HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.04.19189 Burlingare, California April 19, 1965 PLEDGE OF AI,LEGIANCE At word from the Chair, all in the courcil Chanber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. P re aent - Councilmen : Cro 8by-D iederi chsen-George-arohn son-tlart in . lbaent - Councilnens rone. I{INI'tES Irhe minutea of the regrular neeting of April 5, 1955, previously sub- nitted to Council, were aPproved and adoPted. BIDS - III,IJS CREEK CI,I'VERT (RAY PARK) Bide received for arob No. 64-37, ltills Creek Culvert coDstruction in Ray Park, and opened at 2100 p.D., on this day, as Per publ ished notice, were declared as follms: R. w. stutz construction Co. A. B. l{ul1irl Oscar c. Eolnes Dean c. Buehler Lowrie Paving Co. Power Conatruction Co. P&SConstructionCo. lll!. R. Cole rairlay Conatruction Co. o. C. Jonea R. L. Chaidas IrlcGuire & Eester Engincer I E Estimate 25,664.O0 26,392.OO 26,4?4.OO 27,810.00 29,7 32.OO 32 , 490 .00 32,?A4.OO ,600.o0 ,784.00 , 392 .00 ,722.OO ,774.OO ALTERI{ATE BID UO. 1 $21, s86.40 35, 974 . O0 2I, O88.OO ATTERNATE Bid lfo. 2 $18,7s8.0o L9,794.64 34,858.00 32,876.OO 37, 598.00 20,152.00 24 28 26 27 26 lrhe city Engineer stated that it was his rec@endation that 'Alternate Bid tro. 2" be selected for ttre construction of 312 L. P. of 6' x 6l Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert and that the low bid subnitted by R. w. stutz Construction Conpany of Saratoga be awarded the contract. RESOLmIOB !IO. 37-65 "Award iDg Contract for ltill8 Creek Culvert in Ray Park - irob No. 64-37' (stutz Construction co., 918,758.00) was introduced for passage on motion of councilDan cro8by, seconded by Councilman ,ohnaon and unanimously adopted upon Roll CaIl. A further recomendation frou the City Engineer that approxiDately fifty feet be added to the project and funde therefor expended fron the current budget allocatioD, for a total project c.ost of $21,458.OO,ra3 concurred in by the City ltanager and approved by Council. Replyiag to an inquiry from the Chair, the City Engineer advised thatit is aDticipated that the project shall co@ence the first of t{ayfor c@pletioa witlrin a aixtyday period. CAIiIJ BO ORDER A regular meeting of tlre Burliagane city council was held on the above given date. tieeting called to order at 8clo P.r., - Xayor t{art in in the Chair. ROL,L CALL BIDDER 190 CIOSING POR3ION O)GORD ROAD ADETI}IE DRIVE Illf,ENSION tlayor tttartin annoutrced that thia wae the tine and place s&eduled to continue the formal hearing on a propoaal to cloee a portion of Oxford Road and an informal hearing on the proposed extension ofAdeline Drive. A comunication from the City llanager, dated April 16, 1965, referredto a report received fro t}e State DiviEion of Eighrrays, also datedApril 16, 1965, propos ing revisiona to the siqmals ia the area to "reduce conflicts and confusion, J-mprove visibility and reeult in an improved accident record" for an estinated cost of 94,7OO.O0, witb the City of Burlingar€ assuning one-half of the expenditure. l(he propoeed plan included the mounting of signals on nast arns over the roadway and the eLimination of the current " flaehing yelIow" light. llhe City llanager, in his cmunication, suggested tbat the proposal be revioed \l the Traffic DepartmeDt, the Engineeriag Department andbis Office for recmendatioD to Council at the next neetiDg. Ttre City llanager, in reply to an inqulry fro the Chair, adviaGd tlrat "traffic count" statistics are not available at this tiae. Irhe City Engineer explained the proposed new signal 'cyclc' arr.rnge- ment, increasing the curreDt fifty-three second delay to traffic entering the EI Camino Real to a delay of oue hundred and twenty- three aeconds. fiie Citlz Engineer further exp].ained that the proposed signal syateu would naintain the Division of Eighway'a policy of keeping traffic moving along the EI Camino Real . A discueaion en sued on the i.uprovement that would result in adopting the Eighway Departnent's propoaal, with the najority of Council indJ.cat ing its approval. Iayor ltart i! Btated that in his opinion, Ure proposal froE the state would not solve tbe traffic problern on Adel ine Drive and that it should be reviewed by the City uanager, the city Engineer, th€ Sraffic Departnent, as well as by the nembers of the Eealth, safety and traffic Comission. A motion was introduced thereafter by CouncilEan crosby, aeconded Dy councilrBan ilohnson, tlrat the hearing on the proposed closing of a portion of Oxford Road be continued for one nonth; that in the interiD, a traffic count of the area be obtained, and the proPoaal be reviqred by nenbers of the City's ataff aa recomended. Speaking on the queEtion, ltr. Robert Gans, 1112 Carbridge Road, suggested that the "foot" traffic be investigated aIso. A vote on the Dotion was recorded as unanimoug. RESOLUrION OF @MI{NTDATION ASS ISTAITT FIRE CEIEF WII.I,IAII E. PATSET, ltayor ttart in announced the forthcoming retirenent of Assi8tant lire chief william E. Patsel, uay 1, 1965, and ad(nowledging his long service ag a nember of the BurlingaDe Fire DePartnent, @!pg NO. 38-65 'C@end in g Assistant Fire Chief willian E. Patsel, Upon the occagion of his Retirement PDE th€ hPloy of ttre c ity of Burlingane' ms introduced for Paasage on mot ion of CounciLuan irohnson, eeconded by counciluaD Diederictrsen and unanimouEly adopted uPon Roll call. EIBM - (a) (b) lltre City tlanager vras requested to bring all material available on the igsue to the forthconiag study neeting on ltay 5th. 191 Pire Chief R. E. !{oorby, in behalf of Assistant Chief Patsel, unable to appear in person, accePted a coPy of the resolution, \z ea& nembe r of the council, with appropriate vords. r*ho was signed @VERI}$G OP TAIiLO9I TRUCKS A co@unication fro the City t{anage!, dated Alrril 15, 1965, advised that the Eealth, Safety & Traffic @ission has regueated that an Ordinance be added to the city's code requiring ta1lor trucr(s to be enclosed or covered. Councilnan ceorge guestioned the advantages of the City of Burlingame in the enactnent of a law if other citiee serviced by tall*r trucks do not have a si-milar ordinance. Pointing out that an acti.on of the natur€ proposed nay result in a withdrawal of trud(s entirely frm the City, Councilnan ceorge Etated lt would create a dis-service to local meat coqranies. During the brief discusaion, it sas the consensue of opinion that the tallorc trucka renain uncovered for a brief period during the astual pid< up of the local material. fhe City tianager Euggested tbat tie possible i-upositioa of a hard8hip merits furthe r investigation and no action yaB taken at this tine. 2. JOENSO}I COI{PANY TEASE WITEEEI,D A crounicatioa from the City llErnager, dated April 15, 1965, advised that a lease of a portion of the l{ills Creek, aE requeated by the Reynold c. arohnaon C@pany and to be used in connection with the operation of its business, has been prepared for execution and it wag the recomendation of his Office that a rental of $1O0.OO per year for said uae be authorized. In a varbal report to @uncil, the City llanager advised that the ilohnson Company is nor,r seeki-ng an area larger than tlrat originally rcquested and it was tris recmendation that the subject be further revier,red by the City Engineer, the City Attorney and tbe appraiser. Councll concurred and the City Uanager rran requested to place the item on the Council study neeting ageada, lfay 5, 1965. FECRE.ATION SURVET @ST A comunication from the City lttanager, dated April 15, 1965, advised that I'ir. Arthur E. fodd, Director of fi€Id Service for the Fational Recreatidt Association, perEonally visited his office to discuss eati.matesof clogt for a Recreation survey and referred to a panphlet indicating the various types of surveya and the coat therefor. llhe subJect matter was referred to the Palk C@iEsion and the Recreati.onCmisgion for report and recomendation to Council. 4. OPEIT SPACB I,AND ACQUISITIONS A comunication from the City ltanager, dated Aplil 15, 1965, advised that the Eouaing and Eone Finance Agency ie favor.l^le to the Council, s progranfor Open Space Land Acquisition thereby placing the City in a position to acquire open-space parcels. Iayor [artin recmended that t]te City Ir{anager confer with the State ofCalifornia concerning tlre acguJ.sition of its city bayfront propertiea at the price quoted originally and, if the teras are appropriate, that the Council congider ttre imediate purchase of the property. COT{I{UTICATIONS 1. 3. ts2 tttayor xartin arao recmended that the city llanager further ascertainthe availability of an additional five acres of bayfront propertiea,previously under discussion and that the inforaation hie officereceives be subnitted to Council at the Dext regular meeting, tlay 3.the Chair stated that if necessary, the ltay 3 regular meeting ray be ad journed to the study meeting of lttay 5 for foraal couacil. action. s. (a) DIlrtP oPEnAT ION A neEo from tte city ltanager, dated Apri1 15, 1965, recmeDd€d that independent meetings be held with rcpresentatives of the Anza pacific company and the san llateo county scavenger coDpany to confer on ways and means to resolve the City,s drmp operat ion problen. Council concurred with the rec@endation of the City tta.Dager to schedul.e one neeti.ng wlth one of tbe repreaentatives at Z:3O p.n., and anottrer at 9:15 p.n., with repreaentatives of the other coipany, 1lhursday evening, ilpril 22, 1965. s. (b)CT'ER}IAVACA PARK BIDS Council concurred and the City ltanager was authorized to advcrtiee for bide for Council acti.on oD Xay 3, 1965. 5. (c) CITT-@IJETT LI,NCEEOB }TEBITIIKiS A meEo frd the City l.tanager, dated April 15, 1965, advised that a crounication frd the County of San t'lateo @nceraing a serieg of city-county meetings proposed in the intereat of conferring oD Eutual problens, has indicated dates in Augu st available to &uncil. llhe notification vras ad<norledged and filed for consideratiotr at a later date. (d) SE@ND srAGE corstRgqrolr @SPqRATrSx YARD A meDo from the City tianager, dated April 1.6, 1965, advised that a preliminary Layout and floor plan has been prepared by l{r. E. L. Uorberg, Arctritect, along wittr a preliminary cogt estimate for the second 6tage construction proposed for the Co4roration Yard f,acilities. Council concurred with the suggestion of the City Lanager ttrat Council revi* ttre proposed plans at the study noeting of ttay 5, vith the architect invited to be present. 6. BOY S@UT TROOP *IO PROi'ECT APPBOVED A cmunlcation fron t{!. Ed ltontgoEery, 1545 Floribunda Avenue, dated April 15, 1965, vritten as the in8titutional representative, Troop #10, Burlingane, Boy Scouta of America, requeated petmission to speak before council f,or the purpose of obtaining authorization for a Troop #I0 Anerican BIag display project within the Broadway businese digtrict and certain crosa streets along BurlingaDe Avenue. llayor tlartin recognized tir. }{ontgollery who stated that Boy Scout Troop #1O is the oldest troop in san Irtateo county, having rcceived its original drarter in San Franciaco. A neno fr@ the City ltanager, dated April 16. 1965, advised that plans and specifications for tle construction of reat roons for Cuerravaca Park have been copleted and recmnended tlrat bids be advertieed for Council conEideratiou at the next regular reeting. 5. 193 Irlr. llontgomery, in a resume' of the activities of the Troop, stated that a siBilar project, inittated in the Clty of Fullerton, has won national recognition; the rcrk requires the drilling of holes and the euplacenent of capped metal sleeve flagstaff holders along the curbs wherein American Flags will be placed b,:f the Scouts of Troop *1O on eight f,ational and State holidays each year at aD annual cost to the subscri.bing nerchants of $7.50; all work shall be done by a licensed contractor and all costs strall be as suned by the Boy Scout Troop. Ur. Uontgdrery assured Council that the contractor will confer with the Offiee of the City Engineer prior to the proposed ingtallatj.on. Folloring a brief discusaion, r"itrerein the City Attorney and the City Engineer indicated no objection, Counciluan Johnson cmended Iroop #10 and thereafter moved that petaiss ion be granted to proceed with theproject as outlined, eeconded hE7 Councj.lnan Diedericheen and unani-uously carried. REFEREIICE TO ELAG DISPLAY t{ayor HartiD initiated a brief discussion on t}re display of Anerican Flags in the dorrmtorm buginess district of the City on appropriate occasions and tJre mieaion of tJle l[ericaD FIag at the City EaU. ilhe Pire Chief stated that his departEent places the flags on instruc-tion frm the Chamber of C@€rce. In reply to the Chair's inquiry, the fire Chief advieed that his departrent sould aaa\rn€ the respona ibility of displaying the City EaLl Anerican PIag at the tiae flags are placed in the dorfirtorrrt area. 7. CUERIIAVACA STATI'E PRESENTATION A conuunication from the PreEident of the City of Cueraravaca, concerningits gift of a statue of tlr. Isidro Fabela, llexican internationalist, to the City of Burlingame with a suggestion that it be placed in tbe City's 'Cuelaavaca Park" waa acknowledged and the subject referredto the Sister City Comittee. Itle City lianager was requeated to invite a nenber of the Sister City Cormittee to be in attendance at the next @uncil study Eeeting to confer oa the offer of the cit!, of cuernavaca. I'NITED STATES-UEI(I@ @NFERENCE A cmunication was adcnowledged from the City of Santa l{onica, announcing its hosting of a joint lrnited States-llcnico Conference in that City, August 6 - 8, 1965, and requesting the City to suboit the names of theofficials of its Sister City, Cuernavaca. ltayor Iartin auggested that tie budget for 1965-1966 incl.ude an allocationto possiSly send a delegate fro the City of Burlingane to the Santa I.{onica Conference . RESOIJTXP IONS - PARKIITG DISTRICT RESOIJIIIIOtr UO. 39-65 "A Resolution Authoriz it}g SettleDent of Parcel 7-C(Wurlitzer easement) Parkilg District No. 1" was introduced for passage on motioB of Councilman Croaby, seconded by CouncilEan Johnson aad unanimously adopted upon Roll CaJ.l. ORDINAT{CES llone . I.tayor ltartir invited l!tr. I'iontgdery to c!,onfer with Councilman Diedericlrsen and Dr. AIan !t. Eedden, President, Burl ingame Chanber of Courerce, for suctr aEsistance a8 they may give to the project. 494 llhe Chair further acknowledged receipt of a comunication fro i;H 7tHiffi $f, EHfl IEnSE;riiEr# s.fi g"El rEigeEg?rf;isgfl *8*:$$tffi oor,is, C@penaation P1an"; a proposed proclrnation declaring llay 8-15, :ArDed Porces Week" (referred to next reqular- meetinq for action;)iE 8?+ef;68&"B"tgFFE:8$HatBr9"fltRf;&t?Ba$"he tE88Bt8*, "S"g+Bf5';; ACKNOWLEDGI{ENTS ltayor ltartin ad<nowledged receipt of a nonttrly report from tbe pire Department, a report, "llunicipal Coata! Apartment8 Verau8 Dwellinge.fro t]:e City Planner and a letter fron ABAG requeating ci.ties to adopt the Dost recent 'Unifora Building Codeg. " lltre latter wa8 referred to the attention of the Public Worka Department, the planning Comisgion and the Fire Department for possible "updatingn of tiebuilding code ordinance currently in effect. to the Burlingane American Legion Post. Ad<nowledging a copy of a City of Redding resolution, soliciting the support of California Cities in the enactment of AB 1218, pertai.aing to the purctrase of revenue producing facillties \r local agencies, tle Chair referred the subject for Council consideration at the Uay 5 study neeting. COI{I{ISS ION APPO IITITI{ENTS llo na[cs having been subitted to fill an exiating vacaDcy on tJe Civil Service Cmission, action wae deferred until ure regular neeting of Council, l,tay 3, 1965 . 2. PASKING COUUISSION ltayor lrtartjn submitted the name of ltlr. Charleg E. cfroerer, Burlingame merchant, as a neDber of the Parking Comiasion for a four-year tenr and his appoinlrent unani-moualy confimed by Council. 3. PI,ADITVIUG @I&iISSION An inEufficient nuriber of namea having been suboitted for considera- tion as appointees to the Planning Comission, according to procedure, the Chair requested the pleasure of council. councilBan Diederichsen moved that the appointment of trro Planniag cmissioaers be extended for an additional ta,o weeks, seconded by Councilnanr crosby. I ro11 call vote was recotded as follqrs s Ayes s councilmen : Diederichsen-Irlartin. Noes s Councilmen : Crosby-George-\Tohnson. Itayor ltartin stated that the motion, having failed to carty, auto- matically confiros the reappoiDtlentg of R. aI. Edwards and Edwia L,. Pierce, as menbere of the Planning cmiseion for four-year terDa. RESOIJ trIIION RE: WATER POL,LIITION BOARD REQITIREMEI{TS Council sas advised by the City !{anager that tlrrough inadvertence, a resolution incorporating the City's proposed schedule to neet the requireneate of tlre Regional t{ater Pollution Control Board (by xay I} has not been prepared. T*te city trtanager was reque8ted to Botify the Control Board that a formal action shall be taken by Council at its regular meeting of ay 3. I. CIVIIJ SEMTICE 195 NEVI BUSINESS warrants, llonth of April, 1965, Uo6. 38444054 in the total amount of $191,438.89, duly audited, were approved for payment on Dotion of Councihan Crosby, seconded \z Councilman George and unaninously carried. Payroll warrantE, Uonth of llardr, 1965, Nos. 253?-3029, in the total amount of $LL4,246.40, were approved on rrction of counci.lDan crosby, eeconded brlr CounciLman Geolge and unaniDously carried. COI'NCIL ROTATION F.LRCTIOI CEAI RII{AN-UAYO R rminationE were declared open by t}re Chair for the poeition of Chaiman of the Council and llayor of the City of Burlingane. CouncilBan JohnsoD placed the nane of Councilnan willian aI. crosblr in noninatlon and there beiug no further noninations, a unanimous ballot was caat for Councilman Crosby aa Chairoan of the Council aDd ltayor of the city of Burlingane for the ensui,ng ycar. ELECTION }IAYOR PRO TEITTPORE Itminations were declared open by the Chair for t}re poaitio! of Cbair- man-Ii{ayor Pro Tempore. councilman Diederidrsen placed the name of councllman ceorge in monina- tion and there being no furtlrer noninations, a unani.rcus ballot was cast for Councilnan ceorge aE llayor Pro Tenpore. UAYOR CROSBY ASSI'UES CEAIRMAITSHIP Retiring Chaiman-Iilayor ltart in preaented the gavel to inconing ltayor Crosby wtro assumed his poaition as Chaiman of the Council and llayor of the City of Burlingae. PELICITATIONS - IITTRODUETIONS Felicitous remarks were exchanged and outgoing ltayor ltart in was presented with a gavel, appropriately enecribed, as a gift fr@ Council. Panily neubers aad friends of council, in attendance, were introduced \z ltayor Crosby. Respectfully subnitted, APPROVED: (,a K. IIIBITE, CInf CLERI( None CIAII,IS PAYROI.,L ADJOT'RNUEIIT 'llhere beilg no further business, the neeting waa reg'ularly ad journed at 1O:0O p.n. t:I il;|3 l,lA //