HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.02.17409 Burlingame, February Cal ifornia t7, L964 CALL TO ORDER A reqular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date . Irleeting called to order at 8 :00 p.m. , - Irlayor Johnson in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAI{CE At word from the Chair, all in the council Chadber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. Pre sent Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Cro sby-Diede rich sen-George-Johnson-IrIartin. None NATIONAI ELECTRIC WEEK Councilman Diederichsen spoke briefly on the recent observation of "National Electric week" and presented to lrlayor Johnson an exact replica of the first electric lamp made by Mr. Thomas A. Edison. MINIJ'IES llre minutes of the previous meeting of E ebruary 3, L964, submitted to Council were unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Councilman crosby and seconded by Councilman George. COMMUNICATIONS DRAINAGE ON DUFFERIN AVENUE A petition, dated February 1, 1964, bearing the signatures of residents on Dufferin Avenue and submitted by }{r. David iI. Crosatto, 1116 Dufferin Avenue, urging the City of Burlingame to take prompt action to improve drainage facilities in that area, was acknowledged. A communication from the city Uanager, dated February L4, L964, that the City Engineer is currently conducting a survey of the a repolt shall be made to Council for its consideration. advised area and the Council City Manager The Chair acknowledged Dufferin Avenue residents in the audience and the City Engj.neer, at the request of the Chair, advised that the entire drainage system in the particular area shal,l be surveyed, with at least a preliminary report submitted within a period of several weeks. The City lt{anager was requested to advise l,tr. Crosatto of the f indings when reporting to Council. 2 RECREATION COM}4ISSION REQI'EST F13R !,IEETING A conununication frdl the City ltlanager, dated Febluary 13, advised that the Chainnan of the Recreation Commission has suggested that a meeting be scheduled betvreen the City Council and the members of the Recreation Cqrunission to discuss (L) financial report concerning "Special Activities" promoted by the Recreation Department; (2) changes in recreation concept to establish a poliry for the Recreation Department and (3) the Recreation Department's place in the planni.ng of parks and recreational facilities. Council seheduled llednesday, March 4, l-964, at 8:00 p.m., Chambers as the tiJne and place for the joint meeting and was requested to so adv.ise the Recreation Conunission. in the ROLL CALL 470 3. UTILITIES AGREEMENT EXECUTION A communication from the City Ir{.anager, dated February 13, 1964, advised that the State Division of Highways requires that theCity's proposed installation of a twelve inch, cast iron water transmission main across Skyline Boulevard be encased in concretefor a distance of approximately three hundred lineal feet and hasindicated that the estimated cost to provide for said installationin the amount of $2,250.00, shall be borne by the State. RESOLUTION NO. 35-64 "Authorizin g Execution of Agreement BetweenCity of Burlingame and State of California, Department of public Works, Division of Highways" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Diederichsen, seconded by Councilman l.{art in and unanimously adopted on Rotl CaIl. 4 REOUEST TO I,EASE CITY PROPERTY DENIED A conununication fron the City llanager, dated February L4, 1964, referred Council to a communication received frdn tlrs. Sally L. Hink, requesting permission to lease a City-owned structure adjacent to tlre Public Library. Ihe City lrlanager, in his communication, recotrmended that the structure be removed and made available for off-street parking purposes. Ivlayor ilohnson expressed her concurrence with the reconmendation. lfhe City ltanager in conmenting further, suggested that within the period of the next thirty days, figures be obtained to ascertain the cost to remove the building. fhe City Manager was of Council intention thereafter requested to not ify the petitioner to demolish the structure in the near future. that further study be made of the project pIans, with A communication from the City Manager, dated February L4, !964, referred council to Architect E. L. Norberg's presentation of a prelirninary general site pJ.an and shop building layout and recom- mended that the pre-preliminary drawings be approved to authorize the architect to proceed with the complete preliminary p1ans. !1r. Norberg explained that it would facilitate the work and expedite the project if the prelirninary plans were approved and he was authorized to proceed with the working drawings for the proposed shop building. Mr. Norberg advj-sed that the cost of the first unit, the shop building, is j-n the amount of $56,800.O0 and the overall cost for the entire project is in the approxirnate amount of $180,550.00. councilman Martin expressed preference prior to Council action and that a set incumbent costs, be submitted. In reply to Counci.l-man lilartin, Mr . Norberg advised that he has prepared a breakdown of the costs and submitted the following prelJminary figures: Shop Building, First unit . Remodel addition to existing steel building Two-story electrical building Remodel existing frame building . . Ten equipment stalls (one area) Eight equipment stalls (another area) . . . Landscaping and planting. . $56, 8Oo . OO 43,350.00 38,400.00 14, OOO.00 13,200 .00 14,400 . OO 400.oo for a combined estimated totaf of - $180, sso. oo 5. P REI III'IINARY SfTE PLAN - CORPORATION YARD II{P ROVEUENTS 471 Replying to inquiries from Councilman Crosby and Councilman George concerning his objection to authorj-zing approval on this occasion, CounciLman Uartin referred to the City's contract with the architect, wherein bids may be received up to ten percent in excess of the preliminary estirations and pointed out that Council, once having given approval to the plans, shall be obligated to fu1fill its financial conmitments. In the ensuing discussion, Council was advised by the City Engineer of his conferences with the architect on the design and their personal visitatj.on to newly constructed similar improvements in the Cities of Merced and Sunnyvale. The City Engineer stated that it would not be advisable to reduce the cost too much without losing the accommodations the facility would provide. Councilman ceorge spoke on the poor and inadequate condition of the existing facility and urged Council to approve the plans to construct the first unit this fiscal year period. The City Attorney explained the terms of the contract, the progress payments necessary as the work proceeds and advised in effect and with respect to the point raised by Councilman lr1artin, that as each stage of work is completed, the City is requi red to pay the architectural fees as they are incurred. Mr. Norberg stated that the site plan may be changed at any time; however, according to the terms of the contract, the architect has a time period of forty-five days in which to submit preliminary drawings and the balance of his work delivered before the expiration of an additional forty-five days, it was therefore in the interest of time that Council approve the shop plans and authorize the continuance of his services. Mr. Norberg advised that the $180,550.OO total estimated sum quoted is a variable figure. In reply to Councilman ceorge, the City Manager confirmed that the funds for the first unit are available in the current budget. Further discussion was temporarily tabled and Business" for consideration under Item No. 2, referred " Coun ci1 under Study " Unfini shed Sessions. " 6. ASSESSMEMI-COLLECTION TAXES AGREEMENT RESCINDED A communication from the City lr{anager, dated February 14, 1964, advised that the County of San llateo has presented an agreement to dispense with the charges for the assessment and collection of property taxes and it was his recomendation that the agreement be executed. RESoLUTION NO. 36-64 "Authorizin g Execution of Agreement for Rescission of Agreement City of Burlingame and County of San Mateo Fixing Compensa- tion for Assessing and Collection of Taxes for City" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanj.rnously adopted upon RoI1 call. Council, concurred with a recommendation from the City Manager, in a communication dated I'ebruary L4, L964, that the subject of replacing inefficient parking meters be referred to the Parking Commission for its study, evaluation and report to CounciL. 7. PROPOSED REPLACEII{ENT PARKING I{ETERS 472 8. OBDINAAICE RE: "FOR SALE SIGNS" PROTESTED Ttte City Attorney referred to Section 13.32.100 "Parking Vehicle for purpose of sales" - "It sha11 be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park the same upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale, or to park any vehicle upon any street in any business district from which said vehicle merchandise is being sold, " and stated that the "i11e9a1ity is parking upon the public street for purpose of selling the car." Councilman Crosby questioned the "position of council" on the addressor's demand that " eactr and every truck or car displaying any signs of advertisement be given citations." Ihe City Attorney advised that trucks doing business in the City are licensed; the regulations of vehicles have been preempted by the state Legislature and to ban the display of advertisement on trucks, in his opinion, would not be a "valid prohibition. " 9. MORATORIIJM ACTION COMI\,IENDED A communication from Mr. and Mrs. William G. Livingston, 1Il3 Rosedale Avenue, commending the action of the City on its stand with respect to a "tloratorium on Bay Fi11in9" was acknowledged and placed on file. It{ayor.rohnson announced receipt of a communication from the United California Bank, extending an invitation to Council to attend "Open House" at its estabLishment, 1848 EI Canino Real, wednesday evening, February L9, L964. and announc5.ng its formal opening at 10:00 a.m., Friday, February 2L, 1964. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 37-64 "A Resolution of Intention to lvlake Changes and I.lodifications Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District, " (elimination Lot H, southwest El Camino ReaI) vras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilaan Crosby and unanimously carried upon Ro11 Ca1l. RESOLUTIoN NO. 38-64 "A Resolution ca1lin q for Bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds Parking District No. I - Second Sale - $450,000.00" (approximately one-half of District cost) vras introduced for passage on motion of councilman ltartin, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon RoIl CaI1. ORD INANCES - Consideration thereof: oRDItiIAIiIcE No- 794 (emergency) "An ordinance Amending ordinance No. 627 and Section L225 of the 194I ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame By Designating Bayswater Avenue to be a Through Street" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted \r the following vote: Ayes : Councilmen : crosby-Diederichsen-George-'Johnson-llartin' Iiloes : Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: None A letter was read from I|tr. Stanley F. Cox. 2532 Valdivia Way, pro- testing the issuance of a ticket by a police officer for a violation pertaining to the display of a "For SaIe" sign on his automobile and urging the repeal of the prohibitive ordinance. CounciLman l,lart j.n voiced his objection to the type of letter received particuJ-arly in that the subject matter was first received by the Press and suggested that Council disregard its contents. 10. I,'NITED CAIIFORNIA BANK OPENING 4L3 ORDINANCE No- 795 (non-emergency) "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 527 and Section L225 of the 1941 Ordinance code of the Burlingame by Designating Bayswater Avenue to be a fhrough was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said Ordj-nance passed reading and was adopted by the following vote: City of street " Crosby. its second Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen : Councilmen : Councilrnen: Crosby-Diede richs en-George-Johnson-!lartin None None ORDINAIiICE NO. 796 "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 753 and Section 1222.27 of the 1941 Ordi.nance Code of the city of Burlingame Establishj-ng Parking Regulations Governing Municipal- Parking Lots" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by Councilman George, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent CounciLnen: Counc ilmen : Councilmen: Crosb[/-Diede ric]r sen-George-ifohnson-I'lartin None None ORDINAI{CE NO. 797 "An Ordinance Amending ordinance No. 627 and Section L225 of the I94L Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame by Designating Adeline Drive to be a Ihrough Street" vras given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by Councilman George, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen : Councilmen: Councilmen : Cro sby-Diederich sen-George-John son-Martin None \Ione Crosby-D j-ede rich sen-George-ilohn son-l[artin. None None ORD INANCE NO. 798 "An Ordinance Amendin g the Ordinance Code of the City of BurJ-ingame B1z Ailcl ing Thereto Section L22L.L6 Providing for Intersection Stops for Vehicles at the Intersection of Bayswater Avenue and Dwight Road " was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: PURCHASE PARCELS ON LORTON AVENUE Councilman llartin referred to a communication received by the City Uanager and submitted to Council from Mr. ilohn E. Lynch. Condeluation Attorney, off-Street Parking District No. I, under date of February 14, 1964, enclosing a copy of an offer to sell to the District, parcels comprj-sing an area of 12,000 square feet on Lorton Avenue (78, 8E and 98. formerly owned by Howard Buick Company ) in the surn of $9O,OOO.OO, and now owned by the lJawton Investment Company. ![r. L]mch, in his communication, advised that the proposed settlement is $4,900.O0 in excess of the appraised figure; however, this represents an increase of less than 5l% and considerably below the usual spread allowed for settl-ement negotiations. Councilman llartin recommended the purchase of the afofementioned parcels and thereafter introduced for passage.RESOLUTION NO. 39-64 "A Resol-ution 1Lt4 Authorizing Settlement of parcels 7E, gE and 9E, parking DistrictNo- 1" seconded by councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adoptedupon RoIl CalL. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. A. C. GRIFFITHS PARCEL (Donnelly Avenue) A communication from lqr. John H. Ta1lett, Attorney, representingItIr. and Mrs. Albert Griffiths, in their condemnation action toacquire their property for off-street parking in the City ofBurlingame, suggested a reasonable continuance of the trial date (March 9, L964) to a1low Council an additional period of time to consider the Griffith parcel with other properties set for hearingbefore the Council on l4arch 2, 1964. !1r. Ernest A. wilson, Attorney, representing the parking District, recommended. with Council concurring thereafter, that the subject be referred to Mr. ifohn E. Lynch, Condemnation Attorney. 2. STI]DY SESSIONS TO BE SCHEDULED Itlayor Johnson spoke on the urgency to schedule Council study meetings and following considerable discussion, Council concurred to schedule the first Wednesday evening of each month, 8:00 p.m., for study purposes, with an agenda, prepared in advance by the City l{anager, to include such subjects the Council and/or the City Manager may deem advisable . The City llanager was requested to send notices announcing the first study session to be held with members of the Recreation Conunission on March 4, 1964. NEW BUSINESS 1. SMALI BALL DIAII{OND IIi{PROVEII4ENT Councilman Cro sby referred to a paragraph i.n the minutes of the Recreation commission, dated January 22, 1964, concerning a tentative plan for the improvement of a smal1 baseball diamond located in Washington Park, at a cost approxirnating $3,5O0.O0 and the recom- mendation by that Commission that the improvement be programed in time for this sumner's usage. Councilman crosby reported on his personal observation of the area and in reply to his inquiry concerning the avail-ability of funds in the budget, the City llanager advised that the sum of $9,300.00 has been allocated in the Capital Improvement Budget of the Recreation Department for the new !1i11s Park area. Following further discussion, the City llanager was requested to investigate the possible financing of the improvement and to ascertain whether those preparing preliminary plans for the ltlills Park area may also include the preparation of plans for the Washington Park small baseball diamond area. Councilman ltartin announced that the next meeting of the Association of Bay Area covernments has been scheduled for Friday morning, February 2A, L964, at whictr tjme a resume of the five bills proposed for placement on the Legislature Agenda shall be made available on the subject of bay filling operations and policies. 2. .'ABAG'' MEETING ANNO UNCEI*{SIT 475 Councilman Martin referred to a master plan prepared by San Mateo County indicating that the latter may fill its bay area properties to the proposed outer limits of the Bay Front Freeway. :[he City Planner displayed a copy of the County Master PIan and a copy of a plan prepared b1t his Office, indicating (I) the waterfront area as proposed by the cityr (2) the expansion of the Coyote Point area as proposed by the County Parks and Recreation Director and (3) the expansion of the airport as prepared by the airport engineers. 3. DISASTER COT'NCIL MEETING Councilman George announced that the regular quarterly meeting of the san Mateo Operational Area Civil Defense and Disaster Council will be held at 8:00 p.m., Thursday, February 20, L964, county Office Building in Redwood City. Councilman George, Council liaison to the Disaster Council, referred to the contemplated "area disaster network" proposing the installatlon of nineteen comnunications systems in the City Halls of San Mateo County, with each City assuming an apportioned share based on its population and assessed valuat j-on, of which the sum of $541 .00 per year shall be the City of Burlingame's share. Ouestioned trlz Council, Councilman ceorge recommended that the City continue its membership in the Disaster Council and to participate in the proposed plan. Ihere being no objection from Council, Councilman George was authorized to so advise the San ltlateo Area Disaster Council . I{ayor ilohnson referred to a brochure-draft entitled "San Mateo Civil Defense and Disaster Organization Operations Plan" and the City Clerk was requested to acknowledge its receipt \l communication to }1r. william C. Hinchcliff, Area Administrator. 4. ORDINANCE SET?ING SALARY RATE The City Attorney was requested to prepare an ordinance for introduction at the next regular meeting of Council establishing the basic rate of compensation ($912.) for the City Clerk and the City Treasurer. Ttle Chair announced that the Board of Supervisors has requested the attendance of the llayor and members of the City Council, the City Administrator and Planning Consultant at a meeting to discuss the "Bay Front Development" at the County Office Building, Redwood City, at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 25, L964. ACKNOWLEDG}.,TENTS The Chair acknowledged receipt of a report from the Cj-ty Planner, George A. Mann, on an Association of Bay Area Goverrunent's meeting both he and Councilman llartin attended recently concerning "Bay Fi11s, Uoratoriums and Tideland Development; " the minutes of the San Ivlateo Operational Area Civil Defense and Disaster Organizations' Advisory Committee meeting, January L7, L964, communications from the Women's Legislative Council, Citizens' Comnittee for Free TV and from Harry Lerner and Associates, both with respect to the subject "Pay-TV-" 5. DEVELOPMENT OF BAY FRON? CONFERENCE 416 RXPORT RE: POLICE PERSOAINEL Councilman Martin corunented briefly on a confidential memo submit- ted to Council by the City Manager concerning police Department personnel advising that the action described therein has his fu11 support . Councilman llartin suggested that citizens having complaints refer to the City Manager rather than to the Press. Further conments from Council continued on the subject of the approval of the preliminary shop building drawing plans. Council-man Crosby spoke in favor of proceeding with the work, indicating his concurrence with the recommendations made by the members of the City's staff and on the basis that funds are avail- able to construct the first unit this current fiscal year period- Questioned by the Chair, the City Engineer confirmed his previous statement that the design and the structure of the proposed facility is satisf actory. A motion was thereafter introduced by Councilman Diederidrsen, seconded by Councilrnan George that the general site plans be approved and that the architect be authorized to proceed with the detailed drawings of the shop area. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ayes: Noes: Absent Councilmen: Councilmen : Councilmen: Crosby-Diederichsen-George-alohnson llartin None Councilman Martin requested the City Manager to submit the estimates of cost for the entire site. CI.,AI}1S Claims. Month of February 1964, Nos. 1312 - 1484, in the amount of $zLO,766.69, duly audited, were approved for payment on motion of Cormcilman crosby, seconded by councilman Diederichsen and unan- imously carried. PAYROLL APP ROVAf, Payroll !'/arrant s, Month of iIanuary, 1964, Nos. 6055 - 6521. $108,542.16, v/ere approved on motion of councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanirnously carried. ADJOURLMENT Ihe meeting was regularly adj ourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, a4 APPROVED: -1 CHARTOTTE .TOHNS ,-I\,IAYOR HERBERT K. I{I{ITE, CITY CLERK DISPOSITION CORPORATION YARD PLANS M-,"1,*n>