HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.09.20J(:) Burlingame, California Septernber 20, 1955 CALIr TO ORDER A regrular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. lteet ing called to order at 8:OO p.8., - ltayor Cro sby in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIINCE At worrcl from the Chair, all in the Council Chanber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to tlle FIag. Present - Councilmen: Absent - councilDenr Crosby-Diederichsen-George-alohnaon-ltartin. Bone. :fhe Iinutes of Ure regular Eeeting of septeube r 7, L965, subnitted previoualy to Council, were accepted and adopted. The llinutes of the regularly adjourned neeting of Septenber 14, 1965, suhitted previously to council, were anended, under the subject of "Dirt Eauling on Trousdale Drive, " that to the opinion stated by the city Attorney. coDcerning the deaial of the earth hauling permit by the City to add it "is oot binding upon a contract awarded prior to the effective date of the ordinance and that the cqments of Councilnan ceorge be clarified to read tlat "the City of l.tillbrae be considered ag an alternat€ route for trucke returning empty to the project." The minutea were thereafter accepted and adopted. EARTE EAT'LING PERI{IT (Continuance of subj ect) llayor Crosby stated ttrat the first order of business would be the further consideration \r Council to the Guy F. AtJ<inson's application to haul dirt al.ong Trouadale Drive and announced that the public hearing on the issue was declared closed at the prior meeting of Council. The Chair thereupoa referred to ttr. Luther It{. Carr, Attorney, representing the Atkinson CoEpany, wtro first advised that on Septenber 17, 1965, the City of san Bruno approved the application of the conpany to haul seventy percent of the yardage that must be disposed of fron the skyline freewayproject; that with respect to the City of llillbrae, and in ceapliance with the request of the City of Burlingame that [il1brae be approached in arr effort to re-route enpty trucks through that Citlr, a letter to that effect ha8 been filed and the issue placed on the City of ltillbrae's agenda, October 5, 1965. I{r. Carr further adviged that the city }ranager of the City of ltlillbrae has informed hi-m that an ordinance in effect, linits earth hauling tonnage capacities on llil.lbrae Avenue and on Eillcrest Drive and an application therefor is processed through public hearing, with each hone on the prolrosed route so posted r aIso, that the City of Millbrae has recently authorized permission to haul 13O,OOO cubie yards of, fill along ltillbrae Avenue fr@ a nec eehool site within its city linits, tbereby creating considerable doubt that the City of ltillbrae will be receptive to the request to re-route empty trucks through its Crty. ROI,L CALL HIT{UTES !1r. Carr spoke of hia persoaal tour of lturchieon Drive as a possible alternate route, whereia it ras his opinion that the street r.s too steep, too narrff aDd too wiadiug and rould iavolve traveling through business dietrictg and schools, including ttills High Sdrool. 276 Council vraa again solicited bry l,tr. Carr, to approve the Atkinson ' a Conpany application to haul dirt along Trouadale Drive. In reply to CouBcilman Johnaon'e inquiry, !tr. Carr stated that the trucka would be returning to the project at the rate of one per ninute. Ia reply to Councilman t{artin, l,lr. Carr advised tbat hia appearanoe before the City of ltillbrae sould be based on the decieioa of Counciltllie evening with respect to approving the application for a hauling permit. Also in reply to Counciluan !{artin, a representative of the Atkinson Conpany, jJt attendance, confirmed that trucks woul.d be reatricted to hauling operations during daylight hours only. Councilnan ltartin, eoomenting on his uncertain reaction concerning issueg of legality, questioned the City Attorney as to rrhether he would object to Council also seeking an opinion f,ro another legal source, to which inquiry the City Attorney indicated no objection. Councilnan litart in thereafter reco@ended that the law form of Wilson, Earzfeld, ifonea & Ilorton be requeated to aubEit its opinion on apecific questions and that the rubject natter be continued for at least one week pending receipt of an outside Iegal opinion. Councilnan lartin stated that it was his understanding that the Hillg Estate IEprovenent Association plans also to seek legal advlce. Follorrring a brief diecussioa, wherei-n the representative fron the Atkinson Conpany expreeaed no objection to the proposed delay, the adoption of the policy reeonended \r Councilnan lrtartin wag confirned by Council. I{r. Don Teixeira, Preaident, litills Bstate ImproveBent A8sociation, recogmized by the Chair, Etated that the large nunber of lrtiLls Eatate residents were in attendance b€cause of their deep interest in the .' (1) aafety, (2) danage to homes and (3) nuisance factora and confir:medthat answers to legal questions will be sought try his organization. llr. Teixeira Buggeated that if trucks are to proceed witb the proposd hauling operation, that strj.ct traffic control be maintained, with consideration given to placing stop signs on Sebastian Way, on ttartiaez Driv€ and poaaibly oD Bunt Drive. To an inquiry froB tlr. E. E. Fitzgerald, 264A frouadale Drlve, concerning the decision of Council to geek outside legal opinion, Counciluan tltartin stated that to divulge information on this occasion would be inopportunein view of the 'bargaining" position of the City with the Contractor. A recess was declared by the Chair at 8:45 p.n. ilbe neeting lraa reconvened at 9:OO p.n. (a)PORCE IIAIN SEWAGE PT,II{P STATION Bids for a Force ltain, Bayshore Eighway Seryage Puap Station. 2rOO p.n., Septenber 15, 1965, according to published notice, ackn*rledged fron the following contracting fims: opened at were RECESS CAI,I, TO ORDER BIDS 277 BIDDER E. f. E.as Capany It{ission Pipeline Co. R. lr. ilohnston Co. Eackett Bros. tt{ccuire-Eester Co. Asaociated Pipeline co. $12,892.50 15,184.50 15, 290.00 21, 625 . OO 24,315.OO 35, 245 . O0 Engiaeer' s Eati-uate $14, 617 . oo :Ihe City EDgineer advieed that E. f. Eaas C@pany waa deternined to be the lorrest reeponeible bidder and concurring with hia recmendation that a contract be awarded, Councilnan ilohnson introduced for passage, RESOLUTIOE m. 94-65 "Award lag Contract for Constructlon of Force t{ain Bay Sbore Eiglflay Serage Punp Station arob t{o. 65-21" seconded by Couneilman ceorge and unani.nously adopted upon Roll CaIl vote. cb) STREET LTCETIIG TIT{PROVEITENT DTSTRICT NO. 4 Bids for tbe Burllngaoe Ave[ue and vicinity Street Lighting Inproverenta Di8trict No. 4, opened at 10100 a.8., on SepteDber 2, L965, in conpl iance with publ ished notice, rrere entered upon tlre record ae follora: BIDDER Ecco-Phoenix Electric Corp. feat Coast Electric Co. R. F1atland Co. Berge3er Co. Steiny and Ittitchell, Inc. Ceatral Electric @rp. &sco Electric Co4r. ttetropolitan Electric $18,123.42 19,87O.00 23,768.O0 23,555.0O 23,8I8.O0 25, 581.80 28,92O.8O 29.638.60 hgineer's Estinate s27 ,A32.OO Declaration of contract award waa withheld pending conclusion of public hearing on the proposed Lighting DiEtrict scheduled later in the roeeting. 1. PE{CE PERUIT REQUEST tlayor croeby announced a chaage in the rcArular order of business to congider an application euhitted by t{r. Dan Pranko, for a dance pernit in connection with the operation of a beer and gandwich eetablisbment, proposed as the "Pub so-Eo,' 1316 Broadway, Burlingane. A letter was read fron ur. Franko, dated Soptenber 14, 1965, outlining his propoaal, referriog to his meeting with Broadway merchanta, in whidr support ras indicated to the enterprise, and asluring the City of his intention to conduct a rpleaaant, well-managred operation. " !tr. lttidrael l{eve, Attorney, representing the Pranko corporation, referred to the considerable adverae publicity received in connection with the propoaal and outlined in detai.l, the actual intent of the appLicants to reatrlct the operation to the sale of eandwiches and beer to persons over the age of twenty-oBe exclusively. coBtinuing, llr. ueve advised that it is proposed to reaerve a fifteen foot \r fifteen foot area for a dance floor to accomodate seven couples,to install a pool talrle, tuo pin-ball nachines, a shuffleboard and a j uke-box r that one hundred eixty-six persona ia the eapacity attendance and health and eafety laws sha1l be Btrlctly conplid with. TOTAL BID TOTAL BID @I{MI'NICATIONS 278 In reply to ltayor Cros{'s inquiriee, tilr. Ueve advised that a clear- ance has not as yet been received from officialE with respect to health and safety standarda, that the premises ehall be open betreen the hours fro 4:00 p.n., to 2:OO a.m., seven daya a week, with little interference anticipated to disturb the Broadway parking systen; and that an offduty police officer shall be engaged for security E€a8ure6,particularly during the seekends. lfhe City Attorney, in reply to inquiries from the Cbair, explained ordinance requir ements regulating nplacee of amuaenent" wherein a special pemit from Council is required for a "dance hall" or a similar activity, and a "pool hall" and observing that in this instance a "pool hall" operation is not the intent; that the sale of n sandrides "is authorized through iesuanee of a busj.Dess license and the aale of 'beero through a pemit ieaued by the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; before Council ia an application to pernit dancing. a liceneefor which nust be approved, according to ordjlance requireuents, by the City Council i a health, fire and police inspection and approval therefor is mandatory to tlre proposed operation t and that once approved, a pemit nay be revoked by Council, nlth a hearing granted the licenseeto ahqr cauae why such permit should not be revoked. Itr. Dan Franko, one of the applicants, confirmed tbat the fixturea to be installed are "a.musementr featurea and advieed that a telqrorary receipt has been issued to hi! by the City's License Departnent, to operate a juke-box, one pool table and two pJ.n-ball nachines, pending approval of inspection by health, fire and police departaents. llhrougb inquiries fro Counciluan ltartin, Ur. Franko advised that hours would be betrreen 4:O0 p.n., and 2:00 a.m., to permit adult atteDdance only; the operation will be eurveilled \l off-duty police officers on weekends and by regular personnel on other eveniogs; the fixtures will include, trrenty-five bar stools, s ixty chairs and twenty tablea and no problen is anticipated in controlling the capacity limitation of one hundred eixty-eix persona. In further reply to Councilman l{artin, }tr. Franko stated that the advertisement appeariJg in a recent editiol of the nerrspaper. aoliciting the employnent of 'young maidens' between tbe ages of twenty-three tothirty, rraa so placed to attract unnaffied woen vithout lrone responsi-bilities and to maintain lorer salary coatsi the costures propoaed for "bannaids" shal1 not be off,engive to the public and ilhuination of the premises shall be of a proper degree of brilliance, witb no intention of using a 'di.nneri switdr. !tr. Franko suggested that a perait for dancing be approved on a c.onditionaL thirtyday basis and that hi8 operation be given an opportuni.ty to " prove itself.' Petitions and cmunicatioDs r,vere read in protest to tbe proposed operatioD of a "beerdance haII" at 1316 Broadway by the Pranko Corporation and beari.ng the sigmaturea of Hrs. w. J. caEpau, fra. Earry Coderre, llrs. irohn Crabbe, Irlrs. rr. !t. Gullett, ltr8. R. L. EaEuett, ltrE. v. V. Koloobatovic, Hra. P. W. LanaD, llra. A. J. Peri11at, Irs. Belva Breyer, !lra. Bessie llorello, l{rs. aran€a liogeDbledt, Itlrs. llargaret Einee, I.lrs . Loretta Florea, !t!s . t{irif red Sdrneider, !lrs. S. c. Livingston, Xr. EEnry t{. Bettnen, l{r. iramea E. Terry, tlr. l{ra. Eenry B. Wilkinson, }lrs. Sylvia Rogtera, }lra. Bazel ucl(eon aDd ur. and Ira. c. ilohnson, f,orth Burlingae residents. llhe Chair recoqpized l,lr. Robert L. Eaqmett, 14O8 Alvarado Avenue, $ho Btated tlrat the proposed openiag of a "beer-and-dance hall" constitutes a substantial change in the Broadway area and one in which t-h!€e igsues should be considered; (1) the effect on the neighborhood; (2) the proposed operation itoelf; and (3) tbe varied reports iesued by the Franko Corporation. 279 Follo,ring a aerieg of inguiries directed bV l{r. Eamett to and answered by !fr. Dan Pranko, t{r. B:rn€tt urged a denial of the dance pernit on the basls that its issuance would attract an undegirable eleuent to the coprunity, a noise nuisance would be created, both "in-and-aboutn the premises and it nould inpede traffic congestion becauae of the lack of parking facilities. A discussion aroae on llr. Franko's attendance at a meeting of the Broadway lrlerchanta' Aesociation to present his plans, sith !tr. Alfred KaufmanD and l{r. Philip trerrDan, Broadway Derc}ranta, eac}r questioniJrg the featureg to be added to the business operation that were not presented on the occasion of the neetiug. and referring particularly to a dance floor and to the placement of pin-ball machineg. Both nerctrants indicated no objection to the original plaa to open a beer aod sandwich operatioB but expreased concern that tbe propoeed additions nay create an adverae environnent and a noise nuigance. Ur. franko Etated that in progressing wittr his plan, a mall dance area waa included, aad ia soe detail, he deacribed the alterationa currently ln progress and thoae proposed to render ttre prenises ag sound proof aa possible. ttrs. Edith lttner, Secretary, Broadway ltlerchants Aasociation, advised Council that she recalled that the minutes of that particular meeting with llr. Franko in attendance, did include a reference to a dance area. Ittr. franko, in reply to Council ingtriry advised that his application to Bell beer has been subitted to the Alcobolic Beverage Control Board and a hearing hae been set by the Control Board in San FranciEco n€xt week, a procedure required by r.ason of an obj ection filed by Hr. and Ura. Eamett. A number of inquiries directed to !lr. Pranco by Councilnan l{artin rrere replied to by the foraer on the following poi-nte. f. iluke Box aound range: 8o be aet onLy to be heard within the preuiaes: 2. Operation between 8 p.n., and 2 a.n., on Thureday, Friday and Saturday, nidnight on other week days: Pref€rence tbat dance pemit be approved on a full eight hour, seven day bacia to legalize the activity at all ti-uesi hosever, no objection to negotiating this point; 3. t{inors prohibited: Definitely no ninors, with s igm so posted, 4. P1aceEent of police officer every night if necessary: f,o obj ection. Urs. Robert L. Eamett stated that " tfiis is primarily a public dance hall" and e:rpressed her concern that "it shall draw an undesirable eleent. " To her protest, ltr. Franko stated ttrat his propoaal of beer and sandriches, with dancing an incidental for adults only, and again urged that the permit be basis. features the sale 'anuaetrent " feature isgued on a trial Further discuasion and inquiry from Council indicated those oppoeing the igsuance of a dance per:nit had no objection to the proposed sale of beer aad sandwichea and to the reference that noise and disturbances nay result, EeDbera of Council pointed out that the Alcoholic Beverage control Board ia tbe responaible agencf in granting liquor lieensee, over t'h ich the city has no jurisdictioni ttrat similar establishoents within the City are 'poteatial dieturbance centers" but with proper DanageEeDt, such disturbancea Eay be kept at a mininnrn. 280 To further inquiries by Council, Ur. Franko confirued that his liquor license is pending the outcone of a hearing before the State AJ.cohol ic Beverage Control Board. Discugsion concluded with Council concurring to withhold a decisionuntil notified lyy llr. Franko that his liquor licease has been ieaued by the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and a favorable inspectioa report hae been received fror the 8ire, Police and Eealth Departnenta. A receas was declared \z the ghair at 1.1:10 p.n. llhe neeting was again caIled to order by the Chair at 11:25 p.u. BROADTAY PARKING IOT ACOUISITIOIIS uayor crosb!, announced that tbis was the ti.me and place eclreduled bY Council to conduct a public hearing on the proposed acquisition ofproperty in the Broadway area to create off-street parking facilities. fhe City Planner, in reply to Councj.l, indicated \l blaclrboard i].lug-tration, a parking arrangeDent that may be adopted to accomodate the greatest nunber of parking apaces on a lot. :fhe City Planner stated that as a general rule, fifty-foot lots are not the most efficienti hdrever, tbe maneuveraJrility of traffic avail- able becauae of the location of th€ proposed lots is an advantage inthis instance. Further questions \l Council indicated the two lotg currently house eiugle-family dwellings and the acquisition ttrereof shaIl necessitate 'eninent doain " proceedinge. Council ras advised by Councilnan ceorge, Council Budget Cmittee,that a sum of $50,00O.OO hag been allocated in the current budget for ttre nBroadway Parking Development" suggesting that acquisitions in the future nay be necessary througb asaeEsment district procedure. Itrere being no protesta received, orally or in written fotu and no furttrer coments in favor of the proposal, the hearing was declared closed. Councilman ltartin recomended that the purchase of trro lots, rather than one, at one tine, would best serve the intereet of ttre City. Follorring a brief diacussion, tn r*trich Couneil concurred with the recounendation to acguire both lots proposed by the Broadway tterctranta' Association, the Clty Attorney was directed to prepare resolutionsinstituting minent DoEain Proceedinga for Council actiou at the next regular roeeting, october 4, 1965. RECESS CAI,IJ TO ORDER EEARINGS t. !tr. Alfred KaufDann, Broadway merchant, waa recognized ry the Chair as spokesnan for the Broadway UereJrants' Asgociation. Ittr. Kaufuann displayed a plot plan of a portion of Broadrray and cross- hatched sections indicating lote proposed for acquiai.tion as parkiag facilities and identifying the parcels a8 t\ro fifty-foot lots b€tt een Capuchino Avenue aDd Pal@a Avenue, north of Broadway, so proposed to eetablish a continuity of traffic clrculation. 281 2. BURI,ITTGNTE AVEXT'E STREEE tIGHTITiG DISTRICT ltayor crosby announced that this was the time and place scheduled b'}' Council resolution (iIuly 19, 1965) to conduct a pubL ic hearing on the proposed Burlingane Avenue street Lighting Distrj.ct and referred to the City Engineer, the project engineer, for report. Irhe city Engineer adviEed that the District encompasse8 the area on Burlingae Avenue, between EI canino Real and Calif,ornia Drive; Primrose Road fron Chapin Avenue to Eatch LaDe and portions of Park Road, Lorton Avenue and California Drive, south of Burl ingame Avenue i the project shalI replace sub-standard electroliers sith I,OOO lua. mercury lanps on Burl ingane Avenue and 400 lln. nercury lanps on the side streetai the total asaeaaDent cost for the project was originally estimated in the aDount of $33,053.78 and revised subEequently in view of the lon bid received, to $20,288.74i the original $8.OO front per Equare foot cost estinate wa6 reduced to $5.O0 per aquare foot, resulting in a thirty-seven and one-half perceDt reduction on all aaaesanenta. t{ritten protasts were acknosledged fr@r }lr. Rainund lftrrlitzer and llrs. Pauline wurlitzer, property or/ners rithin the District. Aaaeaament parcels NoB. 45, 46, 48, 49, 90. Oral protests rrere entered by XrE. Robert L,. Eamett, 14O8 Alvarado Avenue, objecting to the ingtallation of Bodern lighting unite that ln her opinion, vould change the 'provincial atnosphere and charo of Burlingae, " and by tttr. Carl TDrello, property oumer within the District, AsaeasDent parcela NoB. 31, 32, 35 and 37. Ihere were no further protests entered in opposition to the Ligtrting DiBtrict. l,lr. Charlea Gfroerer, Burl ingane Bercibant, addreseed Council to express the appreciation of the najority of the BerchantE in creating a well- lit downtq*n area and beautifying the thoroughfaree. Ihere being no furtber oral c@ents or emunications filed, the hearing was declared clo8ed by ltayor crosby. :fue city Engineer adviaed that with the insufficient number of protest8 received orally or v:ritten (written 10.23poral L2.96*l the project ray proceed to a conclusion. Resolutions neceasary to the formation of tlre Burlingame Aveuue street Lighting District, were presented and action taken as follows: RESOTTUTIOIr NO. 95-65 "A Resolution of Determination, Under Division 4 of the StreetE and Eighways code, to Proceed with Proceedinga for Improvements - Burlingare Avenue street Lighting Project" was iutroduced for paasage oD motion of Councilnan Johnson, seconded Iy Councilman llartin and unanimously adopted upon Roll caLl. RESOLUTION fixc. 96-55 "A Resolution Overrul ing Protestg on Resolution of Intentl.on Eo. 42-65 - Burlingare Avenue street tighting Project" was introduced by Councilnan ilobnson, wtro uoved its passage, seconded by councihan ltartLn and unani.rnously adopted upoa RolI call. RESOLUTIOtr NO. 97-65 "A Reaolution Orde ring Reduct ion of Asseasments Burlingane Aveaue street Lightiag Project' rras introduced for paasage on rction of CouncihaD irohnsoB, geconded by Councilman ltart in and unanimoualy adopted upon Roll Ca1l. RESOLUTI Of NO. 98-65 "A Resolution and order Ad opt ing Engineer's Report Confiroing the Assessnent and ordering the tfork - Burl ingame Avenue street Lighting Project" was introduced for pa8sage on notion of Counciluan arohnson, aeconded b!, councilnan tlartin and unanirously adopted upon RolI CaIl. 282 RESOLT TION l{O. 99-65 "A Resolution of Award of Contract - Burl Lngame *TRESOLUIION No. 100-65 (see end of minutes , this date. )3. I{-1 I,IGEf II{DUSTRIAI, DISTRICT (PROEIBITED USES) ttlayor Cro8by announced that this waa the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing on revisiona to the tlunicipal Code affecting "prohibited uses" in I{-1 Districts. Findings of the Planning Comission, Eetting forth reasons to 'prohi.bitinstallations that invite water-contact sports " urere read ty the City Plaaner. There being lro one present to coment for or againat the amendment to the llunicipal code and no written protest recej.ved, the hearing was declared concluded by the Chair. ORDINaICE NO. 83O "An ordinance Anendin g Chapter 25.42, lrt-I Dietrict, IGgulations of Title 25, Zonj.ag, of the l.tunicipal Code of tbe Clty of Burlingane By Revising the List of Prohiblted UEeE" rras introduced by Councilman llartin and given its first reading. COI,iUIINICATIONS (Continued) I AGREEUENT RE: CAROLAN AVENITE II,IPROVEITEIIT A cmunication frola the City ltanager, dated September 16, 1965, advised that an easeuent is required from the Southera Pacific Railroad C@party to provide a n atorn drainage channel through railroad property for the Carolan Avenue iJoprovenetrt - Totron Drive to Broadway - and it was the recomendation of hig Office and tbat of the city Engineer that a resolution authorizing the execution of the eaaeEent agreement be enacted. Council concurring,FASOLUTION NO. 101-65 "Authorizing and Directing D<ecution of Agreement with southern Pacific C@pany for Grant of Easenents Across the Properties Of the Southern Pacific C@pany for Culvert In1et Structure, Ditctr Drainage and Slope Purposes" rras introduced by councilman Uartin, stro moved ita paseage, seconded \r Councilnan ilohnson and unani-mously adopted upon tloll Call vote. 2. AGREEI'IENT WITE STATE RE: SKILIISE FRBEINAY A cmunication from the City l.lanager, dated Septenber 16, 1965, advised that it is necessary to execute a "Conaent to c@ron use Agreement " with the State Division of Eighr'rays to use an area hous ing the City's main water transniseion installations aad crossing ttre proposed ilunipero serra Freeway at skyl ine Boulevard, Concurrilg with the rec nendation of the City l{anager and the City Ergineer that an agreement be authorized, councilnan John aon introduced for passage,RESOLT TION NO. 102-65 "Authorizin g and Directing E ecution of Consent to Comon Use Agreement with the State of California" seconded by Councilnan Diederichsen and uuanimouely adopted upon RolI CaIl vote. 3. IO1r U-EAICE LANE III{PROVEI{ENT ACCEPTN{CE A comunication from the City llaDager, dated Septenber 16, 1965, advised that the Lorrrrie Paving Conpany has satisfactorily completed the construction of Parking Lot "ff" and the Eatch Lane inprovenents in fuII cmpllance with the PIaDs and Specificatiotrs and it 'waa !€c€D- mended by his office and that of the City Engineer that tbe project be accepted aB cooplete. Avenue Street Lighting Project" (Ecco-Phoenix) was i,ntroduced for paseage orl Eotion of Councilnan ilohnson, seoonded by Couacifuaaa l{artin and unanimously adopted upon RolI Call. 283 RESoLtnION t{o. 103-65 "Acce pting Inprovenents - Burlingane Area Off- Street Parking District Lot "I,ir Sdredule I and Eatclr Lane Improvements, Sctredule II, atob Nos. 65-6, 65-11" was introduced for paaaage on Dotion of Councilman George, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unaninously adopted upoa RoII CalI vote. 4. BERU COI{PLETION @IITRAqT ACCEPTED A cmunication frou the City llanager, dated Septenber 16, 1965, advised that the conEtruction of a drnp betm surrouDding au area of approxi.mately seven acres (future dunp site) has been c@pleted aatisfactorily bV A. Buzz EaskinE, the Contractor, and it was the rec@endation of his office and the office of the city Engineer, that the project be accePted. RESoLUTION No. 104-65 "Acce pting Dunp BerE - ilob lqo. 55-22" was introduced by Councilmarn alohnson, wtro moved its paasage, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unaninously adopted upon RoII call vote. 5. PARXIXG DISTRICT IOT ACQUISITTON Reference t^raa made to a Eeno from the City ltanager advising that an offerto acquire the remaining parcel ia the Burlingame Area Off-Street Parking District has been received and recomending that legislation be enacted to formally accept the parcel. CouDcil concurring,RESOLUTI OI rl(). 105-65 "A Resolution Authoriz ing Settlemeut of Parcel 5-E Parking District No. 1) (Uary Cypher et aI - S44,500, E1 Canino-Ralaton Avenue) was introduced for paasage on motion of councilnan tltartin, eec.onded \z Councilnan Johnson and unanirnouely adopted upon Roll CaJ'l vote. ORDDIAI{CES - Consideration thereof I ORDINA}I CE NO. 828 "Prohibit ing Parkirg on tbe northerly Side of DoDnelly Avenuei was given its gecond reading and upon uotion of Councilman !{artin, seconded by CounciJman ceorge, said Ordi.rtance passed its second reading ard was adopted fyy the folloning vote: Ayes : Councilmsn : croslvy-Diederichaen-ceorge-.rohnaon-lilart in. Noea: Councilaens tlone Absent Corrncilmen! troDe ORDIfCANCES - Introduction thereof: ORDIIIANCE NO. 831 "Regulating Parking of Vehicles on Rhinette, Carmelita, Chula Vista, Lagruna, Capudrino and iruanita Avenues" was introduced by Councilman ilohnEon for fir8t reading. ORDIITANCE I{O. 832 "nepealing 35 miles per hour Speed Lirnit on Brousdale Drive" was introduced ry CouncilDan Uarti.D for flrst reading. I'NFITTISEBD BUSIISESS 1. REPORT STATUS STATE LAND AC9UISITION A report from the City l,Ianager, dated Septenber 15, 1965, advised thata nerr ploposed right-of-way liDe for a portion of the Bayahore Eighway south of Broadray has been preaented by the State, thereby reducing the area sought bry the City of Burlingarae \r approximately one acre.fte state has indicated that the selling price shall be adjusted accord-ingly and that the coDs@ation of the sale is anticipated in the near future . lflhe City ]tanager, in reply to CourciL, verbally confimed t]rat approxi- nately eleven acres, eaat of the Bay5hore Freeway and south of Broadwayshall be relinguished by the State to the City of Burlingaoe. 284 2 . COIII.TISSION REAPPOIIf,I}IENTS ?etla of Office for the folloring Comission expirations were extendedby unaniuous conaent of Council. HEALTH SAFETT & TRAFFIC COIO{ISSION aloseph A. Aliamrs; Roland W. Dippel; R. C. Theuer. IJIBRAFI':T BOARD ilrs. Edith eohendet r Ralph O. ltoody. PARI( COIO{ISSION ilohn l,t. Eischt A. t{oods Giberson; nussell It{urpby; and RECREATION COMMISSION A]'bert S . Eot l,ritz . I LEAGITE CoIIUITTEE RE: SISTER CIT!a AFFIL,IATION A cmunication was acknowledged from lrlr. Ecnrard caralner, ABsociate Director, League of California Cities, dated Septer0ber 8, 1.965, advising that the City of Burlingane, through it6 affiliation proglaD with Cuernavaca, llorelos, llexico, is eligible to n€mbership on the League Comittee on International Uunicipal Cooperation and Buggesting that Council select a repreaentative to 'serve on the connittee. Councilnan alohnson wae unanimoualy aelected to represent the City of Burllngame. 2. PROPOSED CITIZETTS @I,IHITTEE Irtayor Crosby announced that he has requested menbers of the Council to guhit names for appoirt[ent to a citizens' c@ittee to serve in an advisory capacity j-n the selection of a City BalI or a civic Center site. councilman Johnson's rec@endation, in raaponae to the requeat of the Sister city Coittee, that a display case be purchased for the Library to exhibit material from cuernavaca, waa referred to the City l,tanager. REPORT OIV DI'I,IP CO}ITRAST PROVISIOI{S A memo was adcnowledged fr@ the City tlanaqer, dat€d Septenber 15, 1965, reporting on provisions of the nfl Dump Contract proposal.. Ihe City Uanag:er reported verbally on his moat recent conference with the san uateo Dispoaal C@pany's officials in whitlh iesues with respect to the "trangfer station" and "free dunpi-ng privileges to ttre City" have been resolved to the benefit of the City. A poJ.l of Council indicated unaniaoua approval to ttre preparation of a final draft of contract between the city of Burliagaoe and the San ltateo DisposaL Cmpany. lfbe city ltanager advised that a final contractual document eha1l be available for Council action at the next regrular meeting October 4, L965. NE9I BUSINESS 3. DISPLAY CASE FOR LIBRARY 285 ACKNOWIJEDGUENTS ltayor CroEb,y aciknowledged receipt of uinutes fr@ the Planning Conmission and the Library Board and nonthly leports from the Police and fire Departnents. Councilman George announced his intention to attend a Civil Defense Iteeting, lfhursday. Septenber 23, L965, EillsdaLe Inn. councilman Uartin advised that he ro uld attend the forthcodrj.ng meeting of the Council of ltayors, september 24, 1965, Brentwood todge, city of south san Francisco. 9IARRANT APPROVAI, warranta, Ilonth of septeEber, 1965. cluly audited, Nos. 4769-4953, in the total amount of $L74,7'17.23, were approved for paynent on motion of Councilman ltartin rnd geconded by councilmao ilohnson. PAYROIJ, APPROVAL Payrol} warrants, llonth of August, 1965, Nos. 5089-5545, in the total snm of ;L23,6LA.47, teere approved on tootion of Councilman llartirr and seconded \z CouncifunErn George. llhe neeting adjourned at 12:50 a.m., to meet fuesday, Septenber 28, 1965, at 8:OO p.m. Respectfully submitted, RBERr K. WEITE, CIIY CLERK APPROVED: il"&; A. 0*."!,* TYILTIAU J.cBosB.lr, MAyiiR **RESOLUTION . 100-65 "A Resolution Designating Collection Officer - Burlingane Avenue street Lighting Project"(City Ireasurer) was intro- duced by councilmar alohnson, rJho noved its passage, seconded by Councilman ltartin and unani-mously adoPted uPon RolI CalI. ANNOI,NCEIT{ET{TS AD.TOURNI{HST E