HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - PC - 2020.07.13 - 8BDocuSign Envelope lD: D'EA78943.1 992*4629-840A-BECD93E45D97 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Planning Department City of Burlingame WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF BURLINGAME 50,1 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 2021-167807 10:37 am 12lOOl21 R1 Fee: NO FEE Count of pages 14 Recorded in Official Records County of San Mateo Mark Church rxrry il flfinifrryfi U ilU iltfl rfifliliffi fii rr1 rl1r Resolution No. 2020-OT .13-8b 128 LORTON AVENUE 029-231-210 TITLE OF DOCUMENT I hereby certify this to be a full, true and correct copy of the document it purports to be, the original of which is on file in my office. October 2021 &rrrrt" hrh,*r torrUhfg Date: Kevin AICP, Community Development t+( RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, DESIGN REVIEW, CONDOMINIUM PERMIT, AND DENSITY BONUS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW {9- UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM AT 128 LORTON AVENUE WHEREAS, on November 27,2018, Chris Grant filed an application with the City of Burlingame Community Development Department - Planning Division requesting approval of the following requests: . Design Review for the proposed construction of a new five-story, 19-unit residential condominium building (C.S. 25.29.020 and 25.57.010, and Chapter 5 of the Downtown Specific plan); . Condominium Permit for construction of new residential condominium building (C.S. 26.30.020); and Density Bonus to allow development concessions and waiver/modifications to development standards to facilitate the provision of affordable housing; concession for off-street parking and waivers/modifications of development standards including building setbacks (front, lefUright sides and rear), lot coverage, building height, common open space, and private open space requirements (C.S. 25.63.050). WHEREAS, on October 15,2019 the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing (design review study) to review a 19-unit residential condominium project. At that time the Planning Commission requested additional information and asked the applicant to consider making changes to the project to address their concerns; and Following consideration of all information contained in the July 13, 2020 staff report to the Planning Commission regarding the project, all written correspondence, and all public comments received at the public hearing, the Planning Commission grants approval of the 19-unit residential condominium project based on the following findings regarding the project enti ements: that the project is consistent with the diverse architectural styles of existing residential and commercial buildings in the area characterized by simple massing, an articulated fagade and entrance awning on the ground floor, and articulated walls and repetitive fenestration on the upper floors; the project mediates between existing buildings in the area ranging from one to three stories in height and an adjacent five-level public parking garage, to create a continuous mixed- use residential neighborhood, is well articulated, and embraces the street and the pedestrian realm; that the architectural style blends traditional and contemporary design elements to be compatible with adjacent neighborhoods and the city as a whole, and that human scale is provided at the street level consisting of an entry element at the front of the building, and on the upper levels individual balconies provide residential scale and character; that parking for the project does not dominate the street frontage because the garage has been located behind the ground floor building fagade with one driveway access to the garage measuring 14 feet in width, or 28% of the frontage along Lorton Avenue; 1 Desiqn Review Findinqs: 2 ' that the building is characterized by a single contemporary architectural style and its design fits the site and is compatible with the surrounding development by exhibiting thoughtful maising, character and pedestrian scale, and successfully creates a good transition between the existing residential and commercial buildings in the neighborhood, as we as the adjacent public parking garage, with well-articulated massing and a variety of exterior sidings, textures and colors; ' that the building is compatible with the mass, bulk, scale, and existing materials of existing development in that the exterior building materials include a mix of cement plaster walls wit6 decorative reveals, manufactured stone veneer, decorative cornice/trip along the top edge ofthe building, glass guardrails at balconies, glass entry doors and fiberglass windows with interior wood jamb extensions; and ' that site features such.as.fencing, landscaping, and pedestrian circulation will enrich the existing opportunities of the neighborhood transitioning from commercial to residential uses. Condominium Permit Findinqs: ' that the 19-unit residential condominium project and is compatible with the surrounding developmenl by exhibiting thoughtful massing, character and pedestrian scale, and successfull! creates a good kansition between the existing residential and commercial buildings in the neighborhood, as we as the adjacent public parking garage, and will not have a significant impact on public health, safety and general welfare; ' that the project has fulfilled all criteria for an lnfill Exemption and therefore will have no significant impacts on schools, parks, utilities, neighborhoods, streets, traffic, parking and other coirmunity facilities and resources; and ' that the project includes new fencing and landscaping on the project site, as well as installation of two new street trees, and therefore will enrich the neighborhood transitioning from commercialto residential uses. WHEREAS, said matters were heard by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame on Julv 13' 2020, at which time it reviewed and considered the staff report and all other written materials and testimony presented at said hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AND DETERMINED BY THIS PLANNING COMMISSION THAT: Section 1. On the basis of the documents submitted and reviewed, and comments received and addressed by this commission, it is hereby found that there is no substantial evidence that the project set forth above will have a significant effect on the environment, and categorical exemption, per CEQA Section 15332, ln-Fill Development Projects, is hereby approved. section 2. said Design Review, condominium permit, and Density Bonus are approved subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Findings foi such Design Review, Condominium Permit, and Density Bonus are set forth in the staff report, minutes, and recording of said meeting. Section 3. lt is further directed that a certified copy of this resolution be recorded in the official records of the County of San Mateo. J.s Mlb Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th dav of Julv. 2020. by the following vote: SARGENT_ SCHtl|D, TERROI{ES, TSENOES: NONE ABSETTIT GAUL RECUSED: NO]{E 3 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, Condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23,2020 Page 1 1 that the project shall be built as shown on the plans submitted to the planning Division date stamped June 5, 2020, sheets A0.0 through 46.0, Cl.1 through C.l.3 and L1; that prior to the submittal of a building permit, the applicant shall apply for an Fyl that includes a materials board, window specifications, clarifies which windows will be operable, and further defines the detailing and articulation of the northwest elevation; that prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of the project, the project construction plans shall be modified to include a cover sheet listing all conditions of approval adopted by the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal; which shall remain a part of all sets of approved plans throughout the construction process. compliance with all conditions of approval is required; the conditions of approval shall not be modified or changed without the approval of the planning commission, or city council on appeal; that prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall apply for a tentative and final condominium map with the Public works, Engineering Division for processing in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act; that prior to issuance of the final inspection of the project, the applicant shall pay the public facilities impact fee in the amount of $83,055.00, made payabie to the City of Burlingame and submitted to the Planning Division; that any changes to the size or envelope of the building, which would include expanding the footprint or floor area of the structure, replacing or relocating windows or changing thE roof height or pitch, shall be subject to planning commission review (Fyl or ame-ndirent to be determined by Planning staff); that the project shall include two (2) affordable units for a Ss-year term; the applicant shallenler into an agreement for the administration of the sale, renting, or leasing of the affordable units at least 120 days before the final inspection; 2 J 5 b 4 7 o that the required affordable dwelling units shall be built on-site and shall be constructed concurrently with markelrate units; that the two (2) moderate income restricted affordable units shall remain restricted and affordable to the designated income group for a minimum period of fifty-five (55) years (ora longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program); - that the applicant shall enter into a regulatory agreement with the city; the terms of this agreement shall be approved as to form by the city Attorney's office, and reviewed and revised as appropriate by the reviewing city ofiicial; this agreement will be a form provided by the City, and will include the following terms:(a) The affordability moderate income housing shall be assured in a manner consistent with Government Code Section 659 j 5(cX1); 1 10 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, Condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23,2020 Page2 11. 12. 13 14 15 16 (Ot An equity sharing agreement pursuant to Government Code Section 6591b(c)(2);(c) The location, dwelling unit sizes, sale or rental cost, and number of bedrooms of the affordable units; (d) A description of any bonuses and incentives, if any, provided by the City; and(e) Any other terms as required to ensure implementation and compliance with this section, and the applicable sections of the density bonus law; that the above noted regulatory agreement regarding the two (2) restricted affordable units shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest; the agreement required by this Zoning code section 25.63.080 is hereby a condition of all devel-opment appiovals and shall be fully executed and recorded prior to the issuance of-any building or construction permit for the proposed project; that the final inspection shall be completed and a certificate of occupancy issued before the close of escrow on the sale of each unit; that the developer shall provide to the initial purchaser of each unit and to the board of directors of the condominium association, an owner purchaser manual which shall contain the name and address of all contractors who performed work on the project, copies of allwarranties or guarantees of appliances and fixtures and the estimated life expectancy of all . depreciable component parts of the property, including but not limited io the roof,painting, common area carpets, drapes and furniture; that citylift Model No. 2LP parking lift system, or an equivatent parking lift system, shallbe installed, with the following conditions:a. the parking lifts shall be properly illuminated to provide safety for easy loading and unloading, while not causing excessive glare.b. signage shall be instafled expraining the proper use of the rifts and emergency contact information for lift maintenance or problems.c. the final design of the parking lifts shall be subject to the review and approval ofthe Community Development Director. that the project shall be constructed in accordance with the June 4, 2020 .Request forAlternate Materials or Methods of construction" agreement between chris Grant andCentral County Fire Department; that if the city determines that the structure interferes with city communications in thecity, the property owner shal permit pubric safety communicltions equipment and awireless access point for city communications to be located on the structure in a roiationto be agreed upon by the city and the property owner. The applicant snarr proviae anelectrical supply source for use by the equlpment. The applicant shall permit au$rorizeJrepresentatives of the city to gain access to the equipment location for purposes ofinstallation, maintenance, adjustment, and repair upon reasonable notice to in"'proplrtvowner or owner's successor in interest. This access and location agreement indrr u6recorded in terms that convey the intent and meaning of this condition; EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, Condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23,2020 Page 3 17. that all construction shall abide by the construction hours established in the Munici pal Code; 18 19 that the project applicant and its construction contractor(s) shall develop a construction management plan for review and approval by the City of Burlingame. The plan must include at least the following items and requirements to reduce, to the maximum extent feasible, traffic and parking congestion during construction: a. A construction parking plan to provide worker parking off site and generally off neighborhood streets, with shuttles or other transportation as needed to traniport workers to the site;b. A set of comprehensive traffic control measures, including scheduling of major truck trips and deliveries to avoid peak traffic hours, detour signs if required, lansclosure procedures, signs, cones for drivers, and designated construction access routes;c. ldentification of haul routes for movement of construction vehicles that would minimize impacts on motor vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic, circulation and safety, and specifically to minimize impacts to the greatest extent possible on streets in the project area;d. Notification procedures for adjacent property owners and public safety personnel regarding when major deliveries, detours, and lane closures would occur;'e. Provisions for monitoring surface streets used for haul routes so that any damage and debr;s attributable to the haul trucks can be identified and corrected by t6e project applicant; andf. Designation of a readily available contact person for construction activities who would be responsible for responding to any local complaints regarding traffic orparking. This coordinator wourd determine the cause of the complaint and, *here necessary, would implement reasonable measures to correct the problem. that the applicant shall submit an erosion and sedimentation control plan describing BMps(Best Management Practices) to be used to prevent soil, dirt and debris from enteiing the storm drain system; the plan shall include a site plan showing the property lines, exiiting and proposed topography and slope; areas to be disturbed, locatlons oicuufill and soi storage/disposal areas; areas with existing vegetation to be protected; existing andproposed drainage patterns and structures; watercourse or sensitive areas on-s]te or immediately downstream of a project; and designated construction access routes, stating areas and washout areas; that the applicant shall submit a construction Noise control plan. This plan would include measures such as: ' Using,smaller equipment with lower horsepower or reducing the hourly utilization rate of equipment used on the site to reduce noise levels at 5b feet to the allowable level. ' Locating construction equipment as far as feasibre from noise-sensitive uses. J 20. EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, Condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23,2020 Page 4 21. 22. 23. 24 25. 26 . Requiring that all construction equipment powered by gasoline or diesel engines have sound control devices that are at least as effective as those originally provided by the manufacturer and that all equipment be operated and maintained to minimize noise generation.. Prohibiting gasoline or diesel engines from having unmuffled exhaust systems.. Not idling inactive construction equipment for prolonged periods (i.e., more than 5 minutes).. Constructing a solid plywood barrier around the construction site and adjacent to operational businesses, residences, or other noise-sensitive land uses.. Using temporary noise control blanket barriers.. Monitoring the effectiveness of noise attenuation measures by taking noise measurements.. Using "quiet" gasoline-powered compressors or electrically powered compressors and electric rather than gasoline- or diesel-powered forklifts for small lifting. that all off+oad diesel-powered equipment used during construction is equipped with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tier 4 "final" engines; that construction access routes shall be limited in order to prevent the tracking of dirt onto the public righlof-way, clean off-site paved areas and sidewalks using dry sweeping methods; that during construction, the applicant shall provide fencing (with a fabric screen or mesh) around the project site to ensure that all construction equipment, materials and debris is kept on site; that storage of construction materials and equipment on the street or in the public right-of- way shall be prohibited; that if construction is done during the wet season (october 'l through April 30), that priorto october 1 the developer shall implement a winterization program to mhimize thepotential for erosion and polluted runoff by inspecting, maintaining and cleaning all soil erosion and sediment control prior to, during, and immediately after each stor-m even; stabilizing disturbed soils throughout temporary or permanent seeding, mulching matting, or tarping; rocking unpaved vehicle access to limit dispersion of mudtnto public right-oi- way; covering/tarping stored construction materials, fuels and other chemicals; - that trash enclosures and dumpster areas shall be covered and protected from roof andsurface drainage and that if water cannot be diverted from these areas, a self-contained drainage system shall be provided that discharges to an interceptor; that this project shall comply with the state-mandated water conservation program, and acomplete lrrigation water Management and conservation plan togethei wit-h complete landscape and irrigation ptans shail be provided at the time of buitdiig permit appiiijtion; 4 EXHIBIT "A" conditions of Approval for categorical Exemption, Design Review, condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23, 2020 Page 5 28 29 that all site catch basins and drainage inlets flowing to the bay shall be stenciled. All catch basins shall be protected during construction to prevent debris from entering; that this proposal shall comply with all the requirements of the Tree protection and Reforestation ordinance adopted by the city of Burlingame in 1993 and enforced by the Parks Department; complete landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted at the time of building permit application and the street trees will be protected during construction as required by the City Arborist; 30. that the applicant shall coordinate with the City of Burlingame Parks Division regarding theplanting of two (2) street trees along Lorton Avenue; 31 that the project shall comply with the Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Ordinance which requires affected demolition, new construction and alteration projeAs t6submit a waste Reduction plan and meet recycling requirements; any partiai or full demolition of a structure, interior or exterior, shall require a demolition permii; 32. that demolition or removal of the existing structures and any grading or earth moving on the site shall not occur until a building permit has been issuedlnd srich site work sha berequired to comply with all the regulations of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District; 33. that the applicant shall comply with ordinance 1503, the city of Burlingame storm water Management and Discharge Control Ordinance: 34. that the project shall meet all the requirements of the California Building and Uniform Fire Codes, as amended by the City of Burlingame; 35. that this project shall comply with Ordinance No. 1477, Exterior lllumination Ordinance; The following conditions shall be met during the Buitding lnspection process prior to theinspections noted in each condition: 36. that prior to scheduling the foundation inspection a licensed suryeyor shall locate theproperty corners, set the building envelope; 37. that prior to underfloor frame inspection the surveyor shall certify the first floor elevation of the new structure(s) and the various surveys shall be accepted'by the Building Diri.ion; 38. that prior to scheduling the framing inspection, the project architect, engineer or otherlicensed professional shall provide architectural certiflcaiion that the irchiiecirr"i o"t"it"such as window locations and bays are built as shown on the approved plans; if there isno licensed professional involved in the project, the property owner or'contractor shallprovide the certification under penalty of perjury. Ceriitications snatt Ue suOmittJ to tfreBuilding Division; EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, Condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23, 2O20 Page 6 39. that prior to final inspection, Planning Division staff will inspect and note compliance of the architectural details (trim materials, window type, etc.) to verify that the project has been built according to the approved Planning and Building plans; 40. that the maximum elevation to the top roof parapet shall not exceed elevation 93.56, as measured from the average elevation at the top of the curb along Lorton Avenue (37.06,) for a maximum height not to exceed 56 -6" to the top of the parapet; the garage finished floor elevation shall be elevation 37.06'; the top of each floor and final rooi ridge shall be surveyed by a licensed surveyor who shall provide certification of that neigtrt to tne Building Division; Should any framing exceed the stated elevation at any point-it shall be removed or adjusted so that the final height ofthe structure with roof shall not exceed the maximum height shown on the approved plans; The following conditions of approval are from Downtown Specific plan: 41. that if subgrade structures are proposed, the project sponsorshall prepare a Geotechnical study identifying the depth to the seasonal high water table at the project site. No permanent groundwater dewatering would be allowed. lnstead, all residential uses must be elevated to above the seasonal high water table and all areas for non-residential usesshall be flood-proofed and anchored, in accordance with floodplain development requirements, to the design depth as recommended by geotechnical engineer. Final design shall be prepared by a quarified professionar engineer and appr6ved by the Burlingame Department; 42. the project sponsor shall implement all appropriate control measures from the most currently adopted air quality plan at the time of project construction; 43. the project sponsor shall ensure implementation of the following mitigation measuresduring project construction, in accordance with BAAeMD- staridard mitigation requirements: a. All exposed surfaces (e.g_, parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shal be watered two times per dayor as-necessary. b. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material offsite shall be covered or otherwise roaded consistent with carifornia Vehicre code section 231 14. c. All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed usingwet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. The use of dry sweeping is prohibited. d. All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph. e. All roadways, driveways, sidewarks to be paved shal be compreted as soon aspossible. Building padsshall be laid as soon as possible aftergrading unless seeding or soil binders are used. 6 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, Condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23,2020 Page 7 f. ldling times shall be minimized either by shutting off equipment when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by the California airborne toxics control measure Title 13, Section 2485 of the California Code of Regulations [CCR]). Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points. S. All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to opeiation. h. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the Lead Agency regarding dust compraints. This person sharr respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. The Air District's phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. 44. the project sponsor shall implement the following Greenhouse Gas reduction measures during construction activities: a. Alternative-Fueled (e.9., biodiesel, electric) construction vehicles/equipment shall make up at least 15 percent ofthe fleet. b. Use at least 10 percent local building materials. c. Recycle at least 50 percent of construction waste or demorition materiars. 45. the project sponsor shall provide adequate secure bicycle parking in the plan area at a minimum ratio of I bicycle spot for every 20 vehicle spots; 46. the condominium management shall post and update Information on altemate modes of transportation for the area (i.e. bus/shutfle schedules and stop locations, maps); 47. the project sponsor shall incorporate commercial energy efficiency measures such thatenergy efficiency is increased to '15% beyond 2008 title 24 standirds for electricity and natural gas; 48. the project sponsor shall incorporate recycling measures and incentives such that a solidwaste diversion rale of 75yo is achieved upon occupation of each phase of plan development; 49. the pdect sponsor shall incorporate residential water efficiency measures such that waterconsumption is decreased by a minimum of 10 percent over curent standard water demand factors; 50 that construction shall avoid the March 15 through August 31 avian nesting period to theextent feasible, as determined by staff. lf it is not feaaible to avoid the neiting period, asurvey for nesting birds shall be conducted by a qualified wildlife biologist no Jaiier than7 days prior to construction. The area surveyed shall include all clelring/construction 7 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, Condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lo(on Avenue Effective July 23,2020 Page 8 areas, as well as areas within 250 ft. of the boundaries of these areas, or as otheMise determined by the biologist. ln the event that an active nest is discovered, clearing/construction shall be postponed within 250 ft. of the nest, until the young have fledged (left the nest), the nest is vacated, and there is no evidence of second nesting attempts; 52 53. that for projects within the Plan Area that require excavation, a phase I Environmental site Assessment (and Phase ll sampling, where appropriate) would be required. lf the phase I Environmental site Assessment determines that remediation is required, the pro.iect sponsor would be required to implement all remediation and abatement worli in accordance with the requirements ofthe Department of roxic substances control (DTSc), Regional Water QuaIity Control Board (RWOCB), or other jurisdictional agency; the following practices shall be incorporated into the construction documents to be implemented by the project contractor. a. Maximize the physical separation between noise generators and noise receptors. Such separation includes, but is not limited to, the following measures: - Use heavy-duty mufflers for stationary equipment and barriers aroundparticularly noisy areas of the site or around the entire site; - use shields, impervious fences, or other physicar sound baniers to inhibit transmission of noise to sensitive receptors;- Locate stationary equipment to minimize noise impacts on the community; and- Minimize backing movements of equipment. b. Use quiet construction equipment whenever possible. c. lmpact equipment (e.9, jack hammers and pavement breakers) shall behydraulically or electrically powered wherever possible to avoid noise associatedwith compressed air exhaust from pneumatically-powered tools. compressed air exhaust silencers shall be used on other equipment. other quieter procedures, such as drilling rather than using impact equipment, shall be used whenever feasible. the project sponsor shall incorporate the following practice into the constructiondocuments to be implemented by construction contractors: The project "ponaor,nittrequire that loaded trucks and other vibration-generating equipment ivoid 'areas of theproject site that are located near existing residential uses to the maximum extentcompatible with project construction goals; that if the project increases sewer flows to the sanitary sewer system, the project sponsorshall coordinate with the city Engineer to determine if improvements to'pu'blic sanitarysewer infraslructure are needed. lf improvements are needed, the following snatr applv: ' ' that prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall develop a planto facilitate sanitary sewer improvements. Tne flan shall include a scneiute ror 8 54 51. EXHIBIT "A" conditions of Approval for categorical Exemption, Design Review, condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23,2020 Page 9 qA qA implementing sanitary sewer upgrades that would occur within the development site and/or contribution of a fair share fee toward those improvements, as determined by the City Engineer. The plan shall be reviewed by the City Engineer. that prior to issuance of a building permit, the development plans shall be reviewed by the Fire Marshal to determine if fire flow requirements would be met given the requirements of the proposed project, and the size of the existing water main(s). lf the Fire Marshal determines improvements are needed for fire protection services, then the following shall apply: ' that prior to issuance of a building permit the project sponsor shall be required toprovide a plan to supply-adequate water supply for fire suppression to the project site, consistent with the Fire Marshal's requirements. The pian shall be reviewed by the Fire Marshal. The project sponsor shall be responsible for implementation of theplan including installation of new water mains, and/or incorpoiation of fire water storage tanks and booster pumps into the building design, or other measures as determined by the Fire Marshal. that if evidence of an archeologjcal site or other suspected cultural resource as defined byCEQA Guidelines section '15064.5, including darkened soil representing past human activity ("midden"), that could conceal material remains (e.g., woried stonelworked bone,fired clay vessels, faunal bone, hearths, storage pits, oi burials) is discovered ouiinlconstruction-related earth-moving activities, all ground-disturbing activity within 100 feei of the resources shall be halted and the city of Burlingame snail ue notified. The project sponsor shall hire a qualified archaeologist to conduct a field investigation. The bity ofBurlingame shall consult with the archeologist to assess the significance of the find.lmpacts to any significant resources shall be mitigated to a lesJ{han signiricant bv;i through data recovery or other.methods determined adequate by a qualified-archaeologist and that are consistent with the secretary of the lnterior,s stindards for Archeologi"cai Documentation. Any identified cultural resources shall be recorded on the appropiiaG DPR 523 (A-J) form and fited with the NW|C; that s-hould a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geological feature beidentified at the project construclion site during any phase of con=shuciion, the projeci manager shall cease all construction activities at the site of the discovery and immediaiely notifylhe city of Burlingame. The project sponsor shall retain a qualified paleontologist toprovide an evaluation of the find- and to prescribe mitigation measures to reduce im-pactsto a less{han-significant level. work may proceed on other parts of the project site wt"rilemitigation for.paleontological resources or geologic features is carried oui. rne proiectsponsor shall be responsible for implementing any additional mitigation ,""srr""prescribed by the paleontologist and approved by the City; and that if human remains are discovered at any project construction site during any phase ofconstruction, all ground-disturbing activity within 100 feet of the resources irratl ue naneoand the city of Burlingame 1n! the county coroner shall be notified immeaiatelv, according to section 5097.98 of the state public Resources code and section 7050.5 oi o 58 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, Condominium permit, and Density Bonus. 128 Lorton Avenue Effective July 23,2020 Page 10 10 california's Health and safety code. lf the remains are determined by the county coroner to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) shall be notified within 24 hours, and the guidelines of the NAHC shall be adhered to in the treatment and disposition of the remains. The project sponsor shall also retain a professional archaeologist with Native American burial experience to conduct a field investigation of the specific site and consult with the Most Likely Descendant, if any, identified by the NAHC. As necessary, the archaeologist may provide professional assistance to the Most Likely Descendant, including the excavation and removal of the human remains. The City of Burlingame shall be responsible for approval of recommended mitigation as it deems appropriate, taking account of the provisions of State law, as set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15064.5(e) and Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. The project sponsor shall implement approved mitigation, to be verified by the City of Burlingame, before the resumption of ground-disturbing activities within 1OO feet of where the remains were discovered.