HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.12.182E.2 Burlingame, california Decedber 18, 1967 At word frqn the Chair, all in the council Chanibers arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. ROLL CAIT Present - CouncilmeD: Diederichsen-ceorge-Martin Absent - Councilmen: Crosby-ifohnson Councilman crosby, absent by reason of a prior cqmitment and counci lman Johnson, absent because of fami ly il-lness, were excused on motion of Counci lman ![artin, seconded by counci lman George and unanimous ly carried. MINUTE S Ttre Minuees of the regular meeting of December 4, 1967, suLmittedto members of Council previously, were approved and adopted. GARBAGE RATE INCREASE AIJITHORT ZED Mayor Diederichsen announced that the order of business would be prefaced by extending the privilege of the Floor to the representatives from the San Mateo County Scavenger Company, concerning a proposed increase in garbage pickup service rates. Mr. Paul F- Kel1y, identifying himself as the Attorney for the San Mateo County Scavenger Company, referred to a financial survey conducted b!, the firm of Ernst and Ernst, Certified Public Accountants, and the Findings suhnitted to council, indicating that a rate increase is warranted. Mr. Ke1ly advised that the current rates have been in effect for the past ten years; the conpany is one of very few remaining throughout the country wherein a "back-yard " pickup service is maintained; the increase in the cost of labor is the largest contributing factor and to conform with modern-day industrial trends, an employee pension plan will be initiated. To further support the proposed rate increase, Mr. KeIIy statedttrat future dumping arear will require longer hauling routes andin corduding his presentation, urged ttre support of Council by approving the propoEed rate increase. trhere being no one present to enter objections, the Chair requested the pleasure of the Council. DE SOLUTI ON NO. 67-67 "Authorizi ng an Increase in the Rate Schedule Eor the Collection of carbage " was introduced for Passage on motion of Councilman I{artin, seconded by oouncilman George and adopted upon Roll CaI1 vote. COMMI'NI CATI ONS I PROPOSED TAXI CAB RATE INCREASE A corununication frqn the City Manager, dated Decenibe t L4, L957,subnitting an amplication of subsection 5, of a proposed taxicab ordinance, and a statement that the taxi companies have no objec-tion to the re-wording of the section, recolunended that theordinance be enacted. CAI,L TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city council was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:OO p.m., - Mayor Diederichsen in the Chair. PI.,EDGE OF AIJAGIAiICE 233 Councilman ltartin, questioned b!, the Chair on the amended subsection, expressed his uncertainty on the functions of the taxicab meters r"*ren applied to both '\*aiting time" and "running time. " llhrough a series of inquiries directed t:f the City tttanager, Mr. John Ward, representing the taxicab companies, explained the taxi- cab operator's procedure in positioning the meters to indicatethe '\*aiting timer period and occasions on which the "waiting time" applies . To questions fron Council, tilr. Ward reported that the taxicab meters are inspected periodically by the Police Department to test their performance and conformance with provisions of the cityrs ordinance code and by an inspector fron the County (Sealer of Weights and Measurers . ) Follorrring further discussion, council concurred with Counci lmanMartin's request that through the services of a qualified personage, the City Marqer obtain the physical and mechanical operation of a taxicab meter for report to @uncil. councilman Martin moved that subsection 5 be amended to read: "For waiting time a charge may be made at the rate of eight dolloars($8.00) per hour, as is indicated on the taxicab meter to the nearest ten cents (10*) anil is to be included in the total registered fare provided the waiting time charge shal1 not apply to traffic delays or crossing delays for train passage. " lhe motion was seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried. RESOI;UTION NO. 871 "An Ordinance Amending Sub-section D of #6.36.12O of the ltunicipal Code of the City of Burlingame and Increasing the Rates of Fares forTransportation in Taxicabs" waE thereafter introduced by Counci lmanMartin for first reading. A second rea&rg and adoption of Ordinance No. 871 was scheduled forthe first regular meeting in January, 1968. 2. RE SEARCII COt IiICI L RE: SPAIIlP TA)( PROCEEDS A conununication frqn the covernmental Research Couneil of San Mateo County, dated Decder 13, 1967, reconunended that the proceeds to be received ty the City fron the docunentary stanp tax on the sale ofreal property, effective ilanuary I, 1968, be credited to the General Funds and applied to reduce the existing property tax. Council expressed its concurrence with the recqmendation and acknorledged the cqnnunication for fiIing. RESOilIlIONS Mr. Kenneth I. Jones, Attorney, representing the legal firm of Wilson, Jones, Irlorton & Lynch, suhnitted for the approval of Council, a seriesof Resolutions relating to the establishment of a nev, assessmentdistrict, "Bayside Improvement District No. 4. " Action thereafter was initiated as follorrrs: RE SOIT'TION NO. 68-67 "A Resolution of Prel-iminary ApprovaL of Engineer's Report - Bayside Improvement District No. 4" was introduced for passage on motion of Counci lman Martin, seconded by Councilman ceorge andunanimously adopted upon RoIl CaIl vote. RE SOI,[,:PI ON XO. 6q-67 A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of EearingProtests in Relation to Proposed Aequisitions and fmprovements andDirecting Notice - Bayside Improvement District No. 4" (Feb. 5, 1968) was introduced for passage on motion of councilman Martin, secondedby councilman ceorge and unanimously adoptedupon RoLl call vote. 84 RESoLUIION NO. 70-67 "A Resolution Describi ng Proposed Boundariesof Assessment District, Directing Filing of ltap and Directing Recordation of Notice of AsseEsment - Bayside fmprovement DistrictNo. 4" was introduced for passage on motion of Counci lman llartin, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously adopted upon RoIlcall vote. RESOIITTION NO. 71-67 "A Resolution Establishi ng Prevailing Wage Scale - Bayside Improvement District No. 4" introduced forpassage on motion of Councilman llartin, was seconded by @uncilmanceorge and unanimously adopted upon RoLl Call vote. ORDINATiICE S - Consideration thereof: ORDINANqE NO. 873 "Prohibiti ng Parking on the Westerly Side of Arc Way Between Wi llo\^, Avenue and the El Camino Real" was given its second reading and upon motion of Counci lman }lartin, seconded tl}' Counci lman George. said Ordinance pasEed its second reading and\ras adopted by the follovring RolI Call vote: Ayes : Councilmen: Diederichsen-George-ltartinNoes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: Crosby-Uohn s on T'NFINI SIIED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 1. OPPOSITION TO GREYIIOI'ND FARE INCREASE llayor Diederichsen advised that at the council of lqayors' meeting on Noverdber 29, the application of the western Greyhound Lines for an increase in fares r^ras protested by the City of Pacificai aresolution for transmittal to the California Public utilities Corunission, opposing the "exorbitant " fare increase and the elimina-tion of comnutation fares was proposed, with individual City Councils thereafter requeated to express its views. Councilman Diartin moved that the City Council of the City of Burlingame concur with the obj ectives outlined in the resolution and that the San Mateo county Councj.l of ![ayors' be so notified. The motion was seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously carried. 2 MEETING SCHEDULES A schedule of meetings hras set forth as follows: Regular council study meeting, January 10, 1968; Council - city HaIl Architect special study meeting, ilanuary 24, L968; Council - Comnissi-on Annual Dinner, January 19, 1968 at the Ilyatt llouse and the Council - A\rxi lliarF Annual Dinner, Feburary 1, 1968 at Bob'6 on Broa&ray. Counci Iman Martin moved that the next regular meeting of Council be held on January 2, 1968, seconded \r Counci Iman ceorge and carried. ACKNOIdIJEDGEMENTS ftle Chair acknc,r'rledged receipt of a cqmlunication from the San ltlateo county Legal Secretaries Association and in response to its reqluest, declared Tuesday, January 16, 1968, as the secretaries "Day in Court. " Also ackncr'rledged were monthly activity reports received frqn the Fire and Police Departments. COMMI SSION APPOINTMEMT S T'he appointments by t[ayor Diederichsen of It{aj. Robert S. Craig, 30 Stanley Road, to serve on the Civil Service Coruri ssion and !lr. Tthonas c. Taylor, 1112 O<ford Road, to serve as a member of the Planning Conrnission, \.rere confirmed by Council. 285 WARRANT A}ID PAYROLL APPROVAL warrants, Deceraber, 1967, Nos. 9642-9827, duly audited in the amount of $119,869.61, qrere approved for payment on motion of Councilman George and seconded by Counci lman Martin. Payroll rrarrants, November, 1967, Nos. 5532-6136 in the anount of $157,595.40, \.rere approved on motion of Councilman George and seconded by Counci lman t{artin. AD]OURNITIENT HoJ.iday greetings extended by the Chair adj durned the meeting at 8: 55 p.m. Respectfully subnitted, .%r-&rJ,/e,*d-b HEREERI K. 9llIITE - City Clerk APPROVED: /rL*- r,r .A..zn--/."---^- XIERIIER H. DIEDERTCIISEN MAYOR