HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.04.15234 Burllngame, Callf orniaApril 15, 1963 A negrrlar meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on the above glven date. Meetlng caIled to ord6r at 8:00 p.m., - l4ayor Johnson ln the Chair. The minutes of the regular neeting of Apr,l1 1, Council prevlorrsly, were approved and adopted. 1953, submitted to PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At wor.d from the Chalr, all ln the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Present - Counclfmen: C ro sby-Johns on- Mart ln- i,lorganAbsent - Councilmen: Lorenz Councllman Lorenz, absent because of l11ness, was excused on motlonof Councilman l,forgan and seconded by Councllman MartLn. UINUTES CALL TO ORDER The Chair announced that thls was the timo open Blds for the Flrst sa1e, $300,000.00,Parklng Bonds, as p6r 1ega1 advertlsement. NEWLY.ELECTED COUNCIL OFFICERS Councllman Morgan spoke briefly on tho Councllr s selectlon of Councllman Johns^n as Chalrman of the Board and l,Iayor of the Cttyof Burlingame and the anticlpatlon of Council that many pro.Jects shall be progr.ammed to completlon ln the forthcomlng yean. Mayor Johns on resoonded with a fel, appropnlate words, statlng that CouncLl hopes to expedlte the off-street parklng program, the re-surfaclng of clty streets and the constructlon of the outer roadat the City dump. l{ayor Johnson stated that she was deslrous that the flrst home ln Burllngame be restored and proserved as a Clty nonument and thatthe Ctty will lnstltute and partici.pate Ln a rrsister Cltyrr program 1n the near f\rtura. Cltlzens wene lnvlted by the Chalr to submlt suggestlons to Counc11. A lange bouquet of ye1Iow chrys anthon ums recelved by Mayon Johnson from her f arnl1y was acknowledged and. i.{:r. WLl-1lam Johnson, the husband of the ltlayor was intnoduced on thls occaslon. Councllman i.torgan lntroduced newly elected Counc 1lman R. Davld r,Ia::tlnr Mayor Pro Ternpore antl Counci lman Wlll-iam J. Crosby, Flnance Chalrman. B]DS and place scheduled to Burlinsame Off-Street The followlng blds were opened and declar'od as Pan Va]-u e ETRST CALII.'ORNIA CO}4PANY $3o0, ooo . oo SEn Francis-co,OaTff . in addltion, 6/2/63-!/2/64, outstanding bonds Interes t 3 &nnum 3 3 interest at 2+% per annum on aI1 then 7 /2/ 7'/r'/ fol]-ows : Year 6l+-t /z/tt 72-7 /2/78 7e-7 /2/88 fl oer1^/ zito iA+% Net Interest Cost - Avor:age Interest $182,25r . 61 3.71+42% :135 Ne L lnterest Co) E - $L73 r't53.6b riverag3 InE3rest - 3.55776f1 J . B. HA]'IAUER & C l. $3oC,000. cc FIRST 3F ARIZONA Phoenix, Arizona Beverly Hi11s, Cali Net Interest Cost Average Interest Fremium - $1r.00 l.ie t Ihterest Crs t Average In Lere s t S.I3N3 & Y]UNCBERG San Franc].scc, Cali San Uateo, California 1964-L97O L97t-a976 l.977-t98) 7985-Lgdt) Par Va-Lue oa 7 /2/6+-797O 7 /2/7t-a976 7 /2t77-t9a+ 7 /z/85-t96b trntere s t i,,:l2 - --.. / ,* +'. 3-3/+t: 3-3/+: :. /w - 3-:t*, I. t96+-a969 t97o-L976 \977 -1978 a979-7982 1983-1988 $r80 ,65 3.7c94 in additl:n, 6/'2/63-),/2164, interest ai 2{i on all Ju!sLanding bonds. - $183,867.87- 2.77551i 7/2/64-7 /2/65 7/2/66-7 /2/72 7/2/73-7 /2/77 7 /'2/78-7 /2/88 q. +, 3z', 3 -3/ +':. Ner Interrst cost - fi182r158.72 Average Interest - 3.74O+l% Mr. Fred U. Barnes, Statistlclanr representing the 1egal firm of Ernest A. Wilson, and the City Attorney were requested to review the bids and to subni t a recommenclation vith respect to an award for the bld contractprlrr to the concluslon cf the meeting. ; -Ri.if,i 1. APPEAL RE: EUGENE SIGIAR0WI'IZ VARlrt\CE APFLICAIICN Mayor Johnson announced thaL this was the time and place scheduled tc conduci a public heari.ng on the applicaticn cf Eugene C. Signarowitzfor a variance to permit the construcLicn of and operation l,hereaf tercf a gasoline staEicn cn the northlresE corner of Feninsula Avenue and Dwight Road, currently Zcned R-1 , and before the Cc,Jncil on an appeal from the decision cf the Planning Ccmmissicn. A letter from the Flanning Cc missicn, dated April 8, f963, advise<ithai a Planning Com,nissicn noLlcn denie<i the applicatiJn b/ a 4 Lo zvcte, basing its reasons therefor, e ssentially as follcws: (1) thata sinllar applicaticn was denied on Ncverber 27) 196l-; (2) that no hardship exists i.n the prcperty or iLs usage; (3) that frontage streets are neither commercial cr industrial as required by 1aw; an<i, (l+) theentire surro'rrnding and abutting properLies are residential ano a gas staticn Yroul,d not be desirable. Itle conmunicaticn further advised that an abutting 1ot fronting Dwight Rcad, formerly J'rmed by the appl-lcant, was rezone<i to pernit the constructicn cf a three-ulit residential, building an<i considered by the Ccmmissicn as an r!acceptabl-e transiLicnal use beLween the apartment zoning on Peninsula Avenue and the fi r s !-re sldenlial properties cn Dwight Rcad . Proprnents r*ere lnvited by the Chair to spear< first. Cyrus J. Mcuil1an, Atco,.ney, represenLing the applicant, describedthe property as being lccated on tne north;*esterly ccrner of Dwignt Road and Peninsula Avenue, two majcr city streets withln Lhe City,adjacent to a four-way intersection and desirable for the pu.rpcse 236 applied for. Severaf service stations are l:cated 1n ihe area on the San liateo side of Peninsula Avenue. Iir. !:cM1l1an advised tll t since the applicaticn was denied previousJ-y a rnajcr change has occurred 1n the area by the sale or th: San Mateo Junicr College property, cater-cornered from the subject property and while plans are not ccncrete at this tiine, it has been indicaLed t,haL the development proposes apartnent houses and a neighborhood shopping center. The subject property has a frontage of 10tr feet on Peninsula Avenue,with a depth of 10U feet on Dwight Rcad and th proposed plans provide an adequate open space for landscaping wlth a "buffer area" betweenthe servlce sta-i,ion and a trlplex buiJ.ding on Dr+ight Road. Mr. Mcl.lifian furthcr advised that an engineering report from the Ge)rge S. Nclte CJnpany recomnends th. t Peninsula Avenue be createdinto a four-1ane street in +.ne futurel the propJsed service station would prcvide an unobstructeri view of the traffic approaching theintersection and 1ts usage would be compatible with current and propcsed usage s . I'1r. R. S. Craig, 33 Stanfey Rcad and l,:r. T. F. Ihatcherr J3 ClarendcnR:ad, ca11ed attenti.on to tl're corn-nercial prJperLy surrounding the area and expressed their arprcval to the constructlon cf a servicestaticn in an area devoted alncst exclusively to commercial usages. Mr. Charles f''emlj.ng, 17 StanLey Rca<i, observed tnat chere are very few I1vab1e resi<iences on Penlnsul-a Avenue from Hu.inbol-d t Avenue tothe railroad tracks and stated tnat in his opinicn, the owners wculd react favorably it lL were possible to sel-l their propertiesfor ccmmercial development; aparErenc construction in Burlingane w111, soon reach a peak and it is a J-cgical conclusicn that i.n Lhefuture, che entire streef, of Peninsul-a Aven,re wlll- be developedconrnercially. lir. Kenl,ing voiced his approvaf to Lhe proposedservice staticn as an ttasset Lc the area. rl I1r. ilugh KevilLer iU Clarenoon Road, approving the propcsal , spokecn the traffic hazards, stating that thc constructicn of a servi.cestatj.cn on the north side of Peninsula Avenue in the City of Eurlingane woul-d el,iminate the hazardous crossing to service stations cn the San l.{aleo side cf the street. There being no further cooments fron propcnents, the following com-nunlcaticns in l'avor thereof were read and entered upon bhe record: Eugene C. Signarowir.z, z6'1 Eaton Road, San liateo, the applicant; Gordon Brown , UB N'.yr tl-e Road , and a pe ti tion bearing th= slgnature sof twerrty-eigh! property owners, twenty-five of whom reslde v/1thinthe 5Oo-focL radius of the subject property. Ihe Chalr lnvited oppcnents to the proposed plan to conment. l"ir. and l,irs. Alfred Lakrson, 9 Dwight Rcad, owners of a trlplexbuilding adjacent to the subject property, each expressed oppJsit]'cn,stating that living-roons of the units wouLd face the service staEioit,Lheir property woul-d depreciate in vaLue, it wourd be difficulc torenL Lhe uniLs to <iesirabl-e tenants and th= service station wouldplace the health and welfare of the c1!1zens of the area in jecpardy. Also speaking in opposition, and s,'npathetic to the adverse effectthe service sLatj-cn wcuLd create on adjacent property and the areain generat, Li're street crcssing hazard and the deterloraticn cfproperty val.ues l/e.re: Iirs. Lcuis Marcheschi, l4 Dwlght Roaci, I'ir. and Mrs. C. J. Elngreen, 16 Dirlght Road, Edwin S. Coakley, +06 Peninsula Avenue, Wifliam Burgess, 18 Dwight Road, Jchn Ibsen, 12 Clarendon Road, Lculs Marcheschi, .rr., and Rcse Smith, 1) Dwlght Road. R. T. Perry, 6O1 Concord Wayr cppcsed what he termed t'piece-mea1r' planning and state<i tn-t th. propcsal wculd ten<i to lower thc valuecf the apartaenL house zone. 2:f7 Entered into the record was a conmunication from Urs. Mary A. Viano, reca.Lllng her efforts to obiain permisslon to conscruct a service sbation on her property cn the easterly corner of Peninsula Avenue and Dvright Road over the last seven-year perr-cd and indlcating that her propcsal- shoul-d be given prlority. A petitirn 'rp-c:si-ng the ccnstrucLicn of a gasoline service staticn at the northwest corner of Peninsul-a Avenue a-'id Dvright Rcad, and bearing the si.gnatures of thirly-one prrperry owners was ackncwledged and -cl ac ed inio Lhe record. ],ir. W. P. Brauner, Planning Cc$missloner, stated th t his rrnf,rr vote at ti.Ie Planning Com:ai. s si on hearing i"as based on his oplni:n Ehat tne appl-ica-'rt faile<i tc neet varlance requirenents; that lie voteci reluctaotr-y 1'or the reason that "this is a develcpi.ng areat' and while ccgnizant tnaL the area is j.n ano Lher Cityr 1t will have an j,mpact' however, upcn the deve]-cpmenL of tne Cit. ol Burlingaxne's property. Crmmissioner Erauner slated Ehat an addir,ional six nonths scudy nay result in the presen- taticn cf a pJ-an acceptaole t th- Clty and tc its citlzens. l{r. Mc}.1il1an, ccmmenclng on statements of previous speaKersr concurred t..at Peninsula Avenue is a heavil-y travelled street; ho'wever, wltn trle development of the corlege srte, a service staLrcn wcurd attract lsss tralfic than apartments constructeq. on the sub jec'r, properties. l/itrr respecL to the Lawson trlplex, Mr. ['-cMir]an statcd lhat he was of tlle opinion th t th- propused developmen! wou]d De a more desirable rrbuffertr Lhan an apartment house thot may be constfucted ano oostructing the view entirely. Mr. McMillan, repl-ying co Courlci]nan Martin's inquiries, stated that Lhe appJ.ication for a gascline service staticn meets the requiredconditlons: (a) the propcsed station is on an arterlal stop inLer-sectronl (b) there is a distance of apprcxinately 1rO00 feet betweenthe station prcposed and the L,oundary of anothe.r service station and vrith res.oect to the third qualification tnat "bcfh sides of the screet should be eitner conraercial Jr irdustrial ," l.:r. llcl(iilan stated thaL tne ccrnnercial area on the cpposi t,e side of the stree t, iri. r,ein tne Ciry of San llateo, should be consi.dered. Alsc questloned by Councilmar l.iartln ccacerni-ng the varidnce quali-fica-trcns (a) I'denial of the applicaLlcn wo.r1d result in undue .oroperLy1oss" (b) I'such vaii,ance is necessary for the preservalicn :f a proirertJ/ right of Lhe o'w.ner, 'r l.:r. UcMill-an stated that the locaticn is on a na;or and heavilT-travelled street (extraordinary circu,ons tance s ) and lne use -cro-ocsed is rore appropriate to tile area. thereby justifying Ehe variance. Some discussion arose on the questicn cf the basle change in the areasince an applicatlon for a varlance was rejected acproximateJ-y one year ago. 1'1r. McMillan stated that the proposed three to four acres cf commercial develcpnent on the eollege slte on Fenj.nsula Avenue, pfus the Gecrge S. I.Iclte recommendaticn !c create Feninsula Avenue into afcur-l-ane street was the princlpal- charge in the araa. Ihe City Engineer, in rep.l-y to Councilnan l,{artin, advised that Penlnsula Avenue in the future may be wldened to sixty-four feet, curb-to-curb,with four twelve-foot traffic J.anes and lwo-elght-foct porking lanes. y,r. UcMillan advised that if Peninsula Avenue is wldened, a six-fooc setback at the rear of the subject pr.Jperty 'dou1d be maintained bythe owners. Co,Jncl"lxian Uartin stated that 1n his opinion there is no change in thestatus of the property an<i that he oppcsed the granting cf a variancefor the reasorls that (1) the conditions cannot be net (2) the proposal-ls I'sp:t zoning" and (3) a rtuse permitl wifl- be required in addiLiona cha-nge in che zoning. C.:u.I1cilman Morgan observed t[at appears to be a major -fac tor in Plan:rer on future plans for the the <ievelcpnent of the college sitethe issue and questicned the City area. 2iJIJ .li'te Ci Ly Planner adviseci of hls discussj-cn with a represenLdtive of Lhe develcper of the college property, stating that prelimlnary plans indieate Lhat tne area wiLl include lcw-density apartnent houses ofvarying sizes, with possibly one acre reserved as a shopping area; hor+ever, it vill be ac least one year before concrete plans are e s tabf i shed . Ccuncil-man Vrargan scaced thaL he was impressed wiLn trre com$ents of Cc&missicner Brauner, with respect to the development of the caopussiLe and the widening of Peninsul-a Avenue and the reference to tne Vlano prcperty and reccruoended tllaE action cn the grancing of the pruposed variance be deferred until further scudy is made cf tne area and consideraticn given to I'rarhat is best for Burlingame.'r Councilman Crosby stated th*t he was opposed to 'rspct zoning" butindicated hts concurrence wlLh f,he recomendauion nade by CounciLman l,1organ. Mr. Mcl\i11.Lan suggested thet Councll wl thhcl-d action until theof July, at whico t-rme informatacn may De recer,ved on fucure highway develcpment ano trrs Del-alrare caopus pr-jecL. lirstplans fcr Councllman Martin objected t(-) the recommendation pcstponing action,stating tn-r the Plannlng Commissirn would have littl-e oppcrtuni,ty toact on Lhe xoatter in cne ]-nterir period of time and rn his oplnicn,the s1 tuat:-on \rlch respect to the variance remains unchanged frorn tnopreviJus year. Mayor J')hnson staEed tua.t snc had no olJectlon to cuntrnuing the subjecLunril. Jdly a.1ci rhat she concurred wiih the statemeots or both I'lr. R. I. Ferry, concerning I'piece-nealrr planning ano CommisslJner Braunsr, recomlnendlng t at a study be nade of tne Peninsula Avenue area. F:rlowing a briel dlscussion, a pcrJ- of the Ccunci-t on t.^e recolxmendatiJ,,t.,at the hearing be continued unt1l Juty f!, 196J, was recorded as loLows: Ccuricil-:cen: Cro sby -Johnsou-I,lorg n CcunciLmen : iiar tirr. Ah Cod ear].ng on the proposeci a.nendnents and revl-s1o0s in che BuiLoinge of tne Cr ty was conrinued to l,iay 20 , 1963 . 1'cr Frect W. Barnes submittcd thc follcwing laouiation of bids received che First Sa1e, Eurlingame Avenue area, Oi'f-Street Farking Bonds: Interes t CcsL Average InteresL I I 3 + 5 Ihe Flrst of Arizrna Co.J. B. Hanauar d Cf,. Stone and YoungbergFirst Ca]ifornia Cr. Carl llanauer & Co . Avenue Area f -^lire eL FarkinS District" ( The was intrcduced for passage upon moticn of Coun by Counci.lman )4artin and unaninously carried u roembers f,re sen t . fit73,2 l-6U,6 la?rl- L82 )2 1U3,8 63 .6U 52.68 5a.72 51.6167.87 of Bcnds, Eurlinganerst of Arizona Cc. ) l-man Crosby, seccn<iedn Rcll Ca1.l- of CJurlcil- concurreo and Cruncihan Crcsby intro<iuced fcr passaget RESOLUIION N{J. 34-53 "A Rescluf,ion Detefinirling Unpai<i Assessnents and and reccmmended that the bid. be First of Arizcna Ctr. awarded to the .j.cuest bidder, Ihe Ptatidfng for Issuance cf Etrnds Bur lingame Avenue Area off -S tree t Parking Distrlc tI seccn<ied by Ccr:ncllnan }isrgan and unanlncusl-y carried upon Ro11 Ca11 of uiembers present. i -:)"A Resrluf,icn Awarding Sa Fi- po 239 1. REQUEST EXTENTION COI,IMUTMS PARKING LOT A comnunlcatlon frora the City Manager, dated Apr11 3-2, 1963, advisedthat a request has been recelved concerning the posslbLllty of Lmprovingproperty at the l,Il1lbnae Depot, ad.jolnlng the city llmits of Burllngamofor the convenlence of train comrnrters uslng the area for parklng purposes. fhe Ctty lLlanager suggested that lf Councll elects to pursue the subJect, the Englneering Department w111 be requlred to complle a prellmlnary costestlmate. There belng no obJecti.on, the Englneerlng Department was so req ue s te d. 2. WATER POLLUIION REPORT A communicatlon from the City Mane3er, dated Apnil l-2, 1963, advlsedthat the Reglonal Waten Po11utlon Control Board has lnformed his Offlcethat the Control Board, at lts meetLng 1n Oak1and., Aprl1 18, 1963, will consLder the lntentlon of the CLty to comply wlth the Control Boardrs requirement to render the area lmpervlous (set forth tn City Resolutlon No. 57-62). The Ctty Manager: advlsed that the berm ls nearlng completlon and the dump area w111 be sealed prlon to the Juno l-, 195J, deadline set by the Water Po11utlon Board. In replylng to Councllman Crosbyr s lnqulry, the Ctty Englneer aCvlsedthat an lnformal telephone conversation wl th a representatlve of the Control Board lndlcates that the entl-ne area wlthln the berm w111 berequired to be de-wate::ed. The City l,lan&gen advLsed that he and the Clty Engineer w111 attend theforthcomlng Waten Pollutlon Control Board meetlng ln Oaklend. 2 REPORT ON STREET RESURFACING PROGRAI,I A memo fnom the Clty l,tanager, dated Aprl1 12, 1961, advised. that 1fthere ar.e no Councll obJectlons, blal advertisement for street ne-surfaclng proJects 1111 be held teraporarily ln abeyance, pending thetenminatlon of the trees and shrubs buddlng processes. Council c oncurne d. 4.REPORT ON CODIFIED CR)]NANCES A memo fnom the Clty Manager, dated Apr1l 12, 1953, advised that subsequent to a review of and correctlons made to errors noted Ln the new Code, leglslatlon w111 be presented to Council- lor formal acceptanceof the codlflcation of Clty ordlnances. t PROPOSED UNIFOR]{ Ri,ILES FOR TEE]{ ACTIVITTES A memo from the Clty Manager, dated April 12, 1961, srrbrni.tttng a copyof proposed ::u1es fon teen dance activltles, from Robert D. Prlce, Chalrman, NCCC Youth Advlsory Commlsslon, recornrnended that the subJect be further explored subsequent to discussions with the Recreation Superlntendent, the Juvenlle Offlcer and the Recreatlon Comml-ssion. Concur:rlng wl th a recommendatlon f::om Councllman Martln, the City Manager: was requested to obtain personal vlews from the students of Mil1s Hlgh School, Burl5.ngarne Hlgh School, Mercy Hlgh School and Serre Hlgh Schcol, thnough thelr respectlve student bodles. The Chaln announced that Councllman Wl11lsm J. Crosby had been selected to serve as the Cltytg representatlve to the North County Council ofCltles Youth Advlsory Commisslon. 6. NOTICS OF ]4EETING ''LA1"{PLIGHTERSI' A notlce announcl,ng the Annual Street Llghting Meeti Lamplighters of Amerlca, to be held ThursdaYr April Mateo Elks C1ub, was referred to the Clty Engineer. ns 16 sponsorod by the196), at the San COIO,II]NI CATIONS 240 7. INFORI"fATION RE: ClTY BILLBOARDS A comrm:nlcatLon from the Callfornla Assembly Comrnlttee on NaturaLResources, Planning and PublLc Works, dated Apnll Zl,, 1963, r.equestingLnformatlon on billboards wlthln lncorporated clties wlthtn theState, was referred to the City Plarueer. B. ,lotrr BUS srIIDy col{r,trTTEE A comrmrnlcatlon from the San Mateo-Burlinpame Jointunder date of l,Iarch 2l , !963, concernlng pnoposals and report rel-ativo to provlding bus service ln the tsurlingame Area, was r:eferred to the City i{anagen. Bus Study CommLtteeto conduct a study San Mateo- to the a Broadway RESOLT]TIONS RESOT,UTION NO. 35-53 rtRe qulrlng the Clty Treasure:: to Perform the OR)INANCES Dutles of Payroll C1erk, Prescriblng his Dubles as Such PeyrollClerk arrd Flxtng the CompensatLon for Such Dutlesrr was lntrodrrced.for oassage on motlon of Ccuncilman Cr.osby, seconded by Councllman !,lorgan and unanLmous1y adopted. on Ro1l Ca1l of members prosent. oRDINANCE NO. 782 riAdoptlng by Refer.ence Western Plumbing Officlalsfnl-rmTfuffiffig Code, fg6l saftfon and Appendlces Thereio'r was scheduled for second readlng l[ay 6, 1-963. UMINISHED BUSINESS 1. IIN]TED NATIONS PARTICIPATION Mayor Johnson &nnounc6d that several cltl-zens have been contactedwlth respect to thelr partlclpatlon ln the Unlted Natione program and lnvLted all persons Lnterested. ln the program to so notlfy the Counc 11 . 2. RETIREI"IMtr T SALARY ADJUST],ISMTS The City Manager advlsed that no word has been recelved from the State Retlrement Board concerning an actuarlal survey to be conducted by that body on retlrement salary adjustments. 2 AC2IIISTTICN LAGUNA AVEI\UE PROPERTT The Clty Attorney advlsed that documents wlth respect dlsposltLon of proporty on Laguna Avenue, deslred as Parklng 1ot, are in the process of belng prepaned. [.NEGOTIATOR PARKING DISTR]CT IIO. 1 Tlee City Attorney and the Clty Maneger were requested to lntervl-ew applicants desiring appolntment as a negotl-ator to approach property owners with respect to acquirlng pa::klng lots for Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street ParkLng Dlstrict No. 1; l-nformatlon to lnclude feesfor the service for report to Councll prior to the next regular meeting. 5 COI{,IISSION APPOINT].TM TS WI TITHELD ltayor Johason announced that appolntments to the several Commlssion vacancies sha1l be made at the next reguJ-an meetlng. 6. PI,ACQIIE FOR NEW POLICE STATION BUTLDING Mayor Johnson announced that Councll sha1l consl-den an apD roplrLats placque to be erected on the new PolLce Station Bulldlng. iiE'ld BIISINESS 1. Councllman Morgan $ras appolnted Council represontatlve to the Councll of llayors AssocLatlon durlng the absence of lrunedlete Past - l.fayor3, Councllman Lorenz- 24:t_ 2. The f ol l-or.ring Councll CommLttees were announced by the Chalr: Councllman Martin: Budget, Off-Street Parking, ABAG; Councl lman Crosby: Flnance, Youth Ad.vlsory Commission; Councllman Lorenz: Plannlng Cornrnission The Chair announced that no appolntment sha11 be nade this yeanto the Council-Bnployee llalson commlttee. RECSSS A recess was declared by the Chal! at 10:00 p.m CALL TO ORDER The meeting was calIed to order at 1O:O! p.m. NE'],1I BUSINES 3 ( Contlnued) The Chalr acknowledged recelpt of Commission mlnutes and the attendanceof a number of Cormlsslon members. 3,BUS STOP REFERENCE IN I4]NUTES Councllman l,lorgan referred to an item ln the mlnutes of the Health, Safety & Trafflc ConrnLssLon coneernlng rrBus Stopsrr and the subject was referred to the Clty Manager. Ir COUNCTLI,IAN }{ARTIN REQUESTS 1. Coples of Plannlng Commission mi-nutes prior to r.egularly scheduled meetlngs of the City Council; 2. The City Managor to lnspect the publlc address system inthe Council Chambers; antl l. Recelpt of a more complete tabulation of the RecreatLon Departmentts rlspecial Servicett revenues and expenditures. c COIINCILI.4AN },IORGA}; INQUIRIES In reply to Councll'nan Morganrs Lnquirl-es, the Clty Manager advlsed: 1. That plans a:re currently I,n progress to agaln operate the Po11ce Shootlng Range; 2. That Po1Lce Offlcers, when travellng ln connectlon with d.epartnental or Clty matters, are protected by compensatlon lnsurance, and was requested thereafter to so notify the Pol-lce Department . l. Police to be more lenlent to L5.brary emplcyeos requLred to pa::k on-street. 6. coUNCI LU{N cnoEBYl:}{QqrRY The City Managen r6sponded that rrErr stickers for automoblles pernitting parklng ln areas adjacent to the City HaI1 would be mailed to members of the Council. CLAI},1S Warrants, l,Ionth of Aprl-1, 1951, Nos. 9l+67-9628, total emount ot $93,532.78,duly audlted, were approved for payment on mcticn of Councllman Crosby, seconded by Counc l1man l"lartln and unanl-mously carni6d. PAYROLL Payroll warrants, Month of rlarchr 1953, Nos. 12Bl+-175[, in the total amount of $103r313.0!, were approved on motion of Councllman Crosby, soconded by CouncLlrmn i,I8.rtin and unanimously carried. t i 242 The Chair announced that the next regular meeting of the No::th County Councl1 of Cities wou1d be held on May 2, 1963, ln theCity of Brlsbane arld. that tho Consolidateal School Election would bo conducted on Tuesday, April 16, 1963. ANI(OUNCE]4ENTS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was thereafte:: r"egularly adjourned at l0:20 p.ra. Respectfully submltted, I]ERBERT K. W}trTECity Clerk A PD ROYED : /1 t-/