HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.05.2911 At word from the Chair, allthe Pledge of Allegiance to Cali fornia t962 the Council Chanber arose and gave e F1ag. Burlingame, ttay 29 , CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the abovegiven date, all menbers having been previously notified and consentingto the scheduling of a special meeting. lFetinq called to order at 8:0O p.m., - llayor Lorenz in the Chair. PLEDGE OF AI,LEG IANCE in th Present - Couneilmen: Johnson-Lorenz-Martin-l{organAbsent - Councilmen: Croaby Councilnan Croshy, abaent because of a previous commi tment was excuEed on motion of Councilman Uorgan and seconded by Councilman Johnson. PT'RPOSE OF MEETTNG TRIBUTE TO ANDREW C BYRD Itlayor Iprenz announced that the meeting had been scheduled to and to commend former City Councilman and l{ayor, Andrew C. By who served the City continuously from Apri1, 1950 to April 1, honor rd. L962. RESOLUTfON NO. 30-52 "Resolution of CorErendation to Andre$, C.Byrd "was read by Couneilman Johnson in fu11, as follows: 'RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame. eounty of San Itlateo, State of California, that IIHEREAS, Andr4 C. Byrd, conscientiously served as a mernber of the City Council of the city of Burlingame continuously since his election,April 18, 1950 to April 17, 1962; and WIIEREAS, Andrew C. Byrd, further gerved as ehairman of the Board of Councilmen and Mayor of the City of Burlingame, April, 1950 to April, 1953. Apri1, 1958 to April, 1959 and April, 1961 to April, 1952; and WHEREAS. Andrew C. Byrd, through his invaluable and outatanding service to the city of Burlingame, his inpartiality to its officers, its department heads and itE city employees, has endeared himself to the City and to the Comnunity as a whole; IIol{ rEEREFORE, in appreciation of his endeavorg to serve the bestinterests of the city, Andreu c. Byrd is heretryr comrnended - BE ff FITRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk of the City of Burlingame forward to Andrew c. Byrd, a copy of thiE Resolution. " Councilman Johnson introduced and moved the paesage of the foregoing ReEolution, seconded by Councilman llorgan and adopted by the followingRoll Call vote of members present: AyeB: Councilmen: Johnson-Lorenz-t{artj.n-llorgantloe8: Councilmen: None Absent Councifunen: Crosby The Chair advised that Councilman Crosby previously had expressed higunaninity with the intention of Council to adopt a Resolution commAnding Andrerp C. Byrd. I{ayor Lorenz. on behaLf of the nEmbers of the Council presented Ur. Byrdwith a copy of the Resolution of Commendation and in referring to his ROLL CALL L,2 clndidacg for the position of State Assenbllzman, 27 th District, expressed personal confidence that Ur. Byrd shall continue to serve the beEt interests of the community at the State level aawell as he has served at the locaL level. llr. Byrd, acknowledging the honor, expressed his gratitude to the nenbers of the Council. to his family and to his friends for their presence on thia occasion, stating that aB a ruember of the Burlingame City Council the past t\relve years, it had been aprivilege to have worked uith nerdbers of the Council tonard making Burlingame an outstanding City in California. Speaking briefly on the American system of Eelf-governBent andreferring to the "wonderful Country in which ue reside, " Mr. Byrdstated that it was the responsibility of the electorate to ,'keep it going that way" through the privilege of voting and finding the "time to participate" in its government. Mr. Byrd expressed his personal pleasure on having served with theindividual members of the present Council during his ten$re inoffice . Louis Colagiovanni, Robert Higgins and Archie L. Offield, local busj.nessnen and prominent in civic functionE of the comunity, each expressed individual commendation to titr. Byrd on this olcasion and extended a wish that his current carqraign vould result in asuccessful election to office. A round of applause accorded Mr.Byrd concluded the meetinq. ADJOURETIIENT fhe neeting waE declared adjourned at 8:20 p.n. Respectfully subnitted, IIERBERT K. WHTTE, city Clerk APPROVED: ,'lt gp..J PE H. I,oREIZ UAYOR /, V,,,r' N '019.4<