HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.03.02Burlingame, California Irlarch -2 , 1964 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the abovegiven date. Meeting called to order at 8:10 p.m-, - llayor ,rohnson inthe Chair. PLEDGE OF AILEG IANCE At word from the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROI,I CAIL Present - Councilmen: Alrsent - Council-men: Crosby-Diederi chsen-George-.]ohnson-llart j-n. None MINU:TES Ihe minutes of the previous meeting of February 17, 1964, Council were unani.rnously approved and adopted on motion of Crosby and seconded by Councilman George. Premium - - - Net interest-$1,3oo.oo 3.A564% 7 /2,/65-7 /2/61 7 /2/68-7 /2/6e 7 /2/7o-7 /2/7 4 7,/2/7 s-7 /2/77 7 /2,/78-7 /2/8o 7 /2/8L-7 /2/88 ,/2,/65-l-96g ,/2/69-L972 7 /2,/7 3-L979 1980 7 /2/el--Lsgs 7 /2/86-7 /2/87 1988 submitted to Councilman \ \ .60 .70 .75 4 BIDS SECOND SAIE PARKING DISTRICT BONDS Mayor Johnson announced that this rnas the time and place scheduled pursuant to "Official Notice of SaIe" dated February 17, L964, to aeknowledge bids received for the proposed second sale of "Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District" bonds in the amount of $450,000.00- Bids were opened and declared as follows: Par Value Year Intere st WAI,STON & CO. 265 ltontgomery st. San Francisco $4s0,000.00 Detachable coupons bearing interest at 2% frqr 5/2/64-7/2/65 Net Interest cost - $268,O19.O0 Average Int. rate - 2.A42566% WILLIAI4 R. STAATS & CO. 221 Montgomery st. San Francisco $450,00o.00 7/2/64-7/2/8e 3-7,/8 % 3 3 ? 3 3 3 % % % .I. BARTH & CO. 4O4 Montgomery St. San Francisco $100, 000.00 7 7 350 , OO0 .00 Net Interest rate - 3-7694% 3-3/4% 417 418 Par Value STONE & YOI,'NGBERG 131,4 Russ Building San Francisco $4so.000.o0 Net Interest rate - 3.79292% FIRST CALIFORNIA COMPA}IY 300 Montgomery St. san Francisco $450,000. OO Detachable coupons bearing interest at 2% per annum, 4/L7 /64-l/2/65 Net Interest cost - $273,636.89 Average Int. Cost - 3.92339% J. B. IIANAUER & CO. 200 Sansdne St. San Francisco $450 , 000 .00 Year 7 /2/65-7 /2/66 7 /2/67 7 /2/68-7 /2/6s 7 /2/7o-7 /2/74 7 /2/7 5-7 /2/88 7 /2//6s-7 /2/74 7 /2/7 s-7 /2/78 7 /2/7e-7 /2/88 1965-1968 1969-t970 L97 L-L97 7 1978-1981 1982-1988 fntere s t s%4\%4\%4% 3-3/4 % 3-3/8 % 3-5,/A %3-7/e % .10 -3/4 -7 /e \ \ 4 4 4 2 ? % % % Interest Cost - $272,44O.OO Average Net Int. - 3.905949% Premium - $225. O0 The foregoing bids were referred to lr{r. Fred W. Barnes, Statistician, representing the legal firm of Ernest A. Wilson, for computation and report to Council prior to the ter:nination of the meeting. Mayor Johnson announced that in conformance srith Resolution No. 37-64, the Council, on this occasion, would consider the proposed deletion of parcels within the Parking District located southwesterly of El Camino Real . The Chair advised that a prior hearing on changes and modifications with respect to parcels 3A, 4A, 5A, lE and 6E had been closed and disposition thereof under Council deliberation. There being no one present from the Parking District Commission to speak, those favoring the deletion were extended the privilege of the floor. Irlr. Cyrus J. Ucuillan, Attorney, representing three of the five property owners within the particular area included within the District, urged that the parcel be deleted, setting forth the follow- ing reasons: (1) because of its proximity to the E1 Camino Real and and its incumbent hazards, the proposed parking facility would be of less val,ue to the City of Burlingame and the downtown "core" area lotsi and (2) the property is valuable and therefore more adaptable to apartment house usage. Mr. Charles Gfoerer, representing the downtown merchants, recorunended that the lots be deleted on the basis that tl.e parcel shall serve "no real purpose to the dowrttovrn Burlingame shoppers. " Ur- Roger Duncan, 404 Primrose Road, and a Burlingame merchant, also urged the deletion and commented briefly in behalf of a possible improvement of parking lots on the north side of Burlingame Avenue. HEARING CIIANGES-I{ODIFI CATIONS PARKING DISTRICT PARCELS SOIJTH OT' EL CA}IINO REAL 47s There being no further conunents from proponents and no recent communication received, the Chair me bers of the Council . or from invited the opponents comments from In repLy to Councilman l1artin, s inqui_ry, directed to I{r.cerning his representation of merchants west of primrose Mr. Gfoerer explained the l-ack of j.nterest displayed bygroup of merchants in functions of downtown Burlingame. Gfoerer, con- Road, that particular tlayor Johnson read excerpts from a communication received fromIrtr. Theodore B].umberg. Chairman, parking Conunission, explaining his absence on this occasion and advising, in part, that the City shalIbe in a better position to consider the "west of El Camino Rea1,' whendefinite knowledge is available on the acquisition of certain specificlots within the District and that it was anticipated that the inform-ation shal1 be available vrithin a period of sixty days. An inqui-ry from Councilman Crosby, with respect to the subject lots ef f ect on the Parking District , \^,a s ansvrered by lrlr . Jack Van Zandt, Engineer for the District, who explained that from the beginning, has been considered to be an important parking faciJ-ity. Mr. Van Zandt advised that the original report from the Engineers indicated that there sras a "high degree of auto parking in the area" creating a parking problem for employee and customer alike and the proposed facility was an endeavor to resolve the "on-street parking" in that vicinity. Mr. Van Zandt stated that the Engineers are still of the opinion t]:at the parcel should remaj-n within the District and that there may be a question of "equity of benefits" if deleted. It1r. Ernest A. wilson, Attorney, representing the District, in reply to Council inquiry. advised that evidence has been presented to Council and three alternatives are open to Council: (1) to make such parcel deletions as may decrease, in the determination of Council-, the $300,000.0O(approximate) deficiency in parking funds; (2) to contribute City funds to eliminate said deficienry, or (3) to retain the project as a whole by lewying additional assessments upon the property oh,ners within the Parking District. Mr. wil-son acknowledged that the entire cost has not been fu],Iy estimated because of the increase in property values of peripheral lots within the Burlingame shopping district; that the parking district project when completed, sti1I will not solve the parking problems of Burlingame, and in his opinion, the matter of "equities" should be very carefully weighed before excluding parcels from the District. An of J-SSUe 1ots " raised by initiated Council-man crosby on "who determines the equitableness some discussion. Mr. Van zandt explained the methods employed by the engineers to establish parking district boundaries and wherein customer parking spaces have been purposely allocated in as many locations as possible within a five hundred foot radius of business establishments and wherein ernployee parking facilities have been located upon peripheral lots. Mr. Van Zandt again called attention to employee parking west of EI Camino ReaI the heavy concentration of on Ralston Avenue particularly. liability of tJ.e parcel s . Councilman George expressed concern with respect to the city shouLd an "inequity" arise through the deletion of 420 The City Attorney advised that the Parking District was created upon Council's finding of evidence that the properties to be assessed woul-d receive benefits; to delete parcels within the District, the Council must first determine through findings, that al1 properties assessed shall still benefit from the District; and if the matter comes before the Courts, the decision of Council sha1l be upheld provided Council has evidence to support its action. Further discussi.on concluded with Councilman Ir{artin, speaking as an individuaL membe r of the Council, expressing hesitancy to take action until the District is more solidified and stating that it would be "premature for Council, to make a decision." Ihere being no further corunents, the hearing was declared closed by the Chair. RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 9:30 p.m. CAI,I, TO ORDER Ihe meeting reconvened at 9:45 p.m REFERRAL TO PARKING DISTRICT SAIE OF BONDS I'1r. wilson, Attorney, representing the Parking District, announced that a computation of the bids received to purdrase "second Sale of Bonds" indicated that the J. Barth and Co., was the lowest responsible bidder with an "average interest cost of 3.7594%. RESOLTJ1PION NO. 39-64 "A Resolution Awarding SaIe of Bonds, Burlingame Avenue Area, Off-Street Parking District, Second Sa1e, ($45O,0O0.00) to .I. Barth and Co., 4O4 Irlontgomery Street, San Francisco" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously adopted upon Ro11 Ca1I. CHANGES,/MODIFICATIONS PARKING DISTRICT HEARING CONTINUED llayor ,fohnson questioned the status of the Griffith property Donnelly Avenue, to which inquiry Mr- Wilson advised that 1,1r. Lynch, Condemnation Attorney, has arranged for a continuance April, 1964. Irlayor Johnson conmented on the numbe r of persons interested hearing both the "pros and cons" of the proposal to delete 3A, 4A, 5A, lE and 68, and requested a ruling with respect possibility of reopening the hearing. on alohn to in parcels to the Mr- Wilson stated that he has read the minutes of the hearing and the transcript of the proceedings and in his opinion, the evidence is sufficiently insubstantial to justify a re-hearing r the City C1erk, however, is required to publish a notice of further public hearing on the dranges and modifications. A motion was introduced thereafter by Councilman Diederichsen that the public hearing on the changes and modifications of parcels heard before CounciL on February 3, 1964, be re-opened and that the City Clerk be instructed to publish an appropriate notice scheduling Mardl 17, 1954, to conduct a further hearing. The motion was seconded by councilman ceorge. On the question, Councilman l{artin expressed disapprovalthe hearing un.Less all the pareels proposed for deletion on the same occasion - 421 to reopening are considered A vote on the motion to reopen the hearing was recorded as foLlows: Ayes: Noes: Councilmen: Councilmen : Crosby-Diede ri ch sen-George-iIohn son llartin Councilman llartin a reconsideration repeated his preference of all parcels proposed that the hearing also include for deletion. Itlr. Wilson reconmended that Council set aside the motion to close thehearing on the deletion of Parcel that the subject be continuedfor consideration at the publi.c hearing, t{arch 17, 1964. Council concurred by motion introduced by Councifunan Martin, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously carried. Councilman it{artin requested that his "no" vote on the prior motion be changed to a "yes" vote. RECES S A brief recess vras called by the Chair at 9:55 p.m CATL TO ORDER fhe meeting was again called to order at 1O:OO p.m COMMUNI CATI ONS 1. PURITY STORES RE: EXPAI{S ION POST OFFICE The above subject was referred for cons ideration at the public hearing, 2. I{OTOR POOL SHOP BUILDING PTANS APP ROVED A conrnunication fron the City Ir{anager, dated February 28, 1964, referred council to the architeet's completed preliminary plans for the corporation Yard facilities and the preliminary plans for the proposed llotor Pool Shop auilding and advised that it was the recommendation of his office and that of the City Engineer tttat the completed preliminary plans be approved . The City Manager advised that available for presentation by a revised preliminary the architect at this cost estimate is time. A motion introduced by Councilman Diederichsen, George, that the preliminary plans as submitted approved was unanimously carried. seconded by councilman by the Architect be Irlr. E. L. displayed Norberg, Architect, suhnitted a a water color sketch indicating copy of the revised costs and the entire site p1an. Ur. Norberg explained the general plan for the various buildings con- templated for future construction and called attention to the reduction in size of the proposed electrical building, the reby reducing the overall cost by approxjmately $3,OOO.O0. Councilman Martin referred Council to the revised estimated cost of the shop building proposed for construction as the first unit, indicating an increase in the sum of $2,O8O.0O. 1122 Following a brief discussion, Councilman Diederichsen moved that the revised expenditure for the shop building in the sum of $58,880.00 be approved, seconded by Councilman George and carried, with Councilman l{artin casting a "no" vote. 3. RECLAI{ATION DISTRICT DREDGE PERMIT A conununication from the City Manager, dated February 27, L964, advised that the Pacific cas and Electric Company has presented an agreement indicating consent to the Reclamation District's dredging operations on the company's bay property easement, with certain reservations - The City lrlanager further advised that the City Attorney and his Office have met with the representatives of the company at which time they expressed concern with respect to the public use of the lagoon and the j.nterference with the access approach to the service lines of the company . It was the opinion of both Offices that an agreement would be premature at this time and the suggestion was made that the Pacific Gas and Electric Company be informed that the city is cognizant of the possible hazards and that precautionary measures shal1 be taken at the appropriate time. Council concurred and the City Itlanager was requested Pacific Gas and Electric Corpany that the City sha1l providing reasonable access to service its lines. to advise the cooPerate by 4. DEED FROII,I BURLINGA}IE SCHOOL Df STRICT A communication from the city llanager, dated February 27, 1964, recommended that Council accept a Grant Deed from the Burlingame Sdtoo]. District to convey a parcel of real property tr the City for the purpose of enlarging the water pumping station of the City on Trousdale Drive. Council concurred and RESOLUTION NO. 4O-64 "Acce pting Grant Deed From Burlingame School District, Dated February 11, 1964" was introduced for passage on motion of councilman ltlartin, seconded by councilman Diederichsen and unanimously carried upon Roll Cal1. A communication from the City ltlanager, dated February 27, L964, advised that Mr. Archie Offield and Ir1r. Walter Jack are seeking the formation of a Safety Council for San llateo County and have requested the City of Burlingand s endorsement and support. Counci.l concurred with a recommendation from the City !{anager that an invitation be extended to the petitioners to present their information and the Council study meeting of April L, L964, there- after vras scheduled. 6. GAS TAX DEENDITURES A communication from the City Manager, dated February 2a, L964, recomrnended that an amended budget for Gas Tax expenditures for future gas tax projects, be approved. RESoLUTION No. 41-64 "Resolution of the Ci ty Council of the city of Burlingame Adopting Budget for H<penditure of Funds A]'located from the State Highway Fund to Cities" was introduced by Councilman Uartin, rr'ho moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously carried upon RoI3- CaII. 5. PROPOSED FORMATION SAI'ETY COI,'NCIL 423 A communication from the City Manager, dated February 28, 1964, advised that the Parking Commission, at the prior request of Council, has evaluated the matter of a progrram to replace inadequate parking meters and thereafter recolunended that a replacement program be initiated. Following some discussion, the City Uanager was requested bids for parking meters as reconrmended and to include the preparing the 1964-1965 budget. to obtain item when 8A. SMAT,], BAIL PARK RECONSTRUCTION A meno to Council, dated Febru ary 28, J-964, advised that the Park Superintendent is preparing preliminary plans for the proposed recon- struction of the snal1 basebal-I diamond in washington Park. T'he City Manager further advised of cost, in the sum of $3,700.00 that he has just received an estimate to accompJ-ish the jrprovement. Following a brief discussion, the City llanager was requested to proceed with the small baseball diamond improvement and that funds be appro- priated at his discretion. fhe City Itl.anager, in reply to his inquiry to Council, was authorized to determine a policy with respect to restricting the usage of the ball diamond to children under high school age. 8b. REMOVAI OF HOUSES SOUTH OF HOWARD AVENT'E A memo to Council from the City l{anager, dated February 2A, L964, advised that at the ti.me of the removal of houses for the south of Howard Avenue parkj-ng lots, it may be possible to eliminate demolition and removal costs by permitting one of the structures to be removed intact. Counci,l concurred with the recommendation that into the removal project if 1egal. the action be incorporated 9. PROPOSED '' REGT'I,ATING USES fN R- 3A DISTRICT" Mayor ilohnson acknor^rledged receipt of the Planning Commission's "Resolution No. 1-64 Recommendjlg the Adoption of an ordinance Regulating Uses in R-3A (Low-Density Multi-family) Districts" and there being no objections, the subject matter was held for Council hearing, April 6, 1964. The City Clerk was instructed to publish a notice of hearing at the appropriate time. 10. REPORT ON DT,FFERIN DRAINAGE PROBLEI.,I A memo to Council from the City llanager, dated February 2A, 1964, referred to a report from the City Engineer, concerning a prel-iminary investigation rnade of the storm drainage in the Dufferin Avenue area, v*rerein the City Engineer indicated the corrections to be made would approximate $23, OOO.OO- The City Engineer, replying to verbal inquiries from residents in the area, commented on the various inadequacies in the existing storm drainage facilities and the necessity to enlarge the drainage system in Ray Park along A].bemarle way and to revise the existing catch basins at Dufferin Avenue and California Drive. 7 . PARKING },IETER REPLACEI4ENT /124 Following further discussion, Councilman Diederichsen moved thatthe City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans, drawings andspecifications to correct the drainage problems on Dufferin Avenue, seconded by Councilman ltlartin and unani:nously carried. fhe drainage problem on California Drive in the vi.cinity of the Rudd Buick property, was briefly referred. to and the City Engineer was requested to include the item in the forthcoming budget. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUPION NO. 42-64 "Re pealing Resolution No. 55-63 Requiring the City Treasurer to Perform the Duties of Payroll Clerk. pre- scribing Such Duties as Payroll Clerk and Fixing the Compensation for Such Duties" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Rol- 1 CaII - ORDINANCES Introduction thereof: ORDINATiICE NO. 799 "An ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 787 and Section 4L2.4 of the I94l Ordj-nance Code of the City of Burlingame Fixing the Compensation of the City Clerk for his Services and City Auditor and Assistant Secretary of the Planning Commission" was introduced by Councilman Martin and given its first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 800 "An Ordinance Anendin 9 the 194I Ordinance Code by Repeai-ing Ordinance No. 597 and by Adopting a New Section 4L2 Fixing the Sa1ary of the City Clerk" was introduced by CounciLman Martin and gi.ven its first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 801 "An Ordinance Arnend ing the 1941 Ordinance Code by Repealing ordj.nance No. 598 and Adopting a New Section 414 Fixing the Sa1ary of the City Treasurer" was introduced by Councilman l.lartin and given its first reading. REPORTS FROM COI'NCIL LIAISON I.,IEI{BERS 1. 'ABAG'' Councilman Martin gave a brief report on his attendance at meetings of ABAG and referred to the various regional reports. Council hras advised that the city's contribution to the organization shall be reduced to $197.00 due to the affiliation of San Francisco with ABAG. Councilman Martil also advised that the by-laws Permit a City to withdraw its mernbership if objecting to a specific policy and that the city of Berkeley has proposed that an amendment be adopted prohibiting cities from withdrawing when said policy affects bay fil1ing. Councilman George reported on his attendance at a recent meeting of the Disaster Council, stating that more information shall be avail- able within a period of two weeks on the subject of installing "networks" in the various City Halls- 3. SAN MATEO COI,NTY YOUTH COMI*IISSION Councilman crosby has been inactive advised that the san ltateo County Youth corEnission of late. 2. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 425 Councilman ltlarti.n advised that at a recent meeting of ABAG, it was made knovrn that the City of Piedmont has prepared a "Code of Ethics" for both parents and teenagers and a copy will be submitted to the Itlayor of each city in the near f uture . 4 . GREATER HIGIIVIIAYS COIi{MITTEE Councilman Diederichsen reported on a reorganizational meeting of the Greater Highway s Committee, ,f anuary 9, L964, and announced that the next meeting has been scheduled for Ivlarch 12, 1964, at which time a review would be made of the prelirninary list of State Highway projects to be included in the 1965-1966 Division of Highways Budget. PROCLAI\,IATION Mayor Johnson proclairned lrlarch 7 CaLifornia Conservation Week. " 14, 1964, as the "Thirteenth ANNO UNC E}TENT S,/ACI$OWLEDGIIENT S Uayor .Tohnson announced her attendance at a meeting of the County of san uateo on "Bay Fi1I" Development and at a dj-nner meeting sponsored by the Pacific Air Conmerce Center on the "Future expansion of the San Francisco International, Airport" and acknowledged receipt of minutes from the Planning Commission and the Health, Safety and Traffic Commission. NEW BUSINESS The City Manager $ras requested by Councilman George to prepare a balance sheet with respect to the Off-Street Parking District, j.ncJ.uding Iots acquired, those intended for acquisition, improvements to date, improvements proposed and the funds remaining in the account. GUESTS ACKNOWLEDGED Mayor ilohnson acknovledged the presence of former City Councilman and I{ayor, Mr. U. s. simonds, Jr., and l.{rs. Simonds, with I{r. Simonds responding with a few appropriate words. CO},III4I SS ION VACANCY The City Manager was requested meeting of April 6, 1964. that and Traffic Commission. Council prior to the regular exists on the EeaLth, Safety to remind a vacancy ADJOURNI{E\IT T'he meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:35 p.m Respectfully submitted. APPROVED:HERBERT_ T ffiTE,CITY CIERK . /'-\ ,t'L"IAlL*) CIIARIOTTE JOIINSN, UAYOR