HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.01.07164 BurlJ-ngame ,January C al ifo rnl a7, 1963 A negu)-ar meeting of the Burlingano City Councll was held on the abov6 glven date. IGeting called to ord6r. at 8:0! p.m., - Mayor Lorenz Ln the Chalr. CALi TO ORDER Present - Councllnen:Absent - Councilmen: C ros by- Johns on-Iorenz - i,lar t 1n- l,to rg an None PI,EDGE OF ALIEGIANCE At word. from the ChaLr, all ln the CounciL Chamber arose andl gave the P1edge of Alleglance to the FIag. RCLL CAIL ],fI\UTES The mlnutes of the previous moeting of December l7, !962, as submlt-ted to Councl-1 w6re unanlnously approved and adopted upon motlon of Councilman Martl,n and. seconded by Councilman Crosby. I{EARING ANNEXATION RECTANGULAR STRIP PROPERTT - CITY OF i'.trLLBRAE T?re Chalr announced that this was the tlme and olace scheduled ln c onfo rma.nc 6 with p rovl-slons of RESOLUTION NO.-62 to hear prote s ts entereal by persons owning real proper yw n cer ain unlnhabitedtenrlto::y, designatod the rri,,l111b!'ae St::lprr proposed for annexatlonto the City of Burlingane and consented to by resolutlon enactedby the City Councll of the City of Mll1br:ae. lhere being no pnotests recolvod ln writing or enter.ed verbally, Councllman Morgan lntroduced for flrst readlng, Q&DIlqNCq l)[O. 773rrAn Or.dlnance ApprovL Te:rnLtory, Designated ng the Annoxatlon of Certain Unlnhablted[I,Ii11brae Stnlprt to The Clty of Burlingame. r] For the lnformatlon of thoso in attondance, Counc l1man l.{organ explained that the proper.ty conslsts of an elongated rec tangul-arparcel of l-and contiguous to the Clty of Burlingame and 1ts proper lncluslon wlthin the CLty of Burllngame as part of an adJustmentln the development of the l,llll-s Estate, has been ecknowledged by the Ctty of Mlllbnae. BURLINGAYE AREA OFF.STREET PARKING D]STRICT A poIl taken of the City Corrncil by Msyor Larenz, lndlcated that members approved the suggestlon that a study meetlng be scheduledto consi.der the evldence presented previously with r"espect to the for"mation of the Bunlinqarne Avenue Area Off-Street Parklng Distnlct. January 23, t963, I p.n. was the date selocted. Mr. Kenneth I. Jones, Attorney for the Dlstrlct, suggested that theregular meetlng of January 27-, L963, bo adJourned to B p.m., Januar.y 23, 1963, at whlch tine Councll nay desire, at the concluslonof lts study, to lnltlate formal actlon on the proposed fornatlon ofthe Parklng Dlstrlct. Councll concumed and the Clty itlanager was requested to remind. Councll by memo the Friday prior to the next regular meetLng. FORi,IATION RECLA],4ATION )ISTRICT The Clty Manager advised that in c ompli.ance lrith CourrciJ- nequest, members of the cltlzens commlttee, tlJolnt Bay Lands Commltteerl were po1led and have l-ndlcated no objectlon tc the proposed relocatlon of the dralnage channel as recorrrnnded by the City Engi.neer. 165 I,lr. A1 Horr,ri. tz, Chalrman of the af or.ementioned Commi.ttee, personally advLsed that the relocatlon does not interfere wlth the lagoon andthe other plans nec ommended by the Commlttee for the recreatlonal development of th6 ar.oa. l,Iemb ens of the City staff, lncludi,ng the Clty .',lanager, the CityEnglnee::, the City Attorney and the City Planner, were questloneil and lndlcated no obJectlon to the proposed nlans formrlating areclamatlon dlstrict. l{r. David Keyston further advlsed Counclf that the demands stipulatedin a communication under dat and his company has consenter+lthout charge, either a deefor the Bay Front Channel as f October !7, l.962, have been wlthdrawno grsnt to the Ctty of Burlingame,r an easement to the property necessarycated, (letter on file l-7-63) eodtdo 1o CO]"T,TUNICAT]ONS ].. REPCRT RE: PARIflNG REGI]I,ATORY OBDINANCE NO. 75I} A conumrnlcation from the City I'{anager, dated. Jenuary \, 196}, reportedin some detail on the operatlon and effect of the overnight parking regulatory ordinance enacted by Ccuncil on l4ay 7, 1962, for the past six-months period, as requested by Councll on a orior d.ate. The report was aclmowledged and placed on f lle. r,layor Lorenz commended the Police Department on 1ts efflclency ln enforcing theleglslatlon prohlblting the parking of vehicles upon City streets between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. without a valld permlt. 2. ACCEPTANCE TEST PlT FIRE STATION NO. I A cornmunication from the City l{anage::, dated January br, )-96), recom- mendlng the acceptance of the construction of a testing pit et Flr6 Station No. 1 (Fi.re Bond Issue) satisfactorily completed by Dan C. Buohler, Inc., ras coneurred in by Council. Councilman Johnson introduced and moved the passag e of RESOLUTION No. 2-63 rtAccepti-ng Work of Const No. 1-JobNo.62-25 - Schedule ructlon of Test Pit at Ffre StatlonI!r seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried upon Rolf Call- of mertlbers. 3 RESOI,UTION ADOPTING BASIC CIV]L DEFM{SE PI,AN A rnemo from the Clty l4anager, dated Jar:uary 4, 1963, recommended to Councll that a Resolution be adopted to permlt the Clty of Burllngameto particlpate in a matching fund qnd. surplus Droperty program wlththe Califorrria Disaster 0ffic6, Departnent of Defense. Copies of the baslc Clvl-1 Defense Plan were submltted for Councll penrsal. RESOLUTION i{0.-6 ItAdoptLng the Burlingane Clvl1 Defense and Disaster. an was n ro aI for passage on motlon of Councilman l4artin, seconaled by Councilman Johnson and unarLmous1y carrled upon Ro11 Ca1I of mombers . Irfr. JoEn K. Wrlght, Deputy Director, Burlingamo Office of Civil Defense, spoke on the creatlon of a basic Clvil Dofense plan ln order to obtain Federal assistance on the ourchase of surplus property on a rrmatchlng funcl rr basis. l4r. hlright also spoke on the advants.ges of such partlcipatlon, advising that the City has expended $1Or0OO.O0 to date for sur.olus proporty, the actual value of which totals $51,O0O.00. The Chalr, on behaff of the Council, c ommended i{r. Wright services Ln establishlng the Clty of BurlLngarne as one of prepareC elties should instances of emergencies occur. for nis the best- Counc i lman i,lorgan thereupon introduced and moved the passage of RESo1UTION NO. 1-63 rrA Resolution and Order Approvtrg Petltion fon the Formatlon of Reclamation Distrlct, Describlng the Exterior Boundarles Thereof and Orderl-ng the Formatlon of Reclarnation Districtrl seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanimous 1y adopted upDn Ro11 CalIof members. 16ri [.HEALr.T, SAFETY & TRAFFIC CO],f,.4ISSION RECOJ{.{B{DATIONS A commr:nicati-on from the City l,lanager, dated January l.r, aalvlsed that the IIealtn, Safety & Traffic Commlssion hasspeclflc recommendatl ons requlrlng Council actlon: 1. ONE-}JAY STREETS CORTEZ AiIf CABRII,IN AVENIIES l-963, submlt ted City the inall - The Conmlssion r.equested serious conslderatlon be glven to the creatlon of one-way streetB fon Cab::111o Avenue and Cortez Avenue inasrn-rch as the narrol, str€ets and heavy traffic warrant the change. The Clty l,lanagerr s recontrnendation that further study and survey be madq prior to the enactment of permanent Iegls1atlon, $ras concurredln by Counc 11. 2. PARIING RESTRTCTION ON CALIF'RI{IA DR]VE BETWEEN The Commlsslon recommended that parklng be prohlbited on California Drlve from l+ to 6 p.m., and from 7 to 9 p.m., between Rhlnette Avenue and Broadway. The CIty i,lanager. recornmended that the City Attorney be dlrected to prepare loglslatlon to effectuate the par.klng restrlctl-on and at Council request, the Clty Attorney was so lnstr.ueted. 3 . ISTACKING I.ANEI' CAI,lFomiIA DRIVE .{ND oAK GROVE AV$iUE The Commlssion necommended that conslderatLon be glvon to a Istacking lanerr on the east slde of Callfonnia Drive at Oak Grove Avenue topermlt trafflc to nake a turn lnto Oak Grove Avenue. The subJect was refered to the Engln€ering D€partment for study andanalysis as rec oni"rxende d by the City l{anaget . l+.PARKINS O}I PARKfNG STR]PS A request was mad.e by the Conmlssion for a rullng fromAttorney wlth respect to residents of the Clty parklng lawns and between the curb and siCewalk to comply wi-thnlght parklng prohlbitlon on Clty streets. the on the The Clty l{anager advlsed that the problem has lncreased slnco theovernlght parklng rostrlctlon has boen placed. ln effect and that tha subJect w111 be lnvestlgated and appllcable regulatlons enfbrced. 5. PARKING TAST SIDE OF WIDE}T,ED CALIFORNIA DRIVE The Commlssion, ln referrlng to a request to conslder parklng on th6 east slcle of Callfornla Drlve from Oak Grove Avenue to Broadway, recommended that parklng be prhlblted due to the heavy flow of tnafflc and tho hazard of c:.ossing the widened street. The Clty Manager advl,sod that if Council- has no objectlon, rrNo Parkingrl signs sha11 be r.epJ-ac ed. l4embers of the Councll oxpressed. contrary opinlon wlth the recom- nenCation and thereafter l-nstructed the City Attorney to prepare arepeallng anendnent to the current orCinance to pernlt parkl-ng on the east slde of Callfornla Drivo from Oak Grove Avenue to Broadway. 5. RoLLINS RoA) . BROADWAY INTERSECIIoN Wlth respect to lmprovement of trafflc pr oblems at the Broaalway andRoIIlns Road lntersectlon, the Comml,sslon recommended that two stop signs be lnsta11ed at Broadway and Rollins Road to control eastboundtrafflc and to control- traffic making left-hand turns lnto Ro111ns Road fr.om the Istacklngtr lane bff Broadway. The rec ommenala tions alsocarrlod the approval of the Pollce Chlef and the Trafflc Dlrectoi?. The Clty !,Ianag e r suggested that prior to ).oglslatlon, an actualreport be submLtted lndlcatlng the trafflc conditlons at thls locatlon, lncludlng r.eqr-rlred vislbl11ty, accldent frequency and trafflc volume on the through and second.ary streets. 167 Councll concurred and offereC the suggestion that the Clty 4anager. confer wlth the Clty Electrician on the possiblllty of placing aspotllght fl-xture to 111umi-nate the area serviced by po1lce offlcers malntal-nlng tnaffic control. 5 . PURCHASE DIIUP TRUCK - PUBIJC 'riORKS DEPART{ENT A rnemo to CouncLl from the City l,lanager, dat6d January 4, 1963, submitted blds for a one and one-ha1f ton dump truek for. tho Pub1lc I,.Iork s Department received from (a) Doane-l4lnto (b) Bu11ls and(s) Burlineame !,{otors, lncluding a statenent that Isome overload sprlngs, etc., w111 add $21+0.C0 to tho cost of thls equipnent.tt Councl,Iman '{organt s lnqulry concorning the dlfference between revisedbld quotatlons (lncludLng the addltional appurtenances) anat theorlglnal bld quotatlons recolved by Counc11, lnltlated some cllscussion on the Cltyr" method of ca1 llng for blds. Ihe Clty Engineer suggested, for purposes of clarlficatlon, that the Councll rieclare lts po1lcy wlth respect to the prorogatlve of theClty Manager or Department E3ad to purchase ltems set forth ln the budget. Councilman MartLn repeated hi.s previous obJectlon tthe Clty ln obtalnlng lnformal blds, statlng that IpractLce 1s contlnued, all blds should be requlred Counc1l. otft to he methoil of ne current be submltted to No obJectlons w€re expressed by Councll on tho purc,iase of the )ump Truck for the Departrnent of Publlc Works from the 1ow bltider. Followlng further d.iscusslon, the Clty Attorney was requested by the Chalr to prepare an appnopriate rrpurchaslngrr ordlnance to be malIedto each member of the Councll for study prLor to the next regular meeting. 6. REPoRT RE: REI./trTTANCE SCIIEDIILE COLLECT]ON OF TAXES The Ctty Attorney, replylng to an lnqulry of the Chalr concernlng the enact..nent of a trpurchaslngrr ordinance, advlsed that there is aproceCure authorlzlng the purchaslng agent to make purchases (budgeted) up to and lncludlng an 'rxtr amount of d.Il,ars. A cornrunlcati.on from the Clty Atto:'noy, dated January 4, 1963, wrlttenln response to a Councll r:equest, advised of a proposed remlttance sched,rle of property taxes to be ccl,lected for the City of Burllngarne by the County of San "{ateo, coramenclng July 1, 1951. An agreement submltted to Councll at th6 last r"egular meetlng antl held 1n abeyance pendlng _recelpt of the foregolag report from the CltyAttorney, entltled {An Agreement Betweon County and Clty Flxing Compensa-tLon to County for Assesslng and Colloctlng Taxes for Citvrr was ne-farred to CouncLl for actlon. Councllman Johnson Lntroduced for passage RES0LUTIOII N0. l+-63llAuthorlzlng Execrrtl-on of Agreement Between County and Clty Flxlng Comoensatlon to County for Assesslng and Collectlng Taxes ior Clty" secondod by Councllman Crosby and rlnanlmousJ-y canried on Ro11 CaI1of me:nbers. 7. WATER POLLUT]ON BOARD ACCEPTA}ICE C]TY EESOLUTION A coruounication was acknowl edged from Fred H. Dlerker, Chlef Englneer and Actlng Exscutlve Offlcer, Reglonal Water Pollutlon Control Board, dated December ?)q, 1962, notLfylng Councll that the Board has accepted as satLsfactory the Gltyr s report pursuent to Sectlon X of the Boardr s Re s o1u t1 on No . 1119 . RESOLUTIONS See prlor ac tl on. ORDINANCES See prlor ac tion. 2. C]TY-COUNry qIGSWAY DEVELOPI{ENT PLAN !4ayor Lorenz referred to a recently released City-County lllghway Development plan to be proposed ln the future as a Bond Issue and suggested that the Plannlng Comml,sslon be alerted to fonestallplans of the Burlingame Shore Land C ompany ( through Oscar lerson)that may lnterfere wlth future improvements proposed for the Broadway i.ntersectlon and Overpass. The Clty Engineer advlsed that both hls Offlce and that of the Clty Planner were acquainted wlth both subJects and Council would bekept ad.vlsed. 2 PBOPOSED I,JAGE TNCREASES The Clty l,Ianage r was requested to scheduLe the annual Contission- Councll Dlnner and the annual Counc L 1-Auxill ary Fire-PolLce Dl-nnerpreferably on a Friday evening eithe:" drEing tne I'lonths of Marchor Apri1, 1!61. Councilman Johnson, Councl,l-Employee llaison member, referred toher memo to Councl1, dated January \, 196), recommendi-ng that a fu11 step in salaries be granted to City emplcyees, effectl,ve January !, 1963, rather than the retroactive one-ha1f step increase as she had recommended. previously. UNFINISIIED BT]SINESS COUJ{CII.-AIIXILIARY F]RE-POLf CE DINNERS The City l,lanager concurred with Councilman lrlorgan that a report, integrating the d.ata complled by I"1r. Austln lnto salary schedule may be more advisable. Councilwoman Johnson stated that in her opinion, an irunediate increasels warranted. in view of the salary lncreases granted employees in other comrmrnities placlng Burling ane ln a lower wage scale bracket and that further adjustments be considered at the tire of the prep- aratlon of the 1963-796t+ budget. Councllman l"{organ stated that he was of the opinion that a rrblanket ralse Ls not the &ns$rerr and ln rofemlng to the salary tabulatlonfor trbenchnark classes ln the City of Burlingamorr propared by l{r. Bruce I. Austin, Northern Californla l'[anag6r, Stato Cooperatlve Personnel Servlces, suggested that the sub.-i ect be agaLn referr.ed tol4r. Austin with a request that hls Office submlt specific recom- mendatlons to C ounc i1 . s clentiflc an overall The City Attorney, in reply to Councllman Johnsonrs lnquiry, concerning retroactive compensatlon from July 1, 1962, advised that legaIly, retroactlve payments cannot be granted; however, lncreases may become effectlve through leglslation providing for a rrballoonrr pa;rment one month an.l the appllcation of the new salary rate the ensuing months. Considerable discussion and debate arose on a motion introiluced by Councilwoman Johnson, secondod by Councllman Crosby, that a fu11 one-step i.ncrease be granted to City employees, effeetlve Janua:'y 1, 1963 to the rernalnder of the current flscal yean and at which tlme, the Stat6 Personnel Board be requested. to submit a current salary evaluati on. Counc i lwonan Johnson, with the consent of her second, Councj-lman Crosby, thereafter withdrew her motion and the subject was referred to the Clty l4anager wlth lnstructions that he confer rtith !Ir. Austin of the State Personnel Board requesting that he prepare an approprJ.ate schedule of salary ranges based. upon data furnished by nis olfice and submLtted to Counc Ll. BUDGETARY INQITIRTES REFERRED TO l',IAlIAGER At the request of Councllman l'4artin, the Clty I'lanager was requested to subnLt a report to Councll on: (1) the source from which proposed. wage lncreases shal-l be granted; (2) tne amount of f\:nds conmltted by Councll ostablishing a trCapital Improveraenttt Budget; anat (j) theallocation nade from revenue received from Sales Tax Receipts. 16.8 1 . CO:4lO SSloli- COLTIJCIL, 169 l+UNION DUES 'DEDUCTION DISALLOWD Councilman Johnson spoke of her cbJection to the request that unlon membershlp dues be dedueted from monthly oaychecks of thcse Clty enployees afflllated rlth Local 7J, AFL-CIO. It was pointed out that twenty out.of one hund:re d and thlrty-slx Clty employees ane rnembersof the unlon. l'tr. E. W. Kenney, Ilnl,on buslness representative, advlsed of thedlfflculty ln locatlng personltel at the per3iocl of coll-ectlng the monthly dues and stated that costs for the servlce w111 be borne by the rrnlon. Following a brlef discusston, Councilwoman Johnson moved that the request for automatlc deductlon of mernbershlp dues be disallowed. The motLon was. secondod by Councllman I'lartln. .{ Ro1l CalL vote was recorded. as fo}1ows: Ayes : Councllmen: Johnson-i,lartin Noes: Councllmen: Lorenz Abstalnlng Councl}' en: Crosby-Morgan 5 SPEED EXCESS ON WEST HOI{ARD AVENIIE Councllman ',lorgan advlsed of complaints recelved from cltlzens on the excesslve rate of speed agaln prevalent on west Howard Avonue. 6. TRAFFIC HAZARD . oUR LADY OF ANGETS SCHOOL Councllman Morgan suggested thet a police offLcer be st+tloned at th6 Oun Lady of Angels school on Hll1sltle DrLve as a safety pre c aut 1on. DunLng the ensulng d1 scussLon on tbe subject, the Clty l,Ianager was requested to confer wlth the Dlrector of Trafflc on tho submlsslonof a survey report to be refenred to Councll at the next meetlng andto Lnclude whethe!: the olacement of an officer or a crosslng guard dur.ing the perlod in whlch children are arrl vlng and leaving the school area 1s warranted and whether the speed I1ni.t should bo lncneased from 25 mph to 35 rnph. Councilman l,lar.tln suggested that an officer be asslgned to thelocatlon durlng the two-week lnterim. 7.PROPOSED AGREEMENT RE: TRANSIT BET.!{iEIi CITIES The Clty l{anager advlsed that b.e is anticlpating a meetlng wlth theClty -',lanagen of the Clty of San Mateo ln the near future to dtscuss terms of an agreement to be executed to establl-sh a 'rJolnt Exerclseof Powersrr wlth respect to solvLng transit problens ln the cornnunlty. GIIEST INTRODUCM l.tr. Char.le s f . B1ood, nlnety-two yea:rs of ag6, and the grandfather3of 0ounc l1man R. David l4artln, a .rlsitor 1n Burllngame from KansasClty, l4lssourl, was lntr.oduced and given a round of applause. t'{r. Blood was acknowledgod as a newspaperman on the l(ansag Clty rtstarrt for the past seventy-etght years. }.DJOURNMMTT C ou.nc llman Johnson moved that the neeting be adJourned In trlbute toUr. Charles I Blood and that a copy of the minutes of the meeting be forwarded to the dtstlngulshed vlsltor, socond.ed by Councilman Crosby and unanlmor:s1y carr.led. A Resolutlon c orlnenrnoratlng this occasion and in honor of iilr. Blood was lntroduced for passage on motlon of Counc 11nan Johnson, secondedby Councll-man Crosby and unanimously c arr!.ed. Tlme of AdJournnent: 11 :05 p.m.ctfully su ted,inl APPROVED: EIIPORE Resp T llHITE, Clty Clerk