HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1966.07.184?:9 BurlingaDe, California July 18, 1956 CAI..IJ TO ORDER A regular reet ing of tha Burlingare City Council ras held on the above given date. Ieeting called to ordar at 8:1O p.n., - llayor George in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGINICE At rronal fr@ the Chai.r, all in the Council Chanber aroae and gave t}re Pledge of Allegiance to the 81a9. ROLIJ CAIJL Prescnt - Councilmen: Absent - Councilmen: Crosby-Diede rich aen-George-JohnsoD-uart ln . None. I{INT}TES Ihc minutes of the regular nceting of iluly 5, 1966, subnitted to Council previoualy rrere unani.nously approved and adopted. EEARING . APPEAL AIJBERJ J. WATSON "LESLET FOT'NDATION" HEIGIIT VARIANCE POR RETIRE}TENT RESIDENCE llayor ceorge aanounced that this \ra8 the tine and place scheduled by Council to conduct a public hearing on an appeal frm an action taken by the Planning C@ission on irune 27, L966, i.n denying a variance to pelruit the conatruction of a twelve-storied structure on property designated 519, 521, 525 and 527 AlEer Road for a senior citizen residence. A comunication dated irune 29, 1966, was read fro Albert J. I{atson, President, Lesley Foundation, the appllcant, fot ally appealing the decieion. trtayor ceorge declared the hearing open and announced ground rulea, including staterents from proponents and opponents, inguiries fron Council to neDbers of the city'a staff, with Council thereafter to congider the evidence for final analysis and diaposition. cmunications in favor of the proposed project rrere aclcnorrledged and r€ad fro the folloring: Robert 11. Refven, P. O. Box 266, aurlingaDe, owner of the eubject property, dated June 24, 1966, alohn ir. Consay, 2555 Floreg Street, San llateo. orfirer of propcrty at 5OO AlD.r Road anal 1428 Bellevue Avenue, dated aruly 13, 1965. !lrs. llabel Botta, @orreaponding secretary, Senior Citizens organization, dated June 6, 1966, Rex F;hodes, PreBideng Burlingane Senior Citizens organlzatlon, Inc., dated Jun€ 6, 1966, and l{e1 K. Dolllnger, 1808 A8}rton Ave, dated l,t y 23, 1966. C@unic.tlona addreseed to the l,tayor and to the Council, dated JuIy 4, 1966, were acknonledged and read fron Albert J. wataon, the appl icant, proposing the execution of an agreement wtrerein the Poundation shall ma]<e a palment nonthly of not to exceed "lfhree Eundred Dollars" fron the date of occupancy of auch reridence hl!' itr tcnants to the city as a fee or llccnge "for the prLvilege of operating a8 a Residence for the Retired urd,/or the operation of its dining roo[ for it8 tenants and thei. r gueeta.' Itre clty Planner, in reply to councihan llartin'a inquiriec concerning a baaig upon rdr ich Council caD proceed with the hearing, advised that the propoaal ig to "arscnble' propertiaa for the purpo8e of constructing a buil.dlng trclve 8torl.€. Ln helght; a building hcight, slthln the R-3 zoaed area is l itrited to four atorieg a*al the variance therefor is the height of the structure eight storieg above the code rcquireuente. 480 In reply to further inquiriea frou Council, the City Planner differ- entiated between "apartnents" as defined in the Code and the type of building proposed, not designated in the code r that it is " impoaaible" within the definition of the code to conclude how many parking spacss are neceaaaryr the principle material before the Planning C@ission wag evidence presented by the applicant *herein it wag stated that "rnogt occupanta sould not have autonobileg" i an effort was nrade, horrever, to work out a parking allace echeme, resulting in a plan thereaft€r to provide " alxty-one covered and twenty-Beven uncovered" parking apaces. Sone diecussion arose on an inquiry from the Chair on the nunber of roona propoeed. tlr. watson advieed that prelininary plans are in proce8s but the actual nunber of roomB cannot be determined until the matter of the height variance is resolved, that an occupanqa of fro 29O to 295 Le deaired, in unitg cor isting of two rooms in aome :ind one and one-half roe8 in others. Ht. Enory tr{orri6. introducing hinself a8 Attorney for the Foundation and representing the appl icant. stated that a twelve-storied building r*ould accmodate occupanciee to a naxi-uun of 3OO and in r€ply to art inguiry frou Councilnan ltartin, stated ttrat based on " land perceDtage costar' it was considered more feaeible, from a financial standpoint, to conatruct a twelve-storied structure. Upon further questioning by Council, the number of clarified by the applicant ae referring instead to "occupanciea" uaa " 'nita. " ur. Horria, referring to conditions required to qual ify for a variance and to confir.D the applicant'a contention that a denial thereof rpuld create an 'econonic hardship, " invlted !lr. Ilarry Lehrfeld, real estate agent, to coment. Ur. Lehrfeld, speaking on the "high coet of the landn Etated that the "only feasible way to sho{., any profit would be to go 'up in the air'"i that in corpany with !tr. wataon, other parcels viewed in Burlingame failed to neet requirenents set by the " comrunity Facilities Adminie- tration" with the result that the subject property was considered nost appropriate to house a retirement facility. llr. I{orris invited the folloving peraona to speak in support of the propoaed project. ltr. irohn Conrray, 2555 Flores Street, San Uateo, owner of property in the area of the propoaed site, and an interest in property i'nediately adjacent to a L€slie Foundation Project in San l.{ate, stated that from his knowledge, the project is succesgful., well-operatd and an aaret to the c.omeunity. I{r. Rex Rhodes, President, Burl ingame Senior Citizens Organization, Inc.. advised that a survey c.onducted within the organization revealed that a nunber of genior citizens reside in inadequate apartDents and rrttile aome have taken up residence in san ltateo, the propoaed facility, becauge of its location, would be an ideal situation whe rein to aerve a 'desirable and deserving people. " Ur. NorBan Cavanaugh, 2525 Poppy Drive, ueuber of the Vestry of St. Paul'a Church in Burlingane, epoke of the interest of the churdr in reeidenceg of the tlpe proposed and if approved, st. Paul's nay be come a 'rpart-sPonaorr of the subject proiect. ?he City Planner, in reply to Council, adviEed that the atructure a3 proposed shall conform with requirenents set forth in the code affecting lot coverages in R-3 Zones (5096) with Mr. Richard zah!, Architect for the project, in attendance. confitining that the building shall encouPaaa a lot coverage area of approxj-aately forty-three percent. 43L Itr. Paul conEtantino, 1920 carnelita Avenue, Vice-President, BurI iJrgaEe Chanber of coreerce, spoke on the favorable " econouic iDpact " to the general area of Burl ingane and on the inproveuent of a property. that rhall add to and preaerve the beauty of the city for years hence. Ur8. Ehic Bill, t{r. Claude Blodgett and tlr8. ttary Souey, former rclldentg of Burlingare, currently living in thc l/€81ey Pourdation'! project "Park Towera' in San [ateo, expreesed their individual pleaaure on the gerviceg offered by the Foundation and urged Council to act favorably on thepetition to construct a sinilar facility in the City of Burl lngane. l.t!. Albert J. Ylatson, Preaident, Lesley foundation, the appl icant, read frd a prepared stateDent, reclting in ame detail, ttre concern of goverDment on problenB ariaing witlr reapect to "social welfare" conditions and the fundg made availalrle by the Federal Governnent to "non-profit* foundationa to particularly assiat citizens sithin "niddle-clasa" inc@e brackets. Refcrring to those person! sixty-five anrd over, having experienced the "depreaeloa' year8. }{r. watson Btated that this group is now confronted with linited incoes and according to statistical survey are considered the 'faBtest expanding group in lociety.' E<plalning also the functiong of the Foundation and ita adDinistratlve opeaation, llr. WatEon concludcd by stating that the "variance should not be congldered on a 'dollar' basie" but rather in terns of "a conmunity servlce" and that ree are discusaing the livea of people rrto nake the City." *here bc ing no further proponentr, the Chalr extended the privilege of the Floor to opponents. cquunlcatlona fro those oppoaed s€re firct introduced into the record frm thc following: ur3. ir. R. Did<ie, 1532 ros ilonte3 Drivc, dated tlay 31, 1966, Jares E. carroll, 848 walnut Avenue, dated arun€ 27, L966, l{r. wasil Demclruk. 515 elner Road, dated alune 12, 1966, tlrs. Neil c. Benneson, 110 Iorton Avenue, I{rs. J. Hacowen, fori!0er Burlingane resident, dated lilay 26, L966 and l,lt. and !lrs. Len R. Anderson, 1460 Bellevue Avenue. l,irg. Eleieann Irvln, 525 Almer Road, drallenged ntrethe r "thia can take care of ttre 'mlddle-c1as8'" and replying to her inquiries concerning rentala and occupanq, requireEents. llr. Watson, through the Chair, advired: (1) a nininun rental of 970.00 per unit for a single peraoni $9O.0O p€r one and one-half, unitl and a rental of $110.O0 for a couple per nonth t and (2) incoe, according to governnent limitations, not to exc€ed $4,OO0.00 per year for a aingle peraon, $4,800 per year for a narried couple. !l!s. t{. Baxter, 5221 Alner Ro.d and ltiss Irvin both spoke on the current traffic congeation and the narrcrvnea a of the street, with hazards considerably increaaed if the project were approved. l{isa Irvin stated that th€ project ehould be located closer to t}re park and recreation areae, ae in the city of san Hateo. Ir{r. John }tccloskey, 535 Alner Road, stated that the proposed "high-rtse', would aggravate an existing serer inadequacy in the areai that ln the mattor of financing the project, the lnterest rates varlring between bank loane and government loans rculd adveraely affect the citizens; on the isgue of 'hardship' "it isnrt econonics againat life" and should not be conaldered ag suclt; ard in his opinion, a 'high-riae' apartroent should be excluded fr@ an area prinarily residential . 432 l{r. A. c. westcott, President, Burlingame Suburban protective Associatian. objected on th€ basis that the application fails to meet the four conditions to qualify for a variance. ttr. Jamea E. Carroll, 848 Walnut Avenue, in expressing his objectionto the project, questioned the ratio of Burl ingane senior ci.tizena occupancy to the nunber of eenior citizens reported to be residing in the City of Burlingare. lfhere being no further opponents, the Chair declared a recess at 9:4O p.m. CALL TO ORDER ltre neet ing rras called to order by the Chair at 9:50 p.u. EEARING CINTIITUED Ittayor George announced the continuation of ttre hearing and prior to referring to Council and nenbers of the City's staff, granted ltr. llorrig per:nia aion to coment on the follming several points raised by the opposit ion: (I) The Foundation would assume ite ahare of the cost to extend utility facilities necessaqT to service the project; (21 Require- ments of the "Comunity Facilities Adminstration" specify that the project be located vithin a bueinega area of the Cityr and (3) lIheproject is strictly 'nen-profit' with rentala controlled by the Governnent. Councilman l,lartin, initiating Council discussion, referred to the City Engi.neer on the adequacy of utility inatallatione. The City Engineer, reporting the reault of a survey conducted in the area b!, his Office, certified to the adequacy of the installatione: that if the project is approved, horrever, his Office ahall requeatthat the sewer line be directed to the Floribunda Avenue outlet trtrere the capacity is greateq that tlrere is a water deficiency in the area, with the exception of Alner Road, .nd an additional fire hydrant is required in the area of t.}re proposed project. llhe City PLanner, in reply to Councilman l,{artin, advised that the project Ehall cover an area of approximately I59.OO0 equare feet and that there is no way to determine the nurnber of parking apaces because of the absence of material on the nurnber of autooobiles anticipated. A seriea of queetiona fr@ Councilman l{artin were referred thereafter to and replied bl7 !fr. llorris, the Attorney for the project, to lit!. Conway, adjacent property owner and proponent, to llr. Wat8on, the applicant, to tlr. Lehrfeld, real eatate agent and to lttr. Robert R€fvon, the owner of the subject property, concerni.ng the number of eDployees engagd at the Park llowers in San uateo, parking problens in the area of Park fotpers, ocsupancy requirerenta, excessive land coats in an area toned specifically R-3 (3ral reaidentlal, nu).ti-fanify) and the property's market potential should the variance be deniad. Councilman lilartin, cmenting that the variance conditiona. particularly pertaining to "hardship' and to the 'coprehenaive zoning of the City" first nust be resolved, referred to l,lr. llorris. t{!. }rorrig stated that sources have indicated that the area ig "ear- narked " for "high-riEe" constructionr tlrat the "econdic return ia not there" and to repeat his previous atateuent, the application " should be considered on the basis of an 'exception' under the laws of the City." councilnan irohnaon directed inguiriea to and received anawers fron the applicant concerning vacancies in hig other enterpriges andl the screeni.ng procedure for occupanry. 433 C@o€nting on the replics, @uncih.n alohnaon atatd that the l inited incme quelifying occupanc.y in the project contradicts atatenents that the City's salee tax revanue would bc increaeed. Councilnan ilohnson further stated that the reroval of the property fr@ th€ tax rolls of the clty flould ilpore a burden upon the taxpayers, lncluding alao, the scnior citizeng of the conunity. Referring to the applicant's proposal offering the City the sum of $300.0o, Councilman {rohn8on questioned the legality thereof. confit'llng that the proposal is belng researched btz hls office and that of the city Attorney, l{r. Uorris advised that the Cmunity Facilities Adninistration hae indicatad that a noinal fes coul.d be added to the rental of the units to provide the palment to the City. Councilnan Diedericlraen atated that in his opinion, ttre project cannot be constructed and operated under the Bupposition that it wiU exclusively house Burlingane senior citizens; outalders. E€eting occupancy requirenents shall be accoodated r that if tho project is not approvd, th€ construetion of a multi-fanily drelling, under the petritted zoning, would increase the salea tax revenue. Concludlng hir comenta, councilnan Diederichsen stated that he eaa*not against the project" but that he could not 'ablorb that this is th6 only place tlre facility can be built", adding further, that a 'variance nay becoe the rule rather than the exception. " Councilman crosby pointed out that Council is not oppoaed to the project in itself but with the incunbent ranifleations. In reply to Councilnan Crosbry's inquiries concerning the poaeibility of a "project failure" the city Planner advised that the proposd unit3 ar€ " roons " and possibly could be turned into a hotel or a boardinghouse; horrever, it rrculd be difficult to convert the structure into an aPartment houBe. tlr. vlatron, the applicant, advised of, two renote in6tances of failure wherein the Governnent interceded; but becauae of the denand for this tlrpe of reaidence, lt is not llkely the project ahall fail. ltayor c€orge, in s@ detail, spoke on hie experience in waahington, D.C., in providing houslng for the aged and of his knorlodgo of government codc provisions pertaining to the establishnent of "non-profit" rctire[ent regidencee. xayor George presented the folloning statistice to illustrate his ctncern ahould the property be remved fro the tar< rolla: cost of Land Coat of Inproverenta Asae8aed valuation 124.9* of cost) $350, 2, 500 , ooo. oo oo0.oo or a loss of an annual City of Burl ingate tax revenue in the a[ount of $e,120. oo. llhe Chair further expreased hie concern Urat the project would obligate the city to increase all its facilities, the traffic congestion in the area would becoe more hazardoua and in general, would interfere witlr the right8 of the citizens of Burlingane. !lr. Cavanaugh, menber of St. Paul'a Vestry, in reply to Councilman Crosby, stated that a definite comitment to "sponsor" the project wag held pending approval of the variance. 712,500.OO 434 Concluding hia statements, ltayor ceorge pointed out that the City of Burl ingamc enconpasaea only an area of 6.2 square nilee and that the proposed facility could be located r@re appropriately in a city of increased size. Councilnan ltartin, stating hls concern with the "eight-story,, variance and the too fev parking apaces proposed, questioned the applicant, who, following a brief deliberation, atated that he would amend his application to request a ten-storied building vith parking to renail as proposed. Councilnan Uartin, comenting that "strictly on the baeis of the building, a 'hardahip' had not been proven"; the propoaal ia a "violation of the general zoning lawa of the City" and the "parking,in relation to the use of the building" is inadequate. A motion was introduced thereafter by Councilnan ltartin that the action of the Planning comission be upheld and the application be denied. llhe not ion wae seconded by Councilnan irohnaon and adopted unaninouely upon a Roll Call vote. RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at I2:lO a.m. CALL TO ORDER Ihe meeting agai.n convened at 12:20 a.rn. COIiIMT'NICATIONS 1. BAYSIDE I}{PROVEI.IENT DISTRICT SCIIEDI'LE III ACCEPTAI{CE A comun icat i.on fron the City Engineer, dated ,uly 13, 1966, advised that final inapection has been made regarding inprovenents on the Sayside Dq)rovenent Di8trict }{o. 1, Schedule #3, including the construction of Carolan Avenue frql Broadway to Toyon, Industrial Way, widening of a portion of Bayshore Boulevard and nigcellaD€ous and pertinent fixtures and it haa been determined that all details of the phns and specifica- tions have been met. A neno fro the City anager, footnoted in the project report. concurred with the recomerrdlation of the City Engineer that the project be accepted as copl€te. RESOLITTION NO. 43-66 "A Resolution Acce pting Copletion and Directing Engineer to File Notice of Acceptance of coapl€tlon - Bayaide Inprovenent District - Sdredule III" was introduced for passage on Dotion of Councilman uartin, Beconded bry Councilnan ilohnaon and unanfuuoualy adopted on Roll Call. RESOITUTIOr NO. 44-55 "A Reaolution of Intention to Acquire Ilproveuents and to Order Acquisition and Cancellation of Bonds and to lEaue Refunding Bonda r and Rescinding nesolution No. 118-65 - Bayside ImprovementDistrict tro. 3" rae introduced by councllman ilohnson, wlro noved its pasaage, aeconded by Councilnan Crosby and adopted upon RoIl Cal1. 2. BT'ILDING CODE REVISION A mcDo fro the CIty nanager, dated JuIy 14, 1956, adviaed that the Chief of the Pire Department haa requested legislation to provide a building elevator safety device aceeasible to firenen ln the event of a fire. Pollotring a brief discussion, the hearing wag declared cloged by t{ayor George. 435 Council concurred with the recomlendat ion of the city llanage r and thereafter directed the city Attorney to draft legialation to include the provision within the building code. 3. S?REE? NAIIE CBANGE PROPOSED A meno from the City lrtanager, dated iluly 14, 1966, advised that a request has been nade to change the Btreet naae of "Indu8trial way" to "cadil.lac Lane. " August 1, 1966, r*as thereafter scheduled to conduct a publi.c hearing on the Buggested drange and the city uanager was directed to notify intereated parties and agencies. 4. SCEOOL CROSSING PR(IDEETION A mcno fron the city lt{anager, dated iluly 14, 1966, advised that it is the recoGmendation of the Chief of Police, concurred in by his office, that pedestrian-actuated traffic aignala be installed at frouadale and Ashton and that school officials train and supervise the sdrool patrol in the use of the signals. A motion was introduced by councilnan Cro8by, seconded by councilman Diederidreen, that the signals aa recorBmended bc in6ta11d. 1rhe motion unanimously carried. Pollowlng a brief discussion, the city tlanager advised that his office r*ou1d requeat the Police DepartDent to investigate the posaibility of creating a " four-uay atop" at the intersection of Arundel Road and Howard Avenue or to install a nobile actuated si.gnal for use during sclrool hours. PRINGI,E CONSTRUCTION CO. E:XESNSION A memo frd the city anager, dated iluly 14, 1966, advised that the Pringle eonstruction C@pany has requested an exteneion of time to slomplete subdivieion requirenenta. RESOLUIIONS None ORDINA}TCES Introduct ion thereof: ORDIIIANCE No. 844 "An ordinance Add ing Chapter 9.06 to Title 9 of the ttunicipal code Providing for an Atri-mal shelter, Authorizing contracts for Animal shelter Services, creating the office of Poundnaster and Providing for the Enforcement of La\ds and Ordinancea Relating to Animals" was introduced by Councilman ilohnson for first reading. ORDINANCE NO 84s 'An Ordiaance Adding #1.12.030 to the Burlingame lrtunicipal Code Adopted Purauant to {i853.1 of the California Penal Code Authorizing Arresting Officers to Is8ue Notl-cea to Appear to Arrested Persona vtho Are Not Taken Before a l.tagistrate Imcdiately' waa introduced by councilnan Jolrn Eon f,or first reading. ORDIIIAIICE NO. 846 'An Ordinance Amend ing Sectlon 13.20.020 of the lfunicipal Code by Designating a Portion of Carolan Avenue a l[]trough Street" was introduced by counciLman arohnson for first reading. Councilnan Johnaon expressed concern with traffic hazards prevelant in the Washj.ngton Sdrool area, between Arundel Road and Anita Road. 4. A notion was introduced by councilnan Johnson that a period of tirne be extended to October 15, 1966, upon condition that the stolm drainage facilities be conpleted on or before septenber 1, 1966. lltre motion was seconded by councilnan Crosby and unani"mously carried. PROPOSED IIOTEL-!{OTEL TA)( Councilman ttartin advised that at tlre last raeting of the trorth County Council of Cities, the five nember cities fro BurI ingame north concurredto draft legislation to levy a hotel-mtel tax within their respectivecity limits by October 1, 1965. Council thereafter dlrected the City Attorney to prepare an ordinanceto enable Council to introduce and to sdtedule a hearing at the second reading and adoption of the legislation prior to October I. I CITY EALI, SITE STUDY I{EErING At the request of Councilnan Croablr, Council liaiaon, city HaII Site Comoittee, Tueaday, iluly 25, 1966, 8:OO p.t!., Council Chanbers wag sdreduled as a Etudy meoting on the selection of a City EalI Bite. Ihe city ltaaager rra8 requeated to notify meobers of th€ Civic Inprove- Eent C@rittee inviting their attendanc-€. 2. BROADIVAY OVERPASS Councilnan ltartin announced that a report on the rtatu3 of the .Broadway Overpasa" may be available for pre3entation to Council at the next loeeting of council on August 1. 3. AIALYSIS REPORT RECREATION CENTER Ttle City l{anager advised that an analysis report fron }tr. Kingsford Jonea, Architect, engaged by Council to inveatigate storage and otlrerfunctional needs for the Recreation Center is available for revienr. Itre City llanager $aa requested to place the subject on the Council study Deeting agenda, August 3, 1956. 4. REPAVING-PARKII{G IX)WTMOWN CITT SIREETS Ihe City litanager referred to the City'a repaving progran on Burlingame Avenue, Lorton Avenue and Park Road and fotaal action required of Council to deaignate the type of parking preferred. Follouing considerable discuggion, notione establishing Etreet stall arrangenents rrere adopted as fo1lowsr A motion sas introduced ry Councilnan Crosby, that ttre current diagonal parking in effect on Burlingane Avenue be r€tained, seconded },}' Councilman Johnson and carried by the following ro11 call vote: Ayes: Noes: Councilmen : crosby-George-Johnaon. Councilmen : Diederichsen-Nartin. PARK ROAD councilman Diedericlreen noved that all parking stalls on the $est side of Park Road be nade parallel r^rith the exception of thole spaces in front of the city Eall and Urat the parking stalls on the eaat Eide of Park Road fron BurlijlgaDe Avenue to the "entrance" area of the nunicipal parking lot be made parallel and tih at the reDAinder fron the Post office property south to Ilot ard Avenue be made diagonal. 1[he notion rras seconded by councilman Johnaon and unani.uously carried. 436 UI{FItrISHED BUSINESS BURLING AII{E AVENT'B 437 Councilman Croaby moved tlrat all parking stallg on ttre west and on the eagt eide of lprton Avenue be nade parallel, fro Burlingame Avenue to Boward Avenue, aeconded by Councilran Diederidrsen and unaninously carried. BURGLARY-ATIK' INCREA.SE NOTED councilnan ltafrin, observing that the uonthly Department indlcates c-onsiderable increase j.n in autornobiles, reguested the City tilanager to of Police rhether "open garage conatructiona" prfurarily the cause. report from the Police the number of burglaries ascertain from the Chief in apartnenta are FIESTA CEREI,DNIES councilnan arohnson reminded Council members of an invitation to be present at the Fiesta grounds on lhursday, July 21, 1956 at 6:30 p.n. BITDGE|T ITEII RB: RECREATIOX AITIPI{OBILE l,layor George reguested the City !{anager to obtain cost8 to place a heater and a defroater in tbe aut@obile purchaaed a year ago for the use of the Recreation Department. ftre Chair aclooledged r€ceipt of nonthly reporta fron the Poliee and the fire Departnents. Clai.DE, l,tonth of iluly, 1966 , HoB . 6582-675I , with the exception of xo. 6701, in the total aDount of $165,452.36, duly audited, were unani.rcualy approved for pay[ent on notion of Councilman Crosby and eeconded by Counc ilnan ltartin. Payroll warranta, rbn$r of ilune, 1966, Nog. 9846-10360, in the total anount of $L2a,427.81, were approved on Brotion of Councilnan Crosby and seconded by Counci}aan .rohnaon. BT'DGET HEARING Ilhe city !{anager waa requeated to have copies of the 1966-1967 budget available for public hearing at the next regular ueeting of Council on Auguat 1, 1965. @UTCIIJIAIT DIEDERICESEN SIO'IEISDED Council extended a vote of thanks to councilnan Diedarictr3en for hig role ln iryrorrlng the loud slreal(er syster in the Clty Eall Couneil Chaubara. AD{'OUnITEUT llhe neeting t a! thereaftcr .djoumed at 1:00 a.n. Respcctfully suDmittcd, APPROVED: ED!{ARD D. cEORcE, UAYOR IIERBERr K. WtlITE, City Clerk IORTOI{ AVENUE ACKNOWLEDG}iEN?S I{ARRAIIIS PAYROLL M