HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - PC - 2021.04.12 - 8D. DocuSig>Errys'ope lD: 7'l 44276C-21 6E-4AF9-ACA5-1A01 E30AB5DE RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Planning Department City of Burlingame WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF BURLINGAME 5O,I PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 2021-166108 1:43 pm 121O3t21 Rl Fee: NO FEE Count of Pagee 4 Recorded in Official Records County of San Mateo Mark Church tttl r lur ili[[] [fl fl U tliXfl f UU fr [r iI [irl lur rlr Resolution No. 2021 -04.12-Bd 333 CALIFORNIA DRIVE 029-153-180 TITLE OF DOCUMENT I hereby certify this to be a full, true and conect copy of the document it purports to be, the original of which is on file in my office. October 25 2021 kxiru h,rkru,r rrUhlE 1., Date: Kevin Gardiner, AICP, Community Development { r-.b RESOLUTION APPROVING CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, DESIGN REVIEW, AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame that: WHEREAS, a Categorical Exemption has been prepared and application has been made for Commercial Desion R-evievY for ch?noes to the front and rear facade of an existino commercial buildincl and Conditional Use Permit for a full service food establishment at ssg Catifm Ann Sabatini, propertv owner, APN: 029-153-180; WHEREAS, said matters were heard by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame on April 12. 2021, at which time it reviewed and considered the staff report and all other written materials and testimony presented at said hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, it is RESOLVED and DETERMINED by this Planning Commission that: 1. On the basis of the lnitial Study and the documents submitted and reviewed, and comments received and addressed by this Commission, it is hereby found that there is no substantial evidence that the project set forth above will have a significant effect on the environment, and categorical exemption, per CEQA Section 15301 - Existing facilities, Class 1(a) of the CEeA Guid6lines, which states that interior or exterior alterations involving such things as interior partitions, plumbing, and electrical conveyances are exempt from environmental review, is hereby approved. 2. Said Design Review and Conditional Use Permits are approved subject to the conditions setforth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Findings for such Design Review and Conditional Use Permit are set forth in the staff report, minutes, and recording of said meeting. 3. lt is further directed that the County of San Mateo a certified copy of this resolution be recorded in the official records of airmanTSrbSecretary of the Planning Commission of the hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at aPlanning commission held on the 12th dav of April, 2021 by City of Burlingame, do regular meeting of thethe following vote: S3gCAUFORNIA pR - RESO 2021{!4.12{dAYES: COUAROTO, LOFTIS, SARGENT, SCHTID, TERRONES, TSENOES: NONE ABSENT GAUL REGUSED: NONE Secretary 2 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, and Conditional Use permit 333 California Drive Effective April 22, 2O21 Page 'l that the project shall be built as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Division date stamped March 31, 2021, sheets A0.0 through A6.0; that this business location to be occupied by a full service food establishment, with 6,367 SF of on-site customer seating area (4,075 SF indoor and 2,292 SF outdoor), may not change its food establishment classification; that the 6,367 SF area of on-site seating (4,075 SF indoor and 2,292 SF outdoor) of the full service food establishment shall be enlarged or extended to any other areas within the tenant space only by an amendment to this conditional use permit; that this food establishment shall provide trash receptacle(s) as approved by the city consistent with the streetscape improvements and maintain all trash receptacle(s) at the entrances to the building and at any additional locations as approved by the City Engineer and Fire Department; that the business shall provide litter control and sidewalk cleaning along all frontages of the business and within fifty (50) feet of all frontages of the business; that there shall be no food sales allowed at this location from a window or from any opening within 10' of the property line; that any seating on the sidewalk outside shall encroachment permit issued by the city; conform to the requirements of any that any changes to the size or envelope of the building, which would include changing or adding exterior walls or parapet walls, shall require an amendment to this permit; that any changes to building materials, exterior finishes, windows, architectural features, roof height or pitch, and amount or type of hardscape materials shall be subject to Planning Division or Planning Commission review (FYl or amendment to be determined by Planning staff); 10 that demolition or removal of the existing structures and any grading or earth moving on the site shall not occur until a building permit has been issued and such site work shall be required to comply with all the regulations of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District; that prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of the project, the project construction plans shall be modified to include a cover sheet listing all conditions of approval adopted by the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal; which shall remain a part of all sets of approved plans throughout the construction process. Compliance with all conditions of approval is required; the conditions of approval shall not be modified or changed without the approval of the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal; 11 3 4 6 o o 7 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption, Design Review, and Conditional Use Permit 333 Galifornia Drive Effective Aptil 22, 2021 12. that the project shall comply with the Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Ordinance which requires affected demolition, new construction and alteration projects to submit a Waste Reduction plan and meet recycling requirements; any partial or full demolition of a structure, interior or exterior, shall require a demolition permit; 13. that the applicant shall comply with Ordinance 1503, the City of Burlingame Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Ordinance; '14. that the project shall meet all the requirements of the California Building and Uniform Fire Codes, in effect at the time of building permit submittal, as amended by the City of Burlingame; THE FOLLOWING CONOITIONS SHALL BE MET DURING THE BUILDING INSPECTION PROCESS PRIOR TO THE INSPECTIONS NOTED IN EACH CONDITION: 15. that prior to scheduling the framing inspection, the project architect, engineer or other licensed professional shall provide architectural certification that the architectural details such as window locations and bays are built as shown on the approved plans; if there is no licensed professional involved in the project, the property owner or contractor shall provide the certification under penalty of perjury. Certifications shall be submitted to the Building Department; and 16.that prior to final inspection, Planning Division staff will inspect and note compliance of the architectural details (trim materials, window type, etc.) to verify that the project has been built according to the approved Planning and Building plans.