HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.09.2182 CAIL TO ORDER A regular meeting of above date. Iileeting in the Chair. Burlingame, California Septedber 2L, L964 the Burlingame City Council was held on the call-ed to order at 8:50 p.m. , !.{ayor Itlartin PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE At word from the Chair, all the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CALT in the Council Chaniber the Flag. arose and gave cro sby-Diederichsen-ceorge-ilohnson-llartin. None Present Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: MINl]lIES lfhe Ivlinutes of the regular meeting of Septetdber 8, 1964, submitted previously to Council, were unanimously approved and adopted. BIDS Bids received for the "Resurfacing of Miscellaneous Secondary city Streets" and opened at 11:00 a.m., on this date, in conformance with published notice to contractors, were announced as folLows: BIDDER TOTAL BID Lowr ie Paving company Bragato Paving Company L. C. Smith Co. Fisk, Firenze, McLean Lowrie Paving company O. c. Jones Kunz Paving company L. C. Smith Company Fisk, Firenze & llclean $46,e69.26 46 ,902 .26 47 ,O29.05 48, 508.70 Engineer's Estimate 55,LL6.49 The Lowrie Paving company, acJcnowledged as the lowest responsible bidder, was awarded the contract by RESOLInTON NO. 121-64 , "Awarding Contract for Resurfacing of Miscellaneous secondary City Streets - Job No. 64-18" (546,869.26) introduced by councilman crosby, seconded by councilman ilohnson and unanj:nously adopted upon Roll call. 2. OFF-STREET PARKING LoTS Bids for off-street parking Iot improvements on Lots A, B-1, C, E F, G and K, received and opened at 10:OO a.m., on this date, in conformance with published notice, were announced as follovrs: BIDDER $LO3,776.4s 106, 340 .40 1O7,875. 33 108, 984.83 110,889.70 Engineer's Estimate 109,345.40 1. RESURFACING SECONDARY CITY STREETS TOTAJ., BID 83 RESOLIITION NO. L22-64 ,'Awarding Contract for Parking Lot Improvements Burl ingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District - Job No. 63-26" STORM DRAINAGE IMP ROVEIT'IENT S In conformance with published notice to contractors inviting proposals for Storm Drainage Improvements - Ray Drive. Balboa Way and California Drive - opened at 2:O0 p.m., on this date, bids received were announced as follows: BIDDER TOTAL BID Fairley Constructors Lowrie Paving company Bragato Paving company Associated Pipeline Company O. K. construction Company $18,47 3.00 22,467 .OO 23,564.75 26, 990.00 28 , 885 .80 Enqineer's Estimate 20, 065.00 1[he Fairley Constructors vras declared the lowest responsible bidder and RESOLT TION NO. 123-64 "Awardin g Contract for Storm Drainage Improvements, Ray Drive, Balboa Way and California Drive - Job No. 64-16" ($18,473.00) was introduced for passage on motion of Councj.lman Crosby, seconded by CounciJ-man Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll Call . ANNOIJNCEIUENTS -ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Itlayor Itlartin made the following announcements and acknowledgment s: Receipt of llinutes from the Library Board and the Planning Conunission, and the month Police Department reportt tthe monthly dinner rreeting of the Peninsula Division, League of california Cities, wednesday, Septedber 30, Crystal- Springs Golf and Country Club, "FIRE PREVENTION WEEK' proclaimed the h'eek of october 4 - 9, L964, with permission granted to the Fire Depart$ent to place six appropriate "Fire Prevention" signs within the City during the week of the national observance; and The "United Crusade Bandwagon Parade" scheduled Saturday, Septeniber 26, at 10 a.m., sponsored by the Family Service Agency of San Mateo County and other civic organizations and endorsed by the City council . COMMUNICATIONS A corurunication from the City l{anager, dated septerdber 18, 1964. advised that the request of Mr. S. K. Whipple for an easement across Lot l-C to serve his property on Burlingame Avenue has been investigated and diseussed with the City's apprai ser (Parking lot acquisitions). It was recommended by the City Manager that a revocable special permit be approved upon condition that (1) the applicant pay a fee of $418.00;(2) service lines be removed upon a sixty day noticei and (3) costs to replace and/ or repair the service lines be assumed by the applicant. to the lowest responsible bidder, the Lowrie Paving comPany, in the total amount of $103,776.45, was introduced for Passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederidrsen and unanimously adopted upon Rol1 Call . 1 1. S. K. \,.JIIIPPLE EASEMENT APP ROVED 84 In reply to Councilman ceorge's inquiries, the City Manager advisedthat the fee was deemed an equitabJ.e anount by the appraiser. RESOIUTION NO. L24-64 "Authorizin g the Execution of a Grant of Easement for an Underground Gas Service and Transruission Line Across Parking Lot l-C" was thereafter introduced by Councilwoman ilohnson seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoI1 Call. Referring to the forthcoming improvements to convert parcel into a parking Iot facility, the city Manager the City may be required to assume the cost to lower servicing the Forsythe property (Simpson Company) on the latter having granted an easement to the pacific Company in 1915. the subject advised that the gas line Burlingame Avenue, Gas and Electric Following a brief diseussion. wherein the City Engineer advised that both gas lines are service lines rather than gas mains, the City I{anager vras requested to solicit the cooperation of the Pacifj-c cas and Electric Company in the relocation of the service line to the Forsythe property. a LEASE EXTENDED TO GREYHOIJND BUS LINES A reconunendation from the City ltlanager, in a communication dated Septerdber 18, 1964, that the renewal of a five year lease with Western Greyhound Lines be approved and that the monthly rental be increased ten percent (to $110.00) was concurred in by Council. 3. ALLOCATION ENGINEERING FEE OVERPASS PRO.TECT A communication from the city Manager, dated September 18, 1964, advised that the engineering contract entered into with York and Dady to prepare preliminary plan alternates for a Broadway railroad overpass stipulates, if council so directs. that a model of the structure shall be provided for an additional sum of $1,500.00. The city tlanager recorunended that Council authorize the $1,500 addi- tional expenditure for a total contract cost of $8.500.00 in order that an applieation may be submitted to the State and to the County soliciting matching fund credits . It was pointed out that in accordance with the contract agreement, a construction model would not be prepared until one of three preliminary plans, to be presented by the project engineers, is approved by counciL. Council thereafter approved a total commitment of $8,500.00 for the engineering contract. 4 . STREET LIGHTING PROGRAI\,I A communication from the City Manager, dated September 18, 1964, advised that the east side of California Drive from Oak crove Avenue to Burlingane Avenue is now availabl-e for street lighting installations. llhree courses of action, incLuding tlr;>es of electrolier and costs therefor, was submitted by the city Manager. council indicated preference for Iiers with underground wiring. an installation of steel electro- councilman George moved that the east side of california Drive from Oak Grove Avenue to Burlingame Avenue be improved by installing steel electroliers with underground wiring. fhe motion was seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously carried. 85 A request from ItIr. Oscar F. Person, in a communication dated Septedber 18, 1964, that a sj:< months extension of variances granted the Burlingame Shore Land Comtrrany on Septedber 16, 1963, he approved, was referred to the Planning conunission. ORDINANCES consideration thereof : ORD INANCE NO. 8I3 "An Ordinance Amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame By Amending Section L222.12 Liniting Parking of Vehicl-es on Carolan Avenue" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman ilohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following Rol1 call vote: Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen: Counc ilmen : Councilmen: Crosby=Diederichsen-George-Johnson-Martin. None None ORDINAIICE NO. 8I4 "An Ordinance Amendin g the Ordinance Code of the city of Burlingame B]r Adding ?hereto Section L22L.L9 Providing for an Intersection Stop at the Intersection of Bayshore Eighway and the Broadway overpass" was given its second reading and upon motion of councilman ,fohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said ordinance passed its second readinq and was thereafter adopted by the follovring Ro1I caLl vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent Counc ilmen : Councilmen: Councilmen: Crosby-Dieder ich sen-ceorge-John son-Irlartin . None None Reference was made by Council to north from the Broadway Overpass Highway Freeway (State property) confer with highway officials on appropriate stop s ign. a traffic hazard to motorists proceeding to the intersection of the Bayshore and the City Manager was requested to the possibility of instal-ling an NOTICE OF I'IEETING RE: SEWERAGE PROBLEII1S The Chair acknovrledged a communication from James V. Fitzgerald, Chairman, County Board of Supervisors, dated September L4, 7964, extending an invitation to a1l city and district officials interested in "Sanitary Sewerage" problems to attend a meeting in the Council Chambers of the San Mateo City HaI1, Thursday, Septedber 24, L964, at 8:OO p.m. The City Engineer advised that the Assj.stant City Engineer has been delegated to represent the City. VACATION CALIFORNIA DRIVE PROPERTY In response to a memo from the City Manager, Council approved his request that a period of 9O to 120 days be permitted tenants to vacate their California Drive premises following receipt by the City of title toproperty included within the Burlingame Avenue area off-street parking Di strict . Si(YTINE BOTJLEVARD HAZARD Mayor Martin again referred to his prior request that some means be provided to alert motorists travel ing Skyline Boulevard, north of llargarita Avenue, that the lane narrows at that point. Tlhe City Engineer advised that his Office would assume the responsibility of providing appropriate traffic markers. 5. BURLINGAIVIE SiIORELAND VARIANCES 86 BUS HAZARD ON HILLSIDE DRIVE Ilhe City Engineer was requested to confer with the County Engineer seeking his cooperation and means to remedy the danger. s TATUS DREDGING OPERATIONS Irlayor Martin referred to numerous inquiries medbers of the Council have received in connection with dredging operations along the City's shore line areas being conducted by the Keystons in their Reclamation District project. Uayor Martin made the observation that "one of the problems is that the project is working out very slowly. " Councilman George announced his plans to attend the San tilateo County Disaster Preparedness dinner meeting, vi1la Eotel, Friday, Sept. 25, and the regular meeting of the San llateo County Council of l4ayors' meeting later in the evening. Mr. Frank Cistulli, 1644 Lassen Way, urged CounciL to authorize a more frequent police patrol on Trousdale Drive to control excessive rates of speed prevalent in the area. f'tre city Manager was requested to refer the subject to the Health, Safety & Traffic Commission for investigation, report and recom- mendation to Council. WARRA}ITS clai-nrs, Nos. 2575-2753, Septedber, L964, in the amount of $22O,537.43, duly audited, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Cro sby seconded by Councilwoman ,Johnson and unanj.mously adopted. PAYROL], APP ROVAI PayroII warrants, Nos. 9425-9896, August, in the amount of $118,165.39, hrere approved on motion of Councilman Crosby, seeonded \r Councilman ilohnson and unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT lrhe meeting was regularly adjourned at IO:O5 p.m., to meet Ihursday, Septeriber 24, L964, at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: R. D. MARTIN, I{AYOR HERBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERK !{ayor }lartin called attention to a hazard to kindergarten-age children crossing Eillside Drive along the route of school busses, particularly in the area of Skyline Boulevard and eounty property, advising that parents have suggested the placement of signs to designate "school bus stop ahead" areas. A report from the City Engineer indicated that the project is pro- eeeding as authorized by Council and under the instructions of the Office of the City Engineer. COI,'NC ILMAN GEORGE }IEE?ING ATTENDANCE EXCESSIVE SPEED ON TROUSDAI,E DRIVE