HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.03.2721u Burllngame, Californla Iterdn 27, 1963 A negutarly adJou:rned meetlng fnom the regular meetlng of Harch 18, 1963, was held on the above glven date. Meetlng called to or:der by Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson at 8:J.0 p.m. PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ONDER At word l\.om the ChaLr,the Pledge of Alleglance ROf,,I, CALL Present - Councllmen:Absent - Councllmen: n the Councll Chanber arose and gave he FIag. all Ito t C no sby-Johnson-Mart ln-Morgan Lorenz ' }trLI,S ESTATE NO. 19 TENTATIVE ]4AP The Chalr announced that the contlnuatLon of the Public Hearing onthe I,1111s Estate No. 19 Tentatlve Map (Elchler Homes, Inc. ) would be temporartly held ln abayance and actlon taken pnlor on mlsce1- laneous Ltems. I. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION UNITED NAIIONS 2. BUS TRANSPORTATION CO}O,/trTTEE REQUEST A recommendatlon from the Chalr that th6 City of Burllngame gndorge the formatLon of a North San Mateo County Chapter of tha Unlted Natl.ons and that a fee for merrborship ln the amount of $5.OO be app roved, was concurued 1n by Councll. The Chalr announced that the recently appolnted coramittee toinvestlgate and report on the need for a tr.ansportatlon system wlthlnthe boundarles of the Cltles of Burllngame, SarI Mateo and Belmont, has r.equested an allotment of $50.00 f:rom the Clty of Bur'1lngame, as lts shane ln the lnvestlgation costs. The::e wer:e no obJectlons from Cor:nc11 and a warrant ln the amount of $50.00 was authorlzed forwarded to the Comnlttee. f'he Chalr announced that a Playors I Councll Meetlng was scheduletlfor Frlday, l4arch 29, 1963. Councllman Morgan advlsed that he would attend the sesslon. 3.SN.IATOR COLLIER SB 3lrh (GAS TAX INCREASE) A communl.catl,on fnom the County of San Mateo Board of Suporv1sors, dated March J-5, L963, urglng the endonsoment of S6nat6 8111 341+,provldlng the equlvalent of one cent 1n the gasollne tax to asslstln the correction of crltlcal county road and clty street def!.cLenc!.es, was held for consideratl-on at the regular meetlng, Aprj.I 1, 1963. The Clty Clerk was requested to prepare coples of the c omnunlc atlon and accompanyLng r.esolution of endorsement for transmlsslon to the membens of the Clty Councl1. h.COM.ESSION REAPPOINTI,{FJ{TS hMHHEI,D The reappolntment of membens to the PLanning Commlsslon was held for action on a future date. ,. MAYORS COIINC]L J.,IEETING 6. GREATER HIGI{WAYS COI,II,IITTEE Mayor Pro Tempore Johns on acknowledged receipt of rrLnutes of the neetlng of the Greater Highways Committee of San }ilatoo County, fhursday, January 3lt 1963, and noted that the next meotlng had been scLeduled by tne chalrrnan for Thurs day, Itlarch 28, 1963, Suporvlsorsr Chambers, Ha1l of JustLce and Rocords, Redwood Clty. The Ctty Englneor LndLcated that he would be present on that occaslon. 219 Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson acknowledged recelpt of a Iutonthly BulletlnrrThe Barometer[ publlshed by the Beiter Buslness Bureau of- San MateoCounty and a publlcatlon, entltled rrOpinlonr' a Channel Z EdltorLalrtINo Need fon Haste[ presonted by David 1,1. Sacks, Genoral Manager, KGO-TV on the subJect of a proposed [monorail system between SanFranclsco and Palo AIto.rr The corrospondence was placed on f1le. B. oFF-srREET pARrrNG DrsrRrcr cor,f.plArNT 7. CORRESPONDENCE AC}NOWLEDGED The Chalr declared a r6c6ss at B:20 p.m., to perrnlt 1ega1to confer: on proposeil nevlslons with respect to the !1111s Tentatlve Map Agneement. A communlcation from D. R. Porte:r, llll College Park, DavLs, Callforr:la, own6r of property wlthln the Burllngame Area Off-Stneet ParklngDlstrl,ct, protestlng the assessment levled agalnst hls property lnthat the contemplatgd par.king factllty would be of llttle value tohls tenants, was acknowledged and placed on fLIe. 9. COMPLETION RE]I,IODELING OLD POI,ICE STATION The City Attonney was requested to prepare an appropriate resolutlon acceptlng the completl-on of a contract for the rernodellng of the Old Po1lce Station for Councll lntroduction and passage at the next r:egulan mee tlng. 10. HOOVER AVENUE COI.,IPLAINT Counellman lulartln comnended the efforts of both the Clty Enginoer and th6 Clty Manager and theln efflciency in elimlnatlng constructlon nulsances 1n the ar:ea of the ltlercy High School on Hoover Avenue. RECESS couns e l1ors Estate No. 9 CALL TO ORDER The meetlng was ca1led to orde:r at 8:50 p.m. MILLS ESTATE NO. 19 TSNTATIVE !{AP (APPXOVAL) Mayor P::o Tempore Johnson announc ed. ttat the public hearlng on the pnoposed Tontatlve l"lap of l,Il11s Estate No. 19 would c rntlnue and nequested that persons alesiring to speak conflne thelr comnents soIe1y to the presentatlon of ner.r evldonce. The Clty Attorney, Ln a preparatory statemort, advlsed that on the occaslon of ths last adJournment, r€presentatLves of Elchlen Homes,Inc., and the i,Il11s Estat6 llome Orrners Associatl,ons concunred. wltha suggestlon that a pre-scheduled conference be hold to resolve controversles sumoundlng the approval of the mep; the conference he1tt, a document contalnlng sp6clfic condltlons was submltted by PIr. Robert Corne11, 1ega1 counsellor for the I{111s Estate Home Or^rnens Assoclatlon of Burllnga.ne, to the Office of the Clty Attorney; sald contents were revlewed and vll th some edlficatlon on hls part, the condltlons stlpulatod: ?rThe followlng condltlons shelI apoly to the lots designated on sald. map as follows: Block Block Bl ock Block Block Block l+8 - l+5 - l+5 - l+1 -40-39- Lots Lots 1t 1, 3l+ r-3 36, 55 hrough 8 lnclusive, 39 and 38,through- 39 inclusl,ve and I, and IE through 22 lncluslve, 18 and l1 through l! lnclrrslve, through 52 Lnclusivo and Lots 39 antl [0. to Lo Lo ts ts ts A. The houses to be bullt theroon shall be eonstmcted ln close Eonf or.mity to the exlstlng archltecture l-n the prevlously bul1t areaof the lvfi.I1s Estate, ln order to create a transitional zone between the conventlonal styled homes of the it1ills Estate and th€ contemporary styled homes lntended to be bul1t by the Subdlvlder; :22ro B. Homes to be constructed on sald lots shall be of ccmparable p-r'ic e and value to those of the adJacent l,I1l1s Estate hous6s; C. The external archltectural style to be omployed ln the Eonstructl,on of sald houses shal1 effect a compromlse betreen the exlstlng Elchler designed homes ln the bay area. The photographs and rendering flIed thls day wlth the Clty Clenk wl-I1 be generall-y the style of duelllngs to be erected upon sald lots; g. No buildlng permlt for the constnrctlon of any dweI1lng upon any of sald lots shal1 be Lssued unless and untll the plans for said dwelllngs shaI1 flrst have been approved by the City Councllof the Clty of Burllngame as boing ln conforml,ty wlth the fore- going condltions; g. The Clty Council shall act upon the appllcation for each such.bulldlng permlt at j"ts next regular meetlng eubsequent to the tenth day after the flllng thereof. F. These condltlons do not nor d.o they lntend to alter on amend anyp-ertlnent provislons of the Unlform Bullding Cod€ of 1958 as adoptedor amended by the City Councll or of the lvlunlcLpal Bulldlng Code. Mr'. Cornell obJected to the lncluslon of Elchler Hom6 photographg posed condLtlons and In reply to Councllman Martln, advLsed that whlle an^rare of the photographs hls cllentsfavor of th€lr admlsslon as appropriate rrtransitional- pro 11in^r wlth the M::. Corne were not type home 2. Ci-ty to be granted access easement cover.j.ng entl:re piece corner of Trousdale snd Skyline to prevent unnumbered lot b6lng lmproved lf State &es not acqulne thls property; Mr. A. L. Shapro, Vlce-Presldent Elchler Homes, Inc., advlsed thathe was ln accord rlth the stlpulatlons as outllned by the Clty A tto:rney. Councllman l,lartLn lntroduced addltlonal requlrements fo:r approvalof the TentatLve Map, as recoranended by the P1arurlng CommlssLon! 1. Dedlcatlon of an area of flve-plus acres for park or otherClty us e; 2. .tree tltle to the Clty to adJolnlng lot for fLre house site.Lot to be eompletely clear so that City may sel1, i,f deslred; 3. Lot aitJoinJ.ng Lot ll, Block 39, lSOt x 1O4r fon access to c anyon areai 4. Two parcels, approxlmately [0r x 500t andl 40t x 1r6!0t whlch comprlse tre6 area along Skyllne. Elve joint drlvewaysprovldlng accoss to ten homesLtes to be easoments deeded backto subdlvitler. These drlveways to be pav6d by subdlvld.er aspart of lmproverent work; 5. One-foot strip ad.j olnlng lots lylng along last block of Troupdale Dnive to p€vgnt accessr from ad.J olning property to deceleratlon lane leading from Skyllne and Junipeno Serra Fnaewayi 6. Ten-foot pedestr.lan way from MangarLta to Arguello; 7. Assumptlon agr€ em6nt covenlng: Water tanks and dlstrlbuting system. Flre Alanm System. C1e aning l,Ii f Is C:reek, etc. C ounc lIman l,lartln recommended in addltlon, that 1. ?wo treo parcels on Skyllne be deeded ln fee tltle to the Clty! a b c at thi from ) l+ 5 2:2L Pedestrlan easament should be paved a:rtd stalrs and handrall pnovlded; A11 utllitles to be underground; Pe rml s slon and Hunt Dr approvedI to 1ve grade as shown on the nap at the corner of Tnousdaleto be secured from owner bofore any flnal map ls 6. Tnee plentl,ng to be as requLred by Park Conunlsslon of BurlLngame; 7. Mergarl.ta D::lve to be wldened and repaired wlth new cur:bs andgutters on ElchLer slde, wlth no sideualks r.equlred;fr8. Curb, gutters and widen portlon of Skyllne to 6lt str.eet pavomdrt; 9. Upper canyon area to be fllled on both sid.es to reduce gradlent and to be r'lp-rapped as required by good constructlon practlce; and 10. Pedostrlan walkway to be 1lghted. In neply to the Chal:rts lnqulrios, Mr. Shapro lndicated hls concurrence wlth the r:e c ommenda t lon s. Councilman Morgan acknowledged Councllrs recelpt of a com.nunlcatlon under date of March 27, from ltn. Donald M. Telxelra, 1601 Gnanada Dr:lve, subm5.ttlng hl-s recommendatlons wJ-th respect to the development of Ml11s Estat6 No. 19 and observed that Mr. TeLxelrars rocommendatlons have been of asslstance and shaI1 contlnue to be of asslstance at such tlme as lmprovements are corunenced. ln the area. Mr.. Ear.r:y K. Wolff, Jr., Presldont, Mll1s Estate Eome Owne::s I Assn., advlsed of hls attendance at the conference of r6pre s entat lves, at whlch tlme the photog::aphs and artlstrs rendl,tlon of a M1IIs Estate Elchler home were Lntnoduced and stated that ln hls opinlon, the record. should lndlcate that they were not approprlate rrtransl-tlonal homegrtto be constnrcted ln the proposed "buffentt zons. Mr. Shapro, ln reply to inqulries, advised that homes rdthln the rr transl ti onalrl area may be sold slngly or &s a group; however, the date of theln ava1labl11ty ls unknown at thls tlme; fut'ther, 1t w111 be lmposslble, from an engJ.neerl,ng standpoint, to develop th6 trans- itl,onal anea flrsti tantatlvs plans lnclude lmprovement ccnstructlon to c orrbnce flrst on Sebastlan Drlve, proceed.lng southe::ly. i"In. CorneIIts suggest!.on that several Ityplcal M111s Estate t:radltlonal homes rr photographs be lncluded wl th the Agreemont was obJecteat to by the City Atto::ney who questloned the status of the Councll ln establlshlng a standard If such photog:raphs were i,ncluded.. Councllman lUartLn stated that he had no objectlon if photographs. wer:eto be merely attached but expressed objectlon to the suggestlon ofl,lr. Jame s Hal1y, Attorney, thet photographs of both the Elchler Homes and traditlonal I{11}s Estate homos be ldentlfied by nunber ln the Ag re ement . FUrther dlscusslon on the lssue of photographs was concluded wlth a statement from Councllman Mantln, who advlseil that the plctur'6s were submttted by l4r. Shapro to lndlcate that all Elchler homes d.o nottrlook allkelt and lndicates wlthin the agreement that trthls 1s generally the type we w111 bulld.rt' Councllman MartLn funther observed that the proposed Agneement r:endens lt nandatony that plans for constructlon of homes withln tho trans- ltlonal area nalst come b6for6 the Clty CounclL for approval. Followlng an exchange of fellcltatlons, the Pub1lc HearLng was declaned concluded. Councllman MartLn thereafter. movod. that the Tentative Map be aponoved, subJect to the followlng condLtlons: all of which wer.e expressly and oraI1y appnoved and consented to by A. L. Shapro and Joseph Berger, representatlves of Ei.chlen Homes, Inc., subdivlders and to whLchcondltlons they and each of them expressly stated they had no obJectS.ons: .)c).) 1 4 f. Dedlcatlon to the City of Burllngame of acreage ln excesg of five acr6s for park use as destgnated on the map; 2. Conveyance to the Clty of fee tltle to Lot 1!, Block p, whichlot ls lntended for use as a fl-re house site; Conveyance to the City of fee title to an area approxlmately 15Or by lO[t 1r. alimenslons adjacent to Lot J!, Block 39, lntend€d es &ccess to a canyon ar6a presently owned by the Clty; Conveyence to the Clty of fee title to a parcel of Block 39,approxlmately [0t by !O0t Ln area and. of a further pancel of Block l+3, approxl,mately 40t by 1,650t Ln d.lmenslons lntend,ocl to be preserved as a tree a:rea and subject to lngrass and egress easoments for abuttlng lots as shown on the map; sald easementsto be paved by the subdlvlder arrd as part of the subdivlslon Lmprovement worki (Conveyance to the Clty of fee tltle to Lot l+2, BLock 43, urhLch block abuts a portlon of Tnousdale Drlve whLcb 1s planned as i deceler.atlon lane leaving fr.om Skyllne Boulevard and the pnoposed Junlpero Senra Freeway and which conveyance 1s r.equlred to prevent access to sald decoleratlon lane fnon the abutting lots; Z. Dedlcatlon to the Clty of a ten-foot pedestrlan-way from Margarltato the Junctlon of Arguello and Escalante; Subdivlder to pave saldpedestrian-way and install stairs, hendral1s and llghting; ExecutLon and dellvery to Clty by subdlvltler of assumptlon ag:eee- ment whereLn and whereby subdlvider assumes and undertakes toperfonm all the condltlons and covenants of that certain wr.ltten agreernent entltled rrMl11s Estete Water Servl-ce Agreementrr enter.edlnto by and between the Atlantlc Llfe fnsurance Company as owner and the l,tillwood Development Company as Subdlvld.6r, and the Cityof Burlingame on July 20, )-958 and. of the covenants and condl-tlonsoutllned in a letter deted January 30, 1963 fron the Clty Attorneyof the Clty of Burllngame to A. J. Dletsch, A ttorney-In-Fac t for Texo C ompany subsequently ln tltle to Atlantic Llfe fnsurance Company and predecessor in t1t1e to Home i,lutua1 Savlngs and Loan -4,ssoclation and Elchler Homes, Inc.; 8. No lnterest 1n the urueumbered pancel of land appe arlng on thenorthwest collner of Block [] at the lntersectLoh of Styllne Boulevard a.nd Trousdale Drlve shall be transfered to any person except the State of Callfonnla wlthout prlor app:roval end congentof the City of Bur.llngene; 2. A11 pubIlc ut11ltles to be lnsta116d undergnoundi 4. No final map or maps shall be approved by the City unless and.untLl the subdlvider has obtainod permlsslon from the oxner tolnstall slope easements on tho nonth slde of Trousdals Drlve and the westerly slde of Hunt Drlve northerly of Trousdale Drl-ve as shown on the map; 11. Tree plantlng as requlred by the Clty of Burlingame; 12. Margarlta Avenue as shown on saLd map to be lmproved ln accord- ance wlth Clty standards and lndLcatod as a pub11c street and curbs and gutters to be installed on the northerly stde; 6 12.Ins talI cu:.bs , gutters ar Boulevard between I'largari map and lmprovement to Ci Boulevard as a publLc str d.rainags alone the length of Skyline and Tr:ousdale Drlve as shown on the standards and dodicatlon of Skyllnet as CLty may dlrect; d taty oe Upper canyon area lylng gonerally opposlte lgts l! to 110 !.nc1uslve, Block 39 as shown on the map to be fl1ed on both sldes to reduce the gradlent and to be lmproved by rlp-napping or othor methods as good constructLon practlce may require; r!. r)c)2 15i. SuUatvl den sha11 lnstall llghtlng at the drlv eways leading to and. fnom Sky11n6 Boulevard as shown on the map, and. that the followlng c^ndltlons sha11on sald map as follows: apply to the lots des!.gnated Block Block Block Block Block Block - Lots - Lots - Lots- Lots - Lobs - Lots ll8 l+5 I+5 l+1 l+o 39 1 through 8 lnclusive1, 39 and 38 3l+ 13 36,5' through 39 lnclusive and 1 and 18 thnough 22 Lncluslve 18 and J1 through l! lnclusive through 52 lncluslve and Lots 39 and l+O D E A. The houses to be bu1lt thereon shaI1 be constructed ln close conformlty to the exlstlng archltecture ln the pnevlously bul1t anea of the 14111s Estate, ln order to create a transitional zone between th6 conventlonal styled homes of the i{111s Estate and the contemporary styled homes lntended to be bul1t by the SubdivLd6n; B. Eomes to be constructed on sald lots shaIl be of comparable prlce and value to those of the adJacent Ml1ls Estate houses; C. The external archltectural style to be employed ln the constructlonof sald houses shall effect a compromlse between the exLstlngElchler deslgned homes l-n the bay area. The photographs and ronderlng fl1ed this day ulth the City Clerkwl1l be generally the style of dwelllngs to be erected upon sald lots; No bulldlng permlt for the constnuctlon of any dwelllng upon any ofsalil lots sha1l be lssued unless and untll the plans for ssld dweLl-lngs sha11 flnst have been approved by the City Councll of the Cltyof Burlinlame as belng ln conforrnlty with the foregrlng condltlons; The Clty Councll sha11 act upon the applicatlon for each such bu!-1ding permlt at 1ts next negu lar meetlng subsequent to thetenth day aftor the filtng thereofi F. These ccndltlons do not non do they lntend to alter or amend anypertlnent p::ovls lons of the Unl-form Bulldlrg Code of t958 as adoptedor amended by the Clty Councll or of the Munlclpal Building Code. Tho rlotlon was seconded by Councilman Morgan and carrled by the follorlng Vot6: Ayes: Councll-men: Johnson-ltlartln-'l,lorganNoes: Councllmen: None Absent Corrncllmen: . Lorenz Councllman Cr.osby, absent on the occaslon of the pub1lc hearlng, was decl-a:red lnellglbIe to vote. &ElqLllTLqN I'fg-,_zp:g "Acceptlng Assumptlon by Home l,tutual Savlngs antl Loan Assoclatlon and by Eichler Homes, Inc., of l,Il1ls Estate'l{ater Servlce Agreementrt was Lntnotluced for passage on moti.on of Councllman Mongan, secondsd by Councllman Martln and unanlr,iously ccarrlod on RoI1 CaII of members present. ADJCURMMNT The meeting was thereafter regular.ly adJourned at 9:l+0 p.m. Re spec t fu 11y subnltted A PPROVED: YOR RBER? K. WHITE, City Clerk