HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.08.247T Burlingame, California August 24, L964 CAIL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame City Council from its regular meeting of August L7, L964, was held on the above given date. lt{eeting called at 7:30 p.m., Uayor Pro Tempore crosby in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chair, Pledge of Allegiance to al]. in the Council Chamber the Flag. arose and gave the Cro sby-Diederi-chsen-George-Johnson . Uartin. unavoidably, was excused on motion of Councilman by Councilman Diederichsen. Mayor l'lart in , absent ,rohnson and seconded lfhe City Clerk hras instructed to and a notice of Council approval Present - Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: COMMT'NICATIONS 1. DELEGATES TO COT tiIlIY PLANNING COMI.,IITTEE A cornmunication from the City Planner, dated August 19, 1964, advised that merdbers of the Planning Commission have recommended that !1r. Frank Cistulli and !1r. Everett Kindig be appointed delegate and al-ternate deLegate respectively to the reactivated San llateo County Regional Planning ConErittee. Councilman Diederichsen moved that the appointments be approved and that proper notification be fonrarded to the Board of Supervisors of San l{ateo County. lIhe motion was seconded by Counci.Iman Johnson and unanimousJ.y carried. 2 . BEAUTIFICATION COMIiIERCIA], PROPERTY A communication dated August 2L. L964, was read from the City Planner, reporting on a recent joint meeting of the Park Corunission and the Parking Commission. wherein a suggestion was offered by the Park Commission that property owners be approached on the subject of voluntarily improving and beautifying the rear of their buildings adjoining the new parking district l-ots. A recommendation from members of the Parking Commission in attendance at that meeting, that the Park Cotmrission be authorized to launch an alteration-beautification prograrn, was concurred in by Council . forward a copy of the comnunication to the Park Comnission. BAYSIDE III,IPROVEI.{ENT DISTRICT l{r. Kenneth I. Jones, Attorney, representing the Bayside Improvement District, advised that resolutions have been prepared for Council action with respect to the development of the Bayside Improvement District. Following a series of inquiries directed to the Attorney for the District, to the City Attorney and to the City Engineer, Council \^ras advised by the Latter that his Office would approve only the preliminary plans, specifications, cost estimates, maps and descriptions upon ROI,L CAIL RESOLUTIONS 72 confirmation by the Attorney for the District that changes as may be required by the City Engineer sha1l be incorporated into the Engineer's Report prior to advertising for bids for the construction of improvements. Ur. Jones directed the attention of Council to provision "No. 6" in the proposed resolution concerning the "Engineer's Report " confirming the inclusion of the point in question. Itre following Resolutions were thereafter presented to Council for execution: RESOIUTION NO. IO9-54 "A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report--Bayside Improvement District" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman alohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanj.mously adopted upon RolI CaII. RESOTUT ION NO. 110-64 "A Resolution Appointing Ti.rne and Place of Ilearing Protests in ments and Directing Septedber 24, L964) George, seconded by Roll call. Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and lrnprove- Notice--Bayside Improvement District" (Thursday, was introduced for passage on motion of councilman Councilman Johnson and unani.rnously adopted upon RESOLUTION NO. 111-64 "A Resolution Describ ing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District and Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment--Bayside Improvement District" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Diedericltsen, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon RolI CaI1. I'NFINISHED BUSINESS TAX RATE L964-L965 SALES TA)( CODE AIi4ENDUE[flI Mayor Pro TeIE)ore Crosby announced that actions on (1) Fixing the tax rate for the 1964-1965 fiscal year period and (2) Itre proposed amendment to Section 1171.8. providing for the deposit of sales and use tax collections, would be withheld pending anticipation of the attendance of a full Council at an adjourned meeting, Thursday, August 27 , 1964 . There being no further transaction of business, Councilman John son moved that Council adj ourn in respect to the memory of Mr. Harold Feyge, former lrtayor, a Councilman and civic leader of the city of Pacifica, who recentl,y passed in death, to meet fhursday, August 27, 1964. at 8:00 p.m. The motion was carried . seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously Time of adj ournment: 8:00 p.m. APPROVED: Respectfully submitted, HERBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERK WILLIA!!! J. CROSBY, I,IAYOR PRO TEIi{PORE AD'OURN}4ENT y'y'r^lr,^,t-tC-rr4-h