HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.12.1642L california 15, 1968 the Counci 1 Chanber arose and gave the a4r. At word frm ttre Chair, all Pledge of Allegiance to the ROLI, CAI,L Present - Councilmen:AbEent - Councilnan: Kennedy Electric Co. Central Electric Co. Rosendin Electric eo.R. Flatland Co. Steiny & ltitchell Burlingame, December CALL TO ORDER A regular meetingr of the Burlingame city council was held on the above given date. liteeting called to order at 8:OO p.m., - llayor irohnson in ttre chair. PITIXiE OP AIJIJGI'ANCE in r1 MINUIES t*re llinutes of the regular meeting of Decedber 2, L968, submitted to Council nembers previously, rrere approved and adopted. F IRE }IARU APPARATIJS SIGNALS Bids for Pire Apparatus Sigaals, Pire Station #3, Rollins Road, receivcd per bid advertieenent and opcned at 10:00 a.m., on Ihursday, December L2, L96A, were declared as follcnrs: BIDDER IOTAL BID Crosblr-Di ederi chsen-George-Johnson[artin (8:30 p.n. ) (Excused ) ,495.55 .55 .o0 .00 .00 ,70L ,?22 ,372 ,122 94 4 4 6 7 Engineer's Estimate $ 4, 174.30 A cmnunication frcm the city Engineer, dated Dec€mber 12, 1958, reccrmended that the firm of Xennedy Blectric be awarded the contract,being the lorest responsible bidder. A memo footnoted on the cqnounication, under the Bame dtte, fron theCity ltlanager, concurred with the recmrendation. RESOUT"ION !IO. 87-68 r'A\rardi ng Contract for Fire Apparatus Signalsl'ire station No. 3- Rollins Road - ilob No. 68-19"(xennedy Electric $4,495.55) was introduced for palrsage on notion of councilnan Cros{, eeconded \l Counci lman Diederichsen and manimously adopted upotrRoll Call. PRES:ENTATTONS 1 IITGIIWAY PROPOSAL FOR OVERPASS lllhe City llanager advised that ltr. Charles Norfelt, representing the State Division of Eighways, because of illness, was unable to appearto present the latterrs proposal to improve traffic conditions inthe area of the Broadetay OrerpasB. llhd subject was continued toa study meeting on iranuary 8, 1969. CIASSTFICATIONS ST'RVEY REPORT llr. Warren Schr'regel, representiDg ttte Cooperative Personnel Services, was recognized by the Chalr and invited to cquent on the lrurveyretort prepared by his agensy and affecting e[nplryeee' classifications. 2 BIDS - 422 Ittr. Sctnregel suggested that the preliminary report of the classifica- tion survey under suhissioir, be accepted rrithout action and itsrelease to emplolrees be authorized; that forms are available inthe Office of the City t{anager for those wtro wieh to appeal t}eclassificatLdrs, with the recmnendation that the revLeor perlod beIimited to tro weeks follding the release of the report to the emPlotltees. It{!. Schrregel outlined the contents of t}re survey rcport, statingthat the prelininary report is the first of four reports to besubaitted ty the cooperative Services; the second will be ttre finalreport of the clagsification recqrmendation; the ttrird a prelininary report of salary recdulendations and the fourth a final report ofsalary recorulendations for the consLdcration of council prior to llarch l, 1969, the latter trro reporta to fol1G, procedure rec@lendedin the preaentation of the classification survey. follolring a brief Diederichsen thatto city eorployeescarried. period of inquiries, it was rnoved b1z counciLtranthe prelirninary report be accepted for distrilnrtion seconded \l Counci lman Crosby and unanimoualy Ittr. Schwegel, in reply to the city Uanager, estitnated that the Cooperative Personnel Service will auhit its final classification recqmendation within a period of trro to three weeks subsequent toa revierr of appealE. lilr. Schweqe I was advised that he will be notifed to appear at a Council study meetinq at the appropriate time. PROCEDURE REV-ERSED @titltuNrcATroxs BAYSTDE II.TPROUEIIEITT CIIAECES A cmunication frq[ t ilBon, Jonea, llorton & L]mch, dated Decenb€r 12, 1968, referred to a resolution prepared by that Office, ordering changes and nodifications in connection vith Bayside IraProvementDistrict fo. 4. A m€mo frco the city Uanager, footnoted on the c@unication, indicatedthat staff nembers first review the subJect for report to Cqrncil at the ncxt rsgtular neeting. An inquiry to llr. David Xeyston, the developer, in attendance, lndicated he had no obJection to the Poatponement and council thereafter concurred with the reconendation of the city l{inager. PEEIUSUIA AVETUE PARKTISG LIT,TITATION A c@trunication to the City llanager, frm the city Planner, dated Deceuber 12, 1968, adviged that the Parking Cmission had voted unani.moue ly to recormend that parking be prohibited on the north side of Peninsula Avenue, frm Eruboldt Road to the railroad crossing,fron 8:OO a.n. to 6:o0 p.rn., saturdays and Sundays, holidays excepted. lFhe conunlcation stated that it appears advl.sable that the parking linitation should be institued prior to the widening project to be cmenced \z the city of san tlateo on its portr.on of the street andto keep traffic novl.ng during the period of reconstruction. A nemo fro tlre City Urnager, footnoted on the ccltmuni cati on, recqmended that legislatLon be directed to effectuate the linitatiotl. Nayor irohnson announced that the scheduled public hearings would be held in abeyance pending the arrivaL of councilman llartin and that Canncil would proceed with Agenda ftem VIII 'Cmunicationg.' 1. 2. 428 5 Ihe City Attorney was directed by Council to prepare an ordinancefor presentation and first reading at the regular neeting of Council on r:ranuary 6, 1969. A cmlunication was read fr6 the Burlingane Citizens Action lorlrr, dated Decearber 11, 1968, referritlg to a resolution voted upon try the nembershlp recmending the expedition of proceedings leadingto the adoptlon d the proposed tia8ter Plan for the City of Burlingame and settLng forth specific proposals preaented in the intereat ofall the citizens of Brrlingatne. fayor arohnson stated that a citizens c@ittee is currently revi*ingthe proposed tilaster Plan and ar.rggested that the cmunications befiled with the Planning Ccruission for reference at future public hearings on the subJect. Council conqurred. 4. XAT PATCE TI REQIIEST XE: NEII OWNER PUBLIC DAITCE PERMIT A request frd tltr. Chris Vlassls, dated December 11, 1968, applyingfor a public dance perni t for the Kat Patch II establishnent, locatedat 1205 Errlingane Avenue, under his manageoent, was refeEed toappropriate city depart[ents, including the building inspection,for report to corrllcil at the next regular meeting. (Councilnan lrlartln appeared at 8 :30 p,m. ) CIIY I,IAIIACER REPORT RE: BUII,DING INSPECTIOf, INFORMATTON A c@unication was read fr6r the city llanager, dated December 12, 1968, and referred to an accopanying conplete report on the matterof tnrilding inspeetion requirements for the city. 1[he cannunLcation advised that the report of the Director of Public Works recmends the appointnent of three full ti-me inspectors atthe start of the n€!q, fiscal yeart that to support his recmuendation,the Director of Rrblic tlorks indicates (1) that the valuation forbuilding conatruction work for the first half of the current fiscalyear is equal to the entire valuation of last yearr (2) that thecity HalI construction will inerease the work load and (3) by othercity coaparigons, the Building Departrnent is not over-etaffed. the subJect natter was held for discusElon at a council study meetingin ttre future. Ihe city Engineer was authorized to retain the tHo building inspectorscurrently emplryed and to enEage a third man to fill a vacancy crcated blz a recent resignation. ORDIXAACE S - Consideration thereof s ORDIrAI{CE UO. 892 "Anendi ng Sec. 9.O4.O1O and 9.O4.O20 and Adding seC. 9.0Z.OII ant 9.04.013 to the ltunicipal code Increasing Dog License, Inpoutd and soarding lees and Froviding Exenptiona Prcm Dog License Requirements i was given its second reading and upon rnotidl of counci tran crosb'y, scconded ty Councilnan Diederichsen, said Ordinance passed its second reading and t as adopted by thefolloring RoIl Call vote: Ayes : Councilmen : Crosby-Diederichsen-Ceorge-irohnEot!-Itartin lloes ! Councilnen: None Absent Coulrcilmen: None ORDINAIICE S - Introduction thereof: ORDINAIICE NO. 893 rAn Ordinance Amend i ng the llunicipal Code of the 3.B'RLIIIGAITIE CITIEiS ACTIOE FORI'II{ RE: CITY O! BIIRL.INCAXE tilASlER PIAI{ 4?4 city of Burlingane By Adding Sub-Paragraph 4O to Section 13.20qI0 and Providing for an Intersection Stop at the fnterEection of Beach Road and Airport Boulevard " was introduced by councilman Crosbtr for first reading. I'NFIIIISHED BUSINESS 1. 'ICA'I\T'STI'DY A memo frm the City lilanager, dated December 12, 1968, referred to information his Office and the Office of the city Attorney has received concerning CAT\, service for the city of Burliigane. the City tlanager reported verbally on recent publicity wherein the FCC is alleged to be fornulating regulationa affecting cAT, franchises and advised that his Office will continue to r,rork with the city Attorney in the lnveetlgtion of the subJect and to obtain nore information corcerning Fcc regulations. RECE SS A recess was declared \z the Chair at 8:45 p.n., CAI.I., TO ORDER ttre neeting was recorlvcned b1z f,.yor Jdrnson at 8:55 p.n. HEARINGS 1. GRE€ORT & SON APPIJICATION RE: HOITL COII{PI,EX WTTIIIN BROADWAY AREA Uayor Johnson announced that this rras the time and place scheduledto continu. thc hcarLrry sr tlre .g?1r.cat16 of Gregory & SonE, to r cbrettilet a::hoteL : coBlrleir ' 6n Hrrilingarne Shore Iand Collpanyproperty in the Broadway area. ttre hearing was declared opened and a cqEnunication dated Dec€nber 2, 1968, was read fra lir. A. Il. 8a11, President, eregory & Sona,stating that the office building has been elininated fr6l the planst the hotel will be a Orree-hundred roor atructure witl convention andpublic space and an attached restaurant, with no office space inthe hotel lruilding. the ccmunication advised that the folloring items as suggested fuCouncil rnd Department Heads are included in accordance with dis-cussions at previous Council meetiags: 1. Added additional landscaping - area along botrndaries of the park are substantiaUy increased; 2. Cyclone-type fencing on all sides of the propertyt 3. Private sffer to the Distosal Phnt rith prrmps and plmp houaeto b€ built on the subJect propertyi 4. Itater loop frqtr the l5-inch line on the park property to the8-inch line on the Old Eayahore Highway with adequate fire hydrantsadjacent to the hotel building t 5. Reconstruction of the intersectionprovide a four-rray intersection with le area i Broadvray and Bayshore to -hand turn into the park atft 6. Provision for a seventy-five foot strip along Broad\ray to be taken by the Highway Department for the extension of the off-ramp and other uses; 7. Revision of the parking to provide 427 cat spacesi and 8. Openings $ri th a balcony at the ends of each hal1 to provide acceas for fire protection. 425 ttre ccmnunication reiterated a previous request that the Cityaegist the cqnpany with the Eighway Department in changing the 'non-access " reetriction on Broadway. Ittr. 8a11, recognized bl, the Chair, placed on display a revised plotplan and an artl-Et's rendition of a single structure. Referrirrg to the revised plan, litr. Hall described the features agreed upon by the developer at prior hearings before Council and pointing out the additional landscaped areaE, the parking areas to accmnodateboth the hotel and the restaurant, stated that the accesses to thepublie spaces will provide an excellent circulatory Eystem. Discussion arosre on the accessibility of the property fron the Broad\tay off-ranp and traffic problems prevalent in the area of the Overpass. Ur. Hal1 expressed confidence that with the cooperation of mermbersof the City's Etaff and the State Division of Highways, appropriatereconstruction details at the intersection at Broadway and the Bayshore can be accmplished. Ttre Fire Chief, questioned by Councilman Crosby, s tated that in hig receDt conversation rri th the developerts agent, fire protection requirernents and installations, specified by the Fire Departnent, have been agreed upon \l the developer. lte City Planner, in reply to council inquiries, stated that hisOffice has notified the architect that a conference will be necessaryto resolve s(me errora noted with respect to parking spacee and access routes. ttre Chair thereafter declared the hearing closed. A notion was introducd !y Counci l[an ]lartin, seconded b1z Councilman Diederichsen and carried, Urat a use pe'mit be granted to the applicantto construct a Horard ilohnson lloteI, substantially in accordance with aketches displayed and it€ms set forth in the letter to council, dated Deceuber 2, L968, that details of access, parking, utilLtLes, etc. be ingtalled to the satisfaction and the approval of the City andthat easements for the private sener and the water conneetion be subJect to the approval of council. ANZA PACIPTC .DIRECTIONAL SIGTI" A ccnmunication, dated November 29, 1968, was read frm clrrus ir.ltcMillan, Attorney, representing the Anza Pacifid Corporation, appealing the action of the Planning Ccrmission in denying anapplication for a special permit to erect a directional sign at 39O Lang Road. A cqmnrnication, dated December 1, L96A, was read frotr the CityPlanner, advising that the propoeed sign to advertise 'Dennyr s Reataurant i and the 'Standard OiI ccnpany Service Statlfi, n located on the OId Bayshore ltighway and tenanta of Anza Pacific, is of a type expressly prohibited by the Burlingane code both in the zoning and the sign section. (Section of both the zoning and sign ordinance were quoted. ) tlhe City Planner stated that the applicants have depended upon the ter:rns of the code chapter titled 'Directional signE' to Justifytheir application and in his report of considerable length, reasonlt were set forth wherein the propoaed sign is in violation of the code. Expressing further concern, the City Planner recalled that the city has an infomal agre€oent with the Eighrray C@isaion regarding landscaping along the freeray and etated that both the City andthe State have pursued ttre terms of the cmitnents to this tine,but ttre installation of a 'billboard' sould be an infraction onthe Part of the city. :fn conclusion, the eity Planner recornended that the application bedenied, on the baaia of both violation of the code and as a planningerror. 2 426 llayor arohnson recognized l{r. Clrrus aI. I{efi$llan, Attorney, who advised that his client is proposing to relocate an existing signon Denny's Restaurant, 1299 Bayshore Eighway to Iang Road, thatthe propoaed sign is a directional sign, necelrsary to alert tiotoriststo the location of ttre reEtaurant and the service station, the latter establi8hments currently experieneing a hardship by reaaon of Ehe opening of the new northbound off-ranp at Broadway. Discusgion aroae on the tet 'directional sign' applied in this inatance aa a request to direct highway travelers to the OId Bayshore off-ranp to 'patronize' Dennyrs Restaurant and the Standard OiI Cctrpany's service station, and where, in fact, direc-tional signs as designated in the eode, were not intended to permit advertisement of a particular business establishment. Ehere being no reaponae for cments frm Ehe audience, either infavor or in opposition, the Chair referred to council. Counci 1 nemberg ttrereafter questioned the propriety of pernittingthe conatruction of a sign as requested and for the use proposed;stating that approval would establish a precedent, and that therecqmendation of the City Planner and the action of the PlanningCmiasion should be concurred with. liayor Johnson suggested that the applicants question ttre etate high- way departtnent on the feasibility of placlng a 'roadside business'sign. A notion was introduced lry Councilman eeorge, seconded \r CouncifunanIttartin and unaninously adopted that the action taken by ttre planning Comisslon be auetained and that the special permi t for a directionalsign be denied . IiIEII BUSTTTESS 1. CATIFORNIA COUUISSTON ON AGIIiTG A cmnunication was read fr@ the California Cmission on eging,dated December 4, 1958, requesting the designation of a nember ofCouncil to serve as a liaison between the Cqutri ssion and the Councilto reccive information of federal and Etate prograrns in the fieldof aging that will be valuable to the cmunity. Councilman Cros\r accepted the appointment as Council liaison as requested . LOCAL AGENCY FORIIATIOIT COIIIIISSION A cmrunicatiqt was read frm the San ttateo local Agency FomationCmission, dated Decernber 5, 1968, inviting Council to berepresented at a meetingt scheduled on December 18, 1968, to hearUr. E. R. Stallings, County ltanager, discusE his proposal to establisha county service area in the southeast portion of the County, toinclude all unincorporated urban areas, with the exceptidr of EaatPaIo Alto. lrtre comunication stated that the proposed county servicewill be divided into subzones so that various anounts of taxeE naybe levied for the several levels of service. councilman l,lartin alerted council to carefully survey the proposal,particularly with respect to the application of tax rates. the City Planner adviscd thag he would be in attendance at the scheduled meeting on Decernber 18. Councilnan ltartin spoke briefly on the information being soughtfro the County of San ltateo by the Burlingame Ei1ls residentseoncerning annexation, stati.ng that a neeting rrith the lattergroup and representatives frdr the Stete of California and the County Engineeringr Departnent had been echeduled dt lledneaday evening, Decernber 18. 2. 4?-7 ACKNOWI.EDGEIIIENTS CO}'UT'NICATIONS Iitayor arohnaon acknarledged receipt of the follotving cdtulunications: 1. lr Mrs. Alice Uay Schuck, 8O4 Bayswater Avenue, dated December 10, 1968, expreasing appreciation to Council for its approval of the recent 'cost of living' increase reflected on her monthly reti rement check; 2. Frdr the california Roadside council, dated Decembe t 2, L968, requeating aupport either fully or ln principle to the lederal Bighway Adninistration I s proposal to involve the public noredirectly in highway location and design decisiqrs; 3. Fror lleyerhaeuEer colpany, 851 Burlrray Road, dated Decernber 2, 1968, reguesting information concerning steps that are being takento alleviate traffic congestion at the Broadhray intersection. t'hecity uanager was relluested to notifir the nanager of the coopanyof the aranuary 8, 1959 Etudy neeting and the presentation of the Staters proposal, 4. Frdn the City Clerk, city of South San Francisco, dated Deceuber 5, 1968, announcing the oppositionof that City, in a letterto the Local egenqf Formation Cdmiaaion, to the annexation ofthe creen Valley and the o,( Lountain areaE to the City of Half I'loon Bay, 5. Fr6 llrs. Catherine Adams, 4536 vtilshire Boulevard, Ips Angeles, requesting the reduction in the $100.00 per day fee code provisionto operate a Palnistry Studio; 6. Frdn the l{eEtern Union Telegraph Cdrpany eoncerning an applicationfiled with the Public UtilitieE c@nission, requesting changes inrates for intrastate service in California affecting telegraph consumersi 7. Prcn the City of Millbrae, dated December 9, 1968, extendinginvitations to attend the Opening Ceremony of the new Junipero Serra Freelray on Deceniber 20, L96A, at 9:3O a.m.; 8. Frm the Seventh crade Confir ation Claas, Ctsrist I theran Church, 2828 rrouedale Drive, appealing to Council to delay the decoratidrs displayed during the Christnas holidays until after t'hanksgiving Day next year. !{r. vlillian Hauser, ceneral tlanager, Burlingame Chamber of Cffinerce,in reply to Council inquiry, spoke on the dependence of the rnerchants on the tranporrer of the various city departnentE to place thedecorations at the convenience of t}re latter, noting that thelights, horever, are not turned on until after Ihanksgiving. A general discusEion follcr,ved, lri th Ur. Eauaer consenting to meetwith nembers of Council in advance of the next holiday season in aneffort to coordinate the atreet decoration prograrm. APPOINTMENTS TO COII{IIII SSTONS ljlayor Johnson suhitted the follc.ring names to serve on the geveral Comission, s confirrned by nembers of Council: BEAUTIFICATION COMI,II SSION To the ner.rly fomulated Ccrmission: trtrs. Aline B. Lrenz, Illr. E. wood sGiberson, Ur. Clarence Ruach, ltr. Richard Bortolin, Hr. John lrt. Fisch,Ittrs. Betty llarder and !lrs. ilessiea lturphy t CN'IL SERVICE COIOIISSION the reappointment of U!. Arthur E. and Mr. David t. Rodgerst B1odgett, l,laJ. Robert S. Craig 4e8 IIEALTH SAFETY & TRAFFIC COII{MISSION I'he reappoint[ent of l{r. iloseph A. Alimus and Nr. R. C. ttreuer. $re City ttanager vras requested to notify the Beautification Co.[[i ssionto organize as set forth in the ordinance. ESTII,pIIIAII DIIqER A cqumrnication, dated December 10, 1968, was read fr@ the cityAttorney, notifying Council that Ur. ilohn A. Busterud of the lawfiir of Broad, Buaterud & Xhourie, San Francisco, has advigedthat his firn will soon cmence anti-trust litigation seeking recovery in damages fron water meter suppliers to public entitiesfor the Period ilanuary 1, 1958, through June 3O, 1967, and invitingthe City of Burlingarne to participate a8 a party plaintiff, if interested . lte City Attorney advised that the Office of the City Clerk hag furnished his Office lvith detailed infomation indicating lnrrchaseenade by the City fron the Naptune ueter Cmpany for the period, inan lnount in excess of $54,O0O.00, and if Council elects to retainthe law firm to represent the Cityrs intereat in the impendinglitigation, the fee would be in the .nount of 9320.00. A letter in the for:m of an agreement for execution on behalf of thecity acc@pan ied the cmunication frcm the city Attornqf. Folloring a brief discussion, wherein Council was advised bl, the City Attorne!, that the law firm in question engages in a considerable anount of litigation suita of this nature and by the City Engineer that ttre current budget includes an allocation of $8,000.00for the purchase of rrater neters presumably to be purchased frcnthe Neptune lleter Co., a notion was introduced hy CouncifunanDiederichsen, seconded bry Councilnan Crosfu and unaninously carried,that the City Uanager be authorized to execute the agreement forlegal services as outlined by the City Attorney. SA}I UATtsO COUNIY DEYEIPPI{ENT ASSOCIATION AYTARDS PRESEITTATION ltayor alohnson advised that a mernber in each of the Dux Insorporated,the Facit-Phdner, Inc., and ttre Abbott laboratories cmpanies, located in Burlingame, has received special award s at a recent San llateo County Development Association dinner meeting and tiat an appropriate cm rnication has been written to each in behalf of council. "CONGRESS OF EI.ECTED OFFTCIALS' llayor irohnson advised of receipt of a toemo frol the North san llateo County Council of Cities announcing a 'Congresa of Elected Officials'dinner neeting on December 19, 1968, at tlre lhunderbolt in Millbrae,at 6:30 p,m., and a telegrram frm ilames Y. Fitzgerald, Chairman, San l{ateo Counth Board of Supervisors, concerning the i[Portanceof governnental issues. RUSSIAN ORTBODo:( BROfiIE RIIOOD ftre Chair referred to a letter received fra nembers of the Rtrssian orthodox Brotherhood, concerning a conditLon of the vacant proPerty adjacent to ttteir Church and requesting the conatruction of a crosst alk fror the Church to wi llcr, Avenue, stating that the requeata had been referred to the city Engineer and to the state Divisionof Highways respectively. }INW'TTS,/REPORTS ACXNOI|I,EDGED Mayor ilohnson reported on the recent testimonial Dinner sponsoredby the Pacific Gas & Electric Company, honoring retiree aloseph A.Aliarnrs, attended by officials and city employees r€preEentingthe City of Burlingane. ANrI-TRUST SUrg (raAlER UETERS) 4?,9 Uayor ilohnson ackncrrldged receipt of monthly activity reportEfron the Fire Departnent and the Police Department. Councilnan ceorge, observing that the Health, Safety & Traffic cmnission, at its regrular neeting on Dec€! b€r 10, 1968, adj ourned due to a lack of a quorum, initiated a brief diecussion on the inconvenienee experianced by r0embers of staff on such occasions. Council concurred that Cormissioners be informed to advice the Clty ltanager of theLr abaence in advance of a gcheduled meeting. It:vras recomtrended that the rule of autmatic dismissal fo1lc*ring taro consecutive absences without exceas be enforced. ANNUAI,, DINT{IER IIEETI}iES the City llanager was directed by Council to arratrge for dinner meetings with Council hosting the various city cdmrissions and the Auxiliary Pire and Police personnel the first of the coling year. TIOLIDAY CI'SI}TG tlhe City llanager was authooized tl!, Council to close the City HallofficeE at noon on nresday, December 24. WARRANTS ltarrants for the uonth of December, 1968, Nos. 1876-2065, in thetotal amount of $235,198.15, duly audited, \rere approved for palment on motion of Councilnan crosbry and seeonded tryr Counci Lnan Diederi chsen - PAYROIJ Payroll warrants, ttonth of November, 1958, ltos. 1982-2585, in thetotal amount of $173,085.91, ltere approved on motion of Counci lman crosby and seconded by counci lnan Diederichsen. EAST BAYSHORE IUPRoyEUENT ASSOCIATTON ur l{bde Sherrard of the California trucking Association, addressedcouncil to suggest ninor changea to the Old Bayshore Highway toalleviate traffic congestion in the area of the Overpass. Cmnrnications received frqn Hyatt llouse Hotels, iI.L. Tauater and Co. Inc., T'hqnas A. Schutr cornpany, Inc. and the Waldo organilation, nemlcers of the East of Bayshore Inprovement Association, with officegin Burlingane, sutnitting sinilar requests, were acknc*rledged. Ur. Sherrard was invited to the Etudy meeting on January 8, 1969,at which tine the State Eighway Department would present itsproposal to improve conditions at the subj eet intersection. lllhe City llanager waa requested to also invite members of the Eastof Bayshore Inprovement AsEociation to be present on that occasion. ADVANCE.STAR HOLIDAY OFFtsR I{ayor Johnson advised that Council has been offered a special rateof 913.00 b,y the Burlingane Advance-Star to extend holiday greetingg through its nedia to the general public. Council thereafterdeclined the offer. COIT.ECE OF SAI{ MATEO Ur. frving S. emstrup, 2708 Trouedale Drive, suggeEted to Councilthat . coununication be addreased to Dr. Robert Elrigleben, Preaident,college of San ltlateo, cmnend ing his program to control violenceon the College of San liiateo Carnpus. 4ts0 A motion was introduced by Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried that a couounicationbe forvarded to Dr. Ewigleben, cmnending his actions and endorsing his progran. N)irouRl${ENT ttrere being no furtheregularly adj ourned a APPROVED: ransaction of busineas, the meeting !'raa 1:26 p.m. Respectf ully subrni tted, rtt1 /*, ELLTNOR IJ. Deputy city Cl rke CHARTOTTE JOENSON UAYOR , b&/1,/'?-,x-' L