HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.05.19B Burllngame, Callfonnia May 19, 1962 CALL TO OFDER An ad Journed meeting of tho Burllngane Clty Councll, was held on the above glven dat€. Meetlng ca11ed toa.m., Mayon Lor:enz ln the Chair . flon May ord6n at 1962, :oo 7, 10 PLEDGE OF ALT,EGTANCE At word from the Chalr, all 1n the Councll Chamber anoso and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Pr€ s ent Ab s ent - Councllmen: - Councllnsn: Cro sby- Johns on-Lorenz -Mart 1n-lilorgan None I/1II\IUTES Tho mlnutes of the rleetlng of May 7, 1962, prevlously submLttedto CounclL were approved. and adopted, with the flgure quoted as being in excess of tho Pollce Statlon Bond fssue amended to recor:dthe sum of $20,381.01. 1. RODEI{T CONTNOL PROGRAM EXPA},IDED A comrnrnlcatlon f:rom the Clty Manager, dated. May L7, L962, advlsedthat the San Mateo County Ilealth Department, thnough lts Vector Control Speclallst, has nequestecl the Clty to extend lts rodont con-trol program to lnclude the ellmlnatlon and control of rodents orlg-lnatlng from natural. dralnage c?eoks. Bequested by tho Cha1n to further elabonate, th€ Clty Manager ad-vlsed that the proposedl program wl1l nalntaln a flrmor control onthe eradlcatlon of nodEnts by the lnstallatlon of balt statlonsalong the cneel< banks; $ZOO.Oo wllL be requlned for materlals, wlththe Ctty also furnlshlng the labori the total cost per y€ar may approxlmate $2rOOO.OO and the antlclpated expendlturo sha1l be 1n- cluded 1n the forthcomlng budget. There belng no obJectlon, the Clty Manage:: was author"lzed to procood as ::ecorrunended to expand the current nodont contr:o1 program. 2. REqI]IREX(ENTS REGIO}IAL UTATM POLI,UTIOI{ CO)IIROL BOARD A communlcatlon from tho Clty ldanager, dated May \7, 1962, refer- :red to a tentatlve nesolutlon proposod by the Reglonal Y{ater PoI-lutlon Contr.ol Board, San hanclsco Bay Region, for lntnoductlonat its meotlng ilay 17, 1962, rPrescnlblng Requirements as to th€ Nature of Waste Dlscharge by the Clty of Bunllngamo and Romeo Joly, From a RubbLsh Dunrp fnto San Fnancisco Bay, San Mateo CountXr andsottlng forth a number of r:equfu:ement stlpulatlons to p::event the nulsance of reter dlscharge and to protect th€ beneflcial- water uses of San Francisco Bay, together with a monltorlng program and achedule of sanpllng and analysJ.s. The Clty Menager advlsod that ln a coruaunLcatlon addnessecl to tho Regional Water Pollutlon Control Boar.d, unden date of May 15, 1962,hls Offlce has requosted. an €xtenslon of tlme whoreby the Clty nay analyze the speclfled requlremonts and may cornplle data to appnoprl-ately advlse the Control Boand of the futuro plens of the Clty to Lmprove the aroa 1n question. In reply to Councll lnquirles, the Clty I'ilanager f u:rther advlsedthat thls panticular nove of the Pollutlon Control Board ls notivated CO;'{i{IJJiICATIONS {. by the Hoalth Departmentrs lntentLon to ostabl-1sh itRefuso DlsposalDlstrlctsn ln the vanlous sectlons of the County ln an apparont canpaign to ellminate all waste condltlons in the taters of tho Bay. Sone dlscussi.on arose theneafter on tha ad.equacy of th6 curnontly proposed berm lnstallatlon ln rolatlon to lts renderlng the water- land propertles of the Clty lnpervlous from fo:re1gn matter. The City Managen advlsed that the effectiveness of tho berm sha1l dopend largely upon whethor the engLneers w111 be abJ.o to detonml4ea method to nkeep the sulflde condltlon contalned, r and rocommendedthat the requ!.roments of the Waten Pollutlon Control Boand be analysed and additlonal lnforraation be obtalneal fon neport at thenext Councll neetlng. CorlncLlnan Mor"gan suggested that the record lndLcate ttrat somo dls- pute resulted on the questlon of whother the pr"oposod berrn lnstall-etion would be a rwaste of moneyrt 1n vlew of the requlroments sot fo:rth by the Water Pollution Contnol Board; that the Councll endorsodthe pnoposal as recomnended by the Clty Manager and the City Englneer and that the quostlon of nnaking lt lmpervlous was not brought upat th€ tLme. rr Couu clIman Morgan observed thiEt othor'ctt16s;Clty of Burllngame, are experlencLng ldentLcal rospeet to thelr waterl-and properties. 1lt additlon to thesltuations wlth The Clty Managor wes roquosted to thoroughly lnvestlgato the lssuo. 3. ACrroI ]lrrEtrEr,D iE: ll?olo€Irrol{ trLvErqB4Nc lal{p rcEUE A com nnlcatlon from th€ Clty l[anagor, dated May 16, 1962, on thesubject of Councll endor:sement of Pnoposltlon No. 2, rrCallfornLa Vetorants Bond' Ballot lssue, roferred to hls offlce at the lastregular meotlng, advlsed that some citles have endorsed the propo- sltions ls a matter of pollcy. Following a br.lef, discusslon, Councllman llorgan movecl that the sub- Ject be hetd for study, pendlng Councll determinatlon nelatLve topo1lcy ln such lnstances. The motlon was seconded by Councllnan Cnosby and unanlmously canrled. 4. TTTLE CHANGE DEPUTY POTICE CHIEFi TO TCAPTAIN'I Councllman Crosby moved that Cotrncil concur and that the Clty Attornoy b6 lnstructed to propane appropriate loglslatlon, seconded by Counc lLnan MantLn and u.nanl.mously caruled. 5. INSTALLAT]ON BACKSTOP AT FRAMLIN SCHOOL A conrnrnLcatl on fron the Clty Managen, dated May L1 , J-962, advLsedthat the Suporlntendent of Rocrsatlon has requested authorLty to expend tho sum of $2r4oo.oo (budgeted ln the proposed Rocroatlon Departmont budget) fo? the lnstallatlon of a baseball backstop at FrankJ-ln School Ln orde:r to obtain proper soasonal uso fron the baseball f 1elil. Councl]-rnan Morgan moved that Councll concur ln the request. A coamnnlcation from tho City Maneger, dated May l7, 1962t advlsodthat the Clvll Servlce CommLssion, 1n concurrence wlth the State Porsonnel Board, has recommended that the title of posltlon ln the Po1lce Department be changed from lDeputy Pollce Chlefn to trCaptaLn.tr The Clty ldanager advlsed that the tltl6 and Job description ls ln confor.mlty wlth the curr:ent practice ln other oltles and the salary nange ldentLcal rlth that ostabllshed for the posltlon of rEeputy Chlof. r Councllman Johnsonrs lnqulry concornlng the legalltyclty funds to lmprove a publtc school fecllity was re the Clty Attorney, who lndlcated no obJectlon, provld ofprl ed expend lng ed to by the faclllty 5 ls used as a necreatlon Departnent functlon. I[ayor Lorenz, 1n reply to the Clty Attorneyts Lnquiry concernlng the concunrence by tbe School Board 1n the proposed Lmprovemont, ad-vlsed that the School Boa:rd Ls in agreemont. The motlon lntroduced by Cor:ncllman Morgan was thereaften seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanimously car"rled. 6. MEMOS RE: DU}iIP PAYIdENT DELINqUENCY: POLICE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: CLASSIF]CATION APPEALS Memos from the Clty lllanagor, dated May L7, 1962, subnltted forCouncll lnfonmatlon on tho followlng subJects: (a) ClasslflcatLon ancl Compensatlon Appeal; (b) Clty Dump Operator: payment dellnquency and (c) the shut-dorn of Pollce Bulldlng oonstructlon, woro aclcrow- ledged, brlefly dlscussed and pJ.aced on f1Ie. RECESS At the request of Corurcilman Mertln, a r:ecess was declarod by the ChaLn at 1O:4O a.m. for the purpose of clarlfylng soveral polnts on the lt€m n6xt appeanlng on the Councll agenda. CAI,L TO ORDER The neetlng was ro-calLed to order at 10!55 a.m. by the Chalr. RESOLUTIONS BURLINGAME AVENI'E AREA OFFSTREEf, PANKING DISTRICT A forraal flllng of petitlons to formulato an Offstreet PanklngDlstr:lct ln the Burllngame Avenue Anea by Er:nest A. W11son, 1egaI counsolor, lnltiated Councll actlon to conslder the approval ofIegal proceedlngs under rhlch the dlstnlct shall be f orrned. Upon verlflcatLon by l{r. Wllson that h1s Offlce and the Offstreet Parklng Dlstrlct rs Englneerlng Offlce has ascertalned thet more than slxty porcent of the ownerp s of pnopentles subject to assessnent have slgned tho petltlons, th€ folJ.owlng Rosolutlons were subnlttedfor Councll at tontlon: RESoLUTION XO. 25-62 trA Resolutlon Detenmlnln g to Undertako Pro- ae eAfugs "urpsuanilto Speclal- Assessment and Assosment Bond Actsfor the Constnuctlon of Improvements Wlthout Proceedlngs UnderDivlslon 4 of the Streets and Hlghways Coder lyas read. and thereafter lntroduced for: passage on motlon of Councllman Martln, secondeal by Councllman Morgan ancl unanlmously adopted upon ro11 call mernbers. RESOLUTI0N N0. 26-62 'A Resotutlon A ppolntlng Engineer and Attonneys Bur-lngame Avenue Area Off-Street Parklng Destrlct tr was introduced by Councllman lilantln, who moved lts passage, seconded by Couurcilman Johnson and adopted unanlmously upon ro11 call of nlembers. RESOLUTION No. 27-62 nA Rosolutlon of Intentlon to Acqulre and Construct Improvements, Burllngame Avonue Anea Off-Street PanklngDlstnlctr ras read. and thereafter lntroduced fon passage on motlonof Councllnan Martln, seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanLoously adopted on ro11 calL voto of mombors, Mayor Lorenz abstalnLng. At the roquest of CouncLl-man Mar.tln, ljb. Wlfson oxplalnod ln detallthe pnoced.ure to be applled unden the i[unlclpal Aet of 1913, setfonth essentlally as follows: The (Resolutlon of Intentlonr 1s prellmlnary ln nature and pr.lor tofurther actlon by Corncll at thls tLmo, the Enginoors for the DLs-trlct are roqulred to prepare a report lndlcatlng the land to beacqulrod, the pnoposed Imp:rovements, the proposed assessments, etc. At the time of the fl1lng of the Englneenlng report, Council may B order (or epprove) such changos or modiflcatlons as msy be requlrod. Thlrty days following the fl1pubIlc hoarlng ls sclreduled b tho date of sAld scheduled heperty owners withln the Dlstr twlco ln local newspapers. lng of the Englneerlng report, a y Councll and. wlthln tyronty days fromarlng, notlcos are nalled to_-the pro- tct anal a nnotLce of heanlngn publlshed Pnopenty owners nay f ll-e wrltten protests agaLnst the proJect or any pbaso thereof, lncludlng acqulsitlons, lmprovements, the rtanner 1n whLch tbe property 1s to be apportloned, 6tc; such protosts consLdered at th€ tlno of the hearlng on the report of the Englneers. Change s and modlflcatlons may be ordened. The total cost of the pnoJect may lncrease or: decrease; Iots nay be enlarged., red.uced, or relocated; all changes to be conslderedat a separate hearlng, upon proper postlng and mal1lng of notlceE. Excluslve of these changes and modlflcatlons, when the bearlng 1s cornpleted, the roport of the EngLneers 1111 be declared concluded and the rworkn o:rden Lssued. I,tr. Wllson outlined the method and the tlme ponlod 1n rhlch assess- ments aro to be coilected. Upon conflrmatlon of the Englnoers I Report and ln additlon to the d.irectlng of an order to collect assessments, Councll can onder the acqulsitlon of property. Arrangomonts should be made to engage a rlght-of-way agent to negotlate for the pnoperty to b6 acqulred, falling In thls pnocedur€, emlnont donaln procoodlngs oay b6 lnstltuted; 1n assegsment dlstrlctsof thls nature, possesslon of property rnrst be acqulred elttrer by(1) title through negotlatlon on by (2) em€n€nt donaln proceedlngs. In concluslon, ItIr. Illlson advlsed that bonds w111 be Bold to bondlng houses on a (caII for bldsd basls. Mr. Goorgo ltlcQpeen. on behalf of the Off-Stneet Parklng Dlstrlct Commlttoe, expressod hls appneclatlon and gratltude to Cotrncll forefforts €xponded 1n behalf of the formatlon of the Off-Street Parklng DlstrLct. Pnoper acknowledgemont was accor:ded Councllman ltart ln who servedthe Clty Councll as lts llalson rae nber: on the Off-Street Parklng CommLttoe. Mr. Wllson notod for the record, that on a1l occaslons of hls attend- anco at the neetlngs of the Off -Str.eet Panklng Coramlttee, Councllman Martln had remlndod the nembers that whlle he was a proponent of the proposed plan, he was interested pnlmanlly, as Councll 1t.aison, 1n senving ttre best lnterests and pollcies of the Clty. llr. Wl1son, alludlng to an lnference on a prevlous occaslon, advlsed that he personally wag not a property ownor wlthln tho proposed dlstrlct. RESOLUTION }.IO 28-62 nAutirorl zl ng and Dlrectlng Executlon of FaII- out heI ten Common Areas lntroduced for passage on motLon of CounclLman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Cnosby and unanlmously car"rled. RESOLUTION N0. 29-62 'Ado ptlng Rules for tho Appolntment of Members of City Boards and Commlsslons n was read. and thoroaftor lntroducedfor passago on motlon of Councllman Mart!.n, seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanlmously adopted on roll call vote of members. OFD INANCES - Conslderatlon theroof: OHD INANCE NO. 755 rrAn OndLnance Amend lng the Ordlnance Code of theeIE of-Bur1EgarrE By Addtng Thereto a New Section Numbened l-22L-D Incneasing the Prlme Facl-e Speed LlmLt For veb.l-cu1an TnaffLc on lcsnse Permlttlng Use of Basement, Corrldors and. otherof the Burllngame Llbnary as a Fallout Slreltenrr was ?, Tnousdale Drlve Between EI Carnino Real and Sebastlan Drlv€ fi:om 25 L'll1os Per Hou:: to 35 Ivllles Per Hou:rrr was glven 1ts socond readlng and on motlon of Councllman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Johnson, saLd ordlnance passed lts second readlng and was adoptod by the followlng vote: AYES: Councllmen: Crosby-Johnson-Lorenz-Martln-Morgan NOES: Couecllmen: None ABSENT CouncLlmen: None OBDINA}iCE NO 756 rlAn Or"dlnance Amendlng Sectlon 1227 of the nanc e e of the Clty of Burllngame By Addlng Ther.eto Sub- Paragraph (c) Exenptlng Cer.taln Commerclal Vehlcles lYom the Pro-hlbltlon Agalnst Panklng Between the Eouns of 2:OO a.rn. and 6:00a.m. was glven lts second. readlng and on motlon of Councll Johnson, seconded by Councllman Cnosby, seld ordlnance passed 1ts second readlng and was aclopted by the follow!.ng vote: AYES: Councllmen: Crosby-Johnson-torenz-Martln-Morgan NoES: Councllnen: NONE ABSEIflf Councllmens None cop los of ORDINANCE NO. 757 unavaLlable the subJect matter was June 4, 1962.contlnued untll the next noguLar meetlng, ORDINANCES - Introductlon there of: ofiDINANCE N0. 758 'rAn Ordlnanco Addln g Artlclo 9A to Part IfI oftho Burli.ngane Ordlnance Code and Provldlng for the Transfen ofthe Assossnent and Tax Collectlon Dutles of the Clty Assossor andClty Tax Collecto:: to th€ Assessor3 and to th6 Tex Colloctor of tho County of San Mateo and Repealing A11 P:rovLslons of the Ord.lnanco Code in Confllct Therewlthr was lntroduced by Councllrnan Martln and glven 1ts flrst readlng. Councl,lman Mertln requ€stod that the Clty Manager submit a nepontto Councll at the tlme of tho second readl,ng of the ondlnance, to lncl-udo the followlng: (a) The cost to collect clty taxes under the current system;(b) The cost of enploying addltlonal personnel, on an overtlme and on a tompor:ary basls;(c) The approxlmate tlme erpondod on the detalls of the wonk byregular offlce personnel;(d) Ilhat other functLons wlII be performed by offlce personnel1f rel-leved of dutLes connectod wlth assossments and tax collectlons;(e) The cost to the Clty to +h€ -Cl!y to have the County perfonm the sar.vl ces . ivlayor Lorenz requost€d that the Clty Manager ascertaLn al-so the reasons whoreby tho Clty of Palo AIto r:eversed 1ts orlglnal actlon and revertod to lts ofln system of assessment and tax colloctlon and that flgu:'es be subnltted on the cost of purcheslng an account-lng mas61n. to adequatoly porform the service ln tho Clty HaI1officos. CoulcLlnan llorgan observod that hts opposltlon on a pLLor occaslon was based upon the lnad.equacy of answers glven to lnqulrios to Justlfy ttre proposed. tnansfor. 1. POTICE BUILDING PI,AQUE A dlscusslon arose on the placement of an apptroprLate plaque on thenewly constnucted Pollce Statlon butldlng. Members of the CounclJ. expressed their roluctance to tako actlon onan lssuo. that has been recelvlng unfavorablo publlclty. Councllman Mertln moved that the plaque placement on the new Po1lceStation bullding be omltted, seconded by Councllnnan lrtorgan. UNF'] i.iTSiIED BUS I },,]ESS I On the questlon, Councllnan Crosby questioned whethor th€ Councllray vote on a future occaslon to have a plaque placed on the Pollce Statlon and receLved an afflnmatLvo responso. The motion was thereafter recorded as follows: AYES: CouncLlmen: Cnosby-Johnson-MartLn-I,ilongan NOES: Council-men: Lonenz Councllman Mongan suggested thato namlng menbers of the Councl pollcy be cloarly deflned prlor o various Coulcll commLtte6 posts. Tho Mayor Bank Week. proclalmed tho week of May 28 to JrDe 2, A962, as nBlood n QuestLoned by the Chalr for a rul1ng concernlng the prerogative of the Mayor 1n lssulng proclanatlons, the Clty Attornoy stated that 1n h1s oplnlon, there wouLd be no objectlon, provlded lts lssuance dLd not ob11gat6 the City ln any manner. APPOINTIi{EMS TO COIv{1'{ITTEES taIt CounclLmen Johnson stated that tn her posltlon, lt should rremsLnwlthln the prerogatlve of the Chafu to appoint b.1s own Councll comml.ttees. Councllnan Morgan referred to an lncong?uous sltuetlon that oc-curred ln the pnocedlng y€ar and hls reasons ther.efor to fLrstestabllsh a pollcy. Councllman Mongan fu::ther expressed theoplnlon that thoro was llttle justlfLcatlon to appolnt Councll members to senve as con-rdtteo llalson members. Further dlscusslon was heId for a study meettng, scheduled at tho concLusLon of the neoting ln progness. BLOCKED TNGRESS.EGRESS (14oo Block Burllngame Avenuo ) The 0helr referred to a complalnt receLvod fi:om an oporator of a 1oca1 buslness ostabllshnent ln tho I4OO block on Burlingarr Avonue, concerning hls lnablllty to obtaln free ingress and, egross to theroar of his property. The Plannlng Consultant advlsod of hls }rrowledge of the sltuatlon and offered hls esslstanc€ to investlgate tho proporty in question. The Chalr suggestod. that the lssue be consldored by the trOff-Street Panklng Com.nltteet wlth the posslblllty that the pnoporty be ob-rained by the City as a parking fac1lJ-ty. BALLOT ISSUE: EXPANSIO}I HALL OF JUSTICE-RECONDS POLTCE ON PRE.SERVICE COLLEGE TRAIN]I'IG A comrurnlcatlon from the County Managen, dated May 17, L962,soliclting Councll asslstance ln support of a proposed S2,9OOTOOO.OO Bond. lssuo to be placed on the ballot for the June Prlmary, for tho . expansl,on of the HaLl- of Justlco and Records, was acknowlodged andheld for study. A Bulletln from the State of dated Aprll 26, 1962, on the Callfornla Department of JustLce, subJect of 'Po1lcy on Pre-SenvLce COMPI,AIM RE: TNUCK PARKING CITY EALL LANE The Chalr referr:€d to his recelpt of a commnLcatlon from Lloyd A. Wo11mer, Bu:r11,nga me Avenue menchant, protestlng the 'tagglng' ofhis servlce truck nequlred to be parked on Clty EaII Lane at therear of h1s store, by the Pollce Department. Following a brlefdlscusslon, the subJect was reforred to tho Clty Manager. PROCLAMATION g A communlcatlon was aclalowledged from a lb. F. B. Bronn, and slgned as a 'rTaxpayen of Bu:r'llngame' neferrlng to the r6c6nt publlcity on the erection of a plaque on the new Pollce Statlon and suggestlng tLrat the plaque be omitted from the bul1ding. Coltege Tral-nlngr adopted by the Coramlsslon on Peace Offlcer Stand- ards and Tralnlng, Sacramento 14, Callfornla, vras referred to tho City l',lanager. NET]'/SPAPER REFERENCE RE: POI.ICE STATION PLAQUE CIV]I DEFENSE IN CTTY OF BURI.,INGA}{E Mayor Lorenz advlsed tllat the proper adnLnlstratlon of Clvtl Defense as requJ-rod by 1aw and observed by the County of San },Iateo and cLties within the County, llsts the Mayor and the City Manager: as Dlnector and Assj.stant Director respectively. ft was the recommendatLon of the Chalr that the Clv1l DefenseOfflce as cunrently set up bo revised by appolntlng John K. SJrlght, Deputy Dlrecton, to sueceed Captaln George C. Currler. The Chalr advlsed that a resignatlcn, as requested by his offico, has boen received from Captain Curr ier. Some discusslon arose on the revlslon ln theCivl1 Defense as revised by Congress and theto the removal of Captain Cu:rrier. i],lne of commandrt of objoction of Council The Ctty Attorney was requested to relriow the subjoct ln itsentlroty for comp16t6 report to CounsLl. PRO|OSED PARKTNG }IETER CIiANGE ON CiIAPII{ AVENUE Councllman Mongan suggested that conslderation be given to placlng fLve hour parklng meters on Chapln Avenue. The subJect was rofor- red. to the Hoalth, Safety & Trafflc Commlsslon. ]IEili TYPE CONTAINER FROPOSED FOR BiIRLINGAI,{E AVEMIE Councll-man i{organ suggosted and the City Manager was roquestedthereafter to obtaln prlces, pictunes and related data on a newtype of a trash contal-nen, similar to that in use ln the City of Palo AIto for posslble us6 on Burllngame Avenue in the future. SUGGESTTON RE! PAYROLL TBANSFER Councllman Mo?gan necommended that the City Dlanager investigatothe senvice provlded by the Bank of Amerlca and, the cost the!:eforin transfenrlng the bl-weekly payroll of the cltlr to that ag6ncy. Councllman Martln suggosted. that the service also pr.ovld.ed. by IBM be lnvestlgated. CLAIIdS Claims, Month of May, 1962, Nos. 7505-7703 1n the total- aruount of $98r252,2?, duly audlted, w€re approved for payment on motion of Councllman Johnson, soconded by Councllman Martln and unanlmouslycarried. PAYROLL Payroll Warnants , I:,lont h of Aprll, 1962, Nos . 7093-7560 , in thetotal sum of $951923.35, were appnoved on rnotion of CowrcllmanJolrrson, secondod by Councllman Crosby and r:lanlmously carrled.. ADJOIIRNMENT Cor:ncl1man Morgan rnoved that' Louls Colaglovannl , Managor, the meeting be ad Journed. Ln honor of Burllngame Avenue BrancLr, Bank of 10 Amenlca, who recently completed hls 39th year with the onganizetLon. The motlon was second.ed by Cotmellman Johnson and unanlmouslycarrled. Tlme of edJournfi€nt: I:OO p.n. Respectfully submLtted, IIERBERT K. IIHITEClty Clork APPROVED: 9Fs PH H. LORENZ I{AYOR Burlingame, california uay 21. 1962 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council failed to materialize on the above given date by reason of a lack of a quorum of trernbers present. Respectfully aubnitted, T WHTTE City Clerk