HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1966.01.1733 Burlingarae, California ilanuary L7, L966 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the a}ove given date. lteeting called to order at 8:15 p.m., - l{ayor Crosby in the Chair. At word from the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. Present - Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Crosby-D iedericttsen-George-Johnson-Martin. None. fhe Iltinutes of the regular meeting of January 3, 1966, sutrnitted previou sly to Council, were unErnimously approved and adopted. The City Hanager further advised that his Office and that of the city Engineer also recorurends the acceptance of the building as complete. RESOLUTION NO. 2-65 "Acce pting Construction of Unit 2, Corporation Yard Reconstruction - (Yfater Department Building) " rras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman .fohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unaninously adopted upon Rol1 Cal1. A communication from the City lilanager, dated i, anuary 13, 1966, advised that in accordance with the Streets and Highways Code, State of California, allocating engineering gas ta). funds to cities, council is required to adopt a resolution adopting a budget for the expenditure of said funds. CounciL concurring with the recomnendation of the City l.lanager and the City Engineer,RESOLUTION NO. 3-66 "Resolution of the cit y Council of the City of Burlingame Adopting and Submitting a Budget for Expenditure of State A1located (Engineering) Funds" was introduced by Councilman George, r+ho moved its adoption, seeonded \, Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously carried upon noll call. 3. " OIIPD@R TTIEATRES " LICET{SE FEES PROPOSED A conmunication from the City lr{.rnage r, dated January L2, 1966, recalledto Council that at the last study meeting it was suggested that a "proper business license fee for outdoor theatres " be prepared for council actionat the January 17 regular meeting. Ttre City llanager presented the following proposed echedule of fees for outdoor theatres: 2 PLEDGE OF AI.,LEGIANCE ROLL CAIL I,lINUTES COIiII{UNICATIONS I. NEW WATER DEPART}IENT BUILDING ACCEPTED A conrnunication from the City llanager, dated January 13, 1966, advisedthat Ur. E. L. Norberg, Architect, has reported that the Refvem Construction Company has completed the nev water Department Building at the Corporation Yard in accordance with the plans and specifications and has recommended that the facility be approved and accepted by Council. ALIOCATION ENGINEERING GAS TA)( FI'NDS 382 $150.oo 200 .00 250.00 350 .00 400.00 5Ol to 750 ear Btalls 751 to I,OOO car stalls 1,O0I to 1,5OO car stalls Over l,5OO stalls Irhe City l{anager, in his comnunication, advised that the Attorney representing the Syufy Enterprises, has indicated that t!,ro separate screen performances are presented as one enterprise and therefore, only one license fee should be required. Verbally replying to Council, the City [anager stated that in his opinion, the schedule of license fees proposed for outdoor theatres,in comparison with license fees establj.shed for indoor theatres is equitable; that outdoor theatres, capable of accommodating a greater nudber of people, requires a broader range of license fees and that the total nurnber of car stalls on eactr of the premises was the basis upon which an outdoor theatre license fee sdredule had been proposed. !tr. CYrus J. Ucuillan, Attorney, representing the outdoor theatre enterprise operator, addressed Council advising that the local oper- ator conducts a chain of eleven outdoor theatres and referring to the cities in which they are located and to the fees imposed, stated that the City of Redr.rood City is the only city wherein the feea are in excess of those proposed. Ittr. UcJttillan stated that in his opinion, the proposed schedule of fees i.s $50.00 in excess, in each range. Irlayor Croaby referred to Councilmarn George, Council Finance Chairman, who spoke briefly on tentative plans to engage a qualified firm to assist the City in a revision of its current license fees; that while it was not his intention to irnpose a hardship upon a licensee, the City is entitled to a "fair and proportionate share." Councilman l,lartin' s inquiry to ur. [cuillan indicated that only one screen feature may be viewed at one time during the dual perforaance, clarifying the position of CouncilDan uartin that there are tlro independent enterprises with a combined mini.rnun of I,480 car stalla to accormodate thro screens. Councilman ltartin stated that in addition to the onner of the indoor theatre paying a business license fee for a facility linited to a seating capacity of I,OOO, his property tax assessment is high and, in his opinion, the fees proposed should be increased an additional $lso .0o . Following a brief discussion on the conrparative tax assessment with respect to l and values and real estate values, Mr. l.tcMillan stated that license fees for outdoor theatres should be equitable with those set forth for indoor theatres and suggested that hiE office obtain the size of the outdoor theatres within the cha in operated by his client for Council information. ltr. ltcHillan stated that he would concur with his retroactively to iluly 1, if an "equitable tax" c.rn be previous commitment that the 1965. agreed upon, fees be applied Further discussion concluded with Council referring the subject to the study meeting of February 2, L966, at wtr ich t ime litr. ucttillan rras invited to present further information as he hae suggested. 2. RECREATION CENTER STORAGE PROBLEIT{ A cou@unication frol the City ltlanager, dated Januarl L2, 1965, refer- red to several alternatives suggested at the last Council study 'I to 5OO car stalls 333 meeting concerning improving storage facilities at the Recreation center, particularly deficient since the renovaL of the cungt cottage from Washington Park. Councilman Uartin expressed a preference that improvements necessary to the operation of the Recreation center proceed on a complete, rather than on a "piece-meal" basis and suggested that in the interim, it may be appropriate to store material in a professional establishment. A discussion on the actual storage space and improvements required at the Recreation Center, indicated Council was not aurare of the plans and intentions of tlre Recreation Superintendent. The City ltanage r rras requested to confer with the Recreation Super- intendent prior to the study meeting outlining plans for Recreation Center improvements for presentation to Council. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUrION NO. 4-63 "Urging the San Mateo Union High school District Trustees and Officials to Continue Scheduling the Traditional Little- Big Game Between San l{ateo High School and Burlingame ltigh Sc}rool on :lhank sg iv ing Day" yras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman lilartin and unanimously carried. lIhe City Clerk r'ras requested to fot:rrard a copy of the foregoing resolution to l{rs. Claire l{ack, petitioner, soliciting the continuanceof the annual activity. ORDINAIICES - Introduction thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 837 "An Ordinance Regulating the Parking of Vehieles on Public ltunicipal. Parking Lots" rras introduced by Councilman Johnsonfor first reading. UNFINI SIIED BUSINESS Councilman ceorge, Council Finance Chairman, gave a brief report onthe sales tax revenue received flom the State Board of Equalizationfor a six months, period, 5/07/55 to Ll/O4/65 in the amount of $469,465-57, conparing the figrures with the City.s budgetary estimatefor a six months' period in the anount of 9463,250.0O, indicatingthat the city is receiving slightly over 96,OO0.OO additional salestax revenue than the estimated sum. Ttle City Planner gave a brief report on advice received from lrtr.cranville Browning, General trlanager, Burlingame Chamber of Cdmerce, concerning the pleasure of the merchants on the volume of business transacted during the holiday season. Uayor Crosby adcnowledged the iruprovements made to the rear entrance of the recently re-located Ernie's Liguor Store on Burlingame Avenue. 2. FEDERAL PROGR,N{S FOR SEWERAGE FACILITIES AID Councilman George referred to a ti.nely article appearing in a recentissue of WESTERN CIry magazine, concerning "Five Federal prograns for Serrerage Facilities Aid" ntrerein the article describes federal-aid programs available to cities under the enlarged and expanded activitiesfor urban grovth. The subject hras referred to the Council study meeting of February 2, 1966. with the Recreation Superintendent and nembers of the Recreation Conunission to be invited to be present. 1. SALES TA)( REVENT'E 334 3. PURCHASE OF STATE LAND AUEIORIZED A comunication was adcnowl edged from the City lr{anager, under dateof ifanuary 13, 1956, offering several suggestions with respect to the acquisition of LO.2O7 acres of State land in the surn of $119,0OO.0O,including that the State be advised of the desire of the City to consuurate the sale. Councilman ceorge, commenting that funds are available in the budget, thereafter moved that Council concur with the suggestion to so advise the State and that fund s in the amount of $119,O0O.O0 be placed in escror{. llhe motion was seconded by Councilman .rohnson and unanimously adopted. 4. DIRT FII.L OPERATION Councilman Uartin directed attention to the unsightly appearance of a section of the Old Bayshore Eighway (north of Burlhray) created by current dirt hauling operations. The City Engineer was reques ted to investigate and if necessary, to issue a xstop" order. Councilman Diederichsen spoke of his visitation to the City Dump and questioned the parking of a house trailer adjacent to the "fee" collection facility. lIhe City llanager advised that for purposes of security, he has authorized a caretaker to house a trailer in the area. llhe City Engineer, in reply to Councilman Diederichsen's inquiries concerning an additional traffic lane on the Broadway Overpass, advised that the issue is solely rrithin the jurisdiction of the State Division of Eighways. AIso in reply to Councilman l,lartin concerning the status of the "Burlingame city Limit" sign on the skyline Boulevard, the city Engineer advised ttrat he would again solicit the attention of the state Division of Highways on the placement of the sign. Planning Cmnissioner Norbergr s reference to an interim rePort sub- mitted by the Planning cdmission to council outlining a number of recomnendations to improve the Broadway OverPass, initiated a di8- cussion, wherei,n the City Engineer spoke on the numerous conferences his office, the city Planner, the consulting Engineers, York and Dady and state officials have held on ttre subject improvement. lIhe City Engineer advised that the State is using the York and Dady plals for the Overpass improvenents with sone revisions. At the request of Council, the city Engineer rras invited to be present \rith lilessrs. York and Dady at the study meeting of Febru ary 2, to generally acquaint Council with plans to date, PROCLAMATIONS Irlayor crosby proclaimed the following: T'he lrtonth of February , L966, "AI.IERICAII I{USIC l.ONTIt. " :fhe week of Pebruary 20-27, 1966, " BROTITEREOOD ItlEEK. " 5. TFAILER HoUSED AT CITY DLJI.{P 6. BROADWAY OVERPASS REPORT 33.5 ACKNOWLEDGUENTS Iilayor crosby, in behalf of Council, acknowledged the presenee of Ur. Itugh Connolly and congratulated him on his recent election as President of the Burl ingane Chanber of coE$erce. ltr. connolly replied with a few appropriate words. Councilman alohnson reported on her attendance at a recent Sister City Comittee meeting and plans in the formation to tour the City of cuernavaca and surrounding areas, under the comittee's sponsorship, in c"onmemoration of Burlingane's sister City's pre-Lenten festivities, February L8-22, L966. Councilman ilohnson stated that additional information will be made available at the next Sister City Cormittee meeting, scheduled tlednesday, January 26. Councilman Johnson was unanimously named as Council on the League of California cities' Cooperation Corunittee . " the representative of " International l{unicipal Councilman Johnson announced that a publication entitled "Sister City-- By-Road to Peace" toay be purdrased in the anount of $3.5O. The City Librarian advised that a copy is availalle in the main Library. WATER POLI,UTION CONTROL BOARD REQUEST The city tilanager reported to Council concerning a recent telephone caLl received hryz his Office, from a mearber of the water Pollution controL Board, questioning the city's disposition with respect to "odors" enanating fro the serrage Plant. At the requeat of the City uanager, Councilman George introduced and moved the passage of the folloning motion to be forwarded to the Tlater Pollution Control Board: "1lhat a report be submitted stating, (1) thatprior to July 26, 1965, and during the work on cleaning of the sewage Treatment Plant's digestors, there may have been some slight odor caused by one digestor not digesting sewage. However, there have been, in our opinion, no odors emanatingr from the Treatment P1ant after the digestors were cleaned and back in operation. (2) that our consulting engineers, Jenks and Adarnson, are making good progress in investigating the reguirements to anst{er our "by-pass" and sewerage conditions and have been cooperating with us since they have been retained for this engineering report i they expect to complete the report in the next several months and prior to April 15, 1966." llhe motion was seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted. The fol lotring appoirtments to Conunissions, unaniruously confinned }1r Council, were announced by Uayor Crosby: Arthur E. Blodgett, 1419 oak Grove Avenue william v,ard, 1633 UcDonald way PARKING COUIi1I SSION william F. tanam, 1369 Colunibus Avenue. SISTER CITY ACTIVITY REPORT INTERNAT IONAL !TI.'NI C IPAL COOP ERATION COMIII?TEE APPO I}III4ENTS TO COMUISS IONS CIVIL SERVICE COM}IISS ION 336 POLICE OFFICER RI'EL COI{II{E}IDED A comunication was received by Council written \l Ctrief of police Lo1lin to officer R. c. Ruhl, under date of .ranuary L4, L966, counending his quid< action and excellent service rendered on the occasion of a recent serious accident on the Bayshore Highway Freerray. Ttle City Clerk was requested to also convey the congratulations of Council to Officer Ruhl . REPORTS ACKNO$ILEDGED Itlayor Crosby ad<nowledged receipt of ltlinutes f rqr the Health, Safety & Traffic Commission and a monthly report of Pire Department activities. Councilman ceorge requested the City Uanager to obtain reports monthly from the Police Department. DINNER UEETING ANNOUNCEIITETiI'TS llhe Chair also acknowledged receipt of announcements of dinner meetings fron the Peninsula Division, League of California Cities and frm the San t{ateo County Council of Uayors. Itre City Planner, conunenting on the vital interest the city of Burlingame maintains in bay front properties and their development, recqnnended that a conununication be directed to Ur. T. Louis Chess, county Supervisor, soliciting the appointment of councilman ltartin to serve on the "Bay conservation Development Commission" (BcDc). councilman llartin, in acl<nowledging the recounendati.on, expressed the opinion that it is more lilely that a representative frqn a county not currently represented on the Cormtis sion shall be selected. Councilman lilartin stated his objection to the current policy of agencies in selecting representatives to serve on "official Boardsn stating that such appointments should be made "on the basis of a screening committee to determine the qualifications of an applicant. " WARRANT APPROVAL warrants , Ittonth of iI.rnuary, 1966, Nos . 5506-567 3 , in the total aDount of $105,283.57, duLy audited, were authorized drarn on the City Treasury in their respective amounts, on motion of Councilman ltlartin, seconded b1z Councilman ceorge and unanimously carried. Payroll waEants, llonth of Decerober, 1955, Nos. 696L-7432, in the total amount of $124,527.40, r{ere approved upon motion of Councilnan Martin, seconded by Councifunan ilohnson and unaniroously carried. WATER DEP?. BUILDING CONTRACTOR Mr. J. Donald Refvem, new Water Department Building Contractor, addressed Council to voice his appreciation for courtesies extended to him by the Architect and members of the City Staff during the period of construction. council menbers having personally visited the new building, in turn, compli-uented lrtr. Refvem on the appearance of the ne!^, structure. APPOINTI.{ENT TO "BCDC" RECOUUENDED PAYROLL APPROVAL 337 ))? ADJOURNMEMT 1[he re being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:55 p.rn. Respectfully sulnitted, APPROVED: WILLIA!{ iT.