HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.02.01Present - Councilmen:Absent - Councllmen: Burlingame, Callfornia February 1, 1965 Crosby- Diede richsen-George -1.[ar t in. Johnson. CALL TO ORDER A regular Eeeting of the Burlingame Clty Council was held on the abovegiven date. l,tee ting called to order at 8 : l0 p.m. , - Itfuyor Martin inthe chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At r,vord from the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the Flag. ROLL CALL the ut ion quire - der Councilman Johnson,absent because of ilIness, was excused. MINUTES The [inutes of the meeting of January 18, 1965, submltted to Councl-lpreviously lrere approved and adopted. COMMUNICATIONS I. TRAFFIC SURVEY DoWNTOWN AREA A conrmunlcation from the City Manager, dated January 29, 1965, directed the attentlon of Council to a cor',rnunicat ion from Mr. Charles E. Gfroefer, Chairnan, Dorrntolrn Burlingane l,[erchants Association, requesting that a cooplete traffic survey be conducted in an effort to resolve the serioustraffic hazards developing at the intersection of Lorton and Burllngame Avenues. The City uanager recomended that his Offlce be authorized to request a survey to include (1) The eliglbility of gas tax nonies to construct improvements; (2) Traffic counts, accldents, etc.; (3) The feasibilityof installing a si.gnal to be coordinated with slgnals at adj oiningintersections, and (4) Prelfuoinary estimetes of cost for improvements. Council concurred with the reco'r"nendation and the Clty Manager wasdirected to initiate a traffic survey. 2. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD MEETINC A comrnlcation from the City Manager, dated January 29, 1955, sumarizeda report from the Director of Public Works on his attendance, in companywith l,lr. John N. Jenks, Consulting Englneer, at the recent regul-ar meetingof the Regional Water Pollution Control Board. Considerable dlscussion arose on several phases of the Water Pollution Control Boardrs tentative resolution with respect to the City of Burlingame t s control of water pollutlon. The Director of Publlc Works advised that several contradictory para- graphs, one statlng that the Board rrwlll conslder extendlng the deadline" (when final report of county study ls subrnitted) and another statingthat the Board '\^1111 require major capital expendltures't (prior to the completlon of County final report) was brought to the attentlon of the Board at the aforesald meeting and thereafter resulted in a postponenent of the issue until its regular meetlng in February. The City Attorney referred to a nerrspaper article on the subject of "water Pollutlon Within San Mateo County" wherein it rras stated that trrenty-three out of the flfty-trro sewer dischargers within the County are non in violation of water pollution regulrements. City Attomey outlined the Officein an actlon flled by the Water Po hargert s "failure to- comply" with a process of pressure seeklng an At the request of Council thDistrict Attorney's procedur Control Board for a sewer di ments, stating that "it ls aof compliance . tt e e sctt of 11 re or 149 150 Mayor Martin, in answering the statements of Counc ilman Diederi.chsen and Counc ilman George concerning the Cityrs preparedness in meetingthe requirements of the l{ater Pollution Board, advised that the City has a plan and has proceeded as far as possible at the moment andthe County is currently conducting a sewage and dlsposal study for an appropriate county-wlde plan. Councilman Georgets inquiries concerning a joi sewerage plant by both the City of llillbrae anraised several points. The City Manager suggested that Mr. Gfroerer be requested to presenta sketch of a type slgn desired and the cost thereof. Mayor DIartin, in behalf of Council, requested Mr. Gfroerer, lnattendance, to submit samples of preferred types to the City Manager and to also obtain a recosmendatlon from the Parking Conm{ssion. 4. RECIASSIFICATION PORTIONS LYON-IiOAG SUBDIVISION nt operation of a d the City of Burl i.ngame Mayor l.lartin advised of his informal discussion on the subject with several members of the Millbrae City Council some t ime ago, rtrereinit was the consensus of opinion that the lssue of 'rBay Fill'r should be determined f irst . Ihe City Engineer advised that a jolnt venture between the two cltLeswould necessitate the enlargement of the treatBent plant, adding tothe cost and an agreeuent whereby the City of Millbrae would sharein the operational and m, i.ntenance costs of the treatment plant. Counciknan Diederichsen was advised, following his inquiry concerningthe future plans of the plant in relation to the anticipated growthof the City, that !,lr . Harry N. Jenks , Consultl-ng Engineer, in his comprehensive report includes plans for the Cityrs grorrth for thenext twenty years. The City Manager was requested to furnish a copy of the report to Counc l laran Diederichsen. 3. (a)PACIFIC FIRE RATING BUREAU REPORT A memo from the City Manager, dated January 29, L965, referred to a copy of a report prepared and submitted to the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau by the Fire Chief, settlng forth fire protection improvementsto hrintain the City of Burlingame in a Class III fire rating. Acomrnication in acknowledgment and comending City officials onqhe progress made by the Clty to provide an increaslngly effectivefire protection program, was received from Mr. E. C. Adams, DivisionEngineer, Pacific Fire Rating Bureau, under date of January 28, L965. Ihe City Manager in his conmr:nication, observed that "this excellentrating results in insurance savings for our citizens and, ooreimportant, gives them security and peace of mlnd, concerning thelrphysical and material safety. " 3. (b)PARKING LOT DIRECTIOML SIGNS OPPOSED A memo froo the City Manager, dated January 29, L965, referredCouncil to a comunication from Mr. Charles E. Gfroerer, Chalrman, Downtown Burlingame Merchants Association, dated January 27, 'L965, protesting the type of directional parklng lot signs recently placedln the downtown area of the City. A cornmunicatioo from the City Planner, dated January 28, 1955, advisedthat the Plannlng Cornrni ssionr at its regular meeting of January 25rL965, adopted a resolution recomending the rec lass lfi.cation of certainproperties in the Lyon and lloag Subdivision. A copy of the resolution,the flndings and a sumloary of hearings, accompanied the letter oftransmittal. The City Planner advised that in coopliance wlth code require@nts,a t ime and place of hearlng should be scheduled and the City Clerkdirected to prepare a notice for publicatLon. The Councl-l meeting of March I, 1965, at 8:00 p.m., was scheduled asthe tlEe of public hearing and the City Clerk was instructed to 151 apply the s ame procedure as required by the Planning Corrmission in notifying individual property owners within a radius of the area prescribed by ordi.nance code. 5. LIONS CLUB PROPOSED PROJECT A conn"unication from the Burllngame Lions Club, dated January 25, L965, offered to install and to assutre full cost to provide a playground for small children on unimproved land owned by the City (a triangular piece whlch remalns from rlght-of-way purchased for Carolan Avenue extension, between Alpine and the future street.) The City i{anager rras requested to confer with the City Attorney with respect to the Iegal aspects and upon his approval, the Lions Club be notified that it ftry proceed rrith the local project. DUES PAYROI.L DEDUCIION APPROVED The City Attorney, ln reply to Mayor Martinrs inquiry, advised thata form proposed by the Burlingame Civil Service Employees I Associatlonto pemlt a Eonthly payroll deductlon of dues has been reviewed and approved by hls Office. A motion was introduced by Counc i-lman George that the Payroll Clerk be authorized to deduct dues Donthly, upon written request of the eoployee, seconded by Councllnan Crosby and following a brief dis- cussion on the question, was unanlmously carried. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTLON N0. 10-65 "Decl-ari ng Intention to Vacate a Portion of Highway Road, a Public Street Witto a Map or Plan on File in the O hln the City of Burlingame Referringffice of the Clty Clerk For Particularsas to the Proposed Vacation; and Fixing the Time and Place for Hearlngall Persons Interested In or Objecting to the Proposed Vacation" (Monday, March 1, 1965, 8:00 p.ro.) was introduced upon motion of Council- man GeorRolI CaI cI e, seconded by Councllman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon Mayor Martin suggested that the City Clerk request the local newspapersto publicize the proposed changes to occur at the Adeline Drive andEI Camino Real intersection. BOY SCOUTS. EAGLE AWARD RESOLUTIONS A series of Resolutlons comending young men for obtaining the Boy Scouts I Eagl-e Award were enacted by Council as follows: RESOLUTION NO. II-55ffi RESOLUTION NO. 13-65 RESOLUTIOTNO. 14-65ffi REsof,UTION mlT6d5 RESOLUTION NO. 17d5ffi 'rConrmendingt'Coumendlng "Comrending "Comending "Cormend ing "Connnending "ComendingttCorending Robert Burness of Troop I0;" Mark C. Carey of Troop 10;" John l,lcTighe of Troop 10;'t Douglas Montgoroery of Troop 10;" D,ona Id Roberis of Troop 28 Ronald B. Post of Troop 57 James Gullett of ?roop I55 Jon E. Rosell of Troop 42. . tr .ll ll t and The foregoi,ng Resolutiors were introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved their passage, seconded by Counciknan George and unanimously adopted upon Roll Call. 0RDIIIANCES - Consideration Ihereof : ORDINANCE NO. 818 'rAn Ordinance Bd-Iingane fuFo"iz ing an Amendoe Councll and the Board of Administ Retlrement Systeu't (Premembership readLng and upon motion of Counci Crosby, said Ordinance passed itsfollowing vote : Ayes: Councilmen:Noes: Counc ilmen: Absent Councilmen: of the City Council of the City ofnt to the Contract Betrreen the Cityration of the California State Employees' -Survlvor Benefits) was given its second lman Dlederichsen, seconded by Councilnan second reading and was adopted by the Crosby-Diederichsen-Ge orge -Martin . None Johnson. 152 City of Burlilgame !y Adding_Thereto Secrion L22L.2O providing forIntersection Stops for Vehicles at the Intersectlon of Carmelita andVancouver Avenues'r was introduced by Councilman Crosby and given itsfirst reading. ORDINANCES -Introductlon thereof : ORDINANCE NO. 8I9 "An Ordinance Amending the 0rdinance Code of the ORDIILANCE NO. 820 'rAn Ordinance Anendi Section L?25 oilthe l94L ordinance Codeby Designatlng a Portion of Sanchez Ave ng Ordinance No. 527 andof the City of Burlingame nue a Through Streettt wasintroduced by Councilman Crosby and given its first readlng. ORDINANCE NO. 821 't An Ordinance of the Cit y of Burl ingane Adoptingto be Known and Designatedby ReEeren-E E- eomprehens lve Ordlnance Codeas the Burlingame lfunicipal Code and Repealing all 0ther Ordinancesor Parts of Ordinances in Conflict With Said Code'r (Itearing l4arcb 1) was introduced by Councilman Dlederichsen and given its first readlng. REPORTS -ANNOUNCEMENTS -ACKNOWLEDGI.{ENTS Counc il-an Diederichsen, Council liaison member County Regional Planning Board, announced the scof the Board, Thursday, February 4, L965 and rel items appearing on the eveningrs Agenda. t'layor I'lart in announced receipt of the following: to he at the San Mateoduling of a meeting ed briefly the Itre mi.nutes of the Planning Couunission, January 25, L965; A comrnication from Philip G. Lasky, Vice-President, West Coast Westinghouse Broadeasting Company, Inc., dated January 20, L965, concerning corruunity broadcasting needs ;A com.rnication from the National Conference of Christians and Jews,Inc., dated January 22, L965, announc ing National Brotherhood Week. l,layor !furtin, in compliance to a request from Harry F. Gamp, Jr., Brotherhood Week Chairoan, proclaimed February 2L--28 as "I,IATIOI{AL BROTHERHOOD WEEK:'l Comunlcation from State Senator Richard J. Dolwig, subnitting several proposed Assembly Bills and his proposal to divide the Stateof Californla into a "Northfl and a "South;" Mayor Martin suggestedthat the topics be reviewed by Council and members of the Cityrsstaff for possible discussion at study meetlngs of Councll; The forthcoming ABAG meeting, February 26, L965, Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, 9 : 15 a.n. ;A comunication from the I'Iayor of Cuernavaca; A monthly Bulletin from the League of California Cities; An "Information BulIetin" from the Bay Area Air Pollution ControlDistrict; A cownunication from the Burlingame Fire Chief, dated January 15, 1965,directing Council attention to a letter of conmendation recelved by the Fire D,epartuent from Mr. Merrill C. Hansen, Speech Instructor, College of San Mateo, on an adult course recently conpleted by members of the Fire Department; and A conuunicatlon from the County of San Mateo Parks and RecreationComission, dated January 18, 1965, submitting additional infornatlon concerrring the acquisition of "0pen Space Land" by the Cities(referred to the City Planner. ). Sfl,'DY MEETING AGENDA ITEM t{ayor Martin requested the City Manager to place the subject 'rBayFill Inprovements" on the Council study meeting agenda and to sonotify members of the Park and Recreation Cormissions. UNFINISHED BUSINESS I. MEI.,'ORIAL PROPOSED TO DR. JOSEPH H. LORENZ Councilman George initlated a brief discussion on an offer rna de to the City by l.Irs. Aline H. Lorenz to donate trees and a sum up to $1,000.00 to provide for the planting thereof in the Mills CreekWild-Life Canyon area as a memorial to her Late husband, Councilman and !tray, Dr. Joseph H. Lorenz. 1ss Mayor Martin requested the City Manager to place the Council study meeting Agenda, Wednesday, February 3, 2. CITY POPT'I.ATION INCREASE subject on the 1965. The City ltl;anage r was authorized to lnvestLgate and to report to Council. NEW BUSINESS SOUTHERN PACITIC DEPOT PARKING PROBLEM Councilman George conmented on the increase in the Cityrs population since the state-requested population estiurate suryey was received october 23, L963 and suggested that the City ascertain its positionwith respect to obtaining additional "in lieu" and "gas tax" funds. Mr. F. F. Livingstot, 2520 Valdivia Way, Burllngame addressed Council on the subject of parklng problems occurring on the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot parklng lot ln l{lllbrae and the intentlon of the Cityof Millbrae to install a "divider" in the center of Millbrae Avenue, thereby prohiblting motorlsts from making ttleft turns when leaving the parking lot . " Mr. Livingston advised that a considerable number of North BurllngameMills Estate resldents have an interest in the area as train comuters. llayor Martin pointed out that the control of Millbrae Avenue and the operation of the Southern Pacific Depot parking lot ls beyond thejurisdiction of the Clty of Burllngame and suggested that the Burlingame com.rters use the parklng facillty at Broadvtay. Mr. D. M. Teixeira, 160l Granada Way, Burlingame, spoke on the inc venience to Mills Estate corErrrters by the current operation of the depot parking lot in Millbrae and by driving to park at either the Burlingame or the Broadway depot lots. The Chair referred the subject to the City Manager, who acknowledgedthat a condition does exlst and that an lnvestlgation made on a prior occasion indlcated that to open a ne!, exit from the southerly end of the Southern Paclfic lot on property owned by the railroad and the City of San Francisco wouLd not justlfy the expendlture to accomodate the relatively few Burlingame residents uslng the facllity. Mr. Teixeira suggested that Councll obtain cost estimates to improve the use of the l.tillbrae depot parking area. Following further discussion, the Clty Manager rras requested to conferwith Mr. Homer Chandler, the City Adnlnistrator of the City of Millbrae on a possible solution. ADJOURNMENT Ihere being no further buslness, the neetlng was regularly adJournedat 9 :50 p.n. Respectfully submltted, APPROVED: on- , D.,OR 4