HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.06.09220 Burlingame, California filne 9, 1965 CALL TO ORDER A regularly adjourned reeting of the Burfingarne City Council, from its meeting of June 7, L965, was held on the above given date. Ueeting called to order at 7:45 p.m., - l{ayor erosby inthe Chair. Present - councilnen: CroEby-ceorge-Johnson-llartinAbEent - councilmen: Diederichsen counciknan Diederichsen, absent while on vacation, was excuged on motion of Councilman ifohnEon and secor*led by Councilman ceorge. UNFTN TSHED BUSTNESS 1. PROPOSED D(TENSTON CAROIAN AVENUE fhe City Engineer subnitted the following estimateg of coEt to improve Carolan Avenue: (a) royon Drive to Larkapur Drive $ 18, OOO.O0 (Public advertisement scheduled bid opening on June 17, 1965 ) (b) Larkspur Drive to Oak crove Avenue $Ios, ooo.0o (c) Tryon Drive to oak crove Avenue $123, OOO.0O Ihe City Engineer advised that the foregcing figures are not " fixed "estimates . An eatination of the accumrlation of caa Tax Funds were declared bythe City Engineer, as follows: sEcTroN 186.1 (Co]1ier-Unruh) Select System Streets llhrough itune, 1954To June. 1965 $ 48,750.0O $ 84,50O.0O I 86,2O0.O0 s219,550.00 Fiacal Period, 1965-1955 Total, June 30, 1965 sEc TroN 2107 (A11 City Streets ) Estimated for 1965-1966 PiscaI Period $195, 47O. OO ( fncludes $9O,97O.00 estimated to accrue '65-'65) Sixtf percent of $9O,970.00 budgeted for mainten- ance .... $ 54,582.00 Total, ilune 30, 1966 $14O, 888 . O0 sEcuoN 2LO7.5 ( Engineering ) cas Tax zurds in thia section reserved for "Engineering" exclusively. A total of $359, O0O.0O was estinated to b€ available in both sections186.1 and 2lO7 of caa T.x Funds. Ihe City Engineer's report on the total lineal feet on Carolan Avenueproposed to be improved by the City was reviewed ard following arevision in the figureE quoted, a distance of approximately 2,lOO Lpwas verified. ROLL CALL 3. that in the interim,plans and specificationsearly in April, 1966. 221 the City Engineer be directed to prepare for the advertigement of bids for the project, A general discussion thereafter indicated that the cost to improve Carolan Avenue from TEyon Drive to Larkspur Drive approximates $I8,OO0.00 and. an additional $99,75O.OO estimated to improve Carolan Avenue from Larkspur Drive to Oak Grove Avenue i that the Burlingame Shore Land Company, to fulfill its prior coEnitment to the City, has commenced improving the industrial area of carolan Avenue, near Broadway, appror(imately fifty percent of the entire proposed Carolan Avenue extension and the expenditure of which the City may receive matching cas Yax Funds. For budgetary purposes, a sum of $25, O0O.0O was proposed for alloca-tion from the ceneral Pund for carolan Avenue inprovements notqualifying under Tax Tax categories and an additional sum of $98,000.00 was proposed for allocation fron Section 186.1 of Gas Tax Funds. lf}re Chair requested the pleasure of the Cdroncil in resolving the earolan Avenue improvement iEsue. Councilman lilartin stated that in his opinion, if paving on Carolan Avenue is limited to the area between Toyon Drive and Larkspur Drive and the Burlingame Shore tand Company completes its portion of the improvement, it may tend to increase the traffic problem at the Broad\ray intersection; that if Carolan Avenue were paved the entiredistance. "Traffic FresEure" wou Id be alleviated. Councilman ceorge expressed his approval to proceeding with the improvement as originally planned and thereafter ruoved that: 1. Bidls be received as Echeduled and a eontract awarded for the immediate improverDent of Carolan Avenue, from foyon Drive to Larkspur Drive; 2. ttle project to improve the remainder of Carolan Avenue, from Larkapur Drive to Oak Grove Avenue be scheduled to comltEnce in the Spring of 1956; and llhe motion was seconded I Councilman Itlartin and carried. ft was noted that matching funds for this phase of Carolan Avenuewill not be reguired. ADDTTIONAI, GAS TAX PRq]ECTS Ttte City Engineer advised that an application has been forwarded tothe State requesting allocafions from Section 186.1 cas Tax fundsto (1) resurface and widen a section of the Old Bayshore Highway(area guperior Ambulance Co.) and to (2) resurface Rollins Road.(Estinated cost of both $56,5OO.OO.) council indicated no objectionto the budgeting of the proposed improvements. BOY SCOUT PROJECT ?he City ilanager referred to a prior Council action permitting Bol, Scout lYoop No. IO to interest nrerchants on Broadway in a FIagdisplay project and in behalf of the froop presented a type of flagholder to be attached to a meter po1e, for Council approval. Council e:<pressed no objection provided the City Attorney advises ofhis consent. NEW CENSUS FIGURES Councilman George advised that a Special CenEus Count conducted underthe auspiees of the State Pinance Departlnent, indicates the currentpopulation of the City of Burlingarre. to be 27 O5O. ,,, ALLOCATTON TO SAFETY COI'NC rL tilayor crosby, referring to an "expenditure Addendum" with reapectto the proposed 1965-1966 budget, suggestd that the item added under the category "Safety Council" in the amount of $500.00 be increased to reflect the population increase and to meet the San l{ateo County safety Council's request for an allocation of "two centsper caPita. " A rrction rras introduced ry Councilman ilohnson, seconded lry hyorCroEby and carried that the budgetary item be increaeed fiom $5oo.o0 to $541.o0. ADiIOI'RNMEIiIT Corrncil regularly adjourned at 9:15 p-.-m. to rEet imrediately there-after in a sttdy session. Respectfully submitted, IIERBERT K. wHrTE - City Clerk ilrtt-; APPROVED william J. Mayor osby