HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.10.18299 Burlingane, California October 18, 1965 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the abovegiven date. Meeting calld to order at 8:15 p.m., - ltayor Cro sby inthe Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA}TCE At word from the Chair, all in the Council Chanber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present - councilmen: Absent - Councilmen: Cro sblr-Diede r ich sen-George-Johnson-Irta rt in . lgone. Ilre ninutee of the meeting of October 4, L965, suhitted previously to Council, hrere approved and adopted. A comun icat ion from the city Uanager, dated october 14, 1965, advised that data concerning downtown traffic counta is available and it was therefor recomended that Council authorize the evaluation of the data \r a Traffic Engineer for report to Council. Council concurred with the reconroendation. 2. REPTACEilENT DRATNAGE EASEI{ENT (EI Quanito Acree) A conmuDication fron the City llanager, dated October 14, 1965, advised that a request has been received for the replacement of a public utilities drainage easement on Lot 5-A, El Ouanito Acrea uo. 2 (Lyne J. Stevens) necessary in the construction of a nerr home. lltre City Engineer, having inveatigated the site, indicated no objection to the replacement provided the n* installation confoma to city requirenenta. It waB recmended by the City l{anager that approval be given to the abandonment of the existing easement and that a substitute drainage eaaement through the property of the applicant be accepted. Council, indicating its approval, was advieed by the City Attorney that documenta to accompl ish the relocation of the eaaelBent are peuding a review fry his Office and legislation ehaI1 be prepared for council adoption at the next regular meeting. 3. DIntP TEUPORAtr ROADWAY APPROVED A uemo from the City ltanager, dated October L4, L965, advised that the San l.lateo Disposal Compaoy, the new dump operator, has requested, as a matter of eonvenience, that an extension to the existing roadway to the new dump site be approved. :nre City l{anager explained that it is proposed to continue the existing roadway fr@ the "payaent Ehack" to the approxi-mate center of ttre new dump site area recently berned, with the understanding that in the proceas of developing the enti.re acreage, the roadway shall encircle the periphery of tlre city's property. CAI.L TO ORDER ROI..L CALL HINIITES cor{ut NlcATroNs 1. TRAFTIC ENGITEER EVALUATION 300 In reply to Council inguiriee, the City Eagineer advieed that the dump operator is to aasutle the cost of improving and naintaining the new road. fhe City litanager, also in reply to inquiries from Council adviged that the present dump operator has been notified }r!t cmnunication to vacate and that the new dump operator ie in a position to take possession irmediately thereafter (nidnight, Novetnber 15, 1965). The extension of a temporary roadway to the new dunp eite area, upon conditions coneented to by the nerr operator, i/aa approved by council. A meBo frm the City l.{anager, dated October 14, 1965, advised that the Cityr e Lrj.censor's Office has iasued to 1316 Broadway, through the Acrne Vending Company, Iicenses for one music box and three anusement devi.ces for a total of 955.O0. Ittayor cro sby questioned llr. Dan Franko, applicant wtrose dance permit license ia pending before Council, rdrether he has received a liceDaefr@ the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to sell beer and was advised in the negative. Hr. Franko Btated that he has received, horrever, building, fire and health clearances to clonduct his bueiness operation. A brief discussion aroae, wherein council concurred to defer action on ttre issuance of a dance permit and to withhold the subject from the Agenda pending receipt of information that a beer license and acertificate of occupanqg has been received by the applicant. 5. PARADE " HAT'NTED EOUSE" PRO'TECT APPROVED A memo from the City Manager, dated October 15, 1965, advised that the Children'E Eealth Eome Auxiliary has requeated peruiasion to conduct a parade saturday, October 23, 1955, to advertiae its 'Eaunted Eouse" project. there being no obj ection from Council, the City llanager was authorizedto so notify the organization. 6. CUESbIAVACA PARK RT STATION APPROVED A conmunieation frorn the City }lanager, dated October 14, 1955, advieedthat the contractor hae satisfactorily completed the construction of ttre comfort station in Cuernavaca Park in full compliance with plans and specifications and it rrag the recomendation of hig Office andthat of the City Engineer that the project be accepted. Council concurring,RESOLIITION r;IO. lll-55 "Acce pt ing Confort Station- Cuemavaca Park - ifob No. 65-15" wae introduced for passage on rnotion of Councilm.rn dfohnson, seconded by Couneilman Diederidrsen and unaninously adopted upon RolI Cal1. ORDINANCES - Consideration thereof i ORDINAIICE NO. 833 'Changing fime of Conmencement of Trro-Eour Vehicle Parking Limitations on Certain Streetsn (9:OO a.n.) was given its second reading and upon Eotion of Councilman Johnson, seconded \l Councj,luan Diederidrgen, said ordinance passed i.ts second reading and was adopted by the following Ro1I call vote: 4. AI{USEI.iENT LICmISES (1316 Broadway ) 30i ORDIIIAIICE NO. 834 "An Ordinance Amendin g section 25.12.010 of Title 25 of the Burlingame ltunicipal code Dividing the city Into Districts By Classifying certain Iands Known aa 'Lands of Crocker-citizens National Bank,' Eeretofore Unclassified, to Light Industrial (x-1) District" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Diederichsen, seconded \r Councilman George, eaid ordinance passed its second reading and r*a e adopted by the follorring RoII Call vote! Ayea: Councilmen: Noes: Councilnen: Absent Councilmen: Ayes: Councilmen: Noea: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: C roEblz-Dieder ich een-Georgedohn soB-Iart in . None None Crosby-D iede ri ch sen-George-ilohnaon-uart in . None rone 1. COI.{MISSION VACANCIES council acknowledged a vacancy on the Civil Service Comission and on the Planning Comission and selected Novenber 1, 1965, as the final date whereon Council ie to su.bnit namea for possible appointment. The city l.lanager advised that in reply to Council cmnuncation directed to a number of citizens of Burlingame aoliciting their assistance to serve on a "Civic Improvement Comlittee'r fourteen favorable replies have been received thus far. ltayor Crosby announced that an organizational meeting would be gcheduled in the very near future. A Deno froa the city t{anager, dated October 18, 1965, advised that through Ur. Prank Rochex, Appraiser, a value has been placed oo the excess and unneeded portion of Lot 10, along the proposed "Carolan Boulevard. " Ihe City Attorney reminded Council Urat although not Legally required, Council, at a prior neeting, indicated its intention to invite bids through advertieement. lIhe City ltanager thereafter was authorized thro ugh newspaper media, to advertise the proposed disposal of the subject property b!, bid proces eing . 4. MFORI{ATION RE: ACQUISITION SIORELA}iID PROPERT:| Council acknowledged a cmunication from the City l{anager, dated October 18, L965, with reepect to information concerning the acquisition of 6.23 acres of the Burlingue Shore Land Conpany property. Etre subject requiring further consideration, particularly with referenceto "soil tests" requeated, the City lrlanager wae directed \r Council to place the issue on the study Eeeting agenda, lloveEber 9, L955, at 7:3O p.m. A coununication was received from the City Uanager, dated October 14, 1965, advising that the Chauber of Cornerce has suggested that several T'NFINI SEED BUSINESS 2 . CIVIC I}IPROVEI{ENT COI|ITITTEE 3. SAIJE OF EXCESS CINT PROPERTT NEW BI'SIIIESS 1. DIRECTIOTAL SIGXS OlT EL CiliINO RE,AI, 302 signs be placed at Peninsula Avenue and at Eo^^rard Avenue on the EI Camino Real, indicating the direction of California Drive and Burlingane's "valuable automobile row. " flle City lt{anager subnitted eEtimatea of cost w}re re j.n a 3' x 4'plastic aign rrould approximate 9300.00 and a 3' x 10' plastic sign would approximate $600.00 and stated that "in vi* of proposed new autonobile rorr developrnents in other jurisdictions, support of tlris asset can be justified. " Councilman Martin expressed his personal approval to the expenditure of a reaEonable amount (within the g600 quotation) to advertise the location of the automobile agencies in the City of Burlingame. Councilman George streseed the i.mportance of retaining the automobile sales agencies in Burlingame, pointing out that revenue froE sales tax received by the City last year from this source alone, amounted to $22s, 0oo . oo . Councilman l{artin suggeeted that sinilar directional Bigna be also considered for placement at Broadway and at Peninsula Avenue on the Bayshore Freelray. A brief discussion concluded with the City Uanager requeated to confer with the Chanber of Comerce and autoEobile agency repreaen- tatives on an appropriate design for directional sigms for report to Council . ADDITIONAL DTREETIOTIAL SIGNS At the request of Councilnan l,tartin, the City Engineer waB regueated to confer with the State Divi6ioa of Bighway s on the location of a "Burlingaue City tiDits" sign on Skyline Boulevard for report to Council . Tlle City l{anager was requeEted to submit a report to council following a conference with Red Cross officials on the location of a directional sign on the EI Canino ReaI to indicate the Red Cross headquarters on Bellevue Avenue. REPORT ON DIRT HAULING OPERATION A couunication from the City llanager, that an application for a dirt hauli-ng fiLed by the Anza Pacific Corporation, E1ementary School site excavation, has dirt haul currently in progress by the that route. dated October 14, 1965, advised permit over Trouadale Drive, in connection with a }{illbrae been denied in view of the Guy F. Atkinson Company over Councilman ltartin was appointed by Council to represent the City on a "Regional Dirt EauI Comittee" comprised of Council members from the Cities of san l{ateo, Millbrae, San Bruno, South San Francieco and BurI ingame, in an effort to establigh a unifotm "dirt hauling" policy. In response to a regueat from the City Attorney, Counei lman [artin moved that the City Attorney be authorized to solicit the asaiatance of an attorney fron the las firn of Wilson, Jonea, llorton aDd Lynch,in a review of and consuXrtions on the newly adopted Dirt Uauling ordinance (No. 827). The notion was seconded by councilman Diedericheen and unanimously adopted. REGIONAT DIRT HAI'L COI{IiITTEE I{OTION RE: DIRT HAITLING ORD INANCE 303 REPORTS CouncilDan Johnson reported her attendance, October 9, on the occasion of the Annual Fire Patrol awards. a meeting of the Burl ingame Sister City Comittee, and a meeting of the League of ltunicipalities Comittee on International llunicipal Cooperation. Councilman George advised of his visitation, in company with the Chief of Police, to the Police Academy in Concord, on which occasion, Police Officer James D. O'Brien, recent appointee to the Burlingame Police Department was graduated, naintaining a "8" scholaetic average. STT'DENT BODY PRESE!{TATION SCEEDI'LED A comunication waa acknowledged frm the Student Body President of Burl ingame lligh School, requesting an audience before Council to present nembera with conpl imentary student body cards. The city l,lanager was directed to place the request as the first order of business at the next regular meeting of Council . ltayor Crosby acknowledged receipt of a broctrure, published by the Security Ti.tle Insurance Company, entitled "Date Dtrn, " Fall Edition, copiea of which were preEented to Council and Departnent Eeadar the Annual Audit Report of Financial Transactions, ending June 30, 1965, prepared and submitted I John c. ]taddux, Certified Public Accountant i report3 from the Fire and Police Departments; and an i.nvitation from the covernor of the State of California concerning a "Governor's Traffic safety Conference" to be held at the State capitol, tilovenber 18 and 19. PERSONAL ACKIIOXILEDGMES:TS llayor Crosblr acknowledged the presence of and welcmed l,Iills Eigh School Senior, willian llil1er, trtro announced his recent tranafer to l.{ills High sdbool . CO}TMISS ION RES IGNATIONS llhe resignations of D. A. stivers, Planning Cotmtission, and Arthur w. crump, Civil Service Comission, meube rs of long standing on the respective Cmissions, were accepted with regret and the City l.{anage r requested to ad(norrledge their service to the City of Burlingame. ifarranta, Honth of October, 1965, Nos. 4954-5L24, in the total amount of $188,472.85, duly audited were approved for palment on motion of Councilman lilartin and seconded by Councilnan George. Payroll rrarraats, It{onth of September, 1965, Nos. 5545-5999, in the total amoult of $116.260.17, were approved on motion of Counc ilnan ltartin and seconded by Councilnan .rohn8oa. LIONS CLT'B "ALPINE PARK* The City Planner, and a menber of the Project Co@ittee, Burlingame Lione C1ub, directed the attention of Council to the Lions Club project establishing a small childrens' playground area in "Alpine Park' yrith labor provided by the City Park Department ard suggested that Council personally visit the area. ACKNOIILEDGI{ENTS WARR,ANT APP ROVAL PAYROLL APPROVAL 304 the city Planner stated that it was hie hope that its success rould aerve as an incentive to others to contribute " something to the City. ' REPERENCE TO " STI'DEIIT RECREATIONI' In replying to an inquiry from william l.{iller, l{ills Eigh School Senior, concerning recreational facilities available to high gcbool stu -atudenta, he was referred, by tttayor Cro8blr, to "Bl ingND Inn' aponsored by the Burl ingaroe Recreation DepartDent. Councilman l{artin's observation that a nrober of Burlinga[e students are currently attending lrills Eigh Scbool, raised a question on the extent of the coordination between Burlingame and !.{i11s High School student8 . llhe City l{anager waa requested to coafer wit}r the Recreation Super- intendent for report to council. ADJOURNUENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:35 p.m., in respect to the nemories of Edward R. Burton, ilr., former llayor and civic leader, City of San Carlos and William J. Selkirk, Burl ingame City employee for the past fifteen year3, both of rrhom recently passed on. Appropriate cormunications rrere directed to be sent to the families of each. Respectfully sulxnitted, HERBERT K. WIIITE, CITr CL,ERK APPROVED: * ailosav; xA R