent on the policies and procedures with respect to the imposition of fees for recreational activities. An income and expenditure recapitulation of the Nursery School activity accompanied the report. Councilman l,lartin advised that his original request for an accounting of special recreational activities did not suggest the creation of a compl icated procedure; merely a simple but adequate system to reflect the operation of the particular fund. Fol lowing a brief discussion wherein Councilman ilartin suggested that the Cityrs Auditor be consulted to set up an appropriate accounting procedure, the subject was referred to the City l'lanager and to the Cityrs Accounting Department. . GAS TAX FUND EXPENDITURE7 A coflmunication from the City I'lanager, dated l{ay 17, 1963, advised that a resolution adopting a budget for the expenditure of Gas Tax Funds to be appl ied on the (l) Haintenance of all Bayshore Highway, and the (3) for Council act ion. e (2) Easton Creek structure - ayswater Avenue has been prepared City Streets, lmprovement of th B 257 A rea' ' r I i ngame, RES0LUTI0N N0. 39-63 "Resolution of the Cit y Council of the City of Burl ingame Adopting Budget for Expenditure of Funds Al located From the State Highway Fund to Cities" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman l'lartin, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried upon Roll Call of members present. 8. BAY SHORELAND AREA PROPOSAL A conmunication dated Hay ll, 1963, bearing the signatures of }lrs. A. F. Herrick, Chairman, Burlingame Recreation Conrnission and I'lr, James 11. Fisch, Chairman, Burl ingame Park Conmission, was read advising that a motion unanimously approved by both Cocmissions reconrnended that: (l) the balance of the 94.5 acres, exclusive of the area set aside for the disposal plant, be dedicated to Parks and Recreation: that (2) the area enclosed by the new berm be maintained as level as possible; and that (3) the Council make a cormi tment reserving the present area being filled as a golf course. The City Planner stated that in his opinion, action at this time would be premature; the Planning Cormission, in the near future, shall submit to Counci I a proposed pol icy and a prel iminary plan with respect to the development of waterfront properties. The City llanager was requested to 6otify the respective Conmissions that action on the recormendations wi ll be held for consideration at a later date, pending receipt of a preliminary plan from the Planning Conmission. 9. PRESERVATION FIRST HOHE IN BURLINGAHE A conmunication from the Anson Burlingame Chapter, oaughters of the American Revolution, dated llay 16, 1963, announcing its endorsement and support of Counci l action with respect to the preservation of the old Donnel ly house on Donnel ly Avenue as an historical landmark, was acknouledged and placed on file. IO. REGIONAL RECREATION AND PARK CITIZENS A conmunication from the "Citizens for Regional Recreation and Parks in the B 233 Chestnut Street, San Francisco, soliciting the membership of the City of was acknowledged and referred to the City Hanager. ay Bu oRD INANCES - Consideration thereof: ORDINANCE N0. 7q? "Adopting By Reference Western Plumbing 0fficials Uniform Plumbing Code, 196l Edition and Appendices Thereto'r was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Crosby, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the fol loning vote: Ayes: Counci lmen: C ros by-Johnson -l'la rt in Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: Lo renz-Horgan oRDlNANrf N0. 7!1 "Reclassifying Certain L ands of the Burl ingame Shore Land Company from a Light lndustrial to a Fourth Residential, continued to the next regular meeting. scheduled for second reading, was UNF IN ISHEO BUS INESS None, RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at l0:15 P,m. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chai r at 10:25 P.m. NEW BUS INESS I. CPS RATE INCREASE A conmunication to Council from the City Hanager, dated I'lay 17, 1963, advising of 258 new California Physician Service rate increases, effective July l, 1953, was acknowledged with a further report to be submitted to Council by the City llanager, 2. SPONSORS "LITTLE LEAGUE'I COI4}IENDED l,layor Johnson reported on her attendance at the "opening Game" of the'!Little Leaguerl Basebal I teams and highly colrmended the sponsors and management of the connunity activity. 3. BUS STUDY GROUP The Chair reported on a meeting at which she, Councilman Crosby and the City l.lanager attended to hear recormendat ions from the Joint Powers Bus Study Conmittee. A memo received from the City of San llateo, considering the subject on this date, advised that by a four to one vote, the Council denied further subsidy to the San llateo-Burlingame Transit Company or the employment of a consultant to conduct su rveys p roposed. No action was taken by the Burl ingame City Council. 4. CAL I FORN IA DISASTER SEI.tINAR A conmunication was acknov'rl edged from the California Disaster Office, requesting the Director of Civil oefense in the City of Burl ingame to attend a national security seminar in l,lerced, in February, l!64. The subject was referred to the City llanager for inclusion in the 1963-1954 budget. 5. PRESERVATION DONNELLY HOHE The Chair announced three appointments to an 'texploring conmittee" for the preservation of the Donnel ly hone on Donnelly Avenue as an historical landmark; Hrs. lJi lliam A. Cohendet, llr. David Simpson and l{r. Thomas C. Taylor. The Chair invited interested citizens to add their names to the conmittee. 6. S ISTER CITY PARTIcIPATION The Chair announced that several names have been submitted as potential members of a cornmittee to study the Cityrs participation in a "Sister City" program; hou'rever, an insufficient number of names postponed the announcement of a comittee at t thi s time. The Chair urged the adoption of the ',Sister City', program to,rpromote understanding between count r ies. " 7. PROCLAI.IATION "SUI.II'IER JOBS FOR STUDENTS'' ln compliance with an appeal from the American Broadcasting Company, llay 17, 1953, ltayor Johnson proclaimed the \y'eek of June 9 - 15, 1963, ''SUltl.tER J0BS FOR STUDENTS IJEEK" in the City of Burl ingame. dated as 8. HEHORIAL DAY TR I BUTE A cormunication addressed to 'rAndrew C. Byrd, l,tayor, City of Burlingame" dated llay l, l!51, from John C. Flemer, Chairman, llesnorial Day Field |lass Cormittee, extending an invitation to attend the annual Hemorial Day Field l'lass to be held at Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno, on Thursday, Hay 30, 1953, at 8:00 a.m., was acl<nowledged, l.layor Johnson advised that an invitation to represent the City on the occasion referred to would be extended to former ltlayor Byrd. 9. BURL I NGAHE GIRLS HONORED The Chair announced honors bestowed upon Terry and Kathy Haff, 708 Burl ingame Avenue, recent winners in a county-wide Twin Contestrt sponsored by Foster City and to I'liss Christy Ganas, l42l Laguna Avenue, recent winner of the l.liss San I'lateo County contest, A corrmunication of cormendat ion was forwarded previously to the l twin constestants by Hayor Johnson in behalf of the Council and the City Clerk was requested to direct a letter to the latter, extending Counci I cong ratu I at i ons. I O. C I V IL DEFENSE CO-D IRECTOR The City Attorney was instructed to prepare legislation creating the position of Civil Defense "Co-Oirector" and 14r. John K. Wright, Deputy Director was unanimously named as the Cityrs 'rCo-Director of Civi I Defense.', 25{i The subject of creating a full-time position, on a matching fund basis with the State, for the position of Secretary in the Office of Civll Defense was referred to the City l,lanager for report at the next regular meeting. il. ASSEnBLy-BtLLS NoS. t66Z-1663 No action was taken on proposed Assembly Bills Nos. 1562 and 1663, as recornmended by Carl J. Britschgi, Assemblyman, Twenty-sixth District. I2. BRISBANE REQUEST USE OF PANELS A memo from the City l{anager, dated l'lay 20, 1963, advised that the City of Brisbane has requested the use of City art panels for an art sho^r to be conducted in that City on June 30, 1963. The City I'lanager was authorized to grant permission and thereafter to dispose of them by sale to the Hi I lsborough Elementary School Di strict. D ISPLAY OF CITY FLAGS Councilman Hartin's inquiry with respect to the failure of City departments to fly the American Flag on its buildings on Armed Forces Day, initiated some discussion. The City ltlanager was requested to confer with the Police Department on the subject of its Flag being displayed every day of the week, POL I CE I'iONTHLY REPORT REQUESTED Councilman l.lartin moved that the Pol ice Department be instructed to file a monthly report with the Counci I each month, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried. REFERENCE TO OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT Councilman Hartin advised that a new working cormittee, composed of J. Ed. HcClellan, Jerry Blumberg and P. R. (Bud) Taylor, had been appointed by members of the original off-Street Parking Co.rmittee to study and thereafter submit to Council its recom-. mendations with respect to methods and general plans to aid and stimulate the completion of the current off-Street Parking District program. Councilman llartin advised that he had been requested by the Conmittee to continue to serve as the Council I iaison. Following a brief discussion, the City Attorney was requested to maintain contact with Conrnittee member, J. Ed. IlcClel lan, concerning appropriate protocol. CoI'IPLAINT RE: RAY PARK TENNIS CoURTS Councilman l.tartin advised of his receipt of a complaint on the unsightly appearance of the Ray Park Tennis Courts by the depositing of empty bottles and debris, suggesting that the area be patrol led more adequately by the Pol ice Department. The City I'lanager was requested to refer the subject to the Police Department. t/ARRANTS APPR0VED }{arrants, Nos. 9529-9819, Hay, 1963, in the total arbunt of 5103,525.95, duly audited, were approved for payment, on motion of Councilman Crosby seconded by Councilman llart in and unanimously carried. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL Payrol I Warrants, Honth of April, 1963, Nos. 1755-2219, in the total amount of $102,410.71, were approved on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Hart in and unanimously carried. ADJOURNI'lENT The meeting thereafter regularly adjourned at ll:05 p.m. Respectfu I ly subm i t ted, APPROVED: HAYOR HERBERT K.lTE, City Clerk r^\