HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - PC - 2021.02.08 - 8CDocuSign Envelope lD: 7 1 44276C-21 6E.4AF9-ACA5-1A01 E30ABSDE RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Planning Department City of Burlingame WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF BURLINGAME 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 2021-165579 2:29 pm 12102t21 Rl Fee: NO FEE Count of pages 3 Recorded in Official Records County of San Mateo Mark Church ifl rti iltfrfintiilfitlfiiilllilt0ilfli[trr1 lrlr Resolution No. 2021-02.08-8c 1341 MARSTEN ROAD APN 026-123-080 TITLE OF DOCUMENT I hereby certify this to be a full, true and conect copy of the document it purports to be, the original of which is on file in my office. October 25 2021 k^^rto htk,rtt rrUsdE Date: Kevin Gardiner , AICP, Community Development ,{ (/' -EYI RESOLUTION APPROVING CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PARKING VARIANCE RESOLVED, by the Planning commission of the city of Burlingame that: WHEREAS, a Categorical Exemption has been prepared and application has been made for Condiligqal Use Per for a commercial recreatibn use at 1341 Marsten Road. Zoned RR, Ken Merrill. propertv owner. ApN: 026-123-0gF WHEREAS, said matters were heard by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame onFebruSrv 8. 2021, at which time it reviewed and coniidered the staff report and all other writtenmaterials and testimony presented at said hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, it is RESOLVED and DETERMINED by this Planning Commission that: 1. On the basis of the lnitial Study and the documents submitted and reviewed, and commentsreceived and addressed by this Commission, it is hereby found that there is no substantialevidence that the project set forth above will have a significant effect on the environment, andcategorical exemption, per CEQA Section 15301, whichltates that interior or exterior alterationsinvolving such things as interior partitions, plumbing, and electrical conveyances are exemptfrom environmental review, is hereby approved. 2. Said Conditional Use Permit and Parking Variance are approved subject to the conditions setforth in Exhibit "A" attached he.reto. Findings for such ionditionat Use permit and parking Variance are set forth in the staff report, minut-es, and recording of said meeting. 3 It is further directed that a the County of San Mateo. certified copy of this resolution be recorded in the official records of irpersonr, .I,SCfl-MtD hereby certify that the foregoi Planning Commission held 134' UARSTE! Rp. _ RESo 2o2r{2.0s{cAYES: COMAROTO, GAUL SARffi SGHMID, TERRONES, TSENOES: NONEABSEilT NOI{E REGUSED: LOFTTS Secretary of the Planning commission of the city of Burlingame, dong resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of theon the 8th dav of Februarv, 2021 by the foilowinj vote: 1 conditions of Approval for categorical Exemption, conditional Use Permit, and parking variancel34l Marsten Road Effective February 18, 2021 Page 1 that any changes to the size or envelope of building, which would include changing or adding exterior walls or parapet walls or increasing the size of the mezzanine, shall require an amendment to this conditional use permit; that any changes in operation, floor area, use, number of employees, or number of customers shall require an amendment to this use permit; that demolition or removal of the existing structures and any grading or earth moving on the site shall not occur until a building permit has been issued and such site work iha be required to comply with all the regulations of the Bay Area Air euality Management District; that the project shall comply with the construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Ordinance which requires affected demolition, new construction and alteration projeits to submit a waste Reduction plan and meet recycling requirements; any partial or full demolition of a structure, interior or exterior, shall require a demolition permit; that if the structure is demolished or the envelope changed at a later date, or if the use in the existing space is changed, the parking variance as well as any other exceptions to the code granted here will become void; and that the project shall meet all the requirements of the California Building and Uniform Fire codes, in effect at time of building permit submittal, as amended by the ciiy of Burlingame. 2 4 A EXHIBIT "A"