HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1966.01.03329 Burlingame, January Cal ifornia 3. 1966 CA],L TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date. lleeting called to order at 8:05 p.m., - Irlayor Crosby in the Chair. PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE At rrord fron the Chair, all in the Council Chanibers rose and gave the Pledge of allegiance to the FIag. ROLL CAI,L Present - Councilmen! crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson. Absent - Councilman: l4artin. Councilman Martin, on vacation, \das excused from the present meeting, and the study meeting of January 5, L966, on motion of Councilman ceorge, seconded by councilman Johnson. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Deceriber 20, L965, previously subnitted to Council. hrere approved and adopted. COIU}4I'NI CATIONS 1. SALARY STT'DY. A memo to CounciL frcm the city lrlanager dated Decedber 30, 1965. stated that Ur. ilame s F. Teevan of Cresap, ltccoioick and Paget, vril1 attend the study meeting on January 5, 1966, to discuss the first step of the salary study with Council. 2. COI'NCIL-AIIXILIARIES DINNER MEEIING. A memo to council from the City ltanager dated Decenber 30, 1965, advised that the annual Council-Auxiliary Firemen, Policemen dinner has been scheduled for :flhursday evening, February 24, 1966, 6:30 p.m., at Kimr s Restaurant - RESOLUTIONS. 1. APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL GRA!{'T--GENERAt PIA}I PREPARATION. The City Planner, in reply to Uayor Crosby, stated that the Resolution before Council is a standard form prepared by the State Planning Office r*hereby the City makes formal application through the State agency for Pederal assistance in financing the ceneral Plan project. Ee stated that Mr. Williarn Spangle (William Spangle and Associates, hrho will perform the planning study) requests adoption of the Resolution at this time to expedite processing at the State 1evel. The City Attorney indicating no objection,RESOLUTION NO. 1-66 "REQUESTING URBAN PLANNING ASSISTANCE" was introduced for passage by Councilman alohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted on ro11 call . ORDINANCES --None . UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 TRAFFIC PROBLEII{S--TROUSDALE DRIVE . Councilman Johnson referred to complaints received in connection with traffic difficulties arising froE the dirt hauling operation on Trousdale Drive, reported by concerned citizens, and requested the subjeet be included on the January 5, L966, study meeting agenda. 380 1. C{'ERNEVACA TRIP SPONSORED BY SISTER CITY COM}IITTEE. llayor Crosby acl<nowledged a cornrnunication from Mr. Ben L. Hechinger, Chairman, sister city comrnittee, announcing plans for a coruaittee- sponsored trip to The city of cuernevaca (Burlingame Sister City) during the pre-lenten festival, week of February 20, L956, and estending an invitation to menbe rs of the City Council to participate. councilman Johnson stated that she will attend the sister city colEnittee meeting, alanuary 13, 1956, to learn more of the details of the trip. 2. GOVERNORI S CONFERENCE. !4ayor Crosby acknowledged an invitation from the Office Edmund G. Brovnr to a forthcoming Governor's Industrialat the Fairmont gotel, San Francj.sco. of Governor Safety Conference Councilman Diederictrsen indicated that he would attend. 3 . NORTII COI'NTY COI'NCIL OF CITIES . Mayor Crosby, Councilman Diederidrsen, and Councilman George stated they would attend the North county council of Cities meeting ifanuary 6, 1966, at Brentwood Lodge, South San Francisco; a pri.or commitment prevented Councilman Johnson attending. 4. STATE WATER QUALIIY CONTROL BOARD. Uayor Crosby acknowledged a report from the California water Cornmission. State Water ouality Control Board, with reference to a public hearing on the " Study Prospectus for San Francisco Bay and De1ta Area Water Quality Control Plan Development. PROCLAMATION In response to a request from the National Foundation-ltarch of Dimes, in a cormnunication dated Decerdber 15, 1965, Irlayor Crosby proclaimed the month of January, 1966, "MARCE OF DIUES ltolf,IE. " NEW BUS ITiIESS 1. COII{MISSION APPOINTIT'IENTS. uayor crosby, with unani:nous confirmation by Planning Cornmission: ltlr . Albert S. Horwitz, Council, announced as follows: ]57 Occidental Avenue, Planning Counission.appointed to fill an Parking Cormission: existing vacancy on the ItIr. J. Donald Refvem, 827 walnut Avenue, reappointed to the Parking Cornrnission. ltayor Crosby stated that Council will meet at 7:30 p.m., llonday, January 17, 1966, preceding the regular meeting, to interview two candidates for vacancies existing on other City Comnissions. CIT:T REPORTS ACKNOWIEDGED. Mayor Crosby ackoor,rledged receipt of the minutes of the Planning Com- mission meeting, December 27, L965, and the Recreation comission meet-ing, DecernJrer 21, 1965. A communication from Mr. Victor A. Irlangini, Chairnan, Recreation Corunission, referring to the preliminary National Recreation Association Report was held for couneil's study rneeting, alanuary 5, L966, when said Report will be reviewed further. ADiIOURNI{ENT - Prior to ad j ournment , Itlayor Crosby, on behalf of Council , Commis s ioner .congratulated Mr. Albert S. Horwitz, newly appointed Planning Time of adjournment: 8:20 p.m. Respectfully suhnitted, e WILLIAU J. C BY MAYOR RBERT K.ITE, CITY CLERK ACKNOWf,EDGMENTS APPROVED: