HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1966.04.19383 Burlingane, california April 19, 1966 CAI.L TO ORDER A meeting of the Burlingane City Council, scheduled in compliance with the Callfornia State Election Law to canvasa election returna of thelrunicipal Electlon, held in the City on April 12, 1966, was called to order at 8:10 p.m., llayor Crosby in the Chair. PLEDGE OF AI.LEGIAIICE At woredl fron the Chair, all in the council Chanber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Preaent - cbuncilmen r crosby-D iede r ichsen-ceorge-irohnaon-llart in. Abaent - Councilnen: None MI'NICIPAI, ELECTION RESI'LIS DECIARED lltrc City clerk atteated to the certification of the office of the county clerk verifying tlre tabulation of the voting nadrineg. ll'he resulta of a tabulation of votes cast in Precincts uA" through '!1" were set forth as folloqre : TOTAL W. i'. R. D. 9'RITE.INS PRACUXCI VOTE CAST CROSBY }lARrIN AISTRITP l,ESc. A 3 c D E F G E I J K D l{ 90 58 56 46 77 83 110 164 106 106 95 87 195 73 55 47 36 52 60 91 113 84 ?a 75 55 84 80 63 53 44 66 75 99 137 91 84 79 48 79 I1 30 16 24 16 4l 130 7 7 3 I ll 7 6 4t 8 4 4 2 5 ABSENTEE BAIJOTS 15 TOTALS 1, 301 1,016 919 304 35 RESOLUTION tdo. 27-66 "Declar ing Result of ceneral ltunicipal Election, 1966" rras introduced for paasage on motion of councilnan ilohnaon, eeconded by Councilnan George and unaniDou8ly adopted upon Roll CalI. fhe oath of office wae administered to newly elected Councilman CroEby and CouncilDan llartin by the city clerk. ELEETION CEAI RMAN-I'IAYOR Noni.nationa were declared open by the Chair for the poaition of Chaitman of the Council and ltayor of the City of Burlingare. l8 ROLL CALL 2 18 cliUian ar. crosby and R. D. l,tartin, rrere certified as be ing elected Councilrren of the city of Burlingaroe for the fulI tenn of four (4) yeara. 384 councilman llartin placed the nane of Counciluan Edward David Georgein nonination and there being no further nominations, a unanimoue ballot was cast for Councilman ceorge a6 Chairman of the council and l,layor of the city of Burlingame for the forthcoming year. Noinations were declared open by the Chair for the posi.tion of Chair an-Mayor Pro Tempore. Councilman irohnson placed the name of Councilman l{erner H. Diederic}rsen in nonination and there being no further noninations, a unaninoua ballot hras ca6t for Councilnan Diedericlrsen as Chairman-ttayor Pro Tenpore. l.layor-elect ceorge, on behalf of Council, presented Imediate Past Uayor Crosbry h'ith a gavel, enscribed and mounted on a placque, aeknowledging his leadership the pa6t year, with a few select worde. Councilman Crosby accepted the gift fron Councll. expressing his pleasure on be ing accorded ttre privilege and in turn, presented the gavel of Office to tlayor ceorge. llayor ceorge aesumed his position as Chairnan of the Board and l{ayorof the City of Eurlingaroe. [ayor ceorge introduced members of his f,anily and welcomed the guests aaeenbled. t'he folloving council c@ittee appointnents uere announced by ltayor George s sister Cityi Chanber of CoEnerce, Enployees' Relations. COI'NCILUAII CROSBY: Budget. Aaaociation Bay Area Governments; Burlingane Hills liaisonr Broadway "Overpaes " Council rcpre- sentative i Finance i Bay Frontr City IIaII acquisition. COT'NCIIJ,IAN D IEDERICTISEN :Planning Cqunia6ioni creater Highyrays, 9fe8t Bay Rapid Transiti San lttateo County negional Planning. }IAYOR GEORGE:Civil Defenae and Diaaster Preparedneaa. TELEGRAU A congratulatory telegran from !tr. B. acknorvledged. CarI Snyder to lrlayor George \ras SOWENIER PRESENTATION l{ayor Pro ?en;rore Diedericheen referred to Councilman crosbyt g and his recent sojourn in Cuernavaca, Irloreloa, t{exlco, the City of Burlingane'sSiater City and preEented l{ayor c€orge with a large lexican sorobrero,a aouvenier of the visit. Follor.ring an exchange of felicitationa, the neeting ras adjournd at 8: 55 p.m. Rsslrectfully aubitted, -y'v/;, h r, /r'c-zt*Qt-)t.APPFVED: --E t-@4_^-< EWAF-D. G8OME, MAYoR. ITERBERT K. WIIITE, CITT CLERI( ELECTION UAYOR-PRO TEUPORE PRESENTATIONS INTRODUC?IONS CIIrNCII APPOINTI.TENTS COIJNCIIJAT{ JOIINSON : COIJNCII,}IAI{ MARTIN :