HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.03.1577s Burlingame, California Ir{arch 15, 1965 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city council was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 9:15 p.m., - lltayor Uartin in the chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEG IANCE At word from the Chair, alL the P1edge of Allegiance to ROLL CALL in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Flag. crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johns on-llartin None Present - Absent councilmen: Counc i lmen: MITUTES fhe minutes of the regular meeting of it{arch L, 1965, were approved. follorrring corrections by the Chair that under the subject of "SkylineTerrace" (l) the words "to his memory " be added to the statements of !!r. Donald Teixeira. concerning the inclusion of a penthouse in the proposed plans and that the (2) words "he (t{r. Pringle) would objectto any change in the p1an" be deleted therefrom. R-3A RECI,ASSIPICATION LYON AI{D HOAG ST'BDTVTSTON Mayor !{artin announced that the public hearing on t}re recommendation of the Planning commission to consider an "R-3A" Classification for aportion of the tyon and Hoag Subdivision had been continued to this date and at which tinE it was preferred that only new evidence be presented. A letter from Itr. and l{rs. David wells. 29 Bloomfield Road, dated uarch 10. 1965, favoring the proposed reclassi fication change, was read, aeknowledged and placed on fiIe. The Chair advised that me bers of the councj.l and the city Planner.at a recent council study meeting, discussed the subject at somelength. 1rhe city Planner was invited to comment on that phase of the issue concerning the feasibility of applying the variance procedure. Tthe city Planner stated that the water requirement would be a sourceof continuing problem; each ner^, construction would necessitate theinstallation of pipeE Eufficient to maintain fire flow standards and the suggestion to deposit funds for the future extension of the water system in the area, while couunendable. would not be practical insofar aE maintaining current insurance ratings are concerned. I'he City Planner suggested, if council elects to deny the proposed reclasEification, that the subject sti1l be continued by exploring "ways and means" to resolve the water issue. The City Engineef, in reply to Council inquiries, advised that thewater system of the city is not new and this partj.cular area, the syEtem is o1d; if the area j,s continued as an R-I zone, the existingfire flow of 1,500 9a11ons per minute is adequate r a "double"(3,000 cPM) fire floer, ho\dever, vrould be necessary if a reclassofica-tion does occur; a period of one hundred years is the "lifeexpectancy" of a "sjx-gnch" water main system; a variance procedure, in his opinion, would be "spot" zoning; the construction of just onemrlti-farnily unit in the area would increase the fire flow requirementand failure to meet the standards would result in the City receiving demerits in its fire insurance rating. IIEARING 7?6 concluding his replies to councll J-nquiries. the city Engineer statedthat water lines within the subject area have been in existence for approximately thirty to forty years, no corrosion has been observed and their adequacy has been attested to by the Board of Fire Under-writers. To an inquiry from the floor on whether the pressure in the area sha1l be affected by rrater to be supplied to the outdoor theatre acroaa the Bayshore Highway (Keyston property) the City Engineer advilsed that the subdivider is installing a twelve inch main and no inconvenience will be experienced in the water service. there being no further evidence presented or inquirieE from Council,the Chair declared the hearing concluded. Councilman Diederichsen stated that he was impressed by the commentsof the residents; there are a number of r^rell-kept homes, some havedeteriorated; the time will come when Burlingame shall expend andthis area wj,1l be under study for several years. Councilman Johnson, questioning the height limitation was ans\reredby the City Planner who advised that the limitation is identical withthat of a R-l zone (thirty-five feet) and that it r*ould be possibleto construct a two-story apartment above a garage. Council-man Johnson stated that from the response of the property owners in the area it hras indicated a change in zoning is notdesired; that it is unfortunate that, at present, "there is no wayfor those who vrant to take advantage " of the proposed reclassification and that sonE areas, particularly on Arundel Road between peninaula Avenue and Howard Avenue, where " non-conforming" apartrnent house usageso(ist. rerit further investigation. Councilman George stated his cognizance of the "feelings of thepeople" and that perhaps the proposal is premature. Councilman Crosby also stated his appreciation to the property owners' objections and that in his opinion, the time shall come whena rezoning shall occur in the area. Mayor Uartin stated that under Planning laws of the State. it iswithin the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission to consider andto make recomnendations on such issues strictly on the basis ofplanning and when presented to Council for final determination, "Council is more responsive to other conditions. " Mayor l.{artin further stated that Council is unanimous in its opinionto currently withhold action to rezone the area; that a "hardehip'would be imposed on those living on a " fixed income" and a reclass-ification as proposed would increase property valuations. On behalf of Council, Mayor Martin corunended the City Planner and members of the Planning Comnission for their conscj.entious endeavors and stated that in his opinion, "the area in time, will change. " A motion thereafter was introduced by councilman Diederichsen, thatthe Council disapprove the recommerdation of the Planning Commission, seconded \r Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried. COMMIJNTCATIONS REPORT ON FIJTTJRE REFUSE DfSPOSAL FACILITIES A commrnication from the city lrtanager, dated tlarch L2, 1965, reportedin considerable detail, his discussion with !!r. Louis J. Devincenci, san Mateo county scavenger company, on the possibility of the Scavenger Company operating the Ci?-lz Dllmp on a restricted bagis and an indication of its interest in reeeiving a franchise from the City to operate a "transfer stati,on." 1. L77 Trhe City Ir{anager advised that his Office and that of the City Engineerafter prelimJ.nary j,nvestigation and analysis of the practical courses open to the city, have concluded that the city either (1) accept the offer of the Anza Pacific Company to operate the City Oump, subjeetto specific restrictions. or (2) to determine if a "tf,ansferstation" is feasible. Ihe City Manager further advised that the operation of a transfer station is extensively in use in the Los Angeles region and that Irlr. Devincenzi has suggerted that a city official accompany him on a scheduled observation tour of the Los Angeles area, Tuesday and wednesday of this week. A brief diEcussion on the subject was concluded with the City l{anager authorized by Council to make the inspection tour in Los Aggeles as outlined. 2. DTRECTToNAL STGN EPTSCEPAL cHURcH APPRoVED A comrunication from the city ltlanager, dated l{arch 10 , 1965 , advisedthat a request has been received from the Episcopal church of the Ascension for permission to erect a directional Eign from a streetlight on the northwest corner of sebastian Drive and Trousdale Drive(allowable under sec. 22:L6.OLO (i) of the Code) and that it vrashis recomnendation that permission be granted. council concurred. with the recomfiEndation and the city Manager was authorized to so notify the petitioners. 3. POPT'I,ATTON ESTTMATE AGREEMENT A corumrnication from the City l{anager, dated March 12, L965, advisedthat to seek a population estimate to be prepared by the Departmentof Finance, a resolution ig necegsary to authorize the execution of an agareement with the State Department of Finance. RESOTUTION NO. 28-65 "Authorizi ng and Directing D<ecution of Agreement wit-tr EnE Oepartment of Finance of the State of California for the Making of an Estimate of Population fncrease in the City of Burlingame Since the last Federal Census" was introduced for pagsage on motionof Councilman Diederichsen, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon RolI Cal1 vote. 4. (a)CT,ERNAVACA PARK PARKING FAC TLITIES A memo from the City Manager, dated l4arch 11, 1965, advised that in connection with the congtruction of Cuernavaca Park, the Park Superintendent has requested that the previous location indicated fora permanent parking lot be allowed to be rough graded to permit theinstallation of seuer and electrical lines and that the graded portion be used for temporary parking. The City Manager further advised that the Park Superintendent hasindicated that the loner area is the better location for temporaryparking facidities and it was recommended that the proposed plan of action be the next step in the development of the Park. Ihere being no objection, the reconunendation was concurred in bycouncil. 4. (b)DEI4OLTTTON WORK PARKING DISTRICT LOTS A memo from the city Manager, dated March 12, 1965, advised that the Knapp Excavators will proceed to demolish (I) the Shalimar and the Depot Eotel (Lot u) anct (2) 1508 Ralston Avenue and 223-225 EL camino ReaI (Lot H) at a cost of $2,485.00 (Lot M) and 92,165.00(Lot E) respectively. Council authorized theCity Manager . demolition r"rork to proceed as outlined by the 4. (c) RECREATTON EVALUATION REPORT A memo from the City ltanager. dated March 12, 1965. advised thatI{r. Charles J. Reitz, District Representative of the National Recreation Association office in Fresno has indicated hi.s willing- ness to assist the City in evaluating recreation needs in relationto the best recreational land use of the dump area and hastentatively advised that he will be in this area the latter part o f lilarch . Itre report was acknowledged and placed on file. E AC ILITIES4. (d)RECREATION BUILDING A memo from the City Manager, dated March 12, 1965. advised that two architects qrith recreation building constructj.on backgrourds have been approached by his Office and both are available toprepare plans for the expansion of the Recreation Center facilities. Councilman Di.ederichsen spoke briefly on his conversation withIrlr. Cecil H. wells, Civil Engineer, who has advised that his staffis equipped in this field. :Ihe Chair recomrnended that the City lrlanager's selection of someoneto perform the specified service also include the submission ofa renderi.ng and that a report be made available to Council at thenextstudy nEeting. ACKNOWLEDGEME}\IPS Ihe Chair acknowledged receipt of the monthly report of the Fire Department and the Police Department. Commenting on the increasein the nuniber of burglaries and stolen cars listed on the reportof the latter, the City Manager hras requested by the Chair toverify the tabulation. POLICE PROTECTION STUDY Mayor Iqartin suggested that the City Manager invite the Chief of Police to attend the next council study nEeting for a review ofhis prior recommendations concerning a police cadet program andpolice proteaction as set forth in a city of oakland ordinance. PIGEON NU]SANCE Mr. Paul Pretzer, co-partner Ascot Appliance Company. 13OB Burlingame Avenue, initiated considerable discussion on the influx of pigeons in dovrntown Burlingame, particularly prevelant in the area in which his business is conducted and urged council to cooperate withthe San Mateo county Health Department in abating the nuiEance as proposed in a report from the Health DepantflEnt. Mayor Ir{artin stated that the issue is one in which council shouldfirst determine a policy concerning disposition of the problem. Councilman Crosby suggested that the issue be referred to the Chamber of Conmerce Beautification Commission to appeal to theproperty owner to renovate his building Ihe City uanager was reguested to place the subject on a council study meeting agenda with an invitation extended to a representa- tive of the san It{ateo County Health Department to meet with Council to confer on the pigeon menace. Mayor Martin, referred to a request from the county Health Department concerning the city's adoption of a " Standard Restaurant Ordinance" and suggested that the representative may wlsh to discuss this subject also at the council study meeting. a?a 779 COMI'IISS ION VACANC IE S-EXP IRATIONS The foll4ring vacancies announced htith CouncilApril 5. 1965: and/or expirations requested to submit on Conmisgions \rere recommend,ations by Planning Conmrission - two term e><Pirations; three vacancies; Civil Service Commission - Parting Commission -one vacancy. " BURLI}IGA!{E " PARK IN CUERNAVACA A comrmrnication from valentin Lopez Gonzales, President, city of cuernavaca, advised that a new park in the city of cuernavaca tras recently named "Burlingame " in honor of the Burlingame-Cuernavacasister city relationship. council hras further advised that a replica of a statue of Mr. Isidrio Fabela, uexican j.nternationalist, renowned in the United States, will be presented to the City of Bur lingame with a suggestion that'it be placed in the nevr cuernavaca Park in the lt{ills Estate. RESOLUTION NO. 29-65 "A Resolution Authorizin g Settlement of Parcel8-C (faukner, et al) Parking District No. 1" (portion of drivdway from Primrose Road to Lot c - $1.00) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman rTohnson. seconded t)]/ Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon RolI Call. ORD INANCES None ANNOI]NCEMENT Councilman Johnson announced that a GirI Scout Fashion shorp has been scheduled for Saturday, lilarch 20, 1965, 1:3O p.., BurlingarE High School and the proceeds therefrom to help defray cirl Scout troop expenses for a proposed visit to the City's Sister City of Cuernavaca. IJNFINIS}IED BUS ITIE S S 1. BROADI{AY OVERPAS S STI,'DY Councilnan Diederichsen suggested that medbers of the Planning Commission be given an opportunity to review the reprort on the "Broadway fnterchange and Railroad crade Separation" as prepared by York and Dady, Civil Engineers and presented to council. Ihe City Planner, in reply to !{ayor l*{artin, expressed his concurrencerrith the suggestion and advised that the subject would be placed onthe Commission's study meeting agenda, April 12. 2. "HHFA'' AND "GENEFEL PIAN" councilman ceorge questioned the status of the application forfederal ( HIIPA) assistance in reference to the acguisition of h,ater-front properties . fhe City llanager advised that in a conversation with a representativeof the HHFA, he vras informed that the City should first submit evidence of a firm conmitment for the completion of a "general plan. " lrtre City Planner stated that he had written to lrlr. William Spanglerequesting that Mr. Spangle discuss with him methods for financingpreliminary work relative to applying for federal aid in the prepara- tion of a "general plan. " Application for such financial assistanceis made initially through the State Planning Office. RESOLUTfONS 180 lhe City Planner also spoke on his conversation r{,ith personnel inthe office of the San Mateo County park and Recreation Director inregard to obtaining a share of the funds which San Mateo county willdisburse for the same purpose of acquiring open space and recreationproperties; Burlingame is one of four cities in which a share ofsuch funds has been solicited and a period of eight rnonths orlonger would be required to process an application through the StateOffice for fund s for a "general pIan. " A poll of Council- members indicated no opposition to the employmentof willialr Spangle & Associates for the preparation of a "generalplan. " I{ayor Martin suggested that the City Manager commlnicate lrith EHFAto advise that Council will engage t'lr. spangle to prepare a "generalplan" and that the details are being hrorked out. fhe City ltlanager was requested to place the foregcirg subject onthe next council study meeting agenda. STUDY MEETIIiG SCHEDI'LED lltre evening of I'fonday, March 29. 1965 , was scheduled as the next Council study neeting (instead of April 7). S IDEWAIJ( REPAIR PROGRAM REPORT Councilman Diederichsen advised of his receipt of a side\ralk co&plaint, and to his inquiry concerning the City's sidewalk repair progiram, the city Engineer advised .that the budget allocation, nearingtdepletion, will soon forego further repairs under this year"a sidewalk repair program. SOTITHERN PAC IFTC TRACK COMPLA INT Irt. Angelo Delacassa, 14I victoria Road, reported a southern Pacific Company railroad track condition at Hovrard Avenue and the railroad;' T'he city Engineer advised that he has vrritten the company regarding a similar situation at the Broadway and railroad intersection and the complaint regarding the conditign of the tracks at Ho\rard Avenue will be referred also the Southern Pacific Company. .,.IJNIOR ACHIEVEMENT " PROGRAM PROPOSED Irlrs. Miriam Oberhaus addressed members of Council to solicit their support in the establishment of a "Junior Achievement Program" for the youth of Burlingane. Itr. Ben L. Hechinger. IO25 Cabrillo Avenue, advised council that the program is a nationally known project and is particularly active throughout the County of san llateo; it is sponsored through local business firms rather than through city governments. Follo\^,ing discussion, uayor uartin suggested that councilman crosbyrefer the subject to the chamber of Commerce. I@.RRANTS warrants, Nos. 3664-3843, It{arch, 1965. in the total amount of 9161,465.40, duly audited, were approved for pa)rment on motionof Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried - Payloll warrants, Nos. 2054-2536, in the total arnount of $II2,924.64, February, 1965, were approved on motion of eouncilman crosby, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried. PAYROLL APPROVAL 181 ALTOI'RNMENT Councilman Johnson moved that the neeting be adjourned in respectto the memories of l{rs. Lillian Kelly. Mother of former Councilman and Uayor Analreu C. Byrd ard Mr. Joseph Peterson, Civil Service CommiEsion Chairman. both of whom recentJ.y passed in death. fhe motion was seconded try Councilman Crosby and unanimouslycarried. Appropriate notice was requested to be sent to thefamilies of each. Time of adj ournnent:10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk APPROVED: R. D. IUARTIN ltayor