HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.06.041B Burllngame, June 4, 1.REPORT RE:TAX ASSESSI'IE]ITS AND C above 1962, submltteal to on motlon of Councll- Ca11f ornla 1962 A regular meetlng of the Bu:rl lngame Clty councll was held on the lf"ri-a"i". lleof,lng called to onder at 8!0O P.E.r - l/layon Lorenz ln the Ohalr. CALL TO ORDER PLMGE OF ALI,EGIANCE At word ffom the chalr aI1 1n the councll chambor &rose and gave the Pledge of A11e81ance to the FLag. ROtL CALL Pros6nt - Councllnen: Crosby-Johns on-torenz -}lart in-Morgan Absont - Councllrnen: None MINUTES PREVIOU S }{EET]NG The mlnutes of the adJourned raeetlng of May 19, 1962r - subraltted to counclf were approved-and adopted on notlon of councllman Johnson and seconded by Councllman Crosby. The mlnutes of tho speclal meetlng of May 29r -Councll, were unanlmously approved and--adopted man Cnoiby ancl seconded by Councllrnan Morgan' COU}/II'NICATIONS OLIECT]ONS A tabulatlon, estlnatLng the tLmo devoted by personnel in botb the Offlces of the Clty Treasuren and the Clty C1erk, the employnent ofaddltlonal persorurel, the suppllos and. oaterlafs to pnovlde thls servLce, lndlcated a yearly expendlture of approxr,mately $19,OOO.OO. The report lncluded functlons to whlch pensonnel would be otherwlse assigned Lf ne]-leved of tax tlutles and the approxLmat€ charge tothe Clty by the County lf sai.d serrvlces were transferred:. IIayor Lonenz statod that from r€ports rocelved from other communltl,es and ths fact that the pnoposal ls, 1n hls oplnlon, a nstep toward rnetropolltan governmentr a fu:rthen study of the subJect 1s warranted. In reply to tha Chalrts lnvltatlon for audLence comnents, llr. KennethNonris, representlng the Governmental Research Councll of San Mateo County, self-descrLbed as a itaxpayers or'ganlzatLon worklng for economy ln government r spoke 1n favor of the tnansfen as a rgreat step ln efflclency and economy ln local government. r A commrurlcatlon was road fr:om the clty Manager, dated - lilay 31, 1962' ;.;ii"g to questlons propoundod relalivo to cost ostimatss folr tax asseiaments and tax collectlons. I{r. Norrls stated that h€ dlsagreed wlth the statement concernlngtrM€tropolLtan govennment; n trCounty government 1s an lmpontant partof the 1oca1 plctureln Burllngame ls one of the fovr citles retaln- 1ng the so:lvlce and chartor cltles are serlously consldering acharter amendment to transfer tho servLce. Ivt'. Norrls urgod that recognltlon bo glven to the trgreator oconomy forthcomlngn by acloptlng the proposod procedure. In reply to CouncLlman Crosbyrs lnqulry conc6r'n1ng the proposedreconomlcal stepi i,llr. Norrls advtsed that the County of San Irlateo 74 ls convertlng to an electronlc and tabulatory system thoreby en-ab1lng that agency to provlcle an efflcient and an economlcal servlce. On the subJoct of lthome ruleri Db. Norrls statod. that llttIe rvould be rellnqulsbed ln vl,ew of the fact that the Clty Is currently uslngthe Countyts valuatLons. Replylng to furthen lnqulry, I{r. I{orr,ls advlsed that no cloubt lt wLlI bo posslble for the Clty to rprrrchaso e dupllcate copy of its assessment r.ollsrr at a nomlnal cost lf the ser.vi ce ls transferrecl. Mayor Lo:renz, ln quostloning whether a taxpeyer msy pay the Bu:p1- lngame portlon of the tax b111 and psrmlt the renalning portlon to bocome dellnquent, expressed concern that the dellnquency tax ratl,o may bocoue exceedlngly hlgher lf tho functlon wero perfo:rned by theCounty. I{ayor Lorenz also questioned the pnocedure to be applled lnthe collection of unsecu.r:ed personal proporty taxes. The Clty Managor stated that rehLle the abovo procedure may be efflclent, panels raay bo purchased and lnBta1led. on the Cityrs accountlng raachlne to provid,e a faster and more efflclent pro- cesslng of payroll ctrecks that the current method. }[r. Norrls obsenvod that the County tax bllls also lnclude school assessments and that aI1 taxpayers should bo nencouragod to pay taxes f or rhich they are responslble. n !,tr. NorrLs stated that he was reasonebly certaln that ths trensfer rould lnclude the collectlonof unsecured property taxes. A courmrnlcatlon from the Clty ilanagor, dated June 1, 1962, ad-vlsed that the Bank of Arnerlca has ad.vlsed that lts chargo fonpaynoll servico ls 55{ per check, appr.oxlmat ing an annual expendl-lture of ovor $2, OOO. OO. lv{ayor Lorenz stated that he would prefer |tposltlve answersr to hlslnqulnlos and suggested that the subJect be heJ-d fo:: addltlonal study. There belng no further conmonts Councll were polIed.frorn the audlence, members of the Councllmsn Johns on conflnmed her statement made on a pnlor occaslonapproving the proposod transfer, statlng that the tClty has overy-thlng to gein and nothlng to losen and observecl that the Ctty may canc61 the Cotrnty contract and netaln the senvLce at any futuro date. C ouncllman Johnson stated that she had no objeetion, however, Lfthe maJor"Lty of the Councll voted to holcl the subject for addLtlonal study. Councllman Idorgan and CouncLlman Crosby each expres sed. no obJectlonto a further study on the subjoct. In ::eply to Council-man ltlartln t s lnqulry concerning the spoclflc obJectlons on which Councll were proposlng to d.eIay action on the proposod tnansfer of dutles, tho Clialr stated tbat personally, he would prefor a repo::t on the reactlon of oth€r citles to a sl-rnlIarpl"oposal prlor to taking actlon on the proposal. Durtng the ensuLng di.scuss!.on, Councllman Martln was assuned. thatthe postponement of actlon on thls occaslon was not a ndelaylng tactlc and that tho subJoct would be rosolved et tho noxt r:egular: meet lng . CouncLlman Crosby thereupon noved that the socond roadlng of ORDINANCE NO. 758 (T:ransfernlng Dutles, etc. ) be withheld untllthe neotlng of June 18, 1962, secondod by Councllman Mart ln and unanlmous Iy carried.. 2. REPORT Oli PAYROLL SERVICE Councllman Cnosby moved that the subJect be held for study for a 15 perloal of two woeks, carrled. secondeal by Cormcllnan Morgan and unanl-mously 3. REPORT RE:BURLINGA],TE ETLL s Al,'ll{ErAT10}I-r NCORPORAT]ON A communLcatlon from the Cltl' Llanager, dated June f, 1962, settlng forth factual fnformai io' or," "anneiation or lncorpo,atlonn as ""q"""i"a by the Burl lngame Hitls Improvoment Assoclatlon through an lntern tn Putllc Af f a1r s , was aclceowJ-edged. TheClty]ilanagorr:ecommendedthatthoAssoclationbenotlfledofiii" ciiit" deilre that the area be annexed to the clty on a basLs uq"ftati. to a1l concenned and to offer: tho Cltyrs cooperation ln effoctuatlng an annexatlon. councllman Mar.tln noved that tho councll concur with the recommend- ation and that a copy of the lettor from the Clty lilanagel and a report from tho appropnlate departrnent heads be forrrarded to the Burllngame 8111!i Asso0tatlop.., Th6 notlon was secontled by Councll- man Johns on and unanlmously carrled. 4. REPffif - oN -wtr rlEh- -Po[trn m],i c o-frEor, soA-rtD' REa-uTRET,tsNTS A comunlcation from the City }{anager, dat6d June 1, 1962, advLsed that a communlcatlon ras fo::warded to the Reglonal TJat€r Pollutlon Cont:rol Board by hls Office unden date of I'lay 28, 1962, lnformlngthat agency that th6 Clty ls in the process of buildlng a"berm arorurd 1ts bayland p::opertles at a cost of approxlmately $5OrOOO.0Oand requesting that any monitorlng regulations be deforred for aperlod of one y6arr or untll the berm constructlon has beon completed. A brlef vorbal report by the City Irtanage r: concluded wlth a rocom- nendat Lon that the communLcatlon be acknowlodged as a progress report on thls occas Lon. A conrrnrnicatlon llom the Clty Managon, dated June 1, L962, togethersvrith a rWaterfront Dnalnage Repontr submltted by Paul S. Adamson, Consulting Englneer, wes acknowledgetl. CormcLlman Mantln necomrrendod, wlth Councll concumlng, that a copy of tha report be subruittod to the Jolnt Baylands Comrdtteefor nevlew and re c oru,rnendat 1on. The subJect was referr:ed to the Clty Manager for consultatlon wlth mernbors of the Jolnt Baylands Commlttee. Councllnan Crosby ro-quosted that he bo notlfled of the sched.uled. meetlngs. 6 IiIEMO RE: CONTINUANCE PIIBLIC TRANSPORTATION A Clty Managen memo dated June 1, 1962, advlsod that the local pub11c tr:ansportetfron company w111 cease buslness operatLons onor about July 1, 1962, ancl a prollmlnany consultant study of theproblen has been proposed by the Clty of Sen Mateo. It was the recommondatlon of the Clty Manager that the Ctty coop€rate by contrlbutlng lts pro-rata share of the pnelimlnary consultant study In the sum of $225.00. Councllnan ir[organ moved that CouncLl concur, seconded by Councllman Johns on and unanlmously carrlod. 6. ME}IO RE: PROGRESS REPORT CONVERSIO}{ POLTCE BUILDTNG A Ctty Menegen merlo, dated. June L, 1962, advlsed that 1{1111am WhLfler, Arehltect, Ls ln a posLtlon to presont a prellmlnary schonatic d.oslgn and cost estlmate for the conversLon of the o1dpollce bulJ.dlng lnto a pub1lc rvorks bullillng. 5. I'JATERF'ROM DRAINAGE REPORT 1S It vsas the reconnendatlon of the City Manager that Council or designated llaison constnuctLon representatlve meet to confer tho'next dppiopriato coilrse of -actlon. r ,. j' Its on Cowrcllman Martln was appolnted to ropresent theClty Cotrncll. mombers of tho 7. & 8. F'I}DINGS IN MATTER OF Y'ILLIAM P. BRIGITAM DISCi{ARGE A communlcatlon from tbc Clvll Servlce Commisslon, dated $ay 24, 1962, together with a copy of the 'Flndlngs of Fect and ConclusLonsrrln the llatter of the Roquost of l[llllam P. Brtghan for a EearJ.ngafter en Order of Dlschargen sustalnlng the actlon of dlschangeas Lnitleted by tho Chlef of Pollce and tho Clty Manager, wasr aclcrowledged. Two communlcatlons fnom Wllllam P. Brlgham, (1) an appeal fnom thedeclslon, dated May 28, L962 ana (2) a request for a contlnuanco frora thls d.ato, dated June 4, 1962, were aclorowledgod. In rosponse to Councll lnquirles concernl.ng the obllgatlon of the Councll at thts point, the Ctty Attorney advlsed of the procedure applled thus far Ln accordance with Clv1l Servlce Rules ancl Regula-tlons subsequent to tho dlschange from city senvLce of the subJect employeo. The Clty Attornoy advlged that the C1vll Servlce pro- cedurs concluded the heanlng and the msttor ls befor.o Cou.nc 11 to approvo, revoke or modlfy the dlscipllnany actlon tak6n and notfor reasons of grantlng further hearlngs. In reply to further Councll inquinles, tlre Clty Attorney advised.that an ernployee has the rlght to apply for a modlflcatlon of thepenalty lmpoeed. and may be heard before the Clty Counc11. ConsLderable d.lscussion arose on [RuIe XII - Heanlngsn 1n the Cl-vl1 Servlce Rules and Regulatlons. Mayor Lorenz and Councllman Johnson each erpnessed the oplnlonthat Councll ls obllgated by th6 Clv1l Servlce Rulos to act as provld€d - to traffirm, revoke or rnodlfy the actlon taken.n Coffrcilman li[artin end Councllnan Mor:gan, in separate stet€monts,lndicated their wll1lngness to grant the enployee an opportunltyto be heand. The dlscusslon coneluded wJ.th Councll concunrlng to grant thedlscharged employee an opportunlty to app6ar. before the Coturcllto render a statemont relatLve to hls dLschange. Corlnclfunan Johnson movod that the Clty Clerk notlfy Ib. Brlghamto appear at the next regular meetlng, Juno l-8, 1962, at 8:OO p.m. The motlon wes socondecl by Councllman Crosby and unanlmously carrled. I A]{}[UAL Ci{A},tsER OF COI,IDIERCE REQI'EST A communlcatlon fron the Burllngame Chamber of Commerce, dated June 1, J-962, submlttlng a proposed contract between thst agency and the Clty of Burllngame fon the 1962-1963 period, was acknowledged. RESOLurION NO 3l-62 iAuthorl zing the Execution of an Agreem€nt lntroduced for passago on motlon by Councllman Johnson. A RoIl it t,eC mber of Coannerce tr was of Councllman Mongan and seconded CalL vote noco::ded tho adoption as follows: Ayes : CouncLlmen: Johnson-Lorenz-lilartln-MonganNoos: Councllmen: NonoAbstalning CouncLlnen: Crosby RESOLUTIONS See No.31-62 !7 ORDINANCES Conslderatlon thereof : OXDTNANCE NO. 757 lnance C eo the Words nCltY C1 Words nl,lconse Co1 trAn Ordlnance Amendlng .Sectl on 1227 $) of the the Clty of Burllngame --By Deletlng Therofrom erk or hln"n"e Of flce::rr antt By Substltutlng the lectorrrr was glven 1ts second reading. councllman Morgan recommonded that councll glve consldenatlon to and arnendment fo the trOvernlght Parkingtr 6rdlnance by deletlng that sectlon levylng a $z.Oo-fee for a perlod of slx months fo:: if,"-prf"fi"ge of p*ikf.rg upon clty streets between the hours of 2:OO a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Councllman Mart ln concumed, addlng that he has conslstently opposed tlre lmPosLtion of a fee. A br:lef dlscusslon arose wheroln Mayor torenz and CounclllBan Johnson urgecl that the ordlnance as written remain ln effect for3 at least a trla1 peliod. Councllmsn Johnson therouPon moved that OnDIIIANCE NO.757 adopted, secontled by Councllman Cr"osby and adopted by t he be fol1ow- OFDINANCE NO. ?59 iAn Ordlnance Anending Section 825 of the bia'frififfiiifi? the Cit;r of Burrlngane By Deleting tuom Dlvislon II The ?rrord s rDeputy Chleft and By Substltutlng the TrlondrrCaptalnn was lntrotluced for flrst reading by Councllman Jolmson. lng Ro11 Call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Cnosby- Johns on-Loren z lloes: Councllmen: Martln-I{ongan Absent Cowrcllmen: None Actton on ORD INANCE NO. ?58 (soe comnunlcatlons No. 1) was wlth- held unttlE?ffiI6ffi meetlng, June 18, 1962. OFD Il.IANCES Introduction thereof: ORDINANCE NO ?60 "An Ordinance Anendlng Section 1999.I of the nance C r ovidLng for tho Establlshnent of FLre Zonos Wlthln the Clty of Burllngame By Wlthdrawlng Certaln Descrlbod Real Property Prom FLre Zone II and Includlng It In Fire Zone IfIn was lntroduced by Councllnran llartLn for flrst readlng. In reply to Councll Lnquiry, the Clty Planner advLsed that at the tlme M111s Garden Corrt was rezoned from C-3 trProfesstonaln to R-5 rrApartmentrruse, an ordlnance removed. the property from Flr.e Zone If but the Ordlnance fal1ed to provld€ for a Flre ZoneIIf Classlflcation. ondlnance No. 76O cor.rects the omlsslon. U}IFINTSHD BUSINESS 1. BROADWAY OFF STREET PARKING & LIGHTING DISTRICT Reference was made to a r:evlsed dr.awlng of the parklng dlstrlct bounclarles and property acqulsltlons, central buslness district, Broadway Off Street Parklng-Llghtlng DistrJ.ct. The Clty Planner lndlcatod hls approval toas revlewed by hls offlce and advised that the necessaEy step t owa::d the formatlon of the revised plot plan Council msy now take the Dlstrlct. Followlng a brlef dlscusslon, tho Clty l{anage r was requostedto submlt the nelu preliminary repont to the Broadway l{er.chants Commlttee end to make arangements for a mootlng, subs oquont to whlch a report may be subnlttod to CouncLl at the next regular" meetlng. 2. COUNCIL COI'IIMITTEE APPO]NT],'{ENTS Mayor Loronz announcod the followlng CoLncll Coramlttees or 1"8 Ilalson representatlves : C ounc llman C ouncl lman C ouncllman CouncLlman Crosby. Johns onMartln . Idorgan . !'lnance Cornmlttee - Planning ComnlssionClty Ernpl oyee s Budget Comarittee, ABAG, Off Street Parkl,ng Chamber of Commerce Councllman }l[ongan announced. his election by the C!-ty Selectlon Comrnlttee of San Mateo County, as a member of the Alr Po1lutlonCont::ol Board District to succeed Andrew C. Byrd and advlsed thatho sha1l attend the meetlng ln the Clty of Rlchmond on June l-5. Coulcilrnan Morgan announced further that as Councll :repre sentative,he sha1l attend the newly formod Youth Advlsory Conmlsslon of the North San lt{ateo County Cor:nci1 of Cltles organlzational meetlng scheduled June 12, l-9 62. 3. REPORT ON CTVIT DEFE}ISE ORGANIZATTON At the request of the Chair, the Clty Attorney repor-ted'ln somedetail on the result of hls review of the or:gani zat i.on of Civil Defense, ostablLshed b1r Or.dinance No. 5O3 adopted by Counctl, Fobruary, 1951. The Clty Attorney ad.visod. that a sestion provldes for memborshlp as f oll-ows: (a) ldayor as Chalrman: (U) V:.ce-litayor, Dlrector ofCivil- Defense and (c) an Assistant Director, to be appolntod bythe llayor vrlth the ad.vice and consent of the City Council; the ter.rn of offlco may be termlnated by the Mayor with the consentof members of the Counctl. CouncLlman l{organ moved that the reslgnation submltted by Captaln George C. Currlor at the request of the Chalr, be reJected, seconded by Councilman }ilartln. The vote was record.sd as follows:l Ayes: Councllmen: Crosby- Johns on-ldart ln-MorganNoes: Councllmon: torenz Absent Councllmen: Ilone L{ayor Lorenz l-aud.ed the sorvices of Deputy DLrector John K. }bight Ln connoction wlth the Offico of Clvll Defense and expressed the hope that v.'ith the retentl.on of CaBtaln Cunior, the latter rl11 attend future meetings lm-oontant to the functlons of Civil Defense. The Clty Clerk was direCted by the Chalr to com,munlcate and to so advlse Captaln Currler. POLICE INS.]RANCE PROGRAM Councilman ldorgan questloned the status of an lnsurance plan for 1aw enforcement officers, designed to adequately cornpensate the widows and children of officers ln instances of fatal accldents to officers ln }lne of duty, as outlined by former Pollce Chlef tr'Jlsnom of Hillsborough on a prior occasion. The Clty Manager aalvised that at the time of the presentation lt was determined that tho p:roposecl policy was too costly. The subjoct was roferred. to Councl,tman Johns on, Counell City Employees llaison representatlve for further investlgatlon and report to Councll. 5. CoMj,{ISSION AppOII,ITi{FltrTS Considerable discussion arose on the appointment of Commlsslon mombers as stipulated ln the recent Resolution adopt 5.ng a sot of specific rules for the appointment of menbers of Clty Boards and Commj,ssl,ons. Reference rvas made partlcularly to the two vacancles oxistlng on the Llbrary Board.. Councilnan Morgan moved that nomlnations be closed on wednosday, t 19 June 6, 1962; that names for the two posltlons be submltted to the Clty Manager for processlng no later than 5:OO p.m. on that date and that Monday, June 11, 1962, 8:OO p.m. be reserved for Council screenlng of appllcants. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Johns on and unenlmously canrLed. For th6 lnfonmatlon of the Councll, Mr. Jame s G. B. DeMartlnl advlsed that the leglslatune has ordored a study on th6 unlflcatlonof school dlstnlcts thnoughout the State. School dlstrlct com- mLtteos have been organlzeal to study the subJect for report prlorto the flrst week Ln September. !lr. Deltlantinl advlsed that the lssue has b66n p:roposod fo:: the 1964 Electlon bal1ot. ADJOURNIIIEIII The meet lng ras dec1.aned ad Journed at 1O:5O p.m. Respoctfully submltted, K.Clty C1s3k APPNOVED: )/ SEPH H. LORENZ MAYOR NEW BUSINESS PROPOSED I'NIFICATION OF SCHOOL DISTR]CTS