HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.06.152A Burlingame, ilune 15, Cal ifornia 1954 CAI,L TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. Irleeting calLed to order at 8:0O p.m., - Mayor Ir{artin in the Chair. P],EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At vrord from the Chair, all in the council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. ROLL CAIL Present - Councilmen: Absent - Councilmen: Cro sby-D iederichsen-George-John son-!lartin. None ?he Minute6 of the previous meeting of irune 1, L964, were unanimously approved and adopted as submitted to Council . Mayor Martin referred to a local newspaper article appearing on this date, reporting the story of a seven year o1d boy lost over- night and the role eleven "off-duty" City firemen with "walkie- talkie" and communications equipment owned by the City of Burlingame played in his safe return. The Fire Department was conrnended by Mayor Itlartin in behalf of the city council . BIDS - THIRD SAIE PARKING DISTRICT BONDS l4ayor llartin stated that in compliance wit]t "Notj.ce of Sale" advertisement, dated alune I, 1964, announcing the proposed third and final saLe of Parking District Bonds, bids were received as scheduled . Bids received, were opened and declared as follows: I First California Cornpany San Francisco wiuiatn R. staats & San Francisco Company 7t/2,/55-7/2,/72 3l% per annum 7/2/73-7/2/77 3 3/4% per .rnnum 7/2/78-7/2/88 3.90% per annun Net Interest Cost $118, 669.49 Average Net Interest Cost 3.9745% $s,oo0.oo 5, 901.25 5,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.o0 3 7/8% $s11 . o0 1955-1966 $5,OOO.OO 4L% per annum L967 5,901.25 4!% per annum 1968-1971 5.000.O0 4L% per annum L972-L975 10,0O0.OO 4% per annum L97 6-L9A7 lo,ooo.oo 3 3/4% per annum 1988 15,000.00 3 3/4% per annum Premium $22f.55 Net Interest cost $113, 649 . 95 Averaqe Net Interest cost 3.8103% 2 1965-I966 L967 1968-197r 1972-t947 1988 Net Interest Cost Premium Barth & Company San Francisco 3. J },lINUTES FIREI{EN COMIT,IEND ED 2g 4 stone & Youngberg San Francisco 5. J. B. Ilanauer & Company walston & co. San Francisco 7/2/65-7/2/67 5% per annum 7/2/68-1/2/79 4% per annum 7/2/80-7/2/88 4.10/ per annum Net Interest Cost 4 -07271%Premirm $78.00 1965-1982 4% per annum 1983-1985 3.85% per annum 1986-1988 3.90fi per annum Net Interest Cost $117 , 562 .00 Average Net Interest Cost 3.9426% 1965-1971 3 l/2% per annum L97 2-L9AL 3 3/4% per annum 1982-1988 3 7/8% per annlrm Net Interest Cost $LL7,347.96 Average Net Interest Cost 3.9342% 6 Ihe foregoing bids were referred to lilr. Fred W. Barnes, Bond Analyst, representing the Attorneys for the Parking District, for computation and report to Council. AIINOT,NCEMENTS RE: PARKING DISTRICT ltayor l.{art in announced that a decision concerning (a} increase in assessments, (b) deletion of Lot H and (c) equitable benefits, relative to the Off-Street Parking District, would be withheld until the regular meeting of iluly 6, L964. The City litanager advised that in analyzing the subject, both his office and that of the City Engineer were of the opinion that the proposals made by wilsey, Ham and BLair and the ceorge s. Nolte firm were insufficient to properly evaluate and proceed with a plan and it was recorunended therefor that the City Engineer outline the scope of services on a broader basis. Council concurred with the reconulendation and the City Engineer was so authorized, with said proposals and appropriate costs to be presented to Council at its next regular meeting. neplying to Councilman Diederichsen's inquiry concerning the JuIy 15th deadline set by the County of San l'lateo whereby cities are to declare their intention with respect to participation in a "basis system of City-county roads proposed in the 'Nolte' report, " the city Manager suggested that a resolution be enacted by Council at the next regular meeting for presentation to the County prior to aluly Isth. A eommunication from the City uanager, dated .rune L2, L964, advised that plans and specifications for the widening of california Drive from oak crove Avenue to North Lane have been completed and it was reconunended that bids be advertised upon receipt of approval from the State Division of Highr.rays for the allocation of Gas Tax I'unds. Council concurred with the recommendation. COMMT'NICATIONS I. BROADWAY OVERPASS CONFERENCE A comrnunication from the City ltlanager, dated June 12, 1964, reported on a conference his Office and the City Engineer held with an Engineer from the Public Utility Commission to discuss the priority list to allocate monies for grade crossing eliminations. Z BIDS WIDENING CALIFORNIA DRIVE AUTHORIZED 30 lfhe the for City Engineer advised that his Office has received on this day necessary approval from the State and bids shall be advertised opening and declaration on ,JuIy 6, 1964. 3. (a) puRcHAsE poLIcE CRUISERS ArIrHoRIzm A memo to Council frcrn the City lrlanager, dated June 12, 1964, advised that bids were invited for the purchase of two Police cruisers, with only one dealer, the Ford Motor Conpany, submitting a price quotation, the bid within the budget allocation. Fol lowing a purchase two Police a brief d iscussion , the City lr{anager was order to the Ford ltotor Company for the cruisers. authorized to issue replacement of 3. (b)FUTURE DISPOSA]J AREA A memo to Council frqn the City I{anager, dated alune 12, L964, advised that in connection hrith the anticipated problem of a site for future disposal of debris when the present area is filled, it was his suggestion that a written comnitment be obtained from the adjoining owner. Council concurred. ftle City Manager advised that a personal cal.l from the adj oining owner, I{r. George Keyston, assured Council that a commitment would be forthcoming soon. AI"TENDMENT TO 516I CODE A communication from the City Planner, dated June 9, L964, adviaed that a study was made by the Planning Conunission of the portions of the sign code relating to real estate signs, particularly within the City's industrial areas, initiated by a request from the Charnber of Commerce and the San Uateo-Burlingame Board of Realtors. Council was advi-sed that at a regular meeting of said conunission, .fune 8, 1964, the members voted unanimously to reconmend adoption of the final draft of a proposed arnendment to the Sign Ordinance. Councilman alohnson introduced for first reading , ORDINAIICE IN. 8O7 "An Ordinance Anending Section 1854 a. of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame Exempting and Excepting ReaI Estate Signs From Certain Provisions of Article 49A of the Ordinance Code and Providing for the Terms and Conditions of Such Exemptions and Exceptions. " . Ur. Alex Smith, Chairman, Industrial-Comnercial cotmittee, San l'lateo- Burlingarne Board of Realtors, commended the Planning Cornnission, the City Planner, the City Attorney and the City Council for their respective services in establishing a more rigid regulation of sign installations. fhe Chair, on behalf of Council, expressed appreciation to of Realtors and the Charnbe r of commerce for presenting the the Board subj ect . A conununication from the Chamber of cotrurerce, dated ilune 12, 1964, directed the attention of Council to the proposed annual "Contract between the City of Burlingame and the Burlingame Chamber of Corulerce tor L964-1965" attached to said cormnuncation, together with a brochure pertaining to the National ilunior Eard Court Tennis Tournament to be held in Burlingame, ilune 2 g-.fuly 5, and a report from the state Board of Equalization of "Taxable Transactions" for the City of Burlingame. RESOLUTION NO. 74-64 " Execution of Contract By and Between the ciQ Cha ber of Cotnmerce, Effective iluly 1, 1964,of Burl ingame and the 4. 5. ANNUAI, CIIA}IBER OF COMMERCE CONTRACT to and Including June 30, 1965" ($6,000.) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman ilohnson, seconded by Council:nan Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon RolL ca1l . Chamber of Corune rce Past President, Robert iI. llacDonald and President Leonard t{oskovitz, thanked Council for its action in supporting the endeavors of the Chamber of comnerce. 31 and to the public contest, Hyatt President ltoskovitz extended an invitation to Council to be present at the judging of the "Miss Burlingame" House, Tuesday, June 6, 1964, 1:00 p.m. 6. RESTOP.ATION PARKING LIUITATIONS REQUEST A corununication fron !1r. Ezra E. stevens, 125 Primrose Road, owner of a public accounting practice-employtnent ageney, requesting that the two-hour restrictions on both sides of the street on Prirnrose Road be restored, was referred to the Parking Conunission. RESOLIITIONS RESOLUIION NO. 75-64 "A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 34-63 Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Bonds, Burlingame Avenue Area Off-street Parking District" was introduced for passage on motion of CounciLnan Johnson, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon Ro1L Ca11. STI'DY I\4EETING SCHEDULED fhe Chair announced that the next Council study meeting had been scheduled for uonday, June 22, L964, 7z 3O p.m., City Engineer's Conference Room, at r"rh ich time the 1964-1965 budget and the Off-Street Parking area would be taken under consideration. RES IGNATION ED MOORE PLAI{NING COMMISSIONER to the city aPProPriate Mayor !{artin acknowledged t}re sP}endid service accorded by ur. lloore and reguested the city Clerk to forward an conmendation to Mr. uoore. COUI,TISS ION E:)CP IRATIOTiTS The attention of council was drawn to the forthcoming Commission expirations on June 30. 1964 and iluly 6, L964, was scheduled by the Chair, for action on the current vacancies and expiration dates of Commissioners. llhe City llanager vras requested to forward a eomplete list to Council prior to the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS councilman ,rohn son suggested that a definite policy be determj.ned with respect to the display of the Anerican Flag on appropriate occasions and the City Manager thereafter was reguested to investigate for report to Council . 2 . SAN IIATEO-BURLINGAI.{E BOARD OF REALTORS Ii{EETING Uayor Irlartin announced that an invitation from the San l{ateo-Burlingame Board of Realtors had been extended to Council to attend the Annual Instal}ation, 1[hursday, June 25, L964, the Shadows, san l{ateo, at 12:30 p.m. (Parking District) Mayor I{artin announced receipt of a cormnunication f ron }1r. Ed lrloore , dated June 11, 1954, submitting his resignation as a member of the Planning Commission, effective June 23, 1964. 1. FI,AG DISPLAY 32 Warrants, It{onth of June, 1954, Nos. 205O-2228, la the total anountof $152,667.39, duly audited, were approved for palment on motion of Councilman Cros\r, and seconded by Councilman ceorge. Payroll warrants, Uonth of nay, L964, Nos. 7913-8384, in the total anount of $108,2A6.50, hrere approved on motion of Councifunan Cro sby and seconded by Councilman Johnson. II{ILLS PARK PROJE T At the request of Councilman Crosby, the City llanager gave a brief report on the progress thus far in the nev/ llills Park area, advising that the Park Department is currently worki-ng on the new ball diamond. Former l{ayor and councilman, U visitor to the CounciL meeting. S . S j-monds , if r. , vras welcomed as a llhe minutes of the Recreation Department and a report fron the Police Department, were adcnowledged by the Chair. BIDS PARKING DISTRICT BONDS Iqr. Fred W. Barnes reported to Council that the J. Barth & co., san Francisco, was the lowest bidder on the proposed third sale of Parking District Bonds. with the Net Interest Cost in the amount of $I13,649.95 and an Average Net Interest Cost of 3.81O3%. RESOLUTION NO. 76-64 "A Resolution Award ing Sale of Bonds, Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District lltrird Sale, $210,9O1.25"(J. Barth & Co.) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unan j.rnously adopted upon Rol.l Call . PENINST'LA MANUFACTURING COI4PANY REQI'EST The City Manager advised Council that the Peninsula tlanufacturing company has reguested submission of a "detailed breakdout" of ttre City's forthcoming 1964-1965 Budget. 1[he Chair suggested that an invitation be extended to the Company and to other interested parties, to attend Council budget study sessions. ADiTOIJRNUEIST lfhere being no further transaction of business or matters pending before Council, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 8s55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: R. D. MARTIN, llayor HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk CLAIMS PAY ROLL APP ROVAI ACKNOWLEDGIT{ENTS