HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.03.18274 CAIL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chalr, aI1the P1e fue of Alleglance to BURLTNGAME, CALIFORNIA March 18, 1963 A regulan meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on theabovg glven date. Meetlng ca11ed to ord6r at 8:10 p.m., - MayorPro Tempore Johns on ln the Chalr. and gavs ROLL CALL Pr6s6nt - Councllmen: Johns on-Mart ln-MorganAbsent - Councllmen: Crosby-Lorenz CouncLlman Crosby and I'layor Lorenz, absent because of lllness, wer.e excussd on motlon of Councilman l,Iorgan and. seconded by C ouncl }nanMartln. ln the Councll Chamb er arosethe F1ag. The mlnutes of March 4, L963, wore approved and adoptgd and the mlnutes of the adJourned meetlng of Ma::ch 9, 1963, were approved and Ldoptod wlth the sentence pertaini.ng to CouncLlman Martlnrs requestthat permlssion be obtalned from the own6r of prLvato property prlorto the submlsslon of rran flnal rnap be changed to read. rrpr'lor. to the submlssion of I anyl final maps.rl HEARING MILIS ESTATE NO. 19 (ErciILER HoMEs, rNc.) (cont.) The Chain decfansd the hearlng on I,I111s Estete No. 19 Tentatlve Map c ontlnue d. Mr. A. L. Shapro, Vlce-Presldent Elchler Homes, Inc., advlsed Councilof a rrproductiverr conference held wtth Mi1ls Estete Home Owne:rg t Assoclatlon repre s entatlves, the result of whL ch will be subrnltted tothe home ourners as a group on Thursday, March 21. A postponerent of the hoarlng was requestod by lnterestod partles. Councll concured and a continuation of the hearlng on the Tentatlve Map of Mll1s Estate No. 19 schedulod Wednesday, l{aich 27, 1963, at I p.rn. COMMUNICATI ONS 1. PROPOSED ACqUISITION LOT ON LAGUNA A\TENUE A report fnom the Clty l,lanager, dated Februar.y 28, 1963, on the statusof Lot No. 1 on Laguna Avonue, owne d. by Dr. Nells Neustrup and r6commended as a Broadwey Off-Street par.klng facl11ty, was acknowledged. Iilr. Joseph Ga11lgan, Attorney, representirg the ownen, nequested that Councl-I deslgnate the Clty Attorney and the Clty Manager to c onfer withhls Offlce on th6 subJect and to conslder the poss1bl1lty of exchanglng L,aguna Avenue pnoperty for Clty-onned p:roperty on Paloma Avenue. Thene belng no obJectlons, the Clty Attorney and the Clty Managen were so requested. The Clty Manager advlsed that a report sha1l be subraltted for Councll conslderatlon at the next regular meetlng, Aprll 1. 2. BAYSWATER AVENUE I4AJOR CITT STREET A c on:rm-rni cati on from the Clty Mariager, dated March l-5, ]-963 ' subnltted the Clty Engineent s pre1lmlnary cost 6stlmates to lmprove Bayslrater Avenue and a resolution recorarnended by the State Dlvlslon of Hlghways selectlng Bayswater Avenue as a ljlaJor Clty Street to flnance the proJect wlth Ges Tax monles . MI NUTES 275 RESoLUTIoN N0. 26-51 ttselectlng Ma Jor City Streets ln the Clty of BuFIfng aru-- was Jnt:roduced for passago on motlon of Councllman Martln, seconded by Councllman Morgan and unanlmously carnled upon Roll Ca1lof members present. 3.SURPLUS PROPERTY DISPOSITION A comnr:nlcatlon fnom the Clty l{anager, dated March 15, L963, advlsedthat a Koh1er Electric P1ant, former.Iy used for an 6merg6ncy electrlcplant at the o1d Pollce Statl,on and a 191+2 Wl11ys Jeep, ln poor conditlon, are consLdored surplus and urrneeded Clty equipment, and it was recornmended that the ltens be dlsposed of to the hl-ghest bldder. RqsqtIITltlN XQj 27-63 rrAuthorlzi ng and Dlrectlng Sale of Surplus PersonalFroperty- was lntrochrcsd by Councllman Morgan, who moved lts passage, second6d by Councllman Mar.tln and unanlmously adopted upon Rol1 Call of members present. b . AI,{ERICAN ASSOCTATION ITNITED NATIONS A memo from the Clty Manager, dat6d March 1!, 1963, aCvlsed Councllthat a conmunLcation necelved fnom l4r. A. S. W. Grundy requests that The Clty of Burling&me, ln additlon to other North San Mateo Countycitles, support a nesolutlon adopted by the Clty of San Brruno endorslngthe formatlon of a North San Mateo County Chapter of the Unlted Natlons. The Clty Manager was requested to obtaln additlonal lnformatLon on the subject. I REPORT ON DUI{P AREA DMICATED AS A PARtr A cornmunicatlon from the Clty Manager', dated March L5, )-963, advlsedthat a bluepri.nt is available to Councll to exa.mlne the area dedlcatedfor park purposes at the Clty Drmp. The c orununl cati on d.escrlbed the area dedicated for park usage and theClty Attorney explained a problem that nay arlse lf park revenue isapplled to construct the outer road and usetl by prlvate owners. Councllman l,lorgan stated that ln lnttlating the subJect at the lastregular meetlng, he was lnterested prlmarlly ln ascertainlng whethera sufflclent area had been dedlcated as a park. Followlng a brlef dlscusslon, Councll concumed with the recorunendatlonof the Clty. Manager that hls Offlce confer with representatlves of the Keyston pr.opertlos to determLne thel:: lnterest ln the property under dLscusslon, for report to Counc11. The subJect was also referred tothe Park and RecreatLon CommlssLons. 6. REPoRT oN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SURVEY PRoGRESS A memo from tho Clty Manager, dated March 1!, 1951, advised Councllthat Mr. John Jenks, SanLtary Sewer Consulting E:tgtneer, w111 have estlmates avallabIe soon on the cost of certaLn lmprovements requ5-redat the Sewage Plant and CouncLl may determi.ne an approprlate sowageutlltty rate schedule thereafter. The report was acknowl-edged. anilplaced on f1Ie. 7. DUMP OPERATOR ACCOUNTANT STATE}"IMIT A merao from the Clty Manager, dated l,larch 15, L96), together wlth a statement fnom the Accountant of Romeo Jo1y, lndlcatlng the latterrs r6venu6s and expondltures for the year, 1962, was acknowledged. TheClty Manager was requestecl to submit a clearer typewrltten copy of the statement submLtted by the Accountant. B. RECLASSTFICATI0}r pqR. Lor l B!oc{ lr, BIIR-IffOe=f mND cd!4PAtr A Resolutlon, No. 1-63, adopted by the Plannlng Corrtnlssion, February 2!, 1953, nec onruendlng the anpndment of Sectlon ).9O[ of the Burlingame ordlnance Code to recl-asslfy a portlon of Lot 1, Block 11, Burllng;ame Land Company, l'{ap No. 2, was acknowledged and the roc orn-,nendatL on concurued ln by Councll . 2].6 ORDINANCE N0. 781 rrAn Ordlnanc e Amendlng Section 1901+, Artlcle !0,?aFg-T ofEhe Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Burllngame, Dlvldlngthe Clty Into Dlstrlcts by Reclasslfylng a Portlon of Lot 1, Block L,r_, Burli-ngame Land Company Map No. 2 From a Second Conmercial (Service Business) (c-2) otstrlct to a Fourth ResldentiaL (Mu1tl-Fam11y) (n-l+)Dlstricttf was lntroduced for flrst read.lng by Councl).man l,Iartin. Aprll 1, 1963, was scheduled as the date to ccnduct a publlc heaning on the proposed reclasslfLcatlon. 9. SEA LEVEI, DEVELOP},IEN? OF PROPERTY A copy of a letter from the Tor^m Ha11 Assoclatlon of San Mateo County, addressod to the Board of Supervisors under date of February 26, a963, wes transmitted to Councl,l by the Asslstant Secnetary of the Torn HallAssoclatlon, necoramendlng that deflnlte standards of minim:rn elevatLonfor the constnuctlon or development of cortain areas below hlgh.tide,be establlshed by Iaw. The communlcatl on was receLved fon further. consldenatLon. SITE RECOM,IENDED10. COASTSIDE COILEGE A conrmlnlcetlon from the Half Moon Bay Chamber of Commerce, dated March /, 1953, solicltlng the support and endorsement of a proJectto hous6 a State CoJ.lege on the coastslde of San Mateo County, wesacknorledged and placed on fl1e. RESOLUTIONS Nong ORD]NANCES None I'I{FINISEED BIISI NESS A cornnunLcatlonreportlng on th CLty },Ianager re nonles owed the from the Clty l,Ianager, dated Februany 28, 7963,e ttcity Dump Operatlonsrt was acknowledged and th6 quosted to subnLt to Councl1, a cu:lrent repor4t onCtty by the Dump Operator, Mr. Roneo Jo1y. 2. REFERENCE TO SAFETY COMI\,trSSION ;4INUMS C ounc l1man )4organ referred to minutes from the Health, Safety andTrafflc Comrnlsslon c onc€rnl.ng the pnolonged schedullng of the palntlngof traffLc 11nes at c6rtaln street lnte::sections. Councll was edvlsedthat the lntersectlons referned to have been schedrrled to be re-palnted. 3 PARifiNG LOT ON CAB]'{ELITA AVE}.IUE Counc llman Martln expreseed his concern with the hazardous locatlon ofa pedestrian crosswalk at the Broadway Depot panklng lot at the footof Carmellta Avenue. The Clty Englneer advlsed that hls Office would lnves ti ga te l+.TELEVISION FIRST AID SER]ES Mayor Pro Tempone Johnson reforned to a notatlon in the Health, Safety and Trafflc Conmisslon mlnutes wl th respect to a Flrst Ald Cou:'se nepeatod recsntly on Telovlslon Statlon KQ@ and concurred. wlth the Comml-s slon 3,n favorlng pubIlc proguams of thLs nature. ACKNOTTLEDGI.IEMS The ChaLr acknowledged recelpt of mlnutes from the Health, Safety end Trafflc Cornnrlsslon, the Youth Advlsory Corrnlsslon of the North County Councll of Cltles end the Monthly Report of the Department of Publlc Works, F ebruary, 1Q51. NEW BUS]NESS 1.C OI]NCI L:,IAN I4ARTIN RE : COMP NTS REC VED 1. fiTY DIN.TP OPERATIONS 2L7 Councllman Martln arunounced recelpt of complalnts due to construction work i.n progress at l{ercy Elgh School: (L) parklng problems due to workrnen parklng on the east side of Hoover Avenue; (2) tree danage on both Columbus Avenue and on llooven Avenue; and (3) paper debrls and tresh on Hoover Avenue. Councl,lman plat tl,n also referyed to a complalnt recelved on the presence of stagnant water at 1!lfp Hoover Av6nu6. The City Englnoer advlsed that the pnoblem ls orro of malntenanceparticular.ly d.urlng the ralny season and the condLtlon corrected whenthe street crown Ls ralsed. fn reply to Counc 1lman Morganrs lnqulry concennlng the dralnage problem brought to the attentlon of Councll by l,Ir. Dan Minto wlth respect tohls property, the Clty Englneer advlsed tha t work ls currently under way to ellmLnate the floodlng condltlon. lilr. James Minto, Ln attendance, conmended the efforts expended by theCity Englneer ln bshalf of the subJect proper.ty. VISITORS WELCOMM The prosence of students from San Bnrno was acknowledged ari d. a welcome extendeil by the Chalr. The Chalr also acknor+l edged the attondance of a number of Clty C ornrnl s s l one rs . J. ALTA'{TJS TRIBUTE Planning Contnissloner F::ank Clstulll ca1Ied the attentlon of the Councll t6 the he::olsm of I{calthr Safety and T::affic CommLssioner,J. Allanms, 1n savlng the 1lfe of an eldenly woman on the occasLon ofa necent accLdent. llayor Pro Tempore Johnson, on behalf of the members of the Councll, c ormended M::. Allamus. CLAI}4S Warrants, Month March, \963, Nos. 9302-91.166, d':1y audtted, ln the amount ot $85,55b.97r wer.e approved on motlon of Counc l lman lrIartLn, seconded by Councllman Morgan and unanlmously carrled. Payroll warrantsr Month of February, 1!6J, Nos. 923-L283, in the total amount of $103r3U3.63, uer.o approved on motlon of Councl lman i,lartin, seconded by Councllman l,longan and unanlrnously carrLed. PAYROLL BUILDING CODE - PLU?'IBING CODE Cotrncllman MartLn requested that he be f\rrnlshed wlth a copy of thecurrent buJ.lding code. Councllman Uertln further requested that the CLty I,Ianag er obtaln a copy of the San Mateo County Plunblng Code and that the Clty Attorney pr:epare an appropnlate Clty Ordlnanco for lntroductlon at the next regular: neetlng. RECODTFI CATl ON In repl rec odlf next th yt lca1rt o Councllman l,lor:gan, the Cltytlon of the Cityrs ordlnancesy days. I,lanager advl s ed tha t theshould be completed wlthln the I. BEARINT PROPERTT In reply to Counc Llman Mantinrs LnquLny concernlng the statr-rg of theI. Bearlnt property on Bayshore Hlghway, the Clty .Attroney advlsedthat he sha11 make a current investLgatlon. ADJOURNMBIT Thane belng no fur.ther buslness,at 9:a5 p.m., to meet Wodnesday, the meetlng was regular.ly adJourned Marcb 27, L963. Respqctfull submltted I{ERBERT K. MAYOR PRO TET.IPORE APPROVED: v ITE, C1 y Cle rk@/*/,b%,2"""