HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.08.02248 Burlingame, California August 2, L965 CALL TO ORDER A regrular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. lleeting called to order at 8:OO P.m., - l,hyor Pro Tempore George in the Chair. At word from the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present - Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: r}rere being no response protests and no written declared concluded, Diederich sen-George-Johnson-Uartin. Crosby. to the Chair's invitation to preseut oral reports having been filed, the hearing was Uayor Crosby, on vacation and absent from the City, \ras excused on motion of councilman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Martin. MINUTES 1[he minutes of the meeting of July 19, 1965, submitted to Councilpreviously, were amended to include, under the subject of "Budget Eearing" that "Councilman ,Johnson objected to the deletion of a $5OO.00 allocation for 'part-time temporary employment. "' :fhe minutes thereafter were approved and adopted. HEARING WEED ABATEIIIEIiTT PROGRAM llayor Pro Tempore ceorge announced that this was the tirne and place scheduled, in accordance hrith published notice, to conduct a public hearing on the annual 'TWEED ABATEI4Bm PROGRAU, 1965" as prepared in a report submitted by the Superintendent of Streets. RESOI,UTTON riro. 85-65 ',Fix ing Assessment for Weed and Rubbi sh Abatement, 1965" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman irohnson, seconded by Councilnan Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon RoIl CaIl. A communication fron the City lrlanager, dated JuIy 29, L965, advised that the Parking Commission has recommended a nuuiber of "uniform parking regulations for the Broadway area' and subsequently requiring the enactment of legislation to acconplish the unifo:enity. lfhe city l{anager advised that inasmuch as the reguJ.ations shall affect a number of abutting residents, it was his recommendation that they be specifically notified of the proposed changes. Council concurred with the reconEaendation and follovinq a brief die- cussion, the City Manager vras requested to direct an appropriately- worded comnunication to each resident to be affected, that in addition he also include those properties within two blod<s, north aad south of Broad\ray, between EI Camino Real and CaLifornia Drive; and that the regular meeting of council , September 7, L965, be scheduled to conduct a public hearing on the subject changes. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMIJNICATfONS 1. IJNIFORil PARKING RXGI'LATIONS - BROADWAY AREA 249 2. " SECOITD DRAFT " CONTRACI SAI{ I{ATEO DTSPOSAT CO. A eomnunication from the City ltlanager, dated iluJ-y 29, 1965, presenting a "Second Draft of Contract with the San Uateo Disposal Company " with respect to the operation of the City Dump, was acknowledged and referredfor discussion at the Council study meeting, August 4, 1965. A corurunication fr@ the City lrlanager, dated ilu].y 29, L965, referred Council to the water Pollution Control Board's prior request for supple- mental information and a schedule for the correction of 'rSanitary Sewer System By-Passes" conditions and the preparation of a report by the City Engineer for reply and fonvarding to the Water Pollution Control Board. Council concurred with the recolunendation of Councilman uartin that the City ungineer prepare a cost detail accounting to substantiate the $30O,O0O.O0 estimated to correct conditions, to increase the two punping stations capacity, to install larger sewer mains, etc., for review by Council at the study meeting, August 4. 4 (a). TWO-WAY TRAFFIC DONNELLY AVENUE A memo from the City Manager, dated iruly 29, 1965, advised that the Chairman of the Eealth, Safety and Traffic Commission vras unable to keep an appointment with the Parking Comnj.ssion at its last meeting to confer on the proposal to create Donnelly Avenue into a "two-way" street, therefore further delaying a report to council . Council, in a discussion on the continual delay in the suhiss j-on of a report to assist Council in a resolvement of the issue, corulented on the concern of downtoq,n Burlingame merchants that appropriate legis- lation be initi-ated to effectuate the change \z the holiday season. lltre City Uanager advised that his Office will comnunicate with both Conmissions in an effort to obtain a definite eommittnent on the avail- ability of a traffic survey report prior to the regnrlar meeting of Council, August 16. 4 (b).REPORT ON SEBASTIAN DRIVE DRAINAGE A memo from the City uanager, dated July 29, 1965, advised of a meeting held with ur. c. F. ltee1, 1785 Sebastian Way, concerning a drainage problem on Sebastian Drive, wherein it was the opinion of the property o\rners that it is the obligation of the original developer, Eichler Ilmes, Inc., to Smprove the condition. Reporting verbally on a meeting held with a representative from Eidrler Eomes, Inc., and the Sebasti.an Drive property otner6, the City uanager stated that the originaL developer, eichler Homes, Inc., has consented to assrrme ful1 costs to improve the drainage condition, with City forces perfo::rning the service andl billing the corporation direct. fte City Engineer, in reply to Council inquiries, advised that the work entails an excavation to a depth of four feet and the placement of pipes at two locations to collect the seepage; that the project iB "not too difficult" and shall be apermanent irnprovement; and that the property owners have declared satisfaction with the proposal . 4 (c).OVERTIII{E COMPENSATION ELIGIBILIIY A memo from the city t{anager, dated July 29, 1965, reporting on depart- mental "overtime,' proposed thats ALl unscheduled "call-back work" be conpensated at the rate of time and one-half cash payment; 18rat such overti-ne palments shal1 not apply to supervisors or classifications above; That overtime be approved b1z the supervisor or (subsequently 3. WATER POLLUTION BOARD SI,PPLEII{ENTAI INFO RI.,IAT I ON 2so changed to "and") departnent head, with monthly reports filed with the City lrlanagerr and that all departments be directed to start r.rith "the preroise that a1l work should be done during the regular working hours, and that it is only the exceptional and unavoidable work which calls for overtirne. " The communj.cation was acknowledged with Councilman llartin recorarnending, and Council concurrlng, that the City Uanager, i.a bis directive to departments, exclude those departments wherein overtime ordinarily is not reguired, except upon approval of the City Manager. 4 (d). co!{MIssIoN VACANCIES-EXPIRATIoN oF TERMS A comunication was read from ttr. John ltackesy, 1535 Coluubus Avenue. announcing his resignation as a mernber of the Recreation Comission due to his relocation in another city. fhe his resignation was accepted long service to the City and the City Clerk directed to ackno\rledge of Burlingame and to the community. submit 1, 1965, Reference was made to an existing vacancy on the Library Board and on the Civil Service Cornmission and the expiration of terms of office on the Eealth, Safety and Traffic Cornmission, the Library Board, the Park Conuoission and the Recreation Commissi.on. Auguat 30, 1965, was sctreduled a6 a closing date in which to names as nominees and the Council study meeting of September tentatively scheduled for possible interviews. 5. ELECTRICAI @NTRACTORS' RE: " TA)( BASE" A comaunication was acknowledged from the San Uateo County Chapter National Eleetrical Contractors' Association, Inc.. dated iluJ.y 25, 1965, urging the immediate consideration to the City's "tax base"to help alleviate a problem confronting electrical contractors and inspectors throughout the County with respect to unorthodox building construction practices. Itre City Attorney advised that a resolution "Accepting a Grant Deed" was inadvertently omitted at a prior Council meeting wherein Bayside Improvement District resolutions were before Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 85-65 "A Resolution Acce pting Grant Deed - Bayside Improvement District" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman ilohnson and seconded by Counc ilman Diederichsen. On the question and in reply to Councilman llartin, the city Engineer explaj.ned that the action confirms an agreement with Oscar Person (variance approval) to widen a strip of the Bayahore Service Road ten feet. A Roll CalI vote was declared unanimous. ORDINANCES Consideration thereof ! ORDINNiICE NO. 825 "An Ordinance Addin 9 Chapter 25.45 to Title 25, Zoning, of the 1965 Municipal Code of tl.e City of Burlingarne Creating a Tidal Plain (TP) District and Regulating the Use of Real Property Included Within Said Districtr" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Diederictrsen, said Ordinanee passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: CouneiLmen:Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Diederich sen-George-iIohn son-l{artin . None. Crosby . RESOLUTIONS 25L OR.DINAIICE NO. 826 "An Ordinance Anend ing the Ordinanee Code of the city of Burl ingame \z Adcling fhereto Section 412.4 Fixing compensation of the city clerk for Eis services as City Auditor and Assistant Secretaty of the Planning Cmaission" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman r7ohn6on, seconded by Councilman Diederictrsen, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: CounciLnen: Absent Councilmen: Diederich sen-George-Johnson-Hart in. Norte . crosby. Itle for PETITION PROTESTING WATER SEEPAGE A petition, dated JuIy 27, L965, bearing the signatures of twenty-si.x residents on Ansel Road, protesting the "unsightly and unsanitary" condition created by standing \rater on the west side of Ansel Road bett een Ploribunda Avenue and oalc Grove Avenue, was acknowledged. In reply to Council inquiries, the City Engineer advised that the slope of the gutters on Ansel Road reEultE in an improper drainage and measures may be taken to eliminate the condition by inatalling pipes and additional catch basins . :fhe City Engineer stated that his Office will prepare an estimate of cost report for presentation to Council at the next regular meeting, Augu st 16. !.{r. Antonio S. Bersano, 615 Ansel Road, circulator of the petition, in attendance, urged an investigation of the condition and was assured thereafter by Council that a personal visitation would be made of the area. subject was referred to the City l'lanager and to the City Engineer investigation and report to council. lrlayor Pro Tempore George acltnowledged receipt of the following: A notice from ttre American National Red Cross, dated July 28, L965, announcing its maintenance of a "Voices from llome " booth in the Comnunity E)<lribits Building at the san Dlateo county Fair and Floral Fiesta this year; An invitation frdn Christ Lutheran Church, 2828 ?rousdale Drive, to attend an installation service, August 15, 1965, at 4 p.m., conducted by the Reverend Stewart D . Itlellon; I{inutes and a cornmunicat ion from the Library Board concerning the Planning Coruaission's recornendation that a sum of $35,OO0.00 be included in the Library's capital Improvement Budget to construct an addition to the Children's section at the southwest corner of the Library. llinutes of the Planning Comission and the Parking Commission; and A Final Draft of the 1965-1966 Budget. SALARY REVIEW A cornmunication from the City llanager, dated ,Iuly 29, 1965, referred to a eornmunication from I{r. Bruce F. Austin, Northern CaLifornia Manager of Cooperative Personnel Services, confirming a recent telephone conversation with the City lllanager concerning a salary review for the City of Burlingame and indicating the service would amount to $900.00. ACKNOWLEDG}IENT S q<o(-.rrL. During a period of discussion, Council concurred that it was not its intention to authorize an immediate salary survey and that the city Manager be instructed to explore sources other than the coop- erative Personnel Services to conduct a salary survey in the future. I'NFINISIIED BUSfNESS ANZA AIRPORT PARK NO. 2 A tentative map of the "Anza Airport Park No. 2 Resubdivision" presented to Council at its last regular meeting and withhel-d from approval pending revisions in the size of both a cul-de-sac and an easement proposed as a right-of-$ray, was again subnitted. Further review by council indicated the revisions incomplete and insufficient to justify acceptance, and upon motion of Councilman ljtartin, seconded by councilrnan Diederictrsen, action on the acceptance of the tentative map of the Anza Airport Park No. 2 Resubdivision was deferred until the next regular meeting of Council, August 16. Ttre City Planner suggested that both for the project appear at his otfice recommended by Council. applicants and the engineer conler on revasaons CLOS ING BUSINESS Councilman Johnson recorunended that (1) the invitation received by Council from Christ Lutheran Church be forrnally acknowledged and (2) that an up-to-date report be prepared and submitted to Council tabulating the attendance record of menbers of the several City Corrnissions. councilman ilohnson announced that the City of Burlingame's sister city of Cuernavaca shall maintain a booth at the forthcoming San Iqateo county Fair and Eloral Fiesta. STUDY II1EETING the to ADJOURNMENT Council-man ilohnson moved that Council adjourn in respect to the memory of t4rs. Dorothea Earrison, Chairman, and a rnember of the Library Board for many years, who recently passed in death. lfhe motion was seconded by Councilman llartin and unani:nously carried. Time of adjournment: 9:30 p.m. Respectfully subnitted, Mayor Pro Tenpore ceorge reminded Wednesday, August 4, L965 at 7:30 APPRO council of a study tleeting, P.m. HERBERT K. IT,HITE, CIT:a CLERK *\--- EDWARD D. MAYOR PRO A -,€---- GEORGE, rE4Pstu