HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1966.03.02345 Burlingame, California February 2L, L966 ROLL CALL Present - councilmen: ceorge, ilohnson. Absent - Councilmen: Crosby, Diederichsen, llartin. LACK OF QUORI,!'{ By reason of a lack of a council quorum, ad journed by the City Clerk, to litarch 2, the regular meeting was 1956. HERBERT K. WIIITE, CITY CLERK Burlingane, California, Mardr Q, 1966 A regularly adjourned meeting of the Burlingame City Council, from its meeting of February 2L, L966. was held on the above given date. Itteeting called to order at 7:4O p.m., - Mayor Crosby in the Chair. At qrord from the Chair, aII in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. Present - Councilmen: Absent - councilmen: Crosby-Diederi chsen-Geo rge-John son-Ilart in. None fhe I'linutes of the regular meeting of February 7, 1966, submitted previously to council were unanimously approved and adopted. I. PARTITION INSTALLAT ION APPROVED A cormnunication from the city t{anager, dated February 16, 1966, presented the follor^ring bids that have been received for the furnishing and instal- Lation of thirty-six lineal feet of partition to provide a separate officeinstallation in the main record section of the police building: BIDDER TOTAI BID Partition specialities co. Unistrut Northern California Co. Covered Board & class I Painted Steel & Glass Covered Board & Glass Painted steel & Glass Covered Board & class Painted steel & Glass 821.00 a27.OO $1 , 0o4. o0 1,474.OO $1 ,172. 3s 1, OO9. 05 Beier & cunderson Co. '"/da.0,,. CALI, TO ORDER PLEDGE OF AI,IEGIANCE ROLL CA].L 14INUTES COMIT{I,NICATIONS 346 The City Uanager advised that the City Engineer and the Auilding Inspector have reviewed the proposals, t ith the office of the latterindicating that the installation must be of steel material to meet code requirements. :rhe to of City Manager examine some the bidders . further advised that the Chief of police proposes of the actual installations to deter:rnine the adeguacy In response to a direct request by the Chair, the Chief of police, in attendance, advised that the 1ow bidder (Partition Specialities Co.)recently completed a contract with the County to install partitions on fj,ve floors of a County building. The City Manager stated that more space may be provided in the police Department by extending the proposed partition installation an additional five feet at a slight increase in cost, and recornmended that Council authorize the proposed extension. Councilman Uartin questioned the statement of the Building Inspector concerning the installation of "steel partitions to meet code require- ments" and stated that in his opinion, the requirement is highly "restrictive." The City Engineer advised that his Office would confer with the Building Inspector on this point. Further discussion concluded with Councilman George introducing a motion that the low bid be accepted and that the project be authorized to include the five foot additional extension. llhe motion was seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously carried. A communication from the city Manager, dated February 18, 1966, re- ferred to a conununication dated February 3, 1965, from Homer c. Chandler, Secretary, North County Council of Cities, requesting that each meniber city of the North county Council of Cities obtain a vote "for" or "against" the proposed admittance of Half lloon Bay into said Council and that the lrlayor be prepared to cast their respective cityrs vote at the next North county Council of Cities meeting on lrlarch 3. Councilrnan ilohnson moved that the City of Burlingame record its approval to the admittance of Half Moon Bay and that the uayor be authorized to cast an "aye" vote at the forthcoming meeting of the North County Council of Cities. fhe motion was seconded by Councilman Itiartin and unanimously carried . A communication from KRON-TV, dated February 9, 1966, concerning the interest of the Western Cable Television company, a subsidiary of KRoN-TV, in obtaining a franchise from the city to install, maintain and operate a community antenna television system, and requesting that the correspondence be placed on file until such time as the adoption of an ordinance may be under consideration. In reply to Councilman Diederichsen, the city Attorney advised that his Office has received copies of tJle subject ordinance from the National Institute of Law offices and the League of California Cities and that an effort would be made to obtain a copy of the recently adopted San Uateo County ordinance. T'he city Attorney noted that the subject of "cATv " installations is on the Council study agenda following the adiournment of this evening's meeting. 2. HALF UOON BAY RE: NORTH COT NIY COTNCIL 3. PROPOSED COMMI'NITY ANTENNA TV SYSTEI4 347 rhe city Attorney reported that a "civil Anti-Trust " action has been initiated in the City of san Francisco, wherein it is alleged that manufacturers, particularly of concrete and steel pipe, are in violation of anti-trust laws of the United States and the state of California; that evidence to substantiate the action must be submitted prior to Uarch 31, 1966, and a resolution adopted to authorize the Attorney General of california to represent political subdivisions and agencies. Inqulries from Council as to the claim in the action was referred of the City of Burlingame's City Engineer. from Mrs. Nielsen, requesting from the dwelling was aclcnotrledged. extent to the The City Engineer reported that the largest project undertaken by the City of Burlingame affecting the subject thereof, was the construction of the storm Drainage Improvement on oak Grove Avenue in 1958 and that through inquiries frdl his Office to the General contractor conce rning the source of material and related information indicated that al1 contractual records for that period had been destroyed. 1rhe city Engineer advised that his Office was further infotmed that lega1ly, records are not required to be maintained beyond a period of three years. Further discussion concluded with Council concurring that the best interest of the city may be upheld by the enactment of the proposed resolution. RESOLU:rION NO. 16-66 "Authorizin g the Attorney General of California to conduct Legal Proceedings " was introduced for passage on motion of councilman ilohnson, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously adopted. RESOLTIIION NO. 17-66 "A Resolution Authorizing Attorney of Record to Pay the Sum of $lOO for the Deed as to Parcel 4-C - Parking District No. 1" (strip I0o x 5 bet. Par. I and Donnelly) was introduced by Councilman llartin who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Rol1 Ca1I. RESoLUTIoN No. 18-66 "A Resolution Authorizin g Settlement of Parcel 1" (Gertrude I. Nielsen, capuchino Ave. $31,00O) r{ras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted. A letter received by permission to remove the City Manager certain fixtures ORD INANCES Consideration thereof : ORDINANCE NO. 838 "Providin g Business License Fees for Outdoor Motion Picture ftheatre " was given its second reading and upon motion of Councifunan Johnson, seconded by Councilman ceorge, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the fo].lor*ing Ro1I Cal1 vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent Councilmen: CounciLmen: Councilmen: Crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-Ir{artin. None None ORD INANCE NO. 839 "Regulating Parking of Vehicles on the Westerly Side of the E1 Camino Real East Service Road, Between Trousdale Drive and Murchison Drive" was given its second reading. Upon motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by councilrnan Diederichsea, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the f ollor"ring Roll Cal1 vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Crosby-D ieder ich sen-George-John son-ltartin. None. None. RESOLUTIONS 348 I,'NFINISHED BUSINESS In reply to Council inquiry concerning the status of the request to solicit the support of Asseribll'men Leo iI. Ryan and CarI A. Britchgi and Senator Richard iI. Dolwig in obtaining permission from the State Division of Highways to relocate the "Burlingame City Lfurits" sigm on the Skyline Boulevard, the City Manager advised that to date, an acknowledgment to the request has been received from Senator Dolwig and frqn As Eemblyman Ryan. NEW BUSINESS 1. BAYFRONT COMMITTEE REPORT A communication from the City Planner, dated Februaty 2L, 1966, advised that at its meeting of February 14, the Planning Commission discussed the report of the Bayfront Sub-cornmittee of the Regional Planning Conrnission, previously studied in advance of the meeting, and by unanirnous vote, concurred with the conclusions related in the report and recorunended that said report be approved by Council. T'he city Planner in a verbal reply to Council inguiry, advised that the report of the Bay Front Committee indicates an almost one hundred percent unanimity with the opinion of the City of Burlingarne and it uras his recorunendation that the report be approved. The City Planner advised that the controversial point is whether the proposed Bay Front Freeway should be deleted from the County Master Plan; that the freeway, as appears on the plan, could be deleted; that although the City of Burlingame has not issued a connitment to that effect, it does object to establishing the proposed bayfront freeway as a "bulkhead line. " Councilman ilohnson thereafter moved that the Bay Front Cormittee's report be accepted and that the conurittee be irunediately notified. councilman Diederichsen expressed his concurrence with the report as presented, questioning first, the " impact the report shalL bear to the San Francisco Airport's expansion p1ans. " 1[he City Planner, airport expansion in the future may responsibility of (BcDc). advising that his Office is cogmizant of the proposed plans, assured Council that problems that may occur be reconciled and that final determination is the the Bay Conservation and Development Cqnmission llhe motion approving the Bay Front conEnittee's report was seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously carried. The City Planner advised that he would notify the Bay Front CoNrittee of the Council's unanimous approval. 2. NORTH COT'NTY COI'NCIL UEETING llayor crosby announced the regular meeting of the North county council of cities Dinner Meeting , lltrursday, llarctr 3 , in DaIy City . Ir{ayor Crosby, Councilman George, Councilman ilohnson and councilman l{artin stated their intention to be present. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT COM!4ENDAT ION A comnunication was acknovrledged from t{rs. c. F. Field, 11O9 Clovel1y Lane, commending mernbe rs of the E.ire Department for their services on the occasion of a recent rain storm. The City tilanager was requested to for^rard a copy of the communication to the Fire DePartment r'rith appropriate appreciation expressed on behalf of council . 1. ''BURLINGAII{E CITY LIUITS" SIGN ON SKYLINE 349 A commun i cat ion read from lrlr. salvadore S. vernali, a resident of Millbrae, protesting the dumping fee recently fuoposed by the operator of the City Dump, was referred to the City Manager. A discussion arose on provisions included within the dump contract, limiting public usage to residents of Burlingame, Burlingame HiI1s, Hillsborough and a northern area of San Mateo. Councilman !,lartin stated that authorized depositors may be determined through automobile registration or licenses and that possibly a "pass" issued to qualified users of the dump would be the more appropriate method. RECREATION SI,'RVEY INOUI RY In reply to the Chair's inquiry concerning a recent recreation survey, the City M.rnager advised that a report from the agency conducting the survey should be available at any time. 5 ROBERT C. KI RKIiI@D AWARD A brochure announcing ttre solicitation of nominations for the annual Robert C. Kirkwood Award, adrninistered by the San Francisco Foundation, was acknowledged and placed on file. POLICE REPORT REFERENCE Councilman Martin, referring to the monthly Police Department report, questioned the Chief of Police on the considerable fluctuation in the nudber of warrant citations processed on various occasions by the Police Department. The Chief of Police advised that there is no way to predict the quanti ty that may be received for processing by the Police Department from the county court and other jurisdictions, pointing out that there may be as many as thi,rty warrants received to be processed against one person. PEACE OTFICER TRAINING FI,'I[D REFUND fhe Chief of Police presented to Council a check from the state of California in the anount of $1,098.17, refunded to the city from funds accumulated in a "Peace Officers' Training Fund" ackno\^rledging a training course completed by two supervisory positions and two patrolmen in the Burlingame Police Department in 1965. The Police Chief advised that a conununication from the State's Peace Officers Training and Standards Conmittee has commended Council for action taken to participate in the program designed to up-grade the training of officers. It was further noted by the imposed upon "law-breakers " Training Fund. " Police Chief that ten percent of fines are deposited into the "Peace Officers Mayor Crosby, in behalf of Council, acknowledged receipt of the check with appreciation and extended commendations to the men in the Police Department having successfully completed the trainee program. ACKNOWLEDGII{BITS Uayor Crosby acknowledged receipt of reports from the Police Department, the fire Department, the San llateo County Health and Welfare Department and minutes from the Civic ImProvement Coluttittee. 4. DI,MP FEE PROTESTED 350 LEGISLATION RE: ABA!{DONED CARS Councilman Johnson, speaking on the City Plannerrs prior report to Council on the problems of abandoned cars, referred to a recent article concerning new legislation pertaining to abandoned cars and the responsibility of the "last registered otner of the car. " The City Planner confirmed that the measure was adopted at the last legislature session, and speaking of his personal investigation recently of an abandoned car parked upon a private lot in North Burlingame with the "1ast registered owner" residing in the City of I*lill valley, pointed out some of the problems that shall continue to exist . WARRANT APPROVAI warr.rnts, ltonth of February, 1966, Nos. 5674-5868, in the total arnount of $264,6a8.05, duly audited, were approved for palrment on motion of Councilman Uartin, seconded \l Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried . Payroll rrarrants, Month of January, 1966, Nos. 7433 to 7911, in the total amount of $123,237.61 . vrere approved on motion of Councilman Uartin, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried. EL CAII,IINO REAL PARK ROAD PENINSI'LA AVENUE INTERSECTIONS A brief discussion arose on the publication of a picture appearing in a local evening newspaper and an accompanying article describing the hazardous E1 camino Real, Park [toad, Primrose Road and Peninsula Avenue intersections. Council indicated its cognizance of the dangers eminent in the area and a statement from the City uanager advised of the unwillingness of the state Division of Highways to create a three-way signal stop system, preferring that El Camino Real traffic be maintained at a regular flow. Councilman uartin reconunended that it may be advisable to add a second "caution" Iight to alert motorists entering the E1 Camino Real fronr Peninsula Avenue. AD.IOURNI4ENT lltre meeting was thereafter regularly adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully sllbmitted, HERBERT K.TE, CITY CLERK APPROVED: c WILLIAT{ J. C BY MAYO PAYROLL APPROVAT 7l)t,'1/,n".,.-