HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2001WHEREAS, the City adopted provisions governing campaign contributions to a City Council candidate or to any Council candidate -controlled committee In 2007 a codified In Chapter 2.25 of Title 2 of the Burlingame Municipal Code, and I • A candidate or controlled committee for a candidate can receive up to $500 in an election cycle from an individual • A candidate or controlled committee for a candidate can receive up to $1,000 on cycle from an organization; and WHEREAS, the contribution limits were automatically adjusted by the Finance ea& �.PTtA�iypg the maximum amount specified in this section by a fraction, the numerator of Which is the CPI -U, published for the month of December immediately prior to that March 1, and the denominator of which is the CPl_U, published for December, 2006; and WHEREAS, beginning in 2022, City Council elections will no longer be conducted at -large and Instead, Councilmembers will be elected by -district, with each council seat election encompassing approximately 20% of the City's population-, and WHEREAS, as a result of the decreased population that candidates must is intended to establish fair contribution limits that will reduce any actual or perceived influence of contributions on City officials whiie ensuring that candidates can raise the money necessary to conduct effective campaigns for office; and WHEREAS, to create transparency in Council campaigns, this Ordinance establishes equal limits for individuals and organizations, and lowers the threshold for reporting contributions, and WHEREAS, to encourage a diversity of candidates and create an equal playing field, this Ordinance establishes a voluntary exr- • • e DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS- Sgglign 1,1 The recitals set forth above are true and correct, and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth in their entirety. aegion 2. The City Council hereby finds that the proposed Ordinance is in the public interest. I I MOMMUM Y-MMAM Chapter Z "Definitions," of the State Political Reform Act (Section 82000 et s@_q. of the Government Code) shall govern the inte[pretation of the provisions;of this chapter, The Wowing weFds have the fal!Gwi when! used in or in GGnnecAien with the provisions of this GhapteF-- (1) "Candidate" means a candidate for an elective city office. (2) "Controlled committee" means a controlled committee controlled directly or indirectly by a candidate for elective city office or that acts jointly with �a candidate for elective city office or another controlled committee in connection with the making of expenditures (4) "Individual" means a natural person. (5) "Organization" means a partnership, joint venture, syndicate, business trust, company, corporation, limited liability company, association, committee, and any other organization or group of persons acting in concert. ry t . W alili ElIffilff�.Il Regulations. L'I 1ZvnmrnA---iL- wralr� 4-L-;- ,fj^rj 11 MIa. W I T - Z MEMPATIMMMIN. 1 111 1111 No. 1% MaN ..•"'i i NJ I-J- RON 6- M�M[1191111 1 1 111111pil I EPITIMITIT-MMILITUMM r-#7rLM,l71 I 1-27-27737#77174TIFF1 T-07mra Ts -To arry Mfg a or to any single controlled committee totaling more than -,.- th—a.l. ($4,000.00) three hundred and fifty dollars ($�%00) in an election period. (c) It is unlawful for any candidate or controlled committee to accept contributiona from any individual totaling more than five hundred dollars ($600.00) three hundred and fifty dollars ($35%PM In an election period. (d) It is unlawful for any candidate or controlled committee to accept contributio from any organization totaling more than oRe thews -and de iar-s ($1,000.00) t r hundred and fifty dollars (1350M) in an election period. :I . . . ....... MT a" Mr. .... . ...... . ... MAWT11 r.TA CT X M" . I FMM 1. 0 rms I A I I Section 2.25.030 Limitation of personal loans. Anonymous contributions 00 ----- ---- NutitiAot or ! ! r! MOM) or more in an election period. Mm 1 11 a - Ins mil zno HUM I I ug pona, w"m 1111P the campaign statements from persons who have given less than $50.00, totaling fifty dollars ($50,00) andabove has been received, c ther ith the to ge wj contributor's street address, occupation, and the name of the contributor's employer, if a,ny,_oir the principal place of business if the contributor is self- employed, the amount of the contribution, and -the date the contribution was received. : 1111 11i I l ppu gT.M.yfig nomination papers -with the city clerk, a candidate that previously accepted the voluntary campaign expenditure limit will have one (1) opportunity to not the city clerk that they have decided not to accept the voluntaN campaign eixpenditure limit. The candidate shall thereaft�er be relieved of gbid expenditure limit. Lo �.WML# I I ar-MMUMIE1 M -R (1) The City's webs:ite will clearly identify which candidates have agreed 'to the voluntary expenditure limit (2) The City will publish on social media and in the eNews which candidates have agreed to the voluntary expenditure limit. This Will be published twice (once at the next eNews publishing after the withdrawal period and once when the ballots are mailed to resi#- r r epublish Chinese;, English, and Spanish notices in newspapers of general circulation the candidates who agreed to the voluntaLy expenditure limit. 1�iiipplpi will li��' ip Ile zmm LSIT" MAMMA (2) The voluntary expenditure limit for the November 2022 election is thirt thousand dollars ($30,000). II- -INS- INI M211 2E 0 I I- gall entitle the candidate to the benefits conferred by this section, shall within seventy4wo (72) hours of the,aity's knowledge of the violation. Mj English, and Spanish for publication; and (2) Be posted on the,CjWs website, and (3) Be posted in the City's eNews and social media account�s Ulmm- amount incurred during that election's election period by the candidate in excess of infraction or misdemeanor. provided, however, that where the prosecutor has determined that such action would be in the best interest of iustice, the prosecutor may specify in the accusato[y pleading or citation that the violation shall be prosecuted as an infraction. If 7WI M�W -11 M a this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction or misdemeanm punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 of the Burlingame Municipal Code. gection 4. The City Council finds and determines thi&Ordinance is exempt from CEQA, in that this Ordinance is not a "Project" as provided in state CEQA Guidelines section 15889. Furthermore the City Council finds and determines this Ordinance is on the environment. Section . if any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for ?.ny reason held to be invalid, �such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion Or sections of the Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Burlingame hereby iteclares that it would have adopted the Ordinance and each section, subsection, re sec iots. Section 6. This Ordinance shall go into effect 30 days following its adoption. The City Clerk is directed to publish this ordinance in a manner required by law. Settion 7. Section 3 of this Ordinance shall be codified in the Surlingarri Municipal Code. Sections 1, 2, 4t 5, 6, and 7 shall not be so codified. M An O'Brien Keighran, Mayo I, Meaghan Hassel-Shearer, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a public hearing at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of 6 to of December, 2021, and adopted thereafter on the 20th day of December, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers: BEACH, BROWNRIGG, COLSON, O'BRIEN KEIGHRAN, ORTIZ NOES: Councilmembers: NONE ABSENT: Councilmembers: NONE &aghan HAs-sel-Shearer, City Clerk