HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1965.01.04136 Burlingame, California January 4, L965 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city council roas held on the above given date- Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m., - llayor !,tartin in the Chair - PLEDGE OF AITEGIATiICE At word from the Chair, alf the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLI CALL in the Council Chambe r arose and gave the Flag. Cro sby-D ieder ichsen-George-ifohn son-Ittartin. None. Present Absent Council-men: Councilmen: i{INI.ITES The minutes of the previous meeting of Decedber 2!, L964, were approved and adopted following an amendment to insert the correct budgetary figures with respect to the City-County disaster programt i.e.. Civil Defense budget, $186,569.00; City of Burlingarne's share, $4,815.00. COMI{I]NI CATIONS 1. USE OF RESTRICTED AREA FOR RETUSE DISPOSAI A conununication from the City Manager, dated Decedber 30, 1964, submitted an alternate proposal from the Anza Pacific Corp., operator of the lt{unicipal dump, wherein said proposal would extend the filled land to the north edge of the P. G. & E., right-of-way, creating a northerly extension of the lagoon constructed on City property to the south, and providing additional dumping grounds and recreational, Land. The City Manager. pointing out that mid-1965 is the approximate time limitation in which proper usage may be made of the currently available dumping area. suggested that the matter of the use of the area be resolved as soon as possible. The City l{anager advised that the Park and Recreation Commissions, at a scheduled meeting ,January L9, 1965, will confer on the subject to submit a final recommendation to Council. The subject was referred to the January 6th study meeting of the Council . 2. 7959 SERS SURVIVOR BENEFITS A communicatj-on from the City Manager, dated Decer0cer 30, 1964, referred to a report from the State Enployees' Retirement System's actuary, explaining the 1957 and the l-959 Survivor Benefits. It was noted that the entire cost to provide for the 1957 Survivor Benefits would be borne by the City. The City Manager advised that the 1959 Survivor Benefit wouJ.d provide adequate coverage at this time ancl to apply for the amendment, a "resolution of intention" has been furnished the City by the State Retirement System for CounciL action. Councilman Crosby thereupon introduced for passage,RESOLUTION NO. 1_65 73-7 "Intention to Approve an Amendment to Contract Between Board of Administration of the State Enployees' Retirement System and the City Council of the City of Burlingame" seconded by Councilman csorge and unanimously adopted upon Rol1 Call-. 3. RENOVATION OF GI'NST COTTAGE A communication from the City l\4.anager. dated December 3l-, 1964, advised that the City's insurance carrier has consented to renovate the cunst Cottage in Washington Park (damaged by a recent fire) to its former usable condition; an itemized list and description of wo rk has been furnished the City and a contract has been offered by the carrier to Les Ke1ley to perform the renovation service in the total estimated sum of $4,34L.76. The City Manager, in his communication, further advised that as the City is not in a position to consider a new building and as many groups use the cottage, "time is of the essence to have the cottage back in useable condition without further de1ay." The City lU.anager, replying to Council inquiries concerning the "useable condition" of the building. stated that the use of the building has included such groups as vol-unteer and service clubs, a nursery school , etc., in addition to spaces for storage; an inspection by both the Building Department and the Eire Department indicates that the building is sound, \"rith the Fire Department reco[uoending several improvements to be made during the renovation process; however, the Chairman of the Recreation Commission has suggested that the structure be completely demolished and a new unit be added to the Recreation Certter. Questioned by the Chair on whether a permit would be issued by the City if the structure were privately owned, the City Engineer replied in the affirmative, if the structural renovation complied with code requirements. The and City Engineer added that the structure incurred no extensive damage could be repaired to comply with building code requirements. Mr- A1 llorwitz, Recreation conmission chairman, in attendance, requested by the Chair for his opinion, stated that arrangements are in progress for the various groups formally using the facilities of the cottage to re-locate elsewhere in the Recreation Building. I{r - Ilonvitz stated that in his opinion, it would be unwise to renovate an obsolete and inadequate structure and suggested that a meeting of officials and members of the Recreation Commission be scheduled to confer on a plan to possibJ.y construct a new wing to the Recreation Center. Mayor lt{artin concluded a brief discussion on the issue, stating that a majority opinion indicated that the building is unsuitable for the purpose it served. couneil concurred thereafter with a recorunendation from the chair, that the subject be further explored by several members of the Council, the Recreation Superintendent and mernbers of the Recreation Commission with recorunendations sulrmitted for Council consideration at the next reguJ-ar meeting, January 18, 1965. 4. ADELINE DRIVE EXPENSION AT EL CA}4INO REAL PROPOSED A communication from the City Manager, dated Decer ser 30, 1964, advised that the Health, Safety and Traffic commission has approved and 188 recommended the proposed. construction of the intersection of Adeline Drive to the east of El Camino ReaI and the closing of the Oxford Road and EL Camino Real interseetion, to improve traffic conditions. lfhe City Manager recommended that (1) authorization be given to solicit the cooperation and participation of the State Division of Highways; that upon their approval and annorurcement with respect to the extent of its participation in the project, (2) the proposed change be publicly announced and that (3) thereafter, detailed plans be prepared and bids be obtained for Council consideration, The City Itlanager stated that very few residents are affected by the proposed change; however, the privilege of entering an objection should be extended at the time a public hearing is scheduled. Ivlayor Martin advised that the State Division of Highways hasjurisdiction and control of the traffic lights on the EI Camino Real and Council is desirous of ascertaining the City's position prior to the scheduling of a public hearing. llhe Chair acknowledged the presence of several interested persons in the audience and in reply to the request of I{r. Alex if. }Ianson, 1516 Eighway Road, for a clarification, Mayor Martin outlined a blackboard ill-ustration to indicate the proposed plan to close the Oxford Road and El Camino Real intersection and to relocate the ingress and egress at the easterly intersection of Adeline Drive and E1 Camino Real . Itlrs. Anne Alexander, 1504 llighway Road, stated that the proposal places her home in a direct line of traffic entering Highway Road; that in her opinion, "faulty" signals are ttre cause of vehicular traffic accidents; that the Standard Oi1 eas Station lights on EI camino Real and Adeline Drive, together with the h ighway lights and the flashing "orange" light are distracting to the motorist. Mr. Ilanson stated that the area on EI Camino Real from Ray Drive to Adeline Drive is used by some as a "drag strip" and suqgested that a sign be erected indicating that the Adeline Drive intersection is a "dangerous corner. " Mayor I'lart in is prevalent Real . stated that the abuse of in other sections of the city streets as "drag strips" City, ineluding the El Camino lfhe City Engineer, through inquiries directed to the Chair, by l.{r. Charles E. Alexander, 1504 Eighv/ay Road, advised that a small area on Eighway Road from Oxford Road to Adeline Drive will be r.ridened an adoitional eight feet, or possibly an additional ten feet (from twenty feet to twenty-eight or thirty feet). A p1an, indicating the area to be widened, prepared by the Office of the City Engineer, was reviewed by Council- Further inquiries indicated that a public hearing would be conducted by Council prior to the commencement of the projecti the cost of the project approximates $8,000.00 and involves the removal of one eucalyptus tree stump. Mayor Martin suggested, with Council- concurri-ng, that the city ltanager and the city Engineer confer on detail-s and proceed at their discretion with respect to negotiating with the State Division of Ilighways, prior to the scheduling of a public hearing. 139 The City Attorney advised that a public instance of a proposed street closing; the i:nmediate area. notice is mandatory J-n an said notice to be posted r_n I'layor Martin publicity be newsPaPers. suggested to newspaper reporters in given to the publ ic hearing through attendance that the media of loca1 5. SKTLINE TERRACE SI'BDIVISION MAP APPROVED A communication from the city Planner, dated Decedber 30, 1-964, advised that the Planning Conrnission at its regular meeting, voted to recolunend that the Skyline Terrace Subdivision tentative map of R. D. Pringle be approved. In reply to council, the city Pl-anner advised that upon adoption of the tentative map, a final map shaIl be prepared, indicating the proposed improvements and the recorunendations of the city Engineer concerning the work that must be accomplished. A motion was introduced by Councilman crosby, seconded by ceorge and unanimously carried, that the tentative map of Terrace Subdivision be approved . Counci lman SkyJ- ine RESOLUTIONS The City Attorney advised that the passage of a resolution accepting a "Grant Deed" to the Abbott property (on Broadway) is necessary for recordation purposes, RESOLUTION No- 2-65 "Acce pting crant Deed, Lot 27, Block 15, Burlingame Grove" from Dorel A- Abbott, dated Deceuiber J.9, 1964, was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon RolI call . O RDINANCES None ACKNOI^ILEDGI4EMTS Mayor lrlartin acknowledged receipt of the following: Minutes of the Planning Corunission, dated December 28, 19647 A corununication from the city of Albany, dated Dece ber 2L, L964, concerning the adoption of appropriate legislation to prevent disturbances as recently experienced at the University of California(referred to the City Manager); A eommunication fron Rafferty & Co., dated December 24, L964, on the subject "Lease Financing for City and County Capital Improvements Arranged at Lov, Interest Rates"; and a Communication from the california Federation Decemlcer 3l , 1964, suggesting that the Month designated "American l{u6ic Irlonth. " of Irlusic C1ubs, dated of February, 1955, be Mayor llartin thereafter so proclaimed "American Music llonth " from February I to Febfuary 28, 1965. 140 COMI\,IISS ION APPOINTME}ITS 1. CIVIL SERVICE Mr. Arthur IY. crump, &1r. cyrus J. McMillan and Ivlr. Joseph ziff, were unanimously reappointed to the Civil Service Commission for a fuI1 three-year term. 2 PARKING Me[0rers of the Council were requested to submit names existing vacancy on the Parking Commission by January I'I{IFINISHED BUSINESS to fill an 6, L965. REC],ASSIFICATION "R-3A" Council,man crosby advised of inquiries he has received concerning the exclusion of a section of the Lyon and Eoag Subdivision from a currently proposed R-3A classification and guestioned the city Planner. fhe City Planner, in some detail , spoke on the decision of the Planning commission, after considerable deliberation, to select a portion of the subdivision to be reclassified as a R-3A zone; the area from the rail- road to Dwight Road follows a pattern, the lots are fifty feet by one hundred fifty feet; from Dwight Road south, the lots are sma1ler, some measuring only forty-six feet and forty-eight feet in width; it was therefor the opinion of the Planning Commission that a smal1 area would be more appropriate to staxt on as an experi-ment. The city Planner advised that public hearings on the proposed re- classification raised an issue concerning the adequacy of the water system to meet mul-ti-family demands and to conform to specifications of the Board of Fire underwriters; the estimated utility installation costs have dra\.m protests f rom the property c,vine rs in the area. The City Planner a RESOLUTION and February. further advised that the "FINDINGS" of the Commission, material will be submitted to cor:ncil possibly in Ouestioned by Councilman at some future date, the Crosby on whether the area may be extended City Planner replied in the affirmative. In replying to councilman .Tohnson's inquiry concerning the possibility of reclassifying the area south of Dwight Road as "dup1ex" the City P.Lanner advised that recent building trends indicate very little duplex constructiont that changes in this particular area will occur in the future and for that reason, it is wiser to proceed with the reclassif ication on a "unit basis." NIEW BUSINESS None ADJOURNMEMT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:20 p.m Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: R. D. MARTIN, MAYOR ERT K. WHITE, CrrY CLERK