HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.04.06435 Burlingame, California April 6, 1964 CAIL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the BurJ-ingame City Council was hel-d above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m., Johnson in the Chair. PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE on the - llayor At vrord from the Chair, a1I the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLT CALL in the Council Chamber arose the Flag. and gave Cro sby-Diede rich sen-George-alohn son-I{art in . None P re sent Absent Councilmen : Councilmen: The minutes of the regular meeting of March 16, 7964, submitted previously to Council, were unanimously approved and adopted. HEARING ZONING AI'{ENDI{E NT S " REGI'LATIONS FOR R-3A DISTRICTS'' I{ayor alohnson announced the opening of a public hearj-ng scheduLed on tbis date on the matter of amending Part X, Article 5O @oning) of the City's Ordinance Code, proposing a new section "L927.7 Regulations for R-3A Districts" and before the City Council on a recornrnendation from the Planning Commission. Ihere were no persons present to be heard or communications received, either in favor or in opposition thereof. Through an inguiry from the Chair, Council indicated that it had read the minutes of the Planning Commission, dated February lO, 1964, on which occasion a public hearing had been conducted on the proposed amendment. Planning Commission Resolution, No. 1-64 " Recommending the Adoption of an ordinance Regulating Uses in R-3A (Low-Density uulti-Family) Districts" introduced and adopted thereafter by the Planning comnission on February 24, 1964 and its Findings (Exhibit B) with respect to the new classification were read into the record of Council . Follovring the Chairrs declaration closing the public hearing, ORDINANCE NO. 804 "An Ordinance Adding Section 1927.1 to Division 6 (Use Regulations) Part X, Article 50, of the 1941 Burlingane Ordinance Code Regulating the Use of Real Property in R-3A (Low-Density Itlulti- Family) Districts" was introduced by Councilman Martin and given its first reading. COMMI'NI CATIONS 1. SEWAGE TREATIT1ENT PLANT ADDITIONS ACCEPTED A conurunication frqn the City lr{anager, dated April 3, L964, advised that Harry Lee, Plunibing and Ileating Contractor, has satisfactorily completed the plans and specification requirements to provide additions to the Sewage Treatment Pl-ant and it was recommended that the project be accepted as complete. MINUTES 4:Jt; RESOLUTION NO. 49-64 "Acc epting Additions to Sewage Treatment plant, Job No. 63-34, " was introduced for passage on motion of CouncilmanDiederichsen, seconded by Councilman llartin and unanimously adopted upon Rol1 Cal1. 2. CONCRETE RESERVOIR CO!4PLETION A conununication from the City Manager, dated April 3, 1964, advisedthat the Crom Corporation has satisfactorily completed the require- ments of the plans and specifi.cations for the construction of a 1,O72,000 gallon capacity pre-stressed concrete reservoir. Council concurred with the recorunendation of the City llanager andthe City Engineer that the project be approved as complete and RESOLUTION NO. 5O-64 "Acce pting Construction of Water Reservoir ForMills Estate No. 19" introduced for passage by Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Martin, was unanimously adopted upon nolI CalI . 3. BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF GRAVEL St.I},lP AIITHORIZED A communication from the City lrlanager, dated April 3, 1964. proposed that bids be advertised for receipt on tlonday, April 20, 1964, for the construction of a gravel sump in the Burlingame Creek Culvert, Park Road parking Iot. In reply to Councilman Irlartin's inquiries concerning the number of occasions in r.ftich the cover shall be removed from the sump and whether the item is included within the current budget, the City Engineer advised that once a year, six or seven parking spaces shall be affected for one day only by the removal; that there is $5,000.0O in the current budget with approximately $11 ,000.0O remaining in the Storm Drainage Bond Fund to construct the Sump and no funds sha11 be expended from the Parking District Funds. Ihe City Engineer, in reply to Councilman ceorge, expressed his hesitancy to disclose the estimated cost of the project in advance of the receipt of bids. The as City l4anager was authorized thereafter to advertise for bids recormnended by his Office - 4A. ESTIMATED COST OF TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS A memo to Council from the city lqanager, dated April 3, 1964, was read, submitting information with respect to the estirnated cost to install underground conduits for telephone service on portions of California Drive . The city llanager advised that under a proposed "Underground Ordinance" a notification and public hearing is required prior to mandatorily ordering the placement of poles and wires underground. The information was acknowledged and placed on fj-Ie- 48. BOY SCOUT PRO.'ECT IN CA}IYON AREA A memo to Council from the City Manager, dated Itlarch referred to a request from the Boy Scouts to improve area as a scouting project and discussed at the last meeting. 31, 1964, the Canyon Council study The City Malrager recormnended that Permi6sion be granted, subject to the city receiving assurance that an adequate insurance coverage sha1l be provided and that the project be undertaken under the general supervision of the Park SuPerintendent. Councilman Martin suggested that the scouting proiect include only those items referred to by the City l{anager in his memo to Council. A point was raised relative to the proposal to erect foot bridges and the City Irlanager vra s requested to advise the Boy Scouts to confine their endeavors onJ-y within that portj.on of the area that is owned by the City of Burlingame. 4C. DEII{OLITION BIDS TO BE ADVERTISED A memo to Council, dated uarch 3L, L964, from the City uanager, advj.sed that the Parking commission has recommended that the City advertise for bids for the demolition and removaL of all structures on the following parcels: (1) Lot G; (21 Lot F (unoccupied structures); (3) Lot c (Donnelly Avenue); and (4) Lot E (Howard Buick). Councilman llartin. Council liaison to the Parking Comrnission, advised that the recommendation was based on the Comnission's desire to expedite the completion of the parking lot facilities; to remove unoccupied structures immediately and occupied structures as they are vacated. Councilman ceorqe concurred that the project should proceed as rapidly as possible to fulfill promises made to establish facilities and to avoid further criticism. P1ans and specifications rrrere authorized preparatory to the adverti-se- ment of bids. 5. EIGHTH BIENNIAL INSTITUTE MAYORS-COI'NCIL!4EN Ihe Chair referred to an announcement received from the League of California Cities, dated April L, L964, concerning the forthcoming 8th Biennial Institute for Mayors and CounciLmen to be held in Santa Monica, Uay L7 - L9, 1964. There being no objection, Council concurred with the suggestion of Councilman Hartin that the sul:ject be tabLed until the next regular meeting of Council . 6A. APPEAL VARIANCE CARL M. FISKE 2012 DEVEREI'X DRIVE Council acknowledged receipt of a "statement on Appeal " from "Delany and Freitas" Attorneys-at-Law, dated April- 4, 1964, presented in behalf of Irlr. william R. Vierra, 2019 Ray Drive in protest to the recent action of the Planning Commission in approving a variance and granting permission to ltlr. Carl M- Fiske, 2012 Devereux Drive to construct additions to his home exceeding "Lot Coverage" regulations. 68. ADDITION TO FISKE DWELLING OPPOSED A communicatj-on was acknowledged from Dr. 192O Devereux Drive, dated April 3, L964, the granting of a variance to I4r. Carl M. and Ittrs . ente ring Fiske . Jack Posnick, an objection to The City Planner referred to a section of the Zoning Code pertaining to "Hearings" stipulating that at its next regular meeting following an appeal or at any subsequent meeting to which the matter may be continued, Council shall conduct a public hearing. The city Attorney, in reply to Council inquiry, advised that the appeal, scheduled therefor April 2O, 1964, may be continued to the regular meeting, Uay 4, 1964. Council indicated that such would be the procedure. 437 4grJ I 7. APPEAL MI,L"I -FA.ItIILY DWETLING IN R-1 D I STRIC? A communication from Mr. Henry Stephens, 1341 Capuchino Avenue,dated April 4, L964, appealing the decision of the planning Commissionin approving a variance to construct a multi-farnily building in anR-l District, submitted by !tr. W. E. Jenki.ns, I5II Newlands Avenue,was acknowledged and the subject set for public hearing accordingto a procedure as outlined in the foregoing instance. UNLIMITED PARKING ON PARK ROAD PROTESTED A communication was read from Urs. R. Miragliotta, owner of propertylocated at 11O Park Road, leased to !1rs. Lucille Tucker and operatedas a dress shop, protesting the unli.mited parking recently establishedon several streets between Howard and Bayswater Avenue, contendingtthat a hardship in the conducting of her tenant,s business is thereby created . Councilman Uartin, for Council information, advised that Mrs. Tucker has appeared before the Parking Commission on several occasions r^rith several steps taken by the Commission to remedy the situation andcalled attention that there is a two-hour parking zone on Bayswater Avenue within a five hundred foot radius of her establishment for customer parking. Couneilnan tvlartin further pointed out that other business establish- ments j-n the area are also inconvenienced; however, it was the opinion of the Parking Commission that in order to provide "thegreatest good for the whole dor,rntown area" all-day parking in the fringe areas should be permitted untiL the parking lots are in operation. Mayor Johnson, in defending the position of the that the "poIiry was to be maintained to Easter therefore should revert to its original status. complainant, onIy" and the stated area Councilman ceorge Questioned the interim of time between the adver- tisement of bids for the demolition of structures and the actual availability of parking 1ot facilities. The city Engineer estjmated a period of three months. Questioned by Councilman George for an opinion, the City Manager suggested that perhaps Council may compromise by re-establishing the tvro-hour parking limitation on the east side of Park Road, as has been acconplished on Primrose Road. Following further discussion, members of the Council expressed their reluctance to continue the apparent hardship to some of the businesses on Park Road for the estimated period of three month s and concurred with the suggestion of the City Manager. Councilman George thereafter moved, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen that the two-hour parking limit again be imposed on the easterly side of Park Road south of Howard Avenue. The motion was carried wi.th Councilman Martin casting a "no" vote. 9. INS?AI,LATfON LINEAR ACCELERATOR PROTESTED A communication \,ras acknowledged from the City of Redwood City, dated llarch 31 ,.1964, soLiciting the City of Burlingame to support the City of Woodside in its stand that the Pacific cas and Electric Company's facilities to serve the Stanford University Linear Accelerator be install-ed underground . 439 Councilman Diederichsen stated that there were numerous sections within the County of San Mateo wherein similar transmission line installations have been placed and that he personally was oPposed to Council taking action that would particularly "single out woodside." Councilman Itlartin expressed an opposite point of view, stating that it appears that " something has to be 'wrecked' because it is progress;" and referring to the airport, the bay filling and the Golden Gate Park panhandle area in San Francisco, as examples, expressed the opinion that the proposed installation in the City of Woodside is an instance of "just one more encroachment. " Councilman Ivlartin other cot[nunities recorunended that the City of Burlingame join with in supporting the stand taken by the City of l,Ioodside. Councilman George, speaking briefly on the current surge of progress in the State of California, stated that it r.ra s his personal opinion that changes occurring should be "taken in their stride" and that he was not prepared to act on the issue with respect to the City of Woodside. Councilman crosby referred to his recent attendance at a meeting of the San tlateo County Council of Mayors and his concurrence with a statement made by one of the speakers that inasmuch as Stanford University has urged the installatj-on of a linear accelerator, payment for underground installation should be borne by the University. Councilman l{artin, in clarifyj.ng his statements, advised that he was not opposed to progress but he did take exception to the fact that progress does not always occur "in a manner that costs the least. " Councilrnan George stressed the importance of the question, stating that vrhat Council "does here affects someone else and the community" and recorunended that additional study be given to the subject. Ihe City Clerk was requested to place the subject matter on the Council Agenda, April 20. 1964. 10. ENGINEER CORPS RE: IARBOR IIIPROVEI4ENTS A conrnunication from the U. S. Army Engineer District, San Francisco Corps of Engineers, bearing the signature of Robert E. Allan, Lt. Colonel ,District Engineer, referring to an informal discussion of the City,s current interests regarding harbor developments with representatives of the Engineering Staff and the City Engineer and the City Planner, was acknowledged. It was noted that the discussion established that the 1959 plan has been replaced by a recent tentative proposal wherein the City will create a park on land reclaimed by fi11in9 operations and shall be incorporated into a new comprehensive survey being prepared by the U. S. Army Engineering District staff. 11. CALIFORNIA TRAPFIC SAFETY FOI'NDATION A communication from the California Traffic Safety Foundation, dated Uarch 25, 1954. urging the City's participation in an "Annual Vehicle Safety Check for Conununities " was acknowledged and referred to the Health, Safety and Traffic Commission. 12. INFORMATION RE: PAY TV Brochures from the Daily Independent Journal of ltarin County, dated l(arc}j. 24, 1964, and other publications on the isgue of "Pay TV" were acknowledged. 440 RESOLUTION NO. 51-64 ,'Determi nrng Wages in City of Burl ingame', was Councilman Dj-ederichsen, secondedcarried upon Roll Call . General prevailing Rate of per Diemintroduced for passage on Iilotion ofby Councilman Crosby and unanimously ORD INANCES - Consideration thereof: ORDINANCE NO.802 "An Ordinance Amendin g the Ordinance Code of theCity of Burlingame By Adding Tttereto Section LZ2L.L7 providing foran Intersection Stop at the Intersection of Arguel1o Drive andToledo Avenue" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilnan Crosby, said Ordinancepassed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes 3 Councilmen : Crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-Martin. liloes: Councilmen ! None Absent Councilmen: None ORDINANCES Introduction thereof: ORD INANCE NO. 8O3 "Underground Ordinance" was introduced by Councilman George and given its first reading. PARKING DISTRICT NO.], ACOUISITIONS Councilman lvlartin, liaison to the Parking Commission, announced the acquisition and purchase of additional lots to the Parking District and resolutions were thereafter adopted as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 52-64 "A Resolution Autlorizin g Settlement of Parcel 2B-1, Parking District" (Joseph Fregosi, $9,000.) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman lvlartin, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon Roll call . RESOLUTION riIO. 53-64 "A Resolution Authori.zin g Settlement of Parcel 6A, Parking District No. 1" (Stephen K. Whipple, $32,000.) was introduced by Councilman I{artin, v*lo moved its passage, seconded by councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll calI. RESOLUTION NO. 54-64 "A Resolution Authorizin g Settlement of Parcel 7A, Parking District No. I" (Horton Whipple, $32,450.) vras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Ir,Iartin, seconded by councilman Diederichsen and unanj.rnously adopted upon RoLl Cal1- RESOLUPION NO. 55-64 "A Resolution Authorizi ng Settlement of Parcels lC and 6c, Parking District No. I" (Eorton & Stephen Whipple, $86,000.) was introduced for passage on motion of counciLman Martin, seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoII call . Councilman lt{artin advised that the acguisition of the foregoing parcels prompted the recommendation that bids be obtained irmnediately for the demolition of structures. 1. A}IERICAN LEGION REQUEST FOR F I REWO RKS STAIID A communication from Burlingane Post No. 163, American Legion, dated lrla rch 26, 1964, requesting permission to conduct a fireworks stand on Legion property under the management of Burlingame Post No. 163 and its Auxi1iary, was acknowledged. RESOLUTIONS NEW BUSINESS 44L The comnunicatj"on stated that the storing of the supply of boxed fire- works at night has been cleared with an insurance company, ample coverage shall be purchased for the protection of the building and the profits from the sale of the venture shall be used to continue the many vrelfare projects carried on by the Legion and its Auxiliary. The Chair recognized li1r. Rex Rtrodes, Commander of the Post, who verbally requested permission and assured Council that approval shall also be obtained from the Office of the State Fire llarshall. A motion was introduced by Councilman t{artin, seconded by Couneilman George, that Council sanction the location to erect and operate a fireworks stand on the American Legion lot, 990 Burlingame Avenue, for ten days previous to and including JuIy 4, 1964. llhe motion was unanimously carried. COMMISSION APPOINTMENT REFERENCE Irlayor Johnson announced that in conformance with a po1iry previously estabLished by Council, the tjre in which to appoint a membe r to the Health, Safety and Traffj-c Commission. to fill an exj.sting vacancy, is reaching a deadline. lfhe Chair's suggestion that the policy be amended to permit Council- the option of interviewing incumbent Conmission members initiated a brief discussion with Councilman Uartin, who indicated his preference that the present policy be continued. On the subj ect of fi11in9 the vacancy on the HeaLth, Safety Conunj.ssion. by interviewing prospective candidates, Council to meet fhursday, April 16, 1964, at 7:30 p.m., in Executive and to thereafter adjourn to a Study meeting. and Traffic concurred Se s sion The City Manager was reguested to establish a schedule for the interviews. AIIr{OITNCETIIENTS/ACIC{OWLEDGMENT S I{ayor alohnson announced that Thursday, April 9, 1964, at 8:00 p.m., a specia)- ceremony awarding Civil Defense citations to mefibers of the Burlingame Auxiliary Civil Defense Services and regular Police and Fire Department members who have served the City of Burlingame over a period of eight years had been scheduled and to which event the public was invited. The Chair acknowledged receipt of minutes from the Planning Conunission, the Health, Safety & Traffic Conunission. the Library Board and compl i- mented the City li{.anager on his tabulation rvith respect to Commission absenteeism. Council adcnowledged the small percentage of absenteeism on the various Conunissions. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 PARKING I'IETER REPTACET4ENT S In reply to Councilman ceorge, the City Manager advised that bids for the replacement of obsolete parking meters will be available at the next regular meeting of Council. 2. CONSTRUCTION SMAT,L BASEBAIL DIAMOND The City 14 Eulager, is in progress on washington Park. also in reply to Councilman ceorge, the construction of a smalI baseball stated diamond that work in 442 LEAGI,E OF I'IUNICIPAIITIES DIVISION MEETING Couneilman Diederichsen gave a brief report on his attendance at a League of California Cities Peninsula Division meeting and a guided tour of Hunter's Point. Mr. Diederichsen pointed to the interesting fact that of the civilian personnel employed at the Yard, 2,000 live on the Peninsula. COMI,IENDAT lON TO GIRL SCOUT TROOP The City Planner referred to a recent article appearing in the Burlingame Advance-Green Sheet, concerning the McKinley School Girl Scout Troop's project of clearing debris along the Southern Pacific Railroad at Burlingame Avenue and suggested that Council acknowledge the service. The City Clerk's Office hras requested to appropriately acknowledge the endeavors of the McKinley School cirl Scout Troop on behalf of the City Council - fhe City Planner gave a brief progress resume on his activities in connection r"rith the acqui-sition of shoreline areas and the assistance of purchase from Federal funds. ADJOURNI\,IENT There being no at J-O:20 p.m., at 7:30 p.m. further business. the meeting was regularJ-y adjourned to meet in Executive Session, Thursday, April 16, 1964, Respectfully submitted, HERBERT K. WIIITE, CITY CLERKAPPROVED: CHARTOTTE N MAYOR QL,l"*W**) t/