HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1966.04.186( t Buflingare, California April 18, 1956 CAIJ, AO ORDER A rGgrular neeting of tlre Burlingare City Council vas hel,d on the above given date. lfeeting called to order at 8:IO p.8., - ltayor Crosby in the Chair. At sord fr@ ttre Chair, all in the council Chanber aroae and gave th€ Pledge of Nlegiance to the Flag. P re Eent - Counc ilmen s Crosby-Diede ridr ren-George-Johnaon-tlart in. Ab3ent - Councllnen s None 1!he tsinutes of tha regular neeting of Alrril 4, 1965 and th€ regularly adjourned neeting of April 6, L966, subuitted to Council previously, rrere approved anat adopted. GIRL SCOUTS WELCOilED ttayor Croaby adcnonledged the preaence of tlrs. Joan Lininger, Girl Scout Leader and tso n€ober3 of Girl scout Troop No. 28, extending each a wa![ welcme in behalf of Council. I PROPOSED I}ISTATIATION TR.AFFIC SIGNALS PENINST'LA AVENUE INTERSECTIONS A comunication fr@ the City l{anager, dated April 14, 1966, referred to letters received fr6 the city of snn ltateo, addreaaed to tlre city Engineer under date of April 1, 1966, proposing the installation of traffic aigmala at the intersection of Peninsula Avenue with Delaware Street (Duight Road ) and with Bunboldt Street, ard the i.uprovenent of the signalB at San llateo Drive (Califania Drive) and from the City Engineer under date of April 13, 1966, cmenting on the proposal wlrerein the City of Burl ingan€ shall becone a participant in the program. Ihe City Engineer. reporting verbally on the benefit that ghall be received locally by the propoaed inprov€Dent, advieed that the City of Burlingane's proportionate sharc approxi.Bates $25,000.OO for which project gar tar( uonies available froo Ure State and the County, erith natching funds accrued by and credited to tlre City nay be appJ.ied. Council concurred sith the recomendation of the City ltlanager that the xarranta for the installations, subBitted by the City of san trtateo, be referred to the Office of tlre city Engineer and the fraffic Departnent for review and that a report be suhitted to Council for action at it8 regular neeting. I{ay 2, 1966. 2. TRAFPIC S IGNAL CONTNOI,LER REPLACEUENTS A coruunication from the city llanager, dated April 14, 1966, advised that th€ State Division of Higtmays haa reque8ted the execution of a "Cooperative Agreeuent" providing for the renovation of sigrnal cdntrol oquipm€nt at thirteen intersections along El Camijro R€a]. betxeen Peningula Avenue and Ros€dale Avenue i that the sum of $12,200.00 ig the estiEated coat of the City's proportion rrhidr nay be expended from gaa tax fund6. PLEDGE OF AI.IJEGIA}ICE ROLL CA&L lrINurEs Col,ll{t NICATIOIIS 378 fhe City Engineer, in reply to Council inquiriea. advised that the propoeal is eolely to provide for the renovation of the aignal control equipnent. Councilman Diederichsen'a coments on approactring the State Division of aighsays with respect to an adjustnent in the llmchronization of the Bigmals to regufate a bett€r traffic flow. initiated a brief digcuseion. The City Engineer advised that the State Eighway D€partrent had assumed a negative attitude when preaented rith the subject on prior occaaions. :the City lilanager, in a further clarification, advised that it is the contention of the state that " l.ef t-hand turng" permitted on the 81 camino Real and the "uneven length" of the City blocks, forestal.I adjustnents in the traffic sy8tem of the City. RESOLUIIoN NO. 26-56 "Authorizin g Execution of, Agreenent with the state of California, Departnent of Public worka, Division of Highways, for the Renovation of the traffic Control Signal Systems at Specified Intersections with state Eighway lloute 82 (El canino Real) and For the Apportionment of Co3ts of Work and of lilaintenance " sa8 thereafter introduced by Councilman iIohnson, who moved its paaaage, seconded hryr councilnan l.{artin and unanircusly adopted upon Roll call. 3. TENTATIVE }TAP l,lILLS ESTATE NO. 27 A comunication from the City Planner. dated April 14, 1966, advised that a Tentative uap of lrtills Estate No. 27, conprising a five-acre, fourteen lot subdivieion, adjacent to l,{ills Estate No. 11 and the sitdlife carnyon area, rraa given due consideration try the Planning comrissionl that at the conclusion of a public hearing on APril tt, 1956. a four to three vote rejected the subdivigion, wittr those opposing expressing a preference that the nuDber of lotg be reduced bt7 two to a total of twelve. 4. APPEAL REs TENTATIVE I,IAP I.iILLS NO. 27 A cormunication from Fram-smook-card corp., dated April 14, 1966, appealing the decision of the Planning Cmission in rejecting the Tentative Uap of i118 Estate No. 27, was acknowledged and the subject set for hearing before Council, ltotrdly, ltay 2, 1965, 8:OO p.n. 5. ROOSEVELT SCHOOT PTA APPROVING SURVE:T COITDUCTED BY NAfIONAL RECREATION ASSN. A cormunication was acknoreledged fro the Roos€velt School PTA, dated April 12, 1965, expressing its approval to the recomendations sub- nitted to the city by the llational Recreation Association ag the result of a survey, and the PTA'8 interest in the recreation plans for Burlingame was comnended by lrayor crosby. Referring to an item in ttre comuunication concern ing the "renodelling of the Recre.tion Center Building,' Council requested the City Uanager to again place the subject of, the Recreation Center expanaion on the Etudy neeting agenda, r.ray 4, 1956. 5. CIry RESURFACING PROGRAII{ A memo fron the City ltanager, dated April 14, 1966, gubmltti'ng a list of atreetg to be resurfaced, under bids adreduled to be oPened on April 28, 1966 for report to council at the regular Deeting, xay 2, was aciknoeledged with the city Engineer describing in further detail, the blocks within the designated streets to be resurfaced. 379 None. l{one. I'NFINISHED BUSINESS W. F. NHOADS RESI'BDIVISIOI| ON LA ITESA DRIVE Ihe City Planner adviced that a tentative nap dividing property of W. F. Rhoada fronting on La lle8a Drive, conaidered at some length by the Planning Cmieaion and recomended for approval ttrereafter, was subEitted to Council for either i.ts .cceptance, .cceptance vithnodification, or rejection; that the orner proposca to eubdivide two lots into four parcels, A, B, C and D, with a drcIllng currently occupying Parcel D, a private driveway on Palcel D, with entrance on La lr{eaa Drive shall alao serve Parcels A. B and C, all anple in area; the tentatlve map indicatea public utility, sanitary 8ewEr, atoru drain and eater main facilities to be installed and becauee of the Bteep terrain, fire hydrant3 shall be placed at strategic polnte. ?he City Brgineer added that considerabla raeearch has gone into the nap with respect to utility €aserents and drivoay widths; that the map neets City requirementa and ig also aatisfactory to the Fire DepartDent. In reply to Councilnan Diederichsen's inquiries, the City Planner advieed that hia reference to the "cul-da-aac" ie a private drivflay, the City b€c@€s a one-third orner of the easeDent to asaute future ornrers of continual acceasi the Clty Engineer pointed out narkings "PUE" indicating rrater lines and advised that the markings sill be nore pronounced utren the final nap ia prepared. Qssllcilrrn ceorge, queationing the poeeibility of ground "cave-ina"in the future, wae adviged by the city Englnecr that 8uch occurrence would be the responaiblity of the property orrner!. councifu[an ceorge referred to his personal viaitation and his ooncern with the width of the driveway in that vehicle naneuverability r*ould be linited. lltre City Engineer stated that the pavement sha11 be widened to a width of trenty-four feet on the curve! of the driveuay. Councilnan lrlartin guestioncd the adequacy of an eightean-foot driveway egr€aa fron and ingress into a straet (La l,teBa Drive) also eighteen feet in sidth and Btated that in his opinion. four additional homae uould increase traffic on a atreet unable to support the added burden. In ttre continuing diacusaion, ltayor Crosby and councilman irohnson indicated no obj ection to the proposal as preaent€d, uith councilnan Diederichsen, Councilman Georg€ and Councilman llartin indicating their concern priaarily on the ieeue of acceasibility to and from the propertieE. A further point was ralaed by councilman l{art in on future applications that ahall be filed for additional gubdivisiona in the area and the incuobent problema. In reply to an ingulry fron the Chainm the city Attorney referred to provisions in the ordinance requiring all lotB to front on a public streeti an exception, wherei.n an eaaement ehall provide ingrees and egresa to a property, the city ie nade an orfller of the eaaslent, thus acquiring control. !tr. Rhoads, the applicant, in attendance, atated that he proposes to utilize the fifty feet of driveway area to provide an easy acceas to La ltesa Drive; that there ie very little traffic in the area and cara driving the radiug of the driveway will experience little difficultyin completing the turn entering La Xesa Drive. FASOLTT?IONS ONDIITENCES 380 To a reference by t,t!. Rhoads relating to his participation with }{r. Edward R. Johnston, owner of adjoining property on La Heaa Drive, in the in8tallation of public utilitieg to jointly benefit both properties. !lr. Johnaon, also in attendance, conf irmed the atatement, adding that his application for a reauHivision is before the Planning C@ission for public hearing on April 25. I'he City Planner. in reply to council inquiries, advised that subsequent -to a hearing before the Planning Comiasion, an action of the @uncil is nandatory in such circumstanc€s. A reconnendation from the Chaj.r that action on the tentative map of !lr. Rhoads' be withheld pend ing receipt by council on the disposition of ur. irohnaon' s application, lraa conqrrred with by l,tr . Rhoads and meubers of Council. APpointments and,/or re-apPointmenta to the various Couliasions uere sctreduled for confirmation at the Uay 2, L956 Council meeting. lnre Chai.r announced t}rat the annual "Student Government Day" vag acheduled on Tueaday, April 19. 1966, with activities to cmence in the Council Chanbers at 9300 a.m. 3. COLLEGE OF SAII UATEO COI,IIIUTNIIY DIIINER A cqm$nication wae acknorledged frm the College of San l,lateo, datedapril 15, 1966. extending an invitation to Council to attend its annual comnunity no-host dinner on Friday, April 29. at 7:O0 p.n., in obser- vance of Public Schools Week. Councilman Diedericlrsen announced his intention to attend with his vife and ttre City Clerk waa requeated to make the necesEary advance reaervations. 4. LEAGUE WOiIEN VOTERS COTNCIL OBSERVBR A comunication was aclcnowledged from the League of Vfoen Voters of San l,lateo, dated April 14, 1965, announci.ng the appointrnt of !lr3.J. B. canlen, 2644 l{artinez, as an official observer for t}re I€ague of W@en Votera of San l{ateo to attend Council neetings. 5. @IISTRUCTION PARKING IOTS H AND B III{PROVEI{ENTS TO CI'ERNAVACA PARK A neno to Council from the City ltanager, dated April 14, 1965, advised that bids sill be advertised for the construction of Parking District Iots H and B and for irprovenent8 to the cuernavaca Park area for presentation to Council for consideration at the regular ueeting of r,tay 15, 1966. Councilnan George recomended that a three-fot rustic-type fence beinstalled along the property line of Parking District Iot II, facing the E1 Camino Real to blend with the resrqential area. Councilnan Ittartin further recmrnanded that a euitable plantirtg bo placed cloae to the center of the Bubject lot to relieve the monotony of the parking stalls. NEW BUSIIIES S 1. COII{II{ISSION APPOINTI.TED{TS 2. STT'DENT GOVERNI.TEUT DAY Itlr8. Gamlen, in attendance, cras introduced and welc@ed as atr official representative of ttre Leagrue. 381 Council thereafter concurred to preaent ideaa to iuprove the appearance of the parking lot facility at a neeting in the Office of the City Engineer, on Tueaday. April 19, at 1330 p.m. Councilman llartin's re coEi€ndat ion to iaprove the undeveloped lota on Eunt Drive, adjacent to Cuernavaca Park, rrae referred a18o to the meeting in the City Engineer'a Office. CouncilDan ceorge requested the City Hanager to guhit a report on the atatua of the City's 'Contingenci, Fund. r Referring to a recoEEendation in a memo from the City ltanager, dated April 14, 1966, to confin Council'g inclusion in the city'B "fringe benefita" program, councilnan George noved that "under authority of covermrent Code 53208 all existing fringe benefit8 are available to all City enployee8 and City Officials." Ilre motion waa seconded by Councilnan Diederictrsen and unaninously adopted. Ttre city Attorney, in reply to Councilnan llartin's inquiry, advised that his Offlce ie currently revi.ewing the proposed plurnbing code and r,ill be nade available to council at the l,tay 2nd Eeeting. ELEETION "WRITE.INI' CilIPAIGB Councilnan [artin, comcnting upon recent publicity in a local nesg- paper alleging that grievancea in the [ills Estate initiated a municipal election "rrite-in" candidate ca6pai9n, urged that civic probleme be preaented either to an individual nenber or to menberg of Council collectivety. COI'NCILIiIAI{ JOItrTSOl{ REPORTS Councilnan arohnson reported on her attendance at a recent neeting of the Burl.lngta€ Chanber of Cmerce, with !rr. CarI Olsen, repreaenting the Southern Pacific Conpany aa guest spealcer and on which occasion the annual 'Comunity Dinner" was Edreduled for t{ay 25. councllnan Johnson also reported her attendance at the nonthly meeting of the Siater City Comittee, April 13, and plans in the forration to Eponaor a nelobersh ip drive and a booth at the forthcooing Fiesta. OVERPASS I.{ODEL DISPLAY Councilnan ltart in suggested to lr{r. Eugh connolly. President, Burl ingane Chanber of Comerce, in attendance, that the Broadway Overpass nodel be displayed at locations that will permit saturday viewing. ltayor Croshy admowledged receipt of Iinutea frou the Planning Co' niagion and reports frm the Police and Fire Departnenta. WARRAIflT APPROVAL Tlarrants for the nonth of April, 1966, Nos. 6053-6226, in the total aEount of $93,263.54, duJ.y audited, rrere approved for palment on rootion of Counciluan ltartin, seconded by Councilnan irohn son and unanirmuely carried. FRINGE BENEFIT INCLUSIOHS PLtI.{BING CODE The city Librarian offered a location in the Library available for review on both saturdays ard sundayg ACKNOI{LEDGI,MNTS 382 Payroll Warrants, ltonth of March, 1955, Nos. 8397-8874, in the total amount of $125,428.88, were approved on rDcrtion of Councilaan Iartin, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried. }TILIS ESTATE IIAINTENANCE INQUIRY llrs. Percy L. willians, 3134 Rivera Drive, property owner rithln the Irtills Estate, addressed Council to inquire into City street sweeping services and the responsibility of the property owner in the reatora- tion of danaged atreets, particularly in the area of her property. The inquiri.es rrere referred to the City Engineer who advised that a delay \z the orignal developera of Iills Eatate No. 23 and t{o. 25 in repairing several atreeta yithln the area, danaged during winter ato!:roa, and restoring then to cdply with City atandarda hae deferred their acceptance by the City. ltlhe city Engineer's report on the repeated efforts of the City to conpel the developers to correct the deficiencies, folloning con- siderable diecuasion, concluded with the City Attorney and the City Engineer requested to investigate methods whereby the issue nay be legally resolved. the City llanager was authorized to notify the developer's bondilg conpany of the intention of the City to forecloge the performance bond and that in the interin, ttre area be provided street sneeping and garden pickup service. AI)JOIrRNI.{ENT lllre neeting was regularly adj ourned at 10140 p.m., to neet tuesday, April 19, 1966, at 8:O0 p.m., to canvaae the l{unicipal Election returns of April 12, 1966. ReBpectf ully suboittcd, 2,4., IIERBERT K. WHTTE, CITr CL,ERX APPROVED: YIII.LIAII iI. CROSBY, MAYOR PAYROLL WARRANTS I