HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1966.02.07338 Burlingame, February Cal ifornia 7, L956 CALL TO ORDER A regular neeting of given date. lleeting the Chair. the Burlingame City Council was held called to order at 8:00 p.m.,--Mayor all the on the Crosby above in At word from the Chair, Pledqe of Allegiance to Present: Absent : in the Council Chamber arose .rnd gave the FIag. Councilmen Crosby-Diedericlrsen-George-Johnson-tlartin. None. I The Ir{inutes of the regular meeting of ilanuary L7, 1966, submitted to Council previously, urere approved and adopted. COMII{I,NICATIONS ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION PROPOSA], RE: OLD BAYSHORE IIIIPROVEI,IEMS A communication was received from the City lrlanager, dated february 3, 1966, conunenting on the Anza Pacific Corporation's proposal to par- ti.cipate in the City's contemplated program to resurface a section ofthe Bayshore Highway, east of the Freevray. Referring to the conununication received from the Anza pacific Corpora-tion, under date of afanuary 2A, 1966, Council tas advised that the Corporation and several of its associates have recentty purchased a ten-acre parcel opposite East t{illsdale Park, extending northerly from the southern boundary of the Park approximately 1,60O feet; to expedite the completion of improvements along this particular sectionof Bayshore Highway, it vras proposed by the owners to inEtall curb,gutter and s idewalk along the entire J-ength of their property, if theCity of Burlingame, in its resurfacing program, would include the necessary base and paving over to the curb and gutter. The City Engineer rrras requested by the Chair to colunent on his evaluati.on of the proposal . 1rhe City Engi.neer advised that the City is requested, by the proposaL, to funprove gL feet of street between the existing paved section and the proposed ri.rn of the new guttersi that consi.derable improvement has occurred previously on both sides of the Bayshore Highway, wherein the owners have consented to and have borne the cost of paving and the i.nstallation of sidewalks, curbs and gutters; that the City is planning to resurface the entire section this Spring, and it was his assurnption that the Anza Pacific Corporation, offering to install curbs, gutters and sidelvaLk, proposes that the City compl.ete the street construction. Ihe City Engineer stated that the estimated cost for the paving improve- ment shall be between $7,OO0.0O and $8,000.OO and in his opinion. the City should continue its prior policy wherein property owners accept the financial obligation of installing street improvements. Concluding, the city Engineer not include an item for "base expended for the project. stated that the resurfaciag contract shall rock" and that gas tax funds shall be PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE ROLL CALL MINIMES 339 T'he City !{.rnager, in reply to Council, observed that the improvementwould serve more as a local, rather than an over-all City benefit andconcurring with the City Engineer, expressed the opinion that thereshould be no variation in the current poricy requiring property or^rnersto install improvernents at their ol{l expense. Mr. David Keyston, Executive Vice-president, Anza pacific Corporation,in attendance, explained that the property in question is the latestparcel to be acquired by his company and includes the 14OO and I5O0block on Bayshore Highway and may not be developed for at least fiveyearst that inaamuctr as the resurfacing of the road is contemplated, the proposal was advanced to create a complete street at this locationof the Bayshore and reherein the property owners would contribute over one-half of the improvement expenditure. The City Engineer, through the Chair, questioned lrlr. Keyston whether the street improvenents could be installed prior to the date scheduledto resurface the street, who replied that plans to develop the parcel are indefinite, creating little incentive at the present time for the ovrners to install the improvements, preferring instead, that the future determine incorae potentialities. Further discussion concluded with Council indicating a preference that the established polj.cy of requiring property olrne rs to finance street improvements, including curbs and gutters and sidewalks be maintained. 2. REOUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL A corornunication from the City Manager, dated February 3, 1966, advised that a request ha6 been received f rom ltlr. Hor.rard L . Robinson , General I{anager, Rector lilotor Company, for the removal of three eucalyptus trees on the south side of Burlingame Avenue at the corner of East Lane. The city Iqanager recotnmended, with Council concurring, that the subject be referred to the Park Cqnmission for evaluation and its recommendation submitted to Council at the next regular meeting. 3. S IDEWALK REOUEST--EL CN4INO-ADELINE DRIVE A conmunication from the city tilanager, dated Pebruary 3, 1956, referred to, and cotEnented upon a letter reeeived from Mr. Robert Il. Gans, 1112 cadbridge Road, requesting that cement sidewalks be installed in front of properties located west of El Camino Real and sott,h of Adeline Drive to eliminate a long-existent hazardous condition. lfhe City M.rnager in his comlunication referred to a report his received from the Director of Public works on the subject and requested a personal report frqn the Director of Public Works. of fice the Chair counciL was advised that a brief inspection of the area indicated that to install a atandard sidet alk would be difficult because of the terrain and the large grorf,th of eucalyptus treesi that fifty-seven percent of the block in this particular area is improved hrith s ideealks and under provisions of the Streets and Highhrays Code, if more than fifty percent of sidewalks have been constructed along the total frontage, the City can require the property orrners of the remainder of the blod< to install sidewalks at their own expense. Following a brief discussion on the appropriateness of installing rustic- type stepping-stones, or an asphalt, or a concrete sidewalk, the City Engineer lras requested to determine whether the improvements can be made by conducting a survey of sufficient extent to include the location of existing property lines, driveways and trees, for report to Council in the near future. 340 4. A}IZA PACIFIC CORPORATION REQUEST FOR EASEI{ENT A communication from the city l{anager, dated February 3, 1966, referred to a letter received from the Anza Pacific corporation, under date of January 2A, L966, reguesting an easement across City prop€rty to lands of the Anza Pacific Corporation for purposes of constructing "an access road from the end of Bayshore llighway, at its intersection with the extension of Broadway, to the west side of our property. " llhe City lrlanager, adding to his written comments, stated that currently the city is not in a position to make a corunitment i circumstances including the acquisition of bayfront properties and future plans to develop its acreage for park and recreational purposes may delay a decision on the reguest for a period of at least two months. The City Manager v,as requested, as recommended by the City Planner, to refer the subject to members of the City's staff for study and the preparation of plans and alternate plans to develop City-owrred acreage. 5. ,JOINT-USE AGREEUEXiIT CAROLAN AVENUE IT{PROVE}IENTS A memo from the City I'lanager, dated ilanuary 27, L966, referred Council to a letter addressed to his Office by the Director of Public Works pertaiaing to the Carolan Avenue and Industrial Way Improvenent completed by the Bayside Improvement District and recoumending the execution of an agreement permitting the City of Burlingame and the Pacific Gas and Electric Cotnpany the joint use of Carolan Avenue and Industliat Way (Resolution No. 61-65). In repLy to Council inquiries, the city Engineer explainedtion of the electrical facilities in the area and r*herein al lovrs joint encroachment privileges. the reloca- the agreement RESOLUTION NO. 5-66 "Authoriz ing and Directing D<ecution of Agreement With Pacific Gas and Electric Cdtrpany for Joint Use of Carolan Avenue and Industrial way" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman .fohnson, seconded by Councilman lrlartin and unanimously adopted upon RoIl Call . 5. REQUEST REDUCTION LABOR-PERTORMANCE BONDS A memo from the City lrlanager, dated January 25, 1966, referred Council to a communication from the Director of Public Works, reporting on his receipt of a request from the Trans-America Insurance Company for approval in decreasing the Labor and l{aterial and Perform.rnce Bonds in connection with ttills Estate No. 23 and [ills Estate No. 25 Subdivisions improvements. Questioned by Council, the City Engineer stated that the subdi.visions are nearly completed; hovrever, the improvements will not be accepted as complete until repairs are made to the ser^rer laterals and the concrete work. ParticuLar reference rras made by Councilmarn George condition of the street on Escalante way, rrrith the advising that a controversy between the former and divider concerning which company is responsible to has delayed the completion. to the unsatisfactory -City Engineer the present sub- repair the roadway, Further inquiries to the City engineer indicated that for a period of approxirately one year, his office has been urging that the neceasary repairs be made to cqnplete the subdivisions. MILI,S NO. 23 AND MILLS NO. 25 SUBDWISIONS councilman llartin thereafter recommended, with Council indicating its concurrence, that the Labor and l.laterial and Improvement Bonds for uills Estate No. 23 and l.{ills Estate No. 25 Subdivisions remain as originally set forth. 34t RESOLUTION NO. 6-66 "Orderi ng and Calling a l{unicipal Election to be Held in the City of Burl ingame on April L2, L966, Providing voting Places and Designating ELection Officers" was introduced by Councilman Johnson, ntro moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll CalI. RESOLUTION NO. 7-66 "Resolution of covernin g Bdy of the City of Burlingame Requesting County Clerk of San Uateo County to Render Specified Election Services Pursuant to Section 22OO3 of the Elections Code and to Furnish voting ltachines " was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by councilman ceorge and unanimously adopted upon RoII CaIl. RESOLUTION l{O. 8-66 "A Resolution of the Ci ty Council of the City of Burl ingame Conunending iroseph A. ward of Troop 28 For obtaining the Boy scouts' Eagle Award " was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman alohnson, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon RoIl caIl. RESOLT:PION NO. 9-66 "A Resolution of the Cit y Council of the City of Burlingame Cdrunending Edward A. Sheehan of Troop 57 For Obtaining the Boy Scouts' Eagle Ahrard " was introduced by Councilman ilohnson, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman ltlartin and unanimously adopted upon RoII Call. RESOLT TION !Io. 10-66 "A Resolution of the cit y Council of the City of Burl ingame Comnending Henry King Nourse of Troop 156 For Obtaining the Boy Scouts' Eagle Award" eras introduced for passage on mot ion of Councilman Uartin, seconded by Councilman Diedericltsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll Call . RESOLUTION t{O. 11-66 "A Resolution of the Cit y Council of the City of Burl ingame C@ending David C. Itteuel of Troop 28 Por Obtaining the the Boy Scounts' Eagle Awaral " was introduced brlt Councilmaa Diederichsen, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Uartin and adopted unanimously upon RoIl ca.Ll. RESOLUTION NO. 12-66 "A Resolution of the Cit y council of the city of Burlingame Conrmending Randall A. White of Troop 156 For obtaining the Boy scouts' Eagle Alrard " was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman George, sec.onded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Roll CaII. I{ayor Crosby, in behalf of Council, extended congratulations to the young men for achieving the highest aerard that may be obtained in scouting. RESOTUTTON NO. 13-56 "Regulating the Hours of Parking On unicipal Parking Lots" (16 hours) was introduced for passage on motion of councilrnan George, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Rol]. call . RESOLIIIION NO. 14-66 "Authorization for the Attorne y ceneral of the state of california to conduct r,ega1 Proceedings on Beha1f of Political Subdivisions and Public Agencies" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman George and unaninously adopted upon RoII Ca1l. Further discussion concluded with Councilman !{artin suggesting thatsoil tests be obtained fron the area and reports submitted to Councilprior to final acceptance of streets. RESOLUTIONS 342 RESOLUTION NO. 15-66 "Authorizin 9 Filing of Application for crant to Acquire Open-Space Land" was introduced by Councilnan Johnson, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman tilartin and unanimously adopted upon RolI Call . ORDINAI{CES Consideration thereof : ORDINAIICE No. 437 "An Ordinance Regulating the Parking of Vehicles on Public I'tunicipal Parking Lots" rrras presented for second reading and upon motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman George, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following RolI Ca11 vote: Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: Crosby-Diede richsen-Johnson-ceorge-llartin. None None ORDINANCES Introduction thereof: ORDINAIiICE NO. 838 "Providing Business License Fees for Outdoor llotion Picture fheatre" was introduced by Councilman llartin for first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 839 "RE gulating Parking of Vehicles on the westerly Side of the E1 Camino ReaI East Service Road, Betrreen Trousdale Drive and Murchison Drive" was introduced by Councilman Martin for first reading . RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 9:00 p.m. CAIL TO ORDER Ihe meeting was re-called to order by the Chair at 9:15 p.m t,NF INISHED BUSINESS 1. CIVIL DEFENSE-DISASTER COI'NCIL Councilman George recomnended that Council approve the expenditure of $11O.O0 as the share of the City of Burlingame to become a partici- pating membe r of the City-County Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness Council. A motion was introduced thereafter by Councilman ifohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously carried that the sum of $11O.Oo be allocated as reconunended by Councilman ceorge. 2. COVERNOR' S '' SAFETY CONFERENCE " Councilman Diederiehsen reported the City to a two-day Governor's recently. on hi-s attendance as Conference on Safety the delegate of in San Francisco Councilman ceorge, Council liaison, City-County Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness Council, gave a report on current plans in progress to safeguard cities within the County on occasions of disaster and referred to the San Francisco Water Department's proposed allocation of $1,859,O00.00 to be expended within the County to provide emergency transmission lines in the event of a break in the main water system. Speaking also on the 1966-1907 County Civil Defense budget in the total amount of $81.39O.0O. Councilman George stated that a sum of $8OO.00 is included to purchase a radio transmitter for County and Cities inter-conmrunication in ttre event telephone service is interrupted. 34.3 CoRmenting on the number of cities in the state rrherein public works safety programs are in effect, Councilman Dj-ederichsen questioned the City Engineer on the status of such programs in the City of Burlingatne. lttre City Engineer advised that a safety comittee, comprising members from various departments confer once a month on accidents that may have occurred and possible remedies to avoid future occurrences. Councilman Diederichsen further reported that Conference discussion streEsed the importance of providing "guarded protection" and " standby " employees and spoke on his personal observation of an incident rvherein a Park Departnent employee, servicing a tree, rdas without benefit of a guide. lfhe incident was referred to the City Manager for investigation. SAII MATEO COI'NTY SAFHTY COT'NCIL uayor crosby announced at this time the scheduling of a meeting of the Board of Directors and merdbers of the san [ateo county Safety Council, February 9, L966, 12:OO o'clod< noon, Villa Chartier, san llateo. 3. BROADWAY OVERPASS UODEL AUTHORIZED Councilman uartin suggested, with Council concurring, that the tentative plans for the Broadway Overpass structure be referred to the Planning commission for study and recomnendation to Council . NEW BUSINESS 1. REFERENCE TO NEW ELECTION LAWS Councilman uartin referred to a ner", election fonn "Candidate's statement of Qualifications" and the permissive notations that "eactr candidate for elective office in any local agency, city... 'may' prePare a Statement of Qualifications:" and that the "local agency 'nay' bill eadt candidate availing himself of this service..., " questioning who makes such determination. Tihe city Clerk advised that a figure of $35.OO has been tentatively proposed by some of the City Clerks' offices. Tihe City Attorney was requested to investigate the issue raised. 2. REPORT ACQUISITION BROADWAY PARKING IOTS A memo to Council from the City lrlanager, dated February 3, L966, advised that ur. John Lynch, condemnation attorney. is hopeful of successfully negotiating a contract for both urs. willian Nielsen's property on Capuctrino Avenue and a parcel on Paloma Avenue owned by the North Burlinganre Wonan's CIub for parking lot acquisitions within the next ten days. A letter from the North Bur}ingame woman's Club, dated alanuary 15, 1966, entered a protest to the proposed plans to condemn its property (1211 Palona Avenue) . The city Planner briefly outlined the history of the conversion of 12Ll Palqna Avenue some years ago into a duplex, serving as a source of income for the Woman's club and advising that the variance granted at that time has long since expired. A motion introduced by councilman llartin, seconded by Councilman George and unani.mously carried, authorized the preparation of a scale model of the proposed Broad\ray Overpaas by Horrard A. York and Edmund T. Dady, Civil Engineers, as set forth in their contract with the city under date of August L7, L964. 344 Councilman ceorge stated that in his opinion, the tvro lots would materially aid parking problems in the Broadway area. A brief discussion concluded with the city l{anager requested to report further hrhen $ord is received from Ur. Lynch. 3. REFERENCE TO COUMISSION IiTINUTES Councilman ceorge referred to an item in the l,linutes of the Health, Safety and Traffic Comaission (January 13, 1956) recording that a "letter was \^rritten to Roberts Company infoming them of parking regulations . " lrhe City l{anager was requested to remind the Comnission of the poliqp of Council in that conununications must be processed through his office. A communication from l{r. Spencer w. Pors, 1616 Salboa Avenue, subrtrit- ting his resignation as a member of the Recreation Colruni s s ion by reason of his moving frqn the City, was acknowledged and accepted r^rith regret . ACKNOWLEDGII{EMPS Uayor Crosby acknowledged receipt of the following: 1 An invitation to Council to attend the Camellia Festival in SacraDento, Ir{arch 3 - 13, 1966; 3. A corununication from the "Brisbane Citizens For Civic Progress" commenting on ttre State's intention to establish State Route 87 as a 'bayfront freewayri 4. an invitation from the its Tenth Anniversary, Senior Citizens Organization to commemorate February 27, L956 i and 5. llinutes from the Parking District Cormrission, ilanuary 27i tlne Health, Safety & Traffic Conrmission, ilanuary 13; the Library Board, January 19, the City Inprovement Committee, ilanuary 25, and the Planning Conmission January 24. ADJOURNI4ENT fhe meeting was regularly adj ourned thereafter at 9:5O p.m. Respectfully submitted, l4-1,--f.r,A-b APPROVED: WILLIAU J.BY MAYO HERBERi K. wHrTE, cfiY CLERK 4. RES IGNATION COMIiII SS IONER PORS 2. A report from the State Eighrray Comnission, the Burlingame Planning Conmission's Annual 1965 Report, the Regional Planning Corunittee's "Bayfront Committee Report and Re comnendat ion s i " iI