HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.01.20390 Burlingame, California January 20, L964 CAI.,L TO ORDER A regrular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m., - Irlayor Johnson in the Chair- At word from the Chair, all the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CATI in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Flag. Crosby-Diederichsen-George-John son-!lartin. None P re sent Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: I{INTJ]PES The minutes of the meeting of alanuary 6, L964, submitted previously to Council , were unan j.mously approved and adopted upon motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded \r Councilman George. E. C. SIGNAROWITZ VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT GASOLINE STATION PENTNSI'LA AND DWIGHT ROAD Mayor Johnson announced that this was the time and place scheduled to continue the public hearing on the appeal of ttr. Eugene C. Signarowitz from the decision of the Pl-anning Counission, to permit the construction of a gasoline service station on the northwest corner of Penj-nsula Avenue and Dwight Road. tlr. Signarowitz spoke briefly on the extensive construction currently in progress and contemplated in the area in the future and, in his opi-nion, all conducive to the operation of a service station. !1r. Charles Kircher, representing the Hancock Oil Company, distributed copies of the "proposed 'Hancock' Service Station plot plan" and a prepared sketch of the structure was displayed. Mr. Ba1l, architectural engineer, explained the features of the proposed station, advj.sing that said construction and the operation thereafter shall proceed according to City requiretnents. Ihere being no further proponents to be heard or letters to be in favor thereof, the Chair extended the privilege of the floor those in opposition. read to !tr. Alfred G. Lahrson, owrrer and occupant of a triplex, 9 E|eright Road, adjacent to the subject property, I1r. ilohn lbsen, 12 Clarendon Road, Ur. C. Y. Elmgreen and Mrs. Annie H. Snith, 15 Ildight Road, each expressed their individual opposition, claiming that the use proposed would create a noise and odor nuisance and a decrease in the valuation of surrounding properties. Reference was made by the Chair to a petition on file, bearing the signatures of twenty-eight property olrners within a five hundred foot radius favoring the reclassification, communications on file from Miss Elizabeth lrtako\"rski, 33 Bloomfield Road and lr{r. Fred E. Marsh, 232 Ed9ehi11, San Carlos, owner of property in the subject area, also favoring the construction of a gasoline station and a petition bearing the signatures of thirty-four property owners within the five hundred foot radius, opposing the erection and oPeration of a service station. PI,EDGE OF AI,LEGIANCE HEARING 391 In reply to an inqui.ry from the Chair, Ur. tawson stated that he had no objection to the erection of an apartment or a medical center building on the subject property and pointed to the fact that thepetition opposing the project represented approximately eighty percent of the property ovrners within the area. A period of questions and answers followed. l,!r. signarowitz, the applicant, replying to Councilman Diederichsen's inquiry concerning his ability to "prove a hardship" (condition to a variance approval) advised that his original intent to erect an apartment was reversed in view of the extensive apartment construction current in the inroediate vicinity and an apartrent facing Peninsula Avenue would be undesirable because of the potential increase in traffic. Itlr. Signarowitz modern trend to areas . stated that from a personal observation, there is a construct attractive service statiorE in residential Further replying to Councilman Diederichsen with respeet to the "fullest use of his property" (another condition to the approval of a variance) !1r. Signarovritz stated that in his opinion and as an ohrner, it is his privilege to "use the property until such time as it may 'outlive its use." In reply to Councilman llartin's inquiries concerning (1) the percentage of driveway curb cuts permissible and (2) the maximum allowances for free standing signs were answered by the city Engineer and the City Planner respectively. Itre City Engineer read excerpts from the code Office may grant up to seventy percent of the a corner, advising later of his reluctance in the curb cuts as indicated on the plot p1an. and indicated that his total 1ot frontage on this instance to approve T,]xe city Planner advised that the ordinance does not regulate the "size of signs;" however, a pole sign sha1l not exceed turenty feet in height fron the sidewalk level to the highest point of the sign structure and shall be at least ten feet between the 1evel of the sidewalk and any portion of the extended sign. In a series of questions directed by Councilman !{art i-n to ltlr. Ball, the latter advised that only one "minirnum" i-dentity sign is proPosed, especially designed for this particularly narro\^r structure t the paving of the planting area vrould stop at the property line of the City; the operation of the business would occur between the hours of 6 p.m., and 11 p.m., seven days a week and, in his opinion, the tlPe of lighting to be installed would not create a glare or a nuisance to the neighborhood. I'he city Planner, in reply to councilman lrlartin advised that the provisions appropriate to the construction of a gasoline service station in the area cannot be satj-sfactorily met and his reconmendations with respect to the use of property within the Lyon and Hoag Subdivision, as the result of a "1963 Land use Study" of the area, remains unchanqed. !!r. Ball concurred with the following conditions recorunended by Councilman Itlartin: (1) Ihe plan to take precedent over the artist's rendition; (2, llhe area landscaped Department t in accordance with reguirements of the Park 1dg2 (3) A planting strip placed and maintained between the sidewalk and the curbing area; (4) 1ltre size of the sign reduced and suspended from the building instead of from a pole; (5) Ttre hours of operation seheduled bet\,reen the hours of 6 a.m., and 11 p.m., seven days a week; (6) Placement of curbs according to specifications of the City Engineer; (7) No additional signs to be erected, and (8) fhe service station operated solely as a "normal" service station without car wash racks. Councilman George, referring to the large complex and gasoline station proposed in the area on the San Mateo side of Peninsula Avenue and the possible widening of Peninsula Avenue, stated his reluctance to approve a variance for the use proposed and his hesitancy in acknowledging that an apartment house would be more appropriate. Councilman Diederichsen questioned whether the reguirements necessary to the granting of a variance have been met and recalled that while serving as a membe r of the Planning Conunission, it was suggested that the property be used to construct a medical center or a similar facility. Councilman Diederichsen suggested that it may be to the advantage of the applicant to " await the development of the college property. " Councilman Crosby stated that with the anticipated increase in traffic on Peninsula Avenue, it was his personal opinion that the construction of an apartment house fronting Peninsul-a Avenue would not be desirable. The Chair thereafter declared the hearing closed. CAIJL TO ORDER Councilman Martin stated that in his opinion, the current plan for the use of the property has not been changed materially from that presented and denied in the past; the use is contrary to that provided in an R-l (residential) zone; the requi.rernents to approve a variance fails on t$ro points (I) Iack of evidence to prove "hardship" (2) the proposed use not the "highest" and "best" use of the Land; and contrary also to the general zoning lavrs of the City. Councilman I{artin referred to the Planning Conunission's "Land Use Study" of the Lyon and Hoag suHivision area and expressing his preference that the district remain as it is presently classified, advised of his intention to vote "no" on the request. Irlayor .Iohn son also referred to the four requ irements necessary to thegranting of a variance, comnenting that each condition is clearly defined and while sympathetic to the plea of the applicant, "it may be that the applicants have requested something from Council that Counci] cannot grant. RECES S A recess was declared by the C:lxair at 9:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:25 p.m. S IGNAROWITZ HEARING CONT INUED 393 I{ayor Johnson also refelred to the property oh,ners in the area, their opposition to the use proposed and their stated preference that an office or medical center be constructed. A motion was introduced thereafter by Councilman George, that the decision of the Planning Commission in denying the request of the applicant for a variance be upheld, seconded by Councilman Uartin and unanirnously adopted upon RolI Call . RECES S A recess was called by the Chair at 9:35 p.m. CALI TO ORDER llhe meeting was again called to order at 9:40 p-m. COMMI.INI CATIONS A communication, dated January 16, L964, was read from Andrew C. Byrd. Chairman, Burlingame Sister city CoEmittee, commending the efforts expended by the comnittee and advising that it was the unanimous recommendation of the cotnmittee that the " City of Cuernavaca, State of lqorelos, United States of Mexico" be seleeted as the "Sister City" to the City of Burlingame. RESOLUTION NO. 12-64 "Resolution of the Council of the cit yof Burlingame, California, Extending an Invitation to the City of Cuernavaca, Mexico, to Become a Sister City in the People-to-People Program and Inviting the People of Cuernavaca to participate in said Program" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by councilman Diederidrsen and unanimously adopted. Councilman Crosby moved that Mayor Johnson be authorized to write to the .Ittayor of cuernavaca, llexico, notifying his office of the action taken unanimously \r the City Council of the city of Burlingame. The motion was seconded by Councilman George and unanirnously carried. 2. PARKING DISTRICT PUBLIC IIEARING SCHEDT'LED A communication was read from the City Uanager dated Januaty 17, L964, suhtritting a proposed resolution scheduling a public hearing on February 3, 1964, to consider the deletion of certain parcels from within the Parking District. RESOLUfION NO. 13-64 "A Resolution of Intention to Make Chan ges and Itlodifications Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman llartin, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon Roll Call . 3. BAYSWATER AVENUE IMP ROVEUEICT ACCEPTED A conurunication from the City I{anager, dated Januarl L7, 1964, advised that the Lowrie Paving Company, Inc-, has successfully completed the improvements on Bayswater Avenue and it was recommended that the project be accepted. RESOLUTTON NO. 14-64 "Accepting Bayswater Avenue Improvements ilob No. 61-164, !4cS-97' was introduced \r Councilman Diederichsen, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman ltlartin and unanirnously adopted upon Roll CaII. 1. BURLINGAI4E SISTER CITY COMI\4ITTEE SELECTION 394 The City l{anager vras requested to submit to Council the resuLt of a traffic check currently in progress with respect to Bayswater Avenue. A communication from the City Manager, dated January L7, L964, advised that hj-s Office has been informed of the necessity to revise and up- date the City's Civil Defense Ordinance No. 5O3, to conform to current-day cornprehensive civil defense and disaster laws. ORDINANCE NO. 792 "City Ordinance Relating to Civil Defense and introduced by Councilnan GeorgeDisasters" (Up-dating No. 503) was and given its first reading. 5. TRAFF]C CONTROLS FOR ADELINE DRIVE A communication from the City llanager, dated January L7, 1964, advised that the Police Department, the Health. Safety & Traffic Conunission and his Office recommends, following a traffic survey, that certain intersections approaching Adeline Drive be made "Stop" streets. Ihe City Attorney was requested to prepare the legislation necessary for introduction at the next regular meeting of Council, february 3, L964. A communication from the City Manager. dated ilanuary L6, L964, reported ttrat as a result of a preliminary canvass of City employees, a substantial interest in coordinating Socia). Security with a reduced State Retirement program is indicated. fhe City lr{anager advised that to obtain a more accurate indication of the interest in a coordinated program, it is necessary to pass the first legislation requiring an employee to make a choice; however, the City is not obligated until an official resolution is adopted and a true canvass cornpleted. fhe City llanager further advised that the first docurnents may be obtained from Sacramento for Council consideration. During a brief discussion, Council indicated more infomration should be forthcoming on survivors' benefits and costs to the City from the state Retirement system. The City Manager was authorized to obtain the documents from Sacramento as referred to in his comrnunication to Council-. 7. ENGINEERING FI'NDS FROM DIVISION OF IIIGIIWAYS A cornmunication from the City I'lanager, dated Januarl L6, 1964, recom- mended that a resolution budgeting cas Tax Funds for Engineering purposes, in the amount of $6,000.0O be adopted. Itre City Manager, as a matter of information, advised that since the last special Census, pJ.acing the population of the City at over 25,0O0, the City shall be allocated an additional $1,O0O.O0 annually. RESOLIIrION NO. 15-64 "Resolution of the cit y council of the city of Burlingame Adopting and Submitting a Budget For D<penditure of state Allocated Engineering Funds" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Diederichsen, seeonded by Councilman l4artin and unanJmously adopted upon Roll CalI . 4. CIVIL DEFENSE ORDINANCE 503 REVISIONS 6. SOCIAI SECURITY-STATE RETI REI.{E NT PLAN 8. SECONDARY STREET RESURI'ACING ACCEPTED A communication fron the City Manager, dated January L7, 1964, advised that L. C. Smith Corrpany, has completed the recent contract for the resurfacing of secondary City streets in fuLl compliance with plans and specifications and it was recommended by the City Engineer and his Office that the work be accepted formally by the City. RESOLIIIION NO. 16-64 "Acce pting Resurfacing of Irtiscellaneous Secondary City streets - Job filo. 63-12" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman crosby, seconded \r Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll CaIl. A communication from the City !4anager, dated January 17, 1964, advised that from eonferences with the Pacific Telephone Company and the pacific Gas and Electric Company, the proposed widening of WilLow Avenue may be accomplished for the benefit of the City and with a reduced burden on the developer of an apartment house in the area, Mr. A- R. Carpenter. Final estimates from the utility companies are pending. 10. PROTESTS RE: CONVERSION TO ITNLII4ITED PARKING Couununications trere read from E,zra E. Stevens, Public Accountant, 125 Primrose Road, dated January L4, L964, Joseph P. Nevin, irr., Management Services Agency, 125 Primrose Road, dated January 13, 1964 and Leland It. Borland, D. C., 123 Primrose Road, dated January 20, 1964, protesting the conversion to unljmited parkinq on Primrose Road between Howard and Bayshrater Avenues. Mr. Stevens and Dr. Borland, in attendance, verbally protested the removal of parking restrictions and the resultant detrjmental effect upon their respective business. Each urged that remedial measure be taken to countermand, in what they termed, a "discriminatory action." Mr. Theodore Bludberg, Chairman, Burlingame Off-Street Parking District Parking commission, explained the factors incidental to the easing of parking limitations and recormnended that the area in question be retained temporarily on an "unl-imited parking" basis. Following further discussion, the city Manager was authorized the Lresterly side of Primrose Road, fron Howard Avenue to the ReaL to its original " two hour parking" status. to EI convert Camino A cornmunication from Richard Delancie, President, united Research Services, 181I Trousdale Drive, dated January 7, L954, cormending the skiLl artd dispatch recently displayed by the Burlingame Fire Department in connection with a recent office fire, was adcnowledged and the City Manager requested to submit a copy to the Fire Department. Itlayor Johnson announced receipt of a cotEnunication from Senator Ricltard L. Dolwig, advising of the scheduling of a meetingr, ilanuary 22, L964, in the San llateo Council Chambers, 8:OO p.m., at which time "Ways and lleans" to obtain a San ltlateo County State College would be the main topic. Mayor Johnson announced her intention to attend. tsg5 9. REPORT ON WIDENING OF WILIPW AVENUE 11. I]NITED RESEARCH SERVICES COMMENDATION 12. IT1EETING RE: SAN MATEO COUNIY STATE COLLEGE 396 RESOLI.I:TIONS RESOLUTION NO. 17-64 "Authoriz ing Execution of Contract with E. L. Norberg For Preparation of Preliminary Plans and Working Drawings and Supervision of Construction of Corporation Yard Facitities" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Diederichsen, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanirnously adopted upon RoI1 CalI. RESOTUTION NO. 18-64 "A Resolution Orderin g Reduction of Assessments California Drive street Lighting project', (to 9I3,646.88) was intro- duced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon RoIt CaIl. RESOLUTION NO. 19-64 "Approving Final Map Entitled 'Mil}s Estate No. 25, Burlingame, San lt{ateo County, California,' and Directing Execution of Agreement to Construct Public Improvements" was before Council for its consideration. The City Attorney advised that in view of a slight change necessary in language contained on the bonds, it was his recommendation that the resolution be adopted and the submission of documents be withheld until the bonds and deeds meet with the approval of his Office. Counci]-man Diederichsen of RESOLUT ION NO. 19-64 thereafter introduced and moved the passage seconded by Councilman Cro sbry and unani- ca].l .mously carried upon RoI1 RESOLUTION NO. 2O-64 "Acce pting Grant Deeds to Lots Block 39, and Lot 14, Block 43, Mills Estate No. 25, Homes, fnc., Dated ,January 20, L964" was introduced upon motion of Councilman Diederichsen, seconded by Crosby and unanimously adopted upon Rol,I CalI. 35 ,and 52, f rom Ei.chl-er for passage Councilman Cro sby-Diederichsen-ceorge-Johnson-!lartin . None None ORDINANCES Introduction thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 793 "An Ordinance Amendin g Ordinance No. 753 and Section L222.27 of the 1941 Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame Establishing Parking Regulations Governing Municipal Parking Lots" was introduced by Councilman l{artin and given its first reading. ORD]NANCES Consideration thereof : ORDINAI.ICE NO. 790 "An Ordinance of the Cit y Council of the City of Burlingame Authorizing an Amendnent to the Contract Between the City of Burlingame and the Board of Administration of the California State Hnployees' Retirement System" (retirement prior to 1954 benefits) was given its second reading and upon nrotion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by councilman George, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: AYES : Counc j-lmen : Crosby-Diederich sen-George-alohnson-llartin. NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT Councilmen: None ORDINAIICE NO. 791 "An Ordinance Amendi ng Ordinance No. 474 and Section L229.L of the 1941 Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame Controlling Directj-on of Traffic on City XIaII Lane" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman ceorge, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSEIillt Councilmen: 397 I]NFINISHED BUSINESS 1 REAPPOINTMETiITS TO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION llayor ifohnson announced the reappointment and Mr. Edward Crawford as members of the for another three year term. of Mr. Joseph Peterson Civil Service Conunission 2. .'ABAG., I.{EETING FEBRUARY 6 L964 Councilman I{artin announced that a special meeting has been scheduled by the Association of Bay Area Governments, fhursday, February 6, 1964, Itotel Claremont, Berkeley, on the subject of "Bay Fi11, Moratoriums and Tideland Development. " Councilman Martin requested Council to review the questions contained in the January L6, L964, corununication from and that recom- mendations be submitted to hirn by February 3, 1964, for report to the special " ABAG" meeting. BAY AREA ATR POIIIITION CONTROL DISTRICT REPORT Irlayor Johnson ad<nowledged receipt of a communication from sidney D. Ilerkner, San l,lateo County representative on the Bay Area Air Pollution Control District Board, reporting on recent developments in connection with the Board's activities to control air pollution. PROCLAMAT IONS Ir{ayor irohnson proclaimed the week of February 16 to 2 3, 1964, as "Brotherhood Week" and the period between January 20 and January 23, 1964, as "Medical Self-Help" week. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS llayor Johnson adcnowledged receipt of minutes from the Planning sion, the L,ibrary Board and the recent meeting of the san llateo Council of Mayors. Tthe Chair reported also on her attendance at recent meetings Burlingame Sister city conEnittee and the Installation of Mr. It{oskovitz as President of the Burlingame Chamber of corunerce Conuuis- County of the Leonard for 1964 . Itlayor.rohnson also conunended Chief of Police Lollin for a service recently rendered Mrs. Dorothea Harrison, a merdber of the Burlingame Library Board. REPORT ON CIVIL DEFENSE DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Councilman ceorge reported on his recent attendance at a meeting of the san Uateo OperationaL Area, Civil Defense and Disaster Organization, advising that the meeting included discussion on the purchase of radio equipment for emergency purposes to maintain an adeguate communications system and that t]1e Cityrs share would approximate a monthly expenditure of $47.0O to participate in the service. Mayor ,Johnson acknowledged a communication Lengfeld, Administrator, Medical Self-He1p President, soliciting comnun ity attendance on "Medical Sel-f-Help. " received from llrs. Helen Program, I,VS National at a seri-es of classes "MEDICAI, SELF-HELP" PROGRAM 398 ACKNOW.LEDGMENT FROM MRS. JACQUELINE KENNEDY llayor Johnson announced receipt of a " thank-you" card from Mrs. ilacgueline Kennedy, acknowledging a telegram of condolence sent to her by Mayor ilohnson, in behalf of the City Council and citizens of Burlingame, on the occasion of the death of President John F. Kennedy. PURCHASE OF AI{ERICAN FLAG AUTHORIZED Ttle City Manager was authorized to purchase a new indoor American Flag to replace the one now on display in the Council Chanibers. Mr. Howard wilkinson, 1259 Bernal Avenue, in attendance, called the attention of Council to a traffic condition at the foot of Adeline Drive. Councilman Martin confirmed that the area in quest ion is hazardous and the subject was referred to the Health, Safety and Traffic Commission for survey and report to Council. E. L. NORBERG EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION ur. E. L. Norberg, architect, engaged to prepare preliminary plans for the proposed construction of the Corporation Yard facilities, expressed his appreciation to Council for their confidence, pledging that the best interests of the city shall be served. Claims, uonth of 'January, 1964, Nos. IlI2 to 1311, in the total amount of $342,992.60, duly audited, were approved on motion of Councilman crosby and seconded by Councilman lrlartin. PAYROLL APPROVAT Payroll warrants for the l.,Ionth of Decedber, 1963, Nos. 5584 - 6054, in the total amount of $107,188.69, were approved on motj-on of Councilrnan crosby and seconded by Councilman Martin. Council unanimously adjourned at 11:50 p.m., j-n respect to the memory of Mr. E. C. Fichtner, Health, Safety and Traffic Conunissioner and former member of the Library Board and the Park Commission and in memory of Mrs. John Drury, wife of Police officer ilohn Drury, who recently passed in death. Respectfully submitted APPROVED: CHARLOTTE soN, uegoR IIERBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERK TRAEFIC HAZARD NOTED ON ADELINE DRIVE C],AIMS ADJOURN},IEIf,I /4.4 uo"i ,.c O,fu ',h'/r-".2,/.r">4-