HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.09.18A regular Eeetlng of the Burltngane Clty Councll was held on the above glven date. l,leetlng called to order et 8:15 p.n., - Mayor Diedertchsen ln the Chalr. CALL TO ORDER Present - Counciloen:Absent - Councllmen: MINIITES 193 Croeby-Dlederlchsen-George-Johnson-Iiartln (8 : 25 pm) None Ir $15,818.00 18,754.90 26,426.50 30,711.00 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chair, all in the Council Chanber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CAI.L Ttre Mlnutes of Septenbet 5, L967, subuitted to Councll previousl were approved and adopted followtng an amendment to record that consolldated regular D€etlng and an adjourned oeeting were held concurrently" on this date. a BIDS CIIY SIDEWAIX REPAIR PROGRAM (JOB 67-15) Contractors blds for the annua I stdeualk repair prog,raE, opened in conpliance wlth advertlseEent therefor, t ere announced as followe: BIDDER IOTAL BID U. Peira & Son A. V. C. Concrete Lowrle Pavlng Co. H. E. Casey Co. Engtneer rs Estloate $24,999.00 A co""'r'unlcatIon from the City Engineer, dated Septenber 12, 1967, advlsed that the Low bld wae recetved fron U. Peira and Son and lt was his recomnendation that the contract be asarded to that f lrn. The Clty Englneer also requested that his departuent be perDlttedto lncrease the project over and above the orlginal quantltles,with an underatanding, that the coots thereof w111 not exceed theflecal year budget of 925,000.00. A memo frou the Ctty Uanager, footnoted on the co.-"unicatlon con- curred wlth the recrendatlon and that addttlons to the contractprlce be oade lf found deairable. Tre Clty Englneer, in reply to Council inqulrles, stated that tnthe past and on occaslon of recelvlng 1on blds, Council hae author-lzed hlg offlce to increase the renge of the repair prograo et theunit prlces quoted. RESOLUTION NO. 51-57 'rAwardlns Contract for Cit @- Job No.-67-15" (u. petra was lntroduced by Counc t lman Crosby, who moved seconded by Councilman George and unanLmously aCall. yS&sits doP ldewalk Repairon, $16,818.00) Paasag,e,tcd upon Roll ITEARING (Contlnuatton) PIO}TBO CONSTRUC TIO N CO: APPEAL DIRT HAI,L Mayor Dlederlchsen announced that this rras the tire and place scheduled to contlnue the hearlng on the Plonbo Constructlon Coo- Burllngarne, Callfornla September 18, 1967 .191 penyrs eppeat froo the denlat of an appllcatlon to conduct a dirthaul on Trousdale Drive . A comn'unlcatLon dated Septenber L5, L967, ras read froo ilr. LutherM. Carr, Attorney, representlng the P lombo Construction Conpany,advtslng that due to unforeseen developoents, a tco-week'e delayln the heartng is requested. The co'r"untcetlon state that ln thetnterlm, the aoount of dirt propoeed to be routed on TrouedaleDrlve nay be eubstantlalty reduced. Followlng a brief discueston, Councllnan Johnson Boved thet the hearlng be contlnued to the regular neetlng of October 2, L967,wlth a reservation that lf necesaary, the hearing date oay be agaln advanced. CO}O.TUNICATIONS I RECTOR CADILIAC REQT'EST TO PAVE A con"qrnlcation frm the City lianager, dated Septembet L4, L967, advleed that Rector Cadillac has requeated pernisston to peve en unused City of Burllngae rlght-of-eay area abuttlng 1ts property and lt uas the rec or'"".nda t lon of hls offlce that pernlsston begranted on the basls of a revoceble pemit and subject to severalconditlons. Mayor Dledertchgenrs report on hls personal vialtation and hisobservatlon that the area ln questlon haa been paved, lnltlated dlscuealon and confirned that the contrector in fact, has paved the abuttlng property. The eubJect wes referred for further dlscusalon at the Councll etudy neettng on September 20; that ln the lnterlD, the Clty Manager obtaln froo the contractor a legal deecrlpti.on of the area propoeedfor pLrbllc usage and a stateEent from the c oEpany of its wtlltng- neas to conply rlth terms of a revocable pernlt, together wlth abinder absolvlng the City from any and all claius that nay arleefrm the use of satd property. The Clty Attorney was authorlzed to prepare a revocable pernlt for Counctl execution at the next regular Eetlng. 2. FREEWAY AGREEMENT A com,rnlcatlon dated Septenber 13, 1957, froo the Clty Manager, advlaed that in connectlon wlth the State's congtructLoo of anaddltlonal northbound off-ramp, a resolutlon authorizlng a Freet ay Agreeoent ls requlred. Reporttng verbally, the Clty Manager advtsed that the executlon of the Freeway Agreeoent authorlzes the State Division of H advertlee for btds to provide an addltlonal northbound o the Broadway Interchange. igtt huays to - raErP at RESOLUTION NO. 52-67 'rAuthorlzlng Erecutlon of Freeway Agreeoent @ur11ngaroeaidthestateDlvl8ion-of-Higtrrraya''was lntroduced for passage on Eotlon of Councilnan Hartln, seconded by Councllnan Johnson and unanlmoualy adopted. 3.'IVARIABLE ITEIGHT DISTRICT'' REGT'IATIONS A comrnicat lon, dated August 29 , L957 , f rom the City Planner, advlsed of an action taken by the Plannlng Co'mlssi.on on July 24, 1967, proposlng an addltlon to the zoning code to regulate the conatructlon of high-riee apartment buildlngs and referred to a reeolution, findlngs and mlnutes of the Comisslon relative to the subJect arnendoent . ORDIMNCE NO. 868 "An Ordinance Addl Zonlng, of the Mun lcipal Code of the ng Chapter 25.35 to Title 25, Ci.ty of Burl ingaoe Creating 195 a Varleble ltelght Dlstrlct and Regulattng the Helght of Apartnent Buildlngs Wlthln Sald Dtstrlct" rras lntroduced by Councllnan Crosbyfor first reading. A publi.c hearing, as required by code procedure, wae scheduled by Councll to be conducted at the next regular Eetlng, October 2, L967. 4.ALEXIS ZORBA RESTAURAM@ A corrrunicatlon dated August 29 , L967 , was read f roo l,lr. M. Kourkoutakis, applying for a specLal permit to provlde llve enter- talnment at the Alexls Zorba Restaurant, located at 1330 Old Bay- shore Hlghway. Ttre City Manager lraa authorlzed to request the customary flre,police and health inspections for report to Councl-l. 5. SEMTE BILI 837 c PTER t332 A co"nnr.rnicat lon dated September I, L967, from the County Manager,referred to Senate Bfll #837, whlch authortzes cltteg and countlesto inpose a ta:K on lnetrurnents of conveyance rrlth respect to realproperty transfers. The County Manager advlsed that the ta:K is at the rate of 55C for each 9500 of the value of property transferred exclusive of any Llens or encumbrancee reoalnlng at the tine of sale; that thelegislatlon authorizes cltles to lmpo8e a tax ofone-half that amount wlth a credtt belng given agalnst the county tax If theclty tax eonforms with the enabllng act; and thst the enactnentwlll be effecttve January 1, 1968, unless the Congress of the United States provldee a tax on property transfere on or beforethat date . The Clty Attorney, ln reply to Counctl lnquirles, advlsed that thetax replaces a federal levy on real estate taxes and revenue there-fron u111 be shared equally betreen the County and the Cltles. Action was wlthheld pendtrg receLpt of a 'rmdelrr ordlnance cur-rently belng drafted by a cor*-"lttee frm the League of Callfornia Cltle s . RESOLUTIONS None ORDIMNCES None T'NFINISHED BUSINESS t REPORTS FROU COI'NCIL Councllnan George announced a Beetlng of the Clty-County CivllDefenae-Dlsaeter Preparedness Councll to be held tn the Clty ofSouth San Francisco, on Thursday, September 2L, L967, with membersto tour that Cttyrs newly coopleted Shelter. Counclloan Johnson reported on her attendance at a recent Chamberof Cor'nerce Executlve Board reeting at rrhlch tlne Mr. Willlan J. Hauser was lntroduced as the new General Manager, a "bayfront"conmittee was appointed to work wtth the City's Clvlc InproveoentCo@lttee and an announcenent rdas -.de that the general meubershlpwlll dlscuss clty ioprovements at a neeting on September 29. None NEW BUSIIIESS 1e6 Councll was remlnded by Counclloan Johnson that Cuernavaca Parkwlll be offlcially dedicated on October 22nd, with mobers of theSteter City Comlttee and members of the Park and Recreation Cocrmlgs lons coordlnating their efforts to co@oorate the occasLon. 2. REQIJEST fi) MISE TAXICAB RATES Counciloan Hart in referred to a EeEo received from the City Clerk concerrnlng an application recelved frou the taxicab ownerE toralse taxi fares. the City Manager rras requested to lnvlte repreaentatlves therefrouto lreet with Councll at ltE atudy neetlng on l{ednesday, Septernber 20. 3. SAN MAIEO COI'NIY COT'NCIL OF MAYORS Mayor Dlederlchsen announced thst the next Deeting of the San Mateo County Council of liayors would be held on Septeober 29, L967, Lrrthe Clty of San llateo, on whlch occaslon represeotatives were to announcC the reactlon of thelr respectlve Council members on (1) the proposed Southern Bay Crosslng and (2) Judge Roy Seagravest programfor School Trainlng in Law and Crlne. APo ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 11 of Council sas deferred until the study neeting on Septeo- 20.ber Mayor Diederlchsen acknowledged recelpt of comotrnicat ions fron the Burliogaue Flre Department, volunteerlng lts services in connectlonwlth the October l0th Sewer Bond electlon; from the County of San Mateo re: Charter Study Comtttee neeting on September 2let; fron Supervleor Jame g V. Fitzgerald, announc Lng the deeignatlon of Octo-bei 8-14, 1967 by Governor Reagao, for a stateslde salute to 'rCltyand County Governments;rr Uinutea from the Penlneula Division, Leagueof Callfornla Cities and from the San Mateo County Safety Counell and oonthly reports from the Fire and Police Ilepartments. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Warrante, Month of Septeober, 1967, No. 9093-9244, in the amount of $203,139.98, duly audlted, lrere approved for paynent on Dotlon of Counciloan Crosby and seconded by Councllnan George. F PAY Payroll lfarrants, Month of August, 1967, Nos. 3958-4486, ln the aoount of $[45,270.46, were approved on motlon of Counc llnan Crosby and seconded by Counc ilnan Johnson. CIIT ENGINEER COUMENDBD l{r. G. K. Crandall , 2606 Trousdale Drive, addressed neobere of Council to corend the City Englneer for his re8ponse to a cmplaint reglstered concernlng a flooding at 2605 Trousdale Drlve and the prompt sewlce glven to elinlnate the condltlon. ADJOI'RNMENT the oeetlng was regularly adJourned at 9:30 p.u. ln respect to the meoortes of Alvln S. Hatch, foruer San ldateo County Supervlsor and Ruseell J. ltrrphy, nember of the Burllngane Park Cmtgslon, wlth coplea of the foregoing rBlnutes to be fonrarded to the fanllles of each. Respectfully submltted, ,,./.b APPROVAL O ROLL APPROVED: 4/'"./.r""/ },. H. DIEDERI , l,[aYoR RBERT tw{'l