HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.03.16426 Burlingame, California I.{arch 16, 1964 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame C5.ty Council, was held on theabove given date. ivleeting called to order at g:00 p.m., - tlayor Johnson in the Chair- PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE At word from the Chair, all the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CALT the Council Chamber arose Flag . in the and gave Present Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Cro sby-D iederich sen-George-Johnson-!lartin . None MINUTES fhe minutes of the previous meeting of lr{arch 2, L964, as submitted to Council, were unaniJnously approved and adopted on motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilman ceorge. BIDS - !4ILLS ESTATE NO. 19 WATER SYSTEI.{ A.DDITIONS The Chair announced that bids received for the construction of Water System Additions for ltills Estate No. 19, were opened at 10:00 a.m., on this date, as per legal advertisement and srumarized as follows: BIDDER scH. "A" scE. "8"scH. "c'TOTAT Kennedy Electric Co. Underground Const. Co. Fairlay const. co. Assoc. PipeLine Co- S&QConstructionCo. Abbott Electri.c Co. $14, 40 3 15, 000 20, 000 15, 500 15, 200 L7 ,962 $21-, 315 23,O77 17,800 22,500 24,\44 2L,47L $4,s49 3, 800 5, O00 5,900 5,100 6,312 $4o,267 4L,A77 42,AOO 43,900 44,444 45,445 Engineer Estimate 16,650 2t,200 3,450 41,300 RESOLUTION NO. 43-64 "Awardin g contract for construction of lIiLl-s Estate No. 19 water System - Pumps and Controls - Job No. 64-12 to Kennedy Electric Company, $40,267.0O" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Diederichsen, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried upon RolI CaII. HEARING CIIANGES -I.4OD I F I CATIONS OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT llayor Johnson advised that in the interest of hearing further evidence concerning the proposed deletion of parking lots within the Burli.ngame Area Off-Street Parking District, Counci.1, by its own motion, re-opened the public hearing and j-n conformance with published "itotice of Further Public Hearing on Changes and Modifications" this was the time and place to conduct a public hearing on all parceJ-s recommended for deletion by the Parking Cormnis s j-on. fhe privilege of the Floor was extended first to the proponents for the deletion of PARCEL 6-8-18 (former Howard Buick property on Lorton Avenue. ) 4227 Ur. .rohn it. Broderick, Postmaster, residing at 1608 Balboa Avenue, spoke in behalf of the interests of the Post Office Department and the proposa.L to expand its facilities on a portion of a City-owned 1ot within the Parking District. tlr. Broderj.ck referred to the extensive research conducted by the post Office Department in determining the need for a faciLity and advised that the Goverrunent has approved and allocated funds in the sum of $800,000.00 to enl-arge the Burlingame Post Office. Information and statistical data placed on display and explained by the Postmaster indicated an increase j.n postal receipts from the years L942 to 1963 in excess of I,00O percent and the necessity to expand facilities to provide parking for (1) Pederal vehicles; (2) firm mailers and (3) bulk mailers. l.lr. Bruce Kirkbride, member of the Parking Commission, through the Chair, questioned Mr. Broderick on whether it may be possible to establish a separate post office facility in the North Burlingame area and whether the Post Office Department may be willing to contribute toward the acquisition of the "Hovrard " property inasmuch as a portion of the parcel is being solicited by that Department. In reply, Mr. Broderick advised that the unimproved portion of the property in question represents an investment of $66,000.00 and the current covernment is of the opinion that "$65,000.00 worth of land should not be left unused;" in addition to which, "the split operation" proposed "would be costly and would not be approved. " With respect to the second inguiry, Mr. Broderick stated that the Post Office Department is under the jurisdiction of the General- Services Administration and he therefor could not ansv/er the inquiry. I{r. Charles cfoerer, l-21O Burlingame Avenue, representing Burlingame Avenue merchants, questioned whether the increase in postal receipts quoted by the Postmaster i./as due rather to an increase in postal rates and in other communities, why is it possible to relocate post offices in outlying boundaries of a City. Itlr. Broderick advised that statistics indicate that twenty-five percent of the increase in postal receipts is allocable to rate increases while seventy-five percent is allocable to population increase. The Postmaster further advised that the relocation to outlying districts has bsr accomplished on the basis of a longr-term lease of property and not \ hereon the government owns the property. Mr. P. R. (Bud) Taylor, 330 Burlingame Avenue, and a member of the Parking Corunission, stated that in his revievr of the subject property and because of the present location of the Post Office wherein the privj-lege to expand its facilities is warranted, it was his suggestion that the City acquire the entire parcel and thereafter negotiate tl.e sale of the portion desired by the Goverrunent. Irlr . U. S . Simonds, Jr . , 34 Park Road, former Councilman and l.{ayor of the City, spoke on his early association with citizens in their efforts to obtain the present location of the Post office and urged that the city cooperate with the Postal Department in order to "continue the type of service that the City has become familiar with" and to provide that Department "wj.th the necessary quarters to operate properly. " Mr. Roger Duncan, 404 Primrose Road, merchant, urged that the lot be deleted for the purposes statedr that the facility is within the central portion of the business district and parking controlled by the Police Departrent. 428 Communications in following: favor thereof were acknowledged and read from the I'1r. Theodore Blumberg, Chairman, Parking Comnission, dated February 24, L964t Purity Stores, February 28, L964; Keyston & Co., March 5, 1964; William Volker & Company, l{arc}r 2, 1-954i Harry Lee, Inc., llarch 6, L964; Steward-Eubanks-lleyerson & Co., March 13, 1964 and Ilyatt House Hotel, l{arch 13, 1964. Those in favor of retaining the 1ot in question were extended the privilege of the F1oor. Mr. Gfoerer stated that the merchants continue to oppose the deletion of downtown lotst the proposed deletion of the lot wouLd not accom- p1i-sh a "c1ear parking area from Lorton Avenue to Primrose Road" and parking "for the downtown area is an aid to merchants. " Irlr. Blutdberg, Parking Cornmission Chairman, in mal<ing a cornparison of the District as originally proposed to the current date. advised that the District shal1 provide more parking than originally planned regardless of a possible Council decision to eliminate the vacant lot the Post Office is interested in. For the information of Council and interested persons, Mr. Bludberg further advised that effective as of this date, the City has acquired a lot on Donnelly Avenue with the anticipation that another lot on Donnelly Avenue and two lots on Chapin Avenue shall be acquired in the very near future. A petition. bearing the signatures of sixty-six merchants located in the domtovrn area of Burlingame, protesting the excluEion of the parcel of property located next to the Howard building on Lorton Avenue, was acknowledged. RECES S A recess was declared by the Chair at 9:00 p.m CAIL TO ORDER Ihe meeting vras reconvened at 9:15 p.m HEARING CHANGE S -}.,IOD IFICATIONS COT{:TINIJED A cornmunication from the General Services Administration, dated March 12, 1964, announced that subsequent to eight months' negotiation, an acceptable offer to sel1 to the United States covernment, the 7O' x I50' parcel of land fronting on Lorton Avenue adjacent to the Post Office, has been received. It was requested that the "lis pendens" action by the City be dismissed in order that the property may be acquired by voluntary conveyance. Replying to inquiries from the f'loor concerning postal employee parking. Itlr. Broderick advised that it is not anticipated that additional personnel shal1 be employed at the moment and the current personnel j-s utilizing lots provided in the periphery areasi parking wil-l be provided the several supervisory posts. Further discussion on the subject lot \^ras concLuded vrith Councilman Martin and Councilman ceorge each conunenting on the availability of parcels south of Burlingame Avenue because of the willingness of the owners to negotiate the sale of their respective properties. DELETION I.oTS WEST OE EIJ CAI.,IINO REAIJ The Chair invited those in favor of deleting lots west of EI camino ReaI to speak. 4?.9 !1r. Cyrus if. McMillan, Attorney, representing three of the five property ovrners of parcels included within Parking District submitted that by reason of the shortage of parking district funds, lots \,/e st of El Camino ReaI are the most logica1 to be el jrinated, the facility would be least used by shoppers and for the same reason, would be undesirable as an empl-oyee parking Iot. Itlr. Itlclr{il1an pointed out that with the construction of the new apartment house in the area, the lot is now too irregularly shaped to provide an appropriate facility. Letters received in favor of the proposed deletion were acknowledged from the following: ifame s H. wilson, 1509 Burlingame Avenue, Catherine Farrell Barbieri, 1500 Ralston Avenue, Frances Farrell Richler, 1500 Ralston Avenue, Sam Snead, l5O8 Ralston Avenue and ceorge iI. Zucca, Jr., 229 El Camino Real . fhere being no further cornments from those in favor of the deletion, the Chair invited those in opposition to the deletj.on to speak. Mr. Taylor, Parking Conunissioner, advised that the 1ot was prjmarily planned as an all day parking facility for employees and to take care of the cars of those employees r,rho are parking on the upper portion of Burlingame Avenue and on cross streets off the El Camino Real . Mr. alames E. Wilson, 1509 Burlingame Avenue. stated that in his opinion, it would be a "mistake if lots across the El camino ReaI were retained within the Parking District" and would be a "wedgre to open up El Camino Real as an asphalt jungle; " Burlingame would "lose a part of its attractiveness and it will not be an attractive thing to live near. " Councilman Crosby pointed Engineers for the parking District., would result in out that it was his understanding project, that the loss of the 1ot a "disturbance of benefit. " from the to the Councilman Itlartin stated that he is unable to make a decision on the lots until a determination is made with respect to the acquisition of the "Grey" and the Crisaf i." properties and therefore would reserve his statements. Councilman ceorge observed that the area in one-fifth of the Parking District funds and cautiously. question has contributed Council should proceed LOT 3-A (STEI NBACE PARCEI ) There were no comnents with respect to the smal1 "Steinbeck" parcel. Council referred briefly to the status of the City-owned 1ot adjacent to the Library, included within the Parking District. Trhe City llanager advised that the Iot, if excluded from the District, may be used for the expansion of the Library. 5-A -- "OI,D DONNELLY HOUSE" !1r. Ernest A. wilson, Attorney, representing the Parking District, advised that disposition of the "Old DonneLLy llouse " is currently being determined by the ovrners and the condemnation attorney with the subject matter continued to April. l{r. ilohn Il. Tal1ett, Attorney, representing the A. C. Griffith property on Donnel}y Avenue, stated that the owners would appreciate a decision from Council as to whether the property sha1l, or shall not be included within the District and that a trial date. April L3, L964, has been set to resolve the issue. 4tsr) WAI;KWAY ON BURL INGAI\,IE AVENUE No corunents vrere received from proponents or opponents to the proposed deletion of the Burlingame Avenue "walkway. " CLOS ING COMI\4ETCTS Irlr. Taylor, Parking Commissioner, stated that the "City may be premature" in its concern with district fund deficiencies and suggested that Council continue to purchase property for the District. !1r. I{i1son, Attorney for the oistrict, spoke at some length on the importance of Council taking a complete appraisal of the evidence; that Council consider (1) the retention of Lot "H" and the need for parking as suggested and urged by the nu[erous communications on file and (2) the effect the current parking plan sha11 have on tJ:e future parking reguirements of the City. Speaking on the peculiarities of parking in Burlingame, in general , l'1r. wilson suggested that Council consider whether extensive deletions of parcels shall bring a second action for additional parking and in closing his remarks, urged that Council "weigh the supplemental powers" within its jurisdiction. There being no further co[trnents, the hearing was declared closed. MOT]ON TO CONTINUE ACTION A motion was introduced by Councilman Uartin, seconded by Councilman George that further action of Council with respect to a decision, be continued to the regular meeting of Council , April 20, 1964. Following a brief discussion on the question, the motion vras unanirnously carried. A communieation f rom the City ltlanager, dated itlarch L3, L964, advised that the Emsco Electric Corporation has satisfactorily completed the installation of nev, street lights on California Drive under "Street Lighting District No. 3" and it was his recoflunendation and that of the City Engineer that the contract wo rk be accepted as complete. RESOLUTION NO. 44-64 "A Resolution Acce pting Completion and Directing Engineer to File Notice of Acceptance of Completion California Drive Street Lighting Project" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Closby, seconded by Councilnan ceorge and unanjrnously adopted upon Ro11 CaIl . 2. PETITION TO REMOVE OVERHEAD POLES-WIRES CALIFORNIA DRIVE BETWEEN BURLINGAME-PENINSI'LA A communication was read from the City l{anager, dated ltlarch 13. 1964, advising that petitions have been presented by a large majority of property owners on californi-a Drive between Burlingame Avenue and Peninsula Avenue, requesting the removal of overhead poles and wires. The City Manager further advj-sed that the Pacific cas and. Electric Company has indicated its willingness to cooperate by placing the main power lines underground and the majority of the property owners have expressed willingness to assume the cost of connections COMMUNICATIONS 1. STREET L IG}TT INSTALLATION ACCEPTED 437 legislation is first required making it mandatory that poles and wires be removed and it was reconunended that ordinance be prepared for Council consideration. all overhead an appropriate Ihe and An issue was raised with respect to the removal also of telephone wires in conjunction with the proposed removal of the power poles. Mr. P. R. Taylor, Telephone Company executive, in attendance, stated that there would be no objection to the installation of underground teLephone connections; however, the additional cost should be computed and the property owner notified of the total cost for both electrical and telephone connections . Following further discussion, the subject matter was referred to the City Engineer and to the city Attorney for consultation and appropriate procedure . 3. REVOCABLE PERMIT FROIT{ SAN FRANCISCO WATER DEPARTMENT ACCEPTED A communication vras read from the City lilanager, dated Itlarch L3 , 1964, advising that the San I'rancisco Water Department has complied with a request authorized by the City Council for a pennit to use the property of the San Francisco Water Department to widen Cafifornla Drive from Oak Grove Avenue to North Lane. City Manager recommended that the Permit be accepted as submitted authorized h'y the San francisco Public Utilities Commission. 1!he City Engineer, in reply to Councilman Crosby, advised that the proposed widening shall have very litt1e effect on the parking facilities in the area. RESOLIITTON NO. 45-64 "Authorizin g and Directing Execution of Acceptance of Revocable Permj-t Issued by the Public Utilities Commission of the City and county of san Francisco for the widening, Improving, Land- scaping and Use of a Portion of the Former Municipal Railway Right-of- way Adjoining California Drive" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosblu, seconded by CounciJ-man llartin and unanimously adopted upon Ro].l Cal1 . 4 STOP SIGN ARGT]ELIO DRIVE AND TO],EDO AVENUE A comrnunication vras read from the City ltanager, dated tlarch 13, 1964, advising that the Health. Safety, Traffic Commission and the Police Department has recomrnended that ).egislation be enacted to create a street "stop" at the southvre st corner of Argruello Drive and Toledo Avenue. Couneil concurred and ORDINAIiICE NO. 802 "An Ordinance Amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame By Adding Thereto Section L22L.17 Providing for an Tntersection stop at the fntersection of Arguello Drive and Toledo Avenue " was introduced by Councilman ceorge and given its first reading. 5 . SI(IaLINE DEVELOPMEIiIT EASEMEI.IT ACCEPTED A memo from the city Manager, dated March 13, J.964, was read, advising Council that it is necessary to adopt a Resolution accepting a Deed of Dedication for an easement th rough properties of Skyline Develop- ment Company in Millbrae for the purpose of installing a twelve inch water transmission line from the new Mills Reservoir. 4:g.2 RESOLUTTON NO. 46-64 ',Ac cepting Deed of Dedication of Water Line Easement From Skyline Development Company, a partnership, DatedMarch 4, 1964" was introduced for passage on motion of councilmanMartin, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried uPon Roll Call . 6 CITY ADMINISTRATION COMMENDED A communication from Mr. and lrlrs. David J. crosatto, Dufferi_n Avenueresidents, dated March A, 1964, commending the members of the CityCouncil and City staff members for their personal interest andprompt action wi-th respect to a flood problem in their neighboringarea, was read, acknowledged and placed on file. 7. CAPITAL III{PROVEI'IENT BUDGET., The chair, on beharf of the medbers of the city councir, complimentedthe City Planner on his communication to Department Heads withrespect to the Ci-ty, s future Capital Improvement program. PESOLUTION RESOLUTTON NO. 47-64 "Civil Defense and Disaster Operating Services " was introduced by Councilman ceorge who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman crosby and unani-rnously carried upon Roll call . RESOIUIION NO. 48-64 "A Resolution Authorizin g Settlement of Parcel 2C Parking District No. 1" (Eni1 llansen, Donnelly Avenue, $40,000) was introduced by Councilman !4artin, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Dj,ederichsen and unanimously carried upon Roll Call-. ORDINANCES Consideration thereof : ORDINANCE NO. 799 "An ordinance Re pealing Ordinance No. 787 and section 412.4 of the 1941 Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame Fixing the Compensation of the City Clerk for his Services as city Auditor and Assistant Secretary of the Planning commission" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman llartin seconded by councilman Diederichsen, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen : Councilmen: Councilrnen : Cro sby-Diederich sen-George-John son-Uart in llone None ORDINANCE NO. 800 "An Ordinance Amending the l-941 Ordinance Code BV Repealing Ordinance No. 597 and By Adopting a New section 412 Fixing the Salary of the City Clerk" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by councilman Martin, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: \[oes: Absent Counci.lmen: Councilmen : Councilmen: Crosby-Diederich sen-George-Johnson-Martin None None ORDINANCE NO. 8Ol "An Ordinance Amendin g the 1941 Ordinance Code by Repealing ordinance No. 598 and Adopting a New Section 414 Fixing the Salary of the City Treasurer" was given its second reading and upon motion of councilman Diederichsen, seconded by Councilman crosby, saj.d ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: 433 Ayess Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Cro sby-Diede ri ch sen-George-if ohnson-l{art in None None REPORT FROI,I AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRfCT Ihe Chair acknowledged a report from the Bay Area Air Pollution Control- District, dated Uarch 4, L964, concerning local "smog" conditions and attaching a list of violations and corrections there- after occurrjng in San Mateo County during the month prior. SAN MATEO COUNTY COMMIiNITY COIJNCfL Ir{ayor ifohnson acknowledged receipt of a brochure from the Community Council of San Mateo County announcing that San I{ateo County has been selected to conduct an "action-study" of its community health services in cooperation with the National Commission on Community Health Services. REPORT ON COI'NCII, STUDY MEETING Ttre City l{anager gave a brief resume on the recent Council study session at which time a report was heard from the Recreation Conunission and a report was griven by the city Planner on the subject of " Bay Fill . " Ttre City Manager, as suggested at the Council study meeting, was requested to tabulate the absenteeism of the various Commissions for the year, 1963, for Council information and to advise members of the Commissions that they may have the privilege of changing their respective posts to serve on other Commissions \z so notifying the city Manager. SOCIAI SECURITY-STATE RET I REII{ENT SYSTEI4 The City lt{anager reported briefly on a recent meeting his Office, together with several members of the City Council, held with Mr. fhomas Crocker, State Retirement System actuary, at which tjme the Latter clarified the "coordination" of State Retirement \^/ith Social Security. The City Manager advised that his Office is preparing information on the coordinated plan for presentation to the City employees for their evaluation and decision. Councilman George pointed out the City employees by July 1, Septedber 1, L964. that such decision must be 1964, wrth Council to take reached by action by I'NFINISI{ED BUSINESS 1. SISTER CITY '' CUERNAVACA" lIayor alohnson read a letter received by Ur. T. A. Garland, Way, from Presidente Valentin Lopez Gonzalez, Cuernavaca, llexico, expressing his regret at having missed the recent visit of Mr. carland to cuernavaca. 2308 Valdivia I{orales, personal !,tayor 'Johnson advised Council that to date no official response has been received from Cuernavaca concerning the invitation extended to that City by the City of Burlingame to beeome its "Sister City. " 2 . TRAVEI., }TILEAGE Councilman Martin, Chairman, Council Budget ConEnittee, requested the City Manager to see that each member of the City's staff entitled to a "travel mileage" allotment submit a monthly tabulation of mileage. 4ts4 3. I. BEARINT INDUSTRIAT PARK The City Attorney advised in reply to Councilrnan Martin's inquiry. that his office sha1l endeavor to determine the current status of the I- Bearint Industrial Park property. .'RACIAL RELATION COMMISSION" Councilman Diederichsen reported that the county Board of Supervisors has cornpl lmented the cities with respect to their participation in establishing a county-wide "Racial Relation Commission" and announced that the first meeting of the new Commission has been scheduled for Tuesday, I'larch 24, 1964, 4 p.m., - Supervisors Chambers in Redwood City. Warrants for the Month of March, 1964, Nos. 1485 - 1650, in the total amount of $205,159.2O. duly audited, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilman Diederichsen. PAYROLL APPROVAL Payroll warrants, Ivlonth of Eebruary, 1964, Nos. 6526-69AA, in the total amount of $107,666.75, were approved on motion of Councilman crosby and seconded by Councilman ceorge. ADJOURNMENT The rneeting was thereafter regularly adjourned at 11:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted. HERBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERK APPROVED3 CIIAR],OTTE JO MAYOR CLAII"IS ./.././4/" -I(_*,/ LZ,4 -,/L