HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.07.06CATL TO ORDER A regular meeting of given date. Ueeting the Chair. Burlingame, California July 6, J-964 the Burlingame City Council was held on the called to order at 8:00 p.m., - Mayor Martin 33 above in At vrord from the Chair, Pledge of Allegiance to in the Council PIag . Chanber arose and gave theall the Present - Absent Counci.l-men: Councilmen: Cro sby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-llartin. None MINUTES Ihe minutes of the previous meeting of June L5, L964, as subrnitted to Council, \.rere approved and adopted following an amendment that in connection with the purchase of two Police cruisers, the words "Doane- Minto" be substituted for the words, "Ford ltlotor Company. " Itre Chair announced that bids as advertised for the proposed California Drive widening, oak Grove Avenue to North Lane, were received, opened at 2:00 p.m., on this date, and announced as follows: BIDDERS TOTAL BID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L. C. smith company Fiske, Firenze & llcLean Bragato Paving Company O. C. Jones Loqrie Paving Company Kunz Paving Company rontana & sons $3s, 68s.70 36, 285.00 37,772.OO 37,976.OO 40,430.00 40 ,926.8O 55 ,L69.25 Engineer's Estirnate 38, 308.75 L. C. Smith Company, declared the lorrest responsible bidder, was awarded the contract by RESOLU:rION NO. 77-64 "Awardin g Contract for California Drive Widening Oak crove Avenue to North Lane ifob No. 63-24 s. s. 98" ($35,685.70) introduced by Couneilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unani-uously carried upon Roll caLl vote. 1. PRINGLE CONSTRUCTION CO. APPEAL A connunication from the Pringle Construction Company, dated .Tune 23. 1964, appealing the ruling of the Burlingame Planning Commj-ssion (June 22, 1964) regarding the variance on his "Skyline Project" proposal, was acknowledged and the subject referred for public hearing at the regular meeting of Council, JuIy 20, 1964. (conununications referring to the matter were acknowledged for introduction at the July 20th hearing. ) PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE ROLL CALL BIDS COMMUNICATIONS B4 2. PETITION TO FORM ASSESSMENT DISTRICT A communication from the City Uanager, dated aIuly 3, 1964, advised that a petition to form an Assessment District to include the Burlingane Shore Land Company properties and the Reclamation Districtproperties. has been filed. The City Uanager recommended that preliminary legislation be enacted with Council assuming its prerogatives to, at aI1 times. contro] and review the actual development and to determine wttether the property of the City (Dump area) j-s, or is not to be assessed. Council was advised by the City l{anager that a map of the proposed Assessment District area had been submitted to his office on this day. Irlayor Martin stated that in his opinion, additional information is required for Counci.l's study and consideration with respect to:(1) the map of the proposed area to be included within the Assessment District; (2) the proposed inclusion of property owned by the City, and (3) the decision of the petitioners to formulate the District under provisions of the I9I5 Improvement Act. The latter point was referred to and explained by lrtr. Kenneth I. .Jones, who advised that the properties of the Xeystons and Person and wik are included within the proposed Assessment District and both bear a relationship in connection with "water distribution and transmission faciLities"; that Itre petition does request that proceedings be undstaken under the lfunicipal Act of 1913 and that bond s be issued to represent the unpaid assessments pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 for financing the costs of constructing specific inprovements i that In the event of delinquencies, under this Act, the City shall be obligated to advance the amount of said delinquency to the redemption of the bond principal and interest; that fhe decision to proceed under the I9I5 Act r^ras given careful attention, discussed in some detail with the affected property orrnera and based on the figures quoted in the property appraisal documents; and that Ttre same method of financing has been applied in the East ltillsda1e area and also in some of the smaller projects within the City of Burlingame. Ur. Jones pointed out that the 1915 Bond Act for financing industrial developments has becqne a cotnmon method on the Peninsula. !1r. .fones, for purposes of clarification, advised that under the provisions of the 1911 Act, property o\,vners are assessed and billed individually; under the provisions of the 1915 Act, assessments are levied against the property owners and collected through the Tax Rolls of the city, and confirmed that the 1911 Act establishes "a lien on the land"; the 1915 Act establishes a "Iien on the City. " Following a further series of questions and answers, ltayor uartin recolrEnended. with Council concurring, that the subject matter be further explored by Council and that action be withheld until the regular meeting of council. .Iuly 20, L964. 3 . INFORMATION RE: " VOIJITNTARY !,lORATORIIrl,l"(ABAG) A corununication from the City Manager, dated ifuly 3, L964, advised that lilr. Kent D. Pursel, President, Association Bay Area Goverrunents, has requested corufients from the Bay Area County Boards of Supervisors and City Councils (having portions of San Francisco Bay and shorelines within their eorporate boundaries) on a proposed "Joint Exercise of Porrers Agreement and Ordinance" providing for a three year moratorium on the filling and the development of San Francisco Bay. The City lr{anager advised, iI his communication, that the City Planner has analyzed the subject in relation to its effect on the City of Burlingame's vraterfront properties and the City Attorney is currently reviewing the documents. the subject does not the data at the next 3s apply directly study meeting. Mayor ltartin suggested inasmuch as to the City, that Council consider Council concured. 4. APPIICATION TO PARTICIPATE IN GAS TA)( FT'NDS A communication from the City Uanager, dated July 1, 1964, directed the attention of Council to the County of San Mateo's request of April 2, 1964, that applications for San Mateo county citj.es' participation in the allocation of its Gas Tax Funds to implement the report projects, be submitted on or before July 15, 1964. An " eight-point" application indieating was recotnmended by the City lilanager f or concurred in by Council. the City's desire to participate submission to the County and lIhe stipulation of an anount (fifty percent of engineering costs on the No1te project report) as contained in the city Uanager's Point No. 7 was reserved pending receipt of the consulting engineering firms' preliminary study and report esti:nates. A communication from the City l{anager, dated July L, L964, advised that the improvements in the Ed!'rard s Industrial Park SuHivision have been fu1ly completed in compliance with plans and specifications and it was recommended that the Subdivision be accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 78-64 "Resolution Accepting Public Improvements in Edqrards Industrial Park, City of Burl ingame, State of California" was introduced for passage upon motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councj.funan Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll CalI vote. 6. EKECUTION UTILITIES AGREEIi{ENT WITH STATE A communication from the City lrl.anager, dated JuIy 2, L964, advised that an additional twelve inch water main, crossing Skyline Boulevard, is required to accolunodate the Eichler Subdivision. It was recommended that the City accept the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highvrays' Utilities Agreement in assuming an estimated installation cost in the anount of $1,200.00. RESOLIIrION NO. 79-64 "Authoriz ing Execution of Agreement Between the City of Burlingarne and the State of Cal-ifornia, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman ceorge, seconded brlz Councilman Cro sbDr and unanimously adopted upon RolI CalI vote. A conununication from the City Uanager, dated iluly 2, 1964, advised that Dean C. Buehler, Inc., Contractor, has satisfactorily completed according to plans and specifications, the conatruction of the Burlingame Creek Channel Gravel Sr:mp and it vras the reconunendation of his Office and that of the City Engineer that the project be accepted. Council concurred and Councilman Crosby introduced for passage. RESOLUTTON NO. 80-54 "Accepting Construction of cravel Sump in Burlingame Creek Cu1vert, ilob tilo. 63-18' seconded by CounciJ-man Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Roll CalL vote. 5. EDWARDS IIiIDUSTRIAL PARK SI'BDIVISION ACCEPTED 7 . GRAVEL SI,ItlP CONTRACT ACCEPTED 36 8. TELEIYPEWRITER SERVICE AGREEIVIENT A cornnunication from the City ltanager, dated ,fu1y L, L964, advised that 1,1r. Henry P. Tarratt, Director, Building Construction and General Services, has requested that a formal agreement for tele- typewriter services be executed. Council concurring, Councilman Johnson introduced for passage, RESOLUTION NO. 81-64 "Teletypevrriter Services county of San Uateo and city of Burlingame 1964-1965" seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unan irnou s ly carried upon RoIL call vote. 9. REPORT FUTURE WASTE DISPOSAI., SITE A communication from the City l{anager, dated .Iuly L, L964, reported on a letter received from ltlr. George N. Keyston, Jr., setting forth possible plans for future dumping facilities. It hras the recommendation of the ilr. Keyston to submit details of six months. City l{anager that Council request a specific proposal within the next Mr. David Keyston, in attendance, assured Council that an announcement shall be made prior to the six months period requested and advised that his company is currently conferring with the San l{ateo County Park and Recreation Department on a probable plan to develop a dumping site on County property easterly from the Keyston properties. 10. PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK OFFER A communication frorn the Peninsula National Bank, dated ,fuly 1, 1964, submitting an offer to purchase Parking District L,ot 1-G, was referred under the heading of "unfinished business" and in connection with a Council decision with respect to the District. 11. c R. BOYLE RESIGNATION The resignation of C. R. Boyle, a meniber of the City's Parking Comnission, sutxnitted in a communication under date of iFune 26, 1964, r.ras accePted with regret. lfhe city clerk was requested to acknowledge I.1r. Boyle's resigndtion and to express appreciation for his contribution to community service by an appropriate conununication. 12. REQUEST E1CR ACCESS PARKIN! DIā‚¬IBIET I,OT A communication from Mr. H. Kent Atwater, Realtor, rePresenting Mr6. N. Forsyth Bradley, owner of 1477 Burlingame Avenue, dated June 30, 1964, requesting that an access be provided from one ot. the lots within the Parking District to the adjacent land at the rear of his client's building and thereby creating an additional parking area approximately fifty feet by eighty feet, was referred to the Parking Conuni ss ion . 13. REAPPO INTMENTS TO COMIIISSIONS A memo to Council from the City I'lanager, dated JuIy 3, 1964, advised that several Conunissioners should be again appointed if no further nominees are presented by July 6. I",IBRAry - lIrs . Dorothea Earrison PARK - Mrs. Henry Boosi I{r. w. E. Chanibliss RECREATION - Urs. Polly Herrick; Mr. Ed Arnold Council thereafter unanimously confirmed the following reappointrnents: ?he City lrlanager's memo further advised that to date nominees have been suggested to fill vacancies on the Planning and the Civil Service Conunissions and recommended that a convenient tijne for interviews should be indicated. Mayor Martin suggested that noninees for the current vacancy on the Parting Comnission be submitted by July 20, and that iaterviews be scheduled thereafter for all nominees at a Council study meeting, wednesday, August 5, L964. 14, PURCHASE FLAGPOLE AIITHORIZED A memo to Council from the City Manager, dated ,JuIy 3, 1964, quoted several priees for flagpoles to be erected in washington Park. Council- concurred with the reconrmendation of the City l{anager that a galvanized pole be purchased at a cost ot. $424.55, with City forces performing the installation service. Tlhe matter of a proper placement of the flagpole was referred to Councilrnan Crosby and the appropriate Commission. The City Uanager further advised that the cost of a scoreboard for Washington Park is being investigated and his office was authorized to proceed thereafter with said purchase and to consult with the Recreation Conunission on its proper placement. 15. P REL IIT'IINAFOT STI'DY GRADE CROSSING A conununication from the City l,lanager, dated iIuly 3, L964, advised that his Office and that of the City Engineer are currently seeking proposals from engineering firms to conduct a preliminary study and report on the location, the costs, etc., for the Broadway crade Crossing and the Rollins Road-Bayshore Freeway Improvenents. Following a brief discussion on the three proposals thus far received, Mayor Ittartin suggested that further details be obtained for Council consideration and that a reconuoendation for engaging an engineer be withheld until the next regular meeting of Council . fhe City Engineer specifications as advised a guide that his Office has prepared preliminary for the engineering firms preparing quotations. Irhe City Attorney, referring to prior council legislation, concerning the vacation of threnty and one-half feet of a portion of the Bayshore Highway, advised that one property owner, previously abstaining fronparticipation, has now consented to the vacation. RESOLUTION NO. 82-64 "Declarin g Intention to Vacate Portion of Bayshore Highway a Public Street Within the City of Burlingame; Referring to a Map or PIan on File in the Office of the city clerk for Particulars as to the Proposed Vacation; and Ffu<ing the Time and Place for Hearing All Persons Interested in or Objecting to the Proposed Vacation" was there- upon introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon RoIl Ca11 vote. August 3, L964, Council Chambers, City Ha1I, 8:00 p.m., \"ras set forth as the time and place to conduct a public hearing on the proposed vacation. RESOLUrION NO. 83-64 "A Resolution Authorizin g Settlement of Parcel 3-C, Burlingame Parking District tilo. 1" (smalI strip rear of Donnelly Avenue) ($6,000) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman ilohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanirnously adopted upon Rol1 Ca1I vote. 37 RESOLUTIONS B8 oRDINANCES - consideration thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 807 "An Ordinance Arnend ing Section 1854 a. of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame Exempting and Excepting Real Estate Signs From Certain Provisions of Article 49A of the Ordinance Code and Providing for the Terms and Conditions of Sudt Ib<ernptions and Exceptions " was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman ilohnson, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Crosby-Diederichsen-George-irohnson-Martin. None None ORDINAIICE NO. 808 "An Ordinance Adopting by Reference National Board of Fire underwriters Bulletin No. 266 and Adding Article 268 to the 1941 Burlingame Ordinance Code Establishing Recornmendations, Guides and Standards for On-Site Fire Protection Facilities and Adeguate water FIow for Fire Protection" was introduced for first reading by Councilman George. August 3, L964, City HalI Council Chambers, was scheduled as the time and place to conduct a public hearing. l,layor uartin acknowledged Uinutes received by Council from the Park. Planning, Parking. Health, Safety & Traffic Conunissions, the San Itlateo CounciJ. of Mayors and f rom the l,ibrary Board. I,NFINI SHED BUSINESS 1. A Council Budget study session was scheduled for vlednesday, iluJ.y 15, L964, 7 245 p.m., in the Conference Room of the City Engineer. RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 9:20 p.n. CAT,L TO ORDER fhe meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m. UTiIFINISHED BUSINESS (Continued) 2. COUNCIL DECISION RE: PARKING DISTRICT Mayor Itlattin announced that on this occasion, Council would take format action with respect to (1) the deletion of a certain parcel within the Parking District and a (2) procedure to be pursued in elirninati:rg the current Parking District Fund deficieney. I*1r. Kenneth I. Jones, Attorney, representing the Parking District, replying to inquiries from the Chair, confirmed that Council may proceed under a prior "Notice of Intention to llal<e Further Changes and lfodifications" and suctt modifications pending decision, may be resol-ved at this time. ur. ilones sunmarized the procedure appropriate to final decision by Councit, stating that formal hearings have been closed and it is now within the power and authority of council to take action on specific resolutions adopted heretofore. ORDINAIiICES - Introduction thereof : ACKNO}IILEDGMENTS 39 !.!ayor Irtartin announced that the discussions shall be limited to Council and memlrers of the City's staff; that the subject has been pursued on numerous Council study meetings, with no decision reached; and that each mernber of the Council has been requested to be prepared to resolve the issues this evening. Summarizing the action taken thus far, Mayor Martin advised that Council has taken under consideration: (1) the deletion of certain lots and has taken action to retain all of the lots r^rith the exception of Parcel O-6 f-e (former Buick property) and the "walk-way" on Burlingame Avenue i (2) the possibility of increasing the assessments of property owners and (3) the possibility of increasing the city's contribution to the District. I.tayor l.lartin referred to other issues pertinent to the subject that should be resolved: whether (a) to retain the engineering firm of Wilsey, Ham and Blair or to complete the engineering work with city forces; (b) to permit the Peninsula conservatory of !4usic to remain at its present location on a lease basis; (c) to grant a "1ife estate" occupanqa to llrs. ceorge sandidge for her property proposed for inclusion within the District on Chapin Avenue i and (4) to accept an offer received from the Peninsula National Bank to purchase Lot I-G adjacent to the bank property. A letter was acknowledged from the Peninsula National Bank, dated July 1, 1964, submitting a formal offer to purchase Lot 1-c at a price of $44,O00.0O; setting forth plans to utilize the 1ot for customer parking; and to make the lot available for free public parking on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays and after 6:00 p.m., daily until 8:OO a.m. fhe cornmunication further stipulated that the city shal1 have the "right of first refusal to re-purchase the 1ot at the same price if, as and when the 1ot is offered for sale by the bank-" ltayor ltartin, referring to a report on the "Burlingame Avenue Parking District Funds" prepared by the City Manager, gave a summarization of the District's assets and anticipated obligations, and thereafter indicated that a deficit in an amount of $295,73O.66, is estimated. Pointing out that if the District is to be completed as originally planned, the approxjmate deficit of $3O0,0OO.OO shall have to be reduced either by (1) deleting a portion of the District; or by(2) increasing the assessments of the property orrrners, or by(3) increasing the City's contribution to the District. Expressing anticipation occasion, Uayor ltartin folloring issues: that Council submitted his sha1l reach a decision on this personal recommendations on the 1. LOT H - west of EI Cami-no Real The deletion of the subject lot would substantially reduce the overall fund deficiency by the srrm of $178,0O0.00; there is a more than sufficient amount of parking that shall become available in the area; therefor, said deletion shal1 not adversely affect the "benefit to the Districtr " Answering an inquiry from the Chair concerning the City's receipt of an offer to purchase one of the Lots included within the District, Ir{r. ilones advised that it is in order to consider the offer; however, a public hearing on the proposed deletion of the pareel is reguired. (Adjacent to Peninsula National Bank.) 40 2. PENINSUI,A NATIONAI, BANK OFFER fhe purchase prlce offered for the lot adjacent to the peninsula National Bank is a fair oner the same nurBber of parking spaces shall be provided, the property would be retaj.ned on the tax roll and with the deletion of Lot H, the deficiency in funds would be reduced to approximately $72 , 630 .00; 3. Ttle approximate $72,OO0.OO plus fund deficien<ry can be elinin- ated \z increasing the assessment of the property owners within the District; and that 4. In the final analysis the deficiency costs may be higher than estimated and any remaining fund deficiency therefor may be assumed by increasing the contribution of the city. Irlayor Martin stated that it was his intention to recoEunend that the City continue the engineering uork on the projecti hohrever, upon receipt of a telephone call from !tr. ,Jaci< Van zandt, representing the District's engineering firm, that a revised proposal shal1 be suhnitted, he would reserve his comments pending receipt of the new proposal. I.layor Uartin further recqnrnended that (I) the Peninsula Conservatory of Music, informed three years ago of the intended use of the property, be issued a notice to vacate and that the property be converted as originally proposed; (2) that a "life estate" occupancy be granted to Irlrs. Sandidge on Chapin Avenue for the remaind.er of her years. Concluding his presentation and recommendation, Iilayor llartin polled members of the council for their individual conments. COI,'NC ILMAN .IOHNSON Councilman Johnson off-street park ing spoke briefly on the advantages of providing and thereafter made the following reconmendations: 1. Lot retained within the District, 2. Property assessments and (3) the city's contribution to the District be increased and further, that (a) the Peninsula National Bank be permitted to purchase the lot adjacent to its premises; (b) that the Peninsula Conservatory of llusic be requested to vacate within a reasonable period of tjme and that (c) tttrs. ceorge sandidge be granted a "1ife estate" occupancy. COUNCILMAN CROSBY councilman cro sby reconunended that 1. Lot of El Camino Real be retained within the District; that in his opinion, "any type of car" whether an employee's or a shopper's is entitled to off-street parking privilegesi and that 2, Approval, be given to the Peninsula National Bank by accepting its offer to purchase Lot 1-G, imnediately adjacent to the bank; that 3. !lrs. Sandidge be granted a "life estate" occupancy; that 4. ftre Peninsula Conservatory of Music be requested to vacate its premises; and 5. That (a) the property owners within the District be re-asseased to reduce the deficiency in the amount of $167.820.00, with the remaining deficiency in the apProxirnate amount of $83,9LO.22 be assumed by increasing the city's contribution. 4L Councllrnao George stated that the issue is one concerned with r\rhat is right for the City of Burlingarne;" that "the heart and capital of Burlingame is rlght here" and sufflcient pa rking facilities should be made available to attract and to encourage customers and personneLalike to purchase in Burlingane, thereby lncreasing the sales tax revenue that ultimately may be used in the Clty's Capltal Improvenent Prograln. Councllman George concurred lrith the recomendations to: l. Retain Lot H, west of El Cami.no Real; that the valuable property may continue to increase ln value in years hence; to 2. Grant a "Llfe estatett to Urs. Sandidge; to 3. Accept the offer of the Peni.nsula National Bank; and that the 4. Parklng Fund deficlency be elimtnated by a firo-thlrds percent to a one-third percent ratlo betlreen the property orrners and the Cityof Burlingame, lncreasing the assessments and the contrlbution resPec tively . COUNC II.,I.{AN DIEDERICIISEN Councllman Diederichsen stated that in his opinion, if the City isto advance, adequate parking is necessary and that the District as proposed should remain lntact. Counc lluran Diederichsen also recoumended that: 1. The offer of the Penlnsula Natlonal Bank be accepted w"i th the agreement that no buildlng shall be constructed thereon; 2. The Peninsula Conservatory of lfuslc be given notice to vacate; 3. A "life estate'r occupancy be granted to Mrs. George Sandldge, andthat 4. The Distrlct proceed as originally planned with assessments toproperty olone rs and the Cityrs contribution increased to dissolve the fund deficlency. Completing the poll of Council, Mayor Martln sumarized the position taken by Council and confirmed the following: that 1. Lot "H" west of El CanLno Real be reatlned within the Distrct; 2. The offer to purchase Lot l-G by the Peninsula Natlonal Bank be accePted; RESOLUTION NO. 84-64 "A Resolutlon of Intention Eo Make Changes and @ame Avenue Area off-Street Parking Distiict -Lot l-G'r lras introduced for passage on motion of Counci.lnan Crosby, seconded by Counciluan George and unanimously adopted upon Roll Call. 3. The City Manager serve the Peninsula Conservatory of Music with anotlce to vacate ; 4. Actton with respect to employ City forces rather than to continuewith the present eogineerlng firm, be withheld pending further report f rom the engineerLng firm. Mayor !furtin, speaking on the $640,000.00 contributed to the Dlstrictby the City, expressed the opi-nlon that "a limit should be setrr withrespect to the Cltyrs share and that it should be taken into consldera-tion that the Dlstrict oay exceed the estirDated cost; that the contri-bution represents ninety-four cents on every $100.00 of the AssessedValuation of the City. COUNCILMAN GEORGE Co'n'ne nt ing on an agreement made by a prior Council that parking neter revenues would be dlvlded on an eighty pereent to twentypercent basis between the Burlingame area and the Broadway area, l.layor Martin pointed out that Council is not bound by action of previous Councils, however, there ls an obltgation to expend s ome funds ln the Broadway District. Mayor Martin referred to the Capital Improvements that have been proposed and are necessary to the betterment of the Clty and concluded his comnents by stating that in his opinion, the proposed use of Lot "H" west of El Camino Real, is not good plannlng andthat he lras not in favor of adding to the burden of the property owners by too much of an increase ln their Parking Distrlct assesanenEs. The opinions expressed by the majority of Council indicated that an adequate Parking District would increase sales tax receLpts substan-tially to provlde the necessary capital improvements. n was lntroduced by Counc iknan Diederichsen that Lot rrH'r Camino Real, not be deleted from the Parking Dlstrict,y Counc ilnan George and upon Roll Call, the vote rrass follows: Ayes : Councilmen: Crosby-Diederlchsen-George-Johnson. Noes : Councilmen: Martin. A mot west secon rec or io of de de E1db da Councilnan George moved that two-thlrds of the estimated ($251,730.00) net parking funii deficlency in the amount of $157,820.44 be recelved from an assessnent against the properties within the Parklng Dlstrict and that the balance of $83,910.22 be contributed by the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby and upon RolI Cal1, the vote was recorded as follows: I APPROVED: TY IN R 42 Ayes : Councilnen : Crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson. Noes: Councllmen: Martin. Mr. Kenneth I. Jones, Attorney, representing the Parklng District, was directed to prepare the necessary resolutions for the deletlonof the parking lot adjacent to .md as offered by the Peninsula NationaL Bank, for introduction at the next regular neeting of Councll, July 20, 1964. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councll'nen Johnson announced the follorsing meetings: July 9: North County Council of Cities, July 16: San l.lateo County Flesta "Dream Girlrcontest selection; and JuIy 23: Pentnsula Divlslon, League of Mrnlclpalities Dinner. AnIOURNMENT There being no further transaction of buslness, the meetlng rrag regularly adjourned at ll:30 p.n. Respectfully submitted,