HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1966.09.1920 BurliDgame, California September 19, 1965 A regular neeting of the Eurlingane City Council uas held on the above given date. t{€eting called to order at 8:O0 p.n. - Iayor ceorge in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA}ICE At sord fron the Chair, all in the Council Chanber aroae and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Plag. Pr€ sent - Councilmen 3 Crosby-Diede richaen-ceorge-iIohnsoa-llartin. Itr sent - councilmen s None I,tDIITTES lIh.r l{inutes of the regrular [eeting of Septenber 5, 1965, 8uhitted to Council previously, w€re approved and adopted. BIDS - BROAIIWAI p4gl(Irc rrTS "p" - ,'O" Contractors' bids for Ure construction of nery Broadway parklng Iot ,e,, at Capudrino and Pal@a Avenuea i for tlre i.uprovement of parklng lpt "P" nortb of Pal'@a Avenue and for a lighting systcE oD padEing Lot 'R' on Capuchino Avenue, opened at lO:3O a.D.. on Septeober 15, 1966, according to published notice, rrere daclared as followa: BIDDER TOTAIJ BID F. D. SperLT C@pany B. Fontana and Sons L. C. Sith Cqllpany Kunz Paving Cbopany I"orrie Paving Copany Fisk, Firenze & llcl€an Pay Inprovement Copany O. C. arones C@pany Engineering Estinat€ $r8 20 2L 2L 21 22 23 25 765.75 o51.15 52 3. {0 888.06 945.20 101. 50 781 .20 202.L5 s22,233.sO A comunication fnon the Director of Public Works, dat€d Septenbor 15, 1966, reconnended that t}te bid b€ awarded to tlre losest reaponclble bidder, P. D. Sperry Copany, in ttre total arount of 918,765.75. A ueDo fr@ ttre City Uanager, footaot€d on the comunication. concurredwith the recomrendation. ttr. Robert Eiggins, 1560 Colunbua Avenue, rith offices oo Broadrray, guestioned the date of conpletion for the proposed irprovenents and through the Chair, trae advised by the City Engine€r that it is antici- pated that the faciliticg will be in operation prior to tftrarrksgiving, depending upon reather condltiong. RESOLTXTION NO. 72-56 "Arrard iog 6ntract, Off-street ParkiJrg lpts "P".nd 'Q" - irob No. 66-10" (3.D.Sperry Co.. $18,765.751 uas lntroduced for pasaage on rption of Councilman Johnaon, seconded by Councilnan Diederichsen and unani.rcusly adopted upon RolI Call. EE,ARINGS "I'NCLASSIPIED I,ANDS" $O "LIGITT IITDUSIRIAL" ltayor ceorge announced that this wag the ti.De and place scheduled to CALL TO ORDER ROLL CAI,L (a) 2l conduqt a public bearing and to congider claarifying lands knorrn ag " IEnda of Burlingane Shore IJand Coopany " nor uDclassified, to Llght Induatrial District. ifhere being no cmnunicationa in favor or objecting thereto and no one present to object or to approve, referenoe wa8 made to Resolution No. 1-66, of the Planning Comisslon, adopted at a regularly adj ourned Eeeting on Augurt 8, 1966. lltre recmendation of the Planning @misaionto amend section 25.12.O1O of the uunicipal Code by classifying the subject property ard its "Pindingg" were read into the record. Ihe hearing waa ttreleafter declared cloEed by the Chair. ORDIISANCE NO. 855 "An Ordinance Anending #25.12.O10 of ttre lrunicipal Code oividing the city of Burlingane Into Districts by classifying Certain Land8 Xnorrn as 'Lands of Burlingame Shore Land Company,' neretofore Uncla8sified, as a Light Industrial (U-1) District" was given its second reading and upon notion of Councilnan afohnson. seconded Lry Councilnan Diederidraen, said Ordinance passed its second readi-ng and rraa adopted by the following Roll CalI vote: Ayes ! councilmsn : Crosby-Diederlchsen-George-ilohnson-[artin. Noe8s @uncllnen: None Abscnt ! councilmen: None (b)"I'UCIASSIPIED IA}IDS" TO "TIDAI. PIAII{ DISTRIET" ltayor c€orge announced ttrat this raa ttre tine and place sdreduled to conduct a public hearing ard to consider claaaifying certain lands now unclassifi,ed, to fidal Plain (lP) District. A letter addreseed to ttre Planning Comission under date of July 20, 1966, waa read frdn the ldeal Cement Co8pany, 821 Seventeenth street, Denver, Colorado, bearing the slgnature of Cris Dobbins, President. llhe comunication statd tbat the only oraers of recotral rithin the propos€d Aidal Plain Dlstrict are the city and county of San Prancisc€ and the Ideal C€acnt Conpany, that the classification rould Eerve no useful purpo3e and nay only Dake it necesaary to go through ttre pro- cedure of dranging it in the future and that "when private and public plans are finally formulated and approved for the conaervation of the sater of the bay and the developDent of it8 shorelin€ it will then be possible to define the appropriate petmitted and restricted uae! and zoning. " Irhere were no further cmunications and no one preseat to spod( either ia favor or in opposition. ttle City Planner, in reply to inquirieg from Councilnan JohnBon, advised that unlesa the lands are classified, an appllcation nay be received r*lrerein the burden rrould be upon the City to "uork out conditione' and to "detemine if the use is cogratible " and the City Attorney confirnad that in the ab3ence of restrictiong the City has no baais upon wtridr to refuse an application. Ilhe recomendation of the Planning Cmission, as outl ined in Resolution No. 2-66, adopted at a regu1arly adjourned meeting on August 8, 1966, and it8 "Firdinga" eere read into the record and the hearing thereafter declared eloaed by the Chair. l{r. cilbcrt nodli, local repreaentative of t]re ldeal Celoent conpatry, in attcndanGe, and i.D reply to an iaquiry fro counciln ! Jolrnson on th€ " tl1re zoning prefarr€d r advircd ttrat his c@pany haa no definite plan and that his position renainr rurctranged in that the proposed fidal Plain zonlng is a pr€nature action untll the City conpletes itg tilaater Plan studieE. 2Z ORDINANCE lIO. 854 "An Ordinance Anend ing *25.12.o10 of the uunicipal Code Dividing the City of Burlingane Into Districts By Clasrifying Certain Lands Eeretof,ore Unclassified as a Tidal Plain (fP) District" was given its second reading and upon notion of Councilman irohnaon, Beconded b!, Councilnan Diederidrsen, said Ordinance passed ita sccond reading and ras adopted by the folloring Roll Call vote: Ayes s Councilncn : Crosby-Diederidrgen-George-ilohnion-xartin. Ifoes s Councilnen: I{one Absent Counci.lmen 3 None I. GROVE AVETTUE A "IHROUGH" STREEX A comuni.cation fron thc City Uanager, dated Septenber 15. 1966, advised that an investigation has been nade of traffic €ndition. on crove Avcnue frm El CaEino Rea]. to Calif,ornia Drive and referred Council to a report fron the Policr Departnent listing the accident recrolril for the subject street. tt waa the recurendation of the Clty lanager, the Health, Safety & Traff,ic Cquis sion atral t}re Polic- Dcpartmeat that legisLation be enacted to nake Grove Avenue a through streot fr@ El Calino Seal to Californla Drive, by instaU ing stop eigms at Capuchino Avenue, Pa16a Avenue and Laguna Avenue. ORDIIIAICB NO. S58 "An Ordinance Anend ing *13.2O.O20 of the lrunicipal Code by Oesigrnating crove Avenue a !'hrough Street" was iDtroduced by Councilman alohnson for firrt reading. 2. ST'PPI,EUENTAL ACREEUENT WIIH BURLINGN,IE EILIJS SEWER DISTRIST A comunication frqr the City lianager, dated september 15, 1966, advised that the County Board of Supenrisors, serving as the gov€rniIg body for the Surlingane Hills Strer ltaintenance Diatrict, has agrecd to a supplementary agreement adjusting seuer rental drarges for the District. RESOL,UTION NO. 73-56 "Authoriz ing E ecution d supplenental Agree[ent For Increase of Sffer Senrice Charges rlthin tlre Burl lngane Hillc Sewer ttaintenance District" was introduced for paaaage on nrotlon of Councilnan ilohnson, aeconded by Councilnan lilartin and unani-mously adopted upon Roll Call. 3. REFORT ON I{ICROFII,III,IBG A tremo from the City ltanager. dated Septenber.ls, 1965, referred to a p rel irninaqT investigatlon on the uge of a ni.edilm leader-pEiDter? particlrlarly ry ttre Building Department, a.nd that used equipueat ia available for purdrase fr@ tlre County of Alaneda in tlre alount of $1, 5oo.00 . |rtre City llanager Etated that a peraonal visitation to vid tlre equipnent la planned and a further ilvestigation will b€ n do to detetimine shether -one reader-printer sill cuf,fice for all purpoaea. 'ittre City Attorney advised that recent anenduentc to State Statutea pelmit the preservation of public recordg by nicrofilring nethoda, with s@e li.nitation, and rec@lended that nicrofilming proceasing be given conaideration in relation to storage apac6 in a n* city Hall. lrtre City Engineer stated that microfilning equipmeDt would asaist the Building Departnsnt in furnishing copies of building plans upon request for a noinal fee. @U}$IIICATIONS ?3 I{r. U. S. Sisonds, iIr., former l{ayor-Councilman, ln attendance, suggested that local comunities be investigated to determine the appropriate rnethod of processing microfil.med naterial and the advantages. Follqring further discusgl.on on th€ i[portance of naintaining a ctrrono- logical index of microfilm for convenient reference. the City ltanager sas directed to continue his investigation. 4. 'BLACK EORSA" IOI'NGE DANCE PERI{IT A comlunication dated Augrust 15, 1956, waa read fr@ Robert Rogselli and Robert Batinovidr, recent purchaaera of the Rally Lounge at 269 Primrose Road, requesting that a dance permit be iseued uDder the new firn name of the "Black Horae" Iounge. Councilran croaby'a inqulry on the elapse of tiDe fron the date of filing the application and its appearance on the agenda of council, initiated a brief discuseion. Councilman Diederlchsen expresaed hls objection, st.ting that previoua dance perrits have been iaaued subsequent to inspectiona as requi red by 1aw. Ihe City Attorney, on Prior occasion, in reply to coutrcilDan ltartin, advised that Council has approved dance pcrmits by " sinple rction." crosby-George-iIohnson-llartin . Dicderidreen. Councilnan llartin thereupon noved that th€ B1ack llorae Iounge be granted a permit to allow dancing for a ttri rty day period, effective lmediately upon receipt blr the applicant that Fire, Police, Building and Eea1th tlepartment requirementa have been satiefactorily metr and that folLowing the thirty day period, the applicant! reappear bef,ore Council requesting a perimanent pemit. lrhe notion uas seconded by Councilnan crosby. Ur. s inonds questioned the deviation in Council's established procedure and iD reply, the Chair obaerved tlrat the delay in proceaaing the appllcation ra8 not the fault of the petitloners. A vote on the notion waa recorded as follo\rs: Ayea: Noea ! Councilnen! Councilmen! 5. "FI'OD COI{TROL" STI'DIES A comunication dated Sept€lDber 13, 1965, was read fron the County Englneer, calling attention to the U. S. AlGy Corps of Engineera authorization to undertake flood control studie8 of several atrean groups in San llateo County, one of which includes all streams draini.ng to the Bay through the City of Burling.me. It war the County Engineer'e suggestion that flood problems rithin the City be referred to the Corp! of Engineers and to Congreasman J. Arthur Younger. I'he City Engineer, j.n a brief report, expressed doubt that the City of Burl ingane, in via of the gtoro dral.nage improvement8 constructed aome ycars prior, wouJ,d require or qualify for a flood control study b'1, the corps of Bngi.neers. ltr. Robert Batinovj.ch, in attendance, advised that a "crand Opening " is sclreduled for septenber 22, L966, and requerted that a temporary peflait be iarued until inapectionr are made and reported to @uncil. ?vt 6. WI'.,LIN{ ". }{oR.AN FIITANCE PROGR,u{ A comlunication fron Willian iI. ttoran Cooprny. dated Septenber 16, 1,966,preaenting a progran for the developnant, financiag and conatructlon ofnunicipal facilities on a Le.se-back Eethod was acknoyledged and the aubject referred to @uncil as a atudy iten on its study neetlng agcnda, septenber 28. RESOLUTIONS None. ORDINANCES Consideration thereof : ORDIttANcE NO. 856 "An Ordinance Add ing #1?.04.231 to the l,tuniclpal Codeof the City of Burlingane B1r Mding #13.07, 13.08, and 13.09 to the Pire Prevention Code, 1956 Edition, providing for the Inatallation in Buildings Five Stories or tlore in Beight of Annunciator Boards, Fire Eoses and Hoae Packs, and Overriding Elevator Switclres" uas given ita second reading and upon motion of Councilnan aFohnson, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said Ordinance pasaed its seclnd reading and eas adopted by the fol loring RoII Call vote: Ayea : Couneilmen : Crosby-Diederidreen-George-.fohnaon-HartiD. Noea! Councilaen: None Absent Councilnen: none ORDINANCB NO. 857 "An ordinance ilmend ing the ltunicipal Code of the Cityof BurI ingame By Addirtg *18.08.382 Anending 1t3804 "c" of the Uniform Building code, 1954 pdition, Volune I, Io Provide for the Installation of One Dry standpipe within Bach Stairray in Bvery Building Five Stories or !{ore in Beight" was given its second reading and upon motion of councihan crosby, seconded ttlr Councilnan alohnson, said ordinanco paaaed its gccond reading and rras adopted by the follouing Roll Call vote ! Aye r : @uncilmen : Closby-Diederichson-George-Johnson-[artin. Uoe8t councilmen: Xone. Abaent Councilmen: ltone. QUALIry @NTROL BOARD A comrunicatlon, dated September 16, 1966, ras adrnoerledged fron l,tr. ilohn B. Harriaon, D<ecutive Offic€r, Regional water Qual,ity control Board, tran$ritting to council a notion adopted by that Agenqf satting forth amendments to Resolution No. 765 of the Control Board, affecting the City of Burlingare's time schedule and accepting a letter dated september 8, 1966, fro the city of BurlingaEe as a satisfactory progreas report. I STUDY IIIEETING SCHEDITLE litayor George announced that the next council atudy neeting ra! scheduled for Wednesday, Septenber 28, 1966 at 8 p.n., and elininating the regultr study meeting of October 5, 1956. 2. CARO:LNI AVEf,US TRAI'TIC Councilnan Diederidraen auggested that a "green arros" I ight bc Placedat the interaection of carohn Avenue and Broadsay for the convenieace and Eafety of left-hand vehicular tlaffic and the subject thereafter uag referred to the Eealth, Safety & Iraffic Comiseion. T'TTFIITISIIED BUSIITESS 1. REPORT RE: RF,GIONAL I{AIER NEI' BUSIIIESS 25 To councilnan Crosbyr s inquiry concerning the placement of signals on carolan Avenue in the area of the Burlingane Bigh school, the City Ergineer suggelted that folloring a "vehicular traffic experience" in the area, the subject be referred to ttre City's traffic conaultant. To councilman Diederidrsen's suggestion that one blodk on Oak crove Avenue, eaat of Carolan Avonue be painted red, the City Engineer stated that he sould confer vittr the City'a traff,ic departrent. RECESS A receaa was declared bV the Chalr at 9:35 p.n. CALL TO ORDER Ttre necting wa! raconvenGd at 9:40 p.n. SISTER CITT @UilITTEE REPORT Corurcilnan ilohnson reported on her attendance at a neeting of the Sister City Cormittee on tfednesday, Septenber 14, 1966, at whictr tirne the comittee outlined plans to re-organize blt7 eatablishing a Board of Director3 to neet once a ronth, and to adopt a aet of nea bylaws. lfhe next meeting rith the no Eoard of Directora was sdreduled for fednesday. Novenber 9, 1966. IITEET ING A}INOI'NCEI{ENTS 1rhe citli llaaager aalvised that re8ervations for the t nited crusade lundreon ara due irr hlc office on septenber 20. [ayor ceorge reported t]re sctreduling of septeDb€r 30, aa the next San Itatoo @unty Council of Iayors Deeting and Septenbet 22, 1966, as a liayor8 Civil D.fence neetlng, both of which he eould attend. SUGGESrIONS AY FORII{ER IIAYOR !tr. S imonds comended Council on aetion taken to iroprove Carolan Avenue fron Oalc crove Avenue to Broaduay, providing street lighting on California Drive and erecting directional signs to i-ndicate the location of the automobile induatry. Referrl,ng to CouncLl'a attendance at the forth- coming conference of the League of california cltieE in san Diego, Hr. Si.mond6 suggeated that council observe the developurent of lands along tlre shorelinea of the southern citieg with a vid touard developing Ure bayfront properties of the City of Burlingame in a manner einilar and that rrould accrue coneiderable benefi.t to the entire Peningula. Hr. si.nonds further suggested that a "block" be reserved in the local newspapers, wlrereby citizena nay be appraired of Council's deliberations torrard the acquieition of a n* City Hall and in turn, the citizens may voice ttreir opinions. ltayor ceorge expres8ed appreciation to I{r. Sinondg for hls interest and pointed out the nunber of public hearings that have been announced and conducted brtr Council thue far on tlre City Ball aubject. SIGN-ARE,A OF OVERPASS ttr. Al Xaufnann, Bloadrray nerchant and a nenber of the Parking Comission Euggorted the erection of a sign in the area of the Broadsay Overpaasto indicate the n* Carolan Avenue route. fhe City Engineer advis€d that the state Divislon of Eighwaya, at his requeat, is currently conducting traffic aurveys of the area. 86 WARRANTS Warrant8, Ir{onth of Septenber, 1966, UoB. 6914-7108, in t}r€ total notion of councilnan Crosby, seconded by counciluan Johnaon and unani.Bously carried. PAYROLL Payroll warrants, ltoDth of August, 1966, uos. 10877 - ll.l48, in the total amount of $131,531.74, were approved on motion of Council,nan Crosby, seconded by Councilman ilohnaon and unanimously caffied. [ayor ceorge proclai.Ed the rYeek of Septenbet L7 - 23, 1966 ee "@NSTITUIIOtr WEEK." ACKNOI'LEDGIENTS Itre Chair acloo\dedged receipt of an official rogter fr@ the City of Pacifica, nonthly report8 fro the Fire anil Police Departuents aDd l,linute8 fro the Planning Conniaaion and the Park Comission. NIIOUNNUEITT t'he neeting regularly adj ourned at l0:O5 p.n. 8elpectfully suhlttcd, ,(-,,,4. IIERBERT K.AE, CIry CIJERX APPROVED: EDTARD D. GEORGE, }IAYOR PROqLAI.IATION