HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.12.20324 Burlingame, california December 20, 1965 CAJ,L TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was above given date. tleeting called to order at 8:lO p. crosby in the Chair. held on the m. , - Irlayor PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chair, all in the counciL Chanbers arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present - Absent Councilmen Crosby-Diederichsen-George-irohnson-Martin. Councilmen: None. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of Decedber 6, 1965, submitted to council previously, were amended to read "that commendation for their faithful service to our Country is hereby expressed with deep gratitude to our Armed Forces" (Resolution Re: "Vietnam Policy") and thereafter approved and adopted. ltayor Crosby extended a welcome to Scouts Itlark and Mike Reh and Bart Price, of Troop #1O, accompanied by Troop Leader l1r. Bart Price, in attendance to observe Council proceedings in connection with their scouting program. BIDS BURLINGAME AVENUE STREET I,IGHTING PROJECT BONDS Pursuant to "Notice of Sale" dated Decernlcer 6, 1965, bids received on approximately $10,647.79 "Cj.ty of Burlingame Improvement Bonds, Series 50, Burlingane Avenue Street Lighting Project" were publicly opened and declared as follows: BIDDER INTEREST RATE S s. c. PohlmEul company San Francisco, California .T B. Eanauer & ComParny Beverly Ei1ls, California Tannen, Winslow & Co., Inc. Beverly Hil1s, CaLifornia Stone & Youngberg san Francisco, California L967-L970 L97L-L974 1975-1981 Premium: 5% per .urnura 4-3/4% 'r rr 4-L/2% rnc. None L967 -197 3 L974-L976 L977-L9AL Premium: s-L/2% s-L/4% s% 4.70% inc. None 1967-1981 inc. Premium: $8.32 Est. Int. Cost: Av.Net Int. Cost: $s,0oo.oo " 4.692L92% " 7 /2/67 -7 /2/7 4 j-nc.5-L,/2% 7/2/7s-7/2/8L " s% Prernium: $6. OO The foregoing bids were referred to Itlr. Fred Barnes, representing the Iaw f irm of wilson, Jones , Itlorton & Lynch, f or cmputation, analysis and report to council prior to the termination of the meeting. ROLL CAIL BOY SCOUTS WEICOMED 325 RESOLUTION NO. 126-65 "A RESOLUTION DETERUINING ITNPAID ASSESSIT{ENTS AND PROVIDING FOR IS SUA}ICE OF BONDS BI'RLIIVGAI.{E AVEI{I'E STREET I,IGIITING PROTECT" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman !{artin, seconded by CounciJ.man Johnson and unanimously adopted upon roll call . COMMI'NICATIONS 1. STREET LIGIITING I!4PROVE!{ENT ACCEPTED. A eomrnunication from the City lrlanager dated Dece ber 16, 1965, recom- mending the acceptance of the street lighting improvement on Burlingane Avenue, satisfactorily completed in compliance with plans and specifi- cations by Ecco-Phoenix Electric Corporation, was concurred in by Council . RESOLUTION NO. 127-65 "A FJSSOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPI.,ETIOII AND DIRE TING ENGII{IEER TO FILE NOTICE OF ACCEP?A}ICE OT' @UPLETION BURTINGAI.IE AVENUE STREET TIGBTING PROJEqI " was introduced for passage by councilman llartin, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon ro11 call . 2. NOUINEES FOR CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. A corununication from the city Manager dated Decedber 16, 1965, regarding nominees to fill vacancies on the Civil service Commission was held by council for an executive session to follow adjournment of the present meeting. 3. FEDERAL SIGN AND SIGNAL CO RPORATION PRICE QUOTATTONS ACCEPTED. A letter dated Deceniber 16, 1965. from the city t{anager submitted quota- tions from the Federal Sign and Sigmal Corporation for illuminated signs instaLled at various prominent locatj.ons throughout the city, as pre- viously specified by Council, and recommended acceptance at a total cost of $6.038.00, including installation. In reply to llayor Crosby, the City Manager explained that the sign company is considered better prepared than the city to undertake the installation of the signs, thereby warranting the expenditure of letting the entire project to the contractor to assure that the work will be completed promptLy and efficiently. In reply to further inquiry from lrlayor cro sby concerning the installation at El Camino Real and Peninsula Avenue, the City Uanager stated that the existing signs will be removed and replaced with one sign to include the "Welcome to Burlingame, " a pyJ.on to serve as display area for service club ernblems and a direction sign to "Auto Rolr, " conforming with the rendering presented to Council at a previous meeting. In reply to Councilman Diederichsen, the city Brgineer confirmed that plans and specifications wilt be examined by the Building Inspector prior to erection. Councilman ,Johnson referred to the proposed installation for Broadvray and California Drive, stating that the simple wording Burlingame Auto Rovr is not specific enough, particularly to Persons not farniliar with the city, and suggested directional arrdrs pointing north and south and lettering indicating distance. Ur. James Curtis, representing Federal Sigm and signal Corporation, explained that tlre sign at Broadway will indicate automobiLe row but hras not intended to be a trro-faced sign; toward the freeway, the sign face will be clear with no readability to west-bound traffic on Broadway. h reply to councilman George, Mr. curtis advised that the automobile agenci.es have been infonned of the proposed instaLlations and indicated "they wouJ.d be happy to see anything saying 'Auto Row, the one dealer north of Broadway did not apPear "too interested. " 326 !1r. curtis requested that Council approve sites only at this tirne; designs and wording will be prepared and sr:bmitted for Council approval at a future meeting. In reply to an inquiry from Councilman Diederichsen erhether there will be conflict at EI Canino Real and Peninsula Avenue because of the service station remodeling at that location, the City Planner reported that preliminary investigation indicates there is sidewalk space where the sign could be placed. M!. Curtis stated that he was informed by !tr. Eoward Pape of the Tidewater oil company San Francisco office that they intend to request a variance in connection with their sign; also, the oil company "will waive the boundary line. " Following further discussion, the City Manager, in reply to Uayor Crosby, recommended that Counci.l approve the bid as presented with the modification that the installation at Broadway and california Drive shall be reworded to clarify the location of the automobile agencies. On a motion introduced by Councilman Martin, Diederichsen and unani.rnously carried on ro11 in the City Manager's recommendation. seconded by councilman call Council concurred Councilman !,tartin comnented that in the best interests of the City "we should try to keep the ones (automobile agencies) we have. " STREET LIGHTING BOND SALE. Ur. Barnes advised that a review of the proposals for the sale of Bonds for the Burlingame Avenue Street Lighting Project di.scloses S. C. Pohlman Company, 550 California Street, San Francisco, the lowest responsibJ-e bidder, submitting an average net interest rate of 4.558%. RESOLU]TION NO. 128-65 "A RESOLUTION AWARDING SAIE OF BONDS BURLINGAIVIE AVENITE STREET LTGIITING PROT'ECT " (S. C. PohLman Company, $\0,647.79) was introduced for passage by Councilman Martin, seconded by Council- man Diederichsen and carried unanimously on ro11 call. O RDINANCES None. IJNFINISHED BUSINESS CITY }4ANAGER MEMOS TO COTJNCIL: Proposed Code Additions to Parking Lot Regulations, recommended by the Parking Commission and submitted to Council by the city Manager, were held for Council's study meeting, January 5, 1966. 2. State Land Abutting Freeway. lfhe City Manager wis authorized to confer with l{r. Frank Rochex, Jr., ReaI Estate Appraiser, concerning a second appraisal of the State-owned ten-acre parcel along the Freeway. 3. Acguisition BurLingame shore Irand c ompany Property. The city Manager reported that negotiations are proceeding between the City's lega1 representative and the attorney for Burlingame Shore Land Company; Council will be kept informed. Broadway off-street Parking Lot Acquisitions.The City llanager stated that CounciL vriLl be informed of ur. John Llmch's progress in negotiating for the tr^'o pareels for parking lots in the Broadway area. I 4. 327 REFERETiICE TO LIBRARY BOARD II'IINUAES. Councilman l{artin referred to a report in the December 15, 1965, minutes of the Library Board concerning a request frcm the North Burlingame lilqnen's Club to trade the Paloma Avenue 1ot for the lot which they sold the City in 1942 for the Easton Drive Brandr Library. fhe City l4anager stated that the proposal initiated when the !{omen's Club was misinfonaed that the }ibrary intended to vacate the Easton Drive site. He stated that the Library Board wilL inform the women's club that the report vras erroneous and the City has no plans for abandoning the property. CTOMI4ENDATION TO CAPTAIN E!{IL PATSEL. A letter dated December 18, 1965, fron Fire Chief neginald E. t{oorby reporting captain Eoil Patsel's courageous action, despite the threat of grave personal danger, in rescuing l{rs. Gussie Charnberlain at the scene of an apartment house fire at 1508 BurI ingame Avenue was read and the City Irlanager directed to f orr'rard an appropri.ate Letter of comnendat ion to Captain Patse1 on behaLf of Council. COI'NCIL-COMII4I SS ION DfNNER MEETING. A memo to council frorn the City l.lanager dated December 16, 1965, stated that the annual Council-Comrission dinner has been scheduled for the Hyatt House, Uarquee Room, T'hursday evening February 3, 1966, since there were no llhursday dates available in January. COI'NCIL - AI'XILIARY GROI'P S DINNER I.,IEETING. The City lrlanager stated that the date of Policemen di-rrner will be reported at the Councilman George stated that the Civil Defense program and the Council-Auxiliary Firemen, next regular Council meeting. CIIY PIAIINER STITDY RE: ABANDONED CARS. uayor Crosby acknorrledged the City Planner's report entitled "The Abandoned Car Problem. " Councilman George reported his attendance at a Civil Defense meeting on Decedber 9 in Redvrood City where Mr. Earry w. Tracy of the San Francisco Water Department discussed measures to be taken should the water supply be cut off in the event of disaster. the matter will be explored a subsequent report made to further through Council . ABAG I,IEETING Councilman Uartin stated the new nominating cor@ittee of the Association of Bay Alea Governnents (ABAG) rrill meet early in February and if Council were i.nterested in subrnitting narnes for the Conmittee's consideration, he would be pleased to pass them along. REPORTS Councilman George stated that he has discussed the subject with the City Engineer \,rho reported that the City has a reserve about a 24-hour supply, or approximately one nillion gallons. Pointing out that the County of San lttateo has begun to activate some of its ol,d wells, Councilman George requested Council to consider rrays and means of establishing auxiliary water sources. Ee mentioned that there is a well available to Burlingame High School and suggested the possibi).ity of the City, with assistance from other jurisdictional agencies, drilling a well in Washington Park. 328 ACKNOWLEDGI'IEAITS Mayor Crosby acknovrledged receipt of the monthly reports from the Po1ice and Fire Departments, minutes of the City Improvement C@mittee, the Parking Comnission and the Planning Commission. PAYROTI., Payroll vrarrants, month of Noveniber, 1965, Nos. 6477 throtgh 6960, in the total amount of $122,087.08, were approved on Motion of Councilman ltlartin, seconded by councilman Johnson and unanimously carried . WARRANTS Councilman Martin stated that he received the list of i4rarrants through the mail at 6:15 p.m., this evening, therefore, was not prepared to make any recomnendation for payment. Following advice from the City Attorney that disposition of the warrants rests with Council, councilman Diederichsen introduced a motion approving warrants for the month of Deceuber, 1965, Nos. 5294 through 5505 in the total anount of $220.656.57, subject to audit by Councilman l{artin. Motion seconded by Councilman Johnson and unan- imously carried. NATIONAL RNCREATION ASSOCIATION P RELIMINAXTT REPORT. The report submitted by the consultants, G. Leslie I-,ynch and Sterling S. winans, vras discussed briefly. Noting the lack of specifics relating to the Bayside Park development, Council requested the City Ilanager to direct a letter to the consultants concerning this aspect of the report and requesting their expanded recommendations. Prior to adj ournment, Mayor crosby thanked the group of scouts from Troop *1O for their interest, wishing them success in their programt also acknowledged City Librarian, G. PauI Lechich; Mr. George Golding, San Uateo Times reporter, and Illr. James Curtis, Federal Sign and Signal Corporation. Tj$e of adj ournment: 9:O5 p.m. Respectfully subnitted, HERBERT K. WH]TE, CITY CLERK APPROVED: Crt*;-, q g,-!* WILLIAI.{ J.cdsai, uavd{ ADJOURNI,IENT