HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.08.21178 Burlingame, California Auqust 2l , 1967 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the a,bove given date. l,teeting ca11ed to order at 8:05 p.m., - Irlayor Diederichsen in the Chair. At r,rord from the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. ROLT CAIL Present - CounciLmen: Ab8ent - Councilmen: Crosby-D iede rich sen-George-Johnson-!{artin. None. !4INIITES Ehe minutes of the regular meeting of August 7, 1967, submitted to Council previously were approved and adopted, follonrring Councilnanuartin'6 requeat that hie cornnenta concerning Library budgetary require- ments include "that rented storage spaces may be made available if needed. " BIDS - MILLS CREEK SEWER (Job 57-23) Bids advertised August 6, L967, ae follsra: for the l,ti116 Creek Sewer installation, opened on in eonpliance with published notice. were declared E. Foster Company Fairley Construction Co. Fremont Pipeline Co. Associated Pipelire Co. llccuire & Bester MTAL BID $8loll L2 15 ,4L5.42 , 505.00 ,830.O0 ,890. OO , 150. OO $10,497. s0 A corununication from the City Engineer, dated August 16, 1967, advised that the loqr bid for the inEtallation of sanitary sewer mains and man- holes in a section of the City easterly of Margarita and Alturas Drive, northerly of La Itlesa Drive was received by E. Foster Company r an investi- gation of the contract atatus of the lorr bidder, determined satisfactory, it was recdrurended that the bid in the total ar0ount of $8,415.42, be accepted . A memo fron the City Uanager, footnoted on the communication. concurred. RESOLUTION NO. 47 -67 "Agrardin g Contract - ltills Creek Sewer - Job No. 67 -23" ($8,415.42) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded \r Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Roll Call . HEARING - APPEAL APPLICATION P IOII1BO CONSTRUCTION EARTII HAI'L PERMIT CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEG IANCE BIDDER Engineer's Estimate Hayor Diederichsen announc-ed that a technicality, affecting the hearing on the appeal of the P iolnbo Construction Company for an earth hauling permit over Trouadale Drive and El Camino Beal, denied by the city Hanager, may neceseitate the subject matter being re-scheduled. t7s fhe City Attorney advised that the ordinance code recites that ,,the city C1erk shall set the hearing on such appeal before the City Councilfor the second succeedi-ng regular meeting after the date of fi1ing suchnotice" and his recollection of the ordinance on the occasion of the submiesion of the appeal at the J.ast regular meeting was in error. Itr. David Carr, identifying himself as an attorney associated with the law firm of Carr, t{celellan, Ingersoll, Thompson & Horn and representing the appellant, stated that in view of circumstances related to him through the Office of the City lr{anager, his client had no objection to the re-scheduling of the hearing to the next re$rlar meeting of Council. COMMT'NICATIONS 1 .'T'P-DATE" ],952 " NOLTE REPORT" A memo from the City Uanager, dated August L7, 1967, referred to a conununication from the San Uateo County Engineer. requesting the reaction of Council regarding a proposed study to "up-date the Nolte Report of L962." Tlhe City Engineer advised, in reply to the Chair, that a period of five years has elapsed since the submission of the "Nolte Report " and a sufficient numbe r of change s have occurred throughout the county in the interim, to merit a study; in his opinion, ho*ever, the extent of the expenditure and who shall assume the burden thereof should be first determined . Folloring a brief period of discussion, the city tr{anager \ras requested to obtain further information from the County Engineer concerning costs and horr the proposed "up-grading" of the 1962 Nolte Report may individually affect the City of Burlingame. 2. BURLINGAIiIE BOWL LICENSE APPROVAI A memo from the city uanager, dated August L7, L967, advised that favor- able reporta have been received from the Fire, the Police and the Eealth Departments as the result of investigations conducted at the Burlingame Borrl Billiard and Borling Alley and it was the recommendation of his Office that the license reguested by the ne&, operator be approved. A motion to concur with the recomlendation of the City l,lanager and to approve the issuance of a license to l,lr. George 9larwi.ck was introduced by councilman ceorge and seconded by Councilman crosby. on the question, the Chair recognized !lr. Janea Kelstrom, Burlingane Boxrl ceneral uanager, r*ro, in reply to inquiries, explained meaaures taken by the ner, management to discourage the entrance of "undesirables" from the Borrl and conrpl imented the Police Department for its cooperation and assistance. 1rhe motion thereafter unanimously carried. 3 . COT'MIY OF SADI MATEO RE: WATER QUALI1TY PROBLEU STI',EX A comnunication from the county Engineer, dated August 8, 1967, advised that the California water Ouality Control Board has undertaken a study progr.rm of rrater quality problems of the san Francisco Bay and the sacramento-San iloaquin Deltar that the objective of the program is to determine the need for and the feasibility of a multi-purpose waate In reply to lr{r. Willian Caplan, President, litills Estate Home Owarers, Association. and acting upon advice from the City Attorney, [ayor Diederichgen announced that an action prior to adjournment would acknorrl- edge Tuesday, Septenber sth, the day follorring Labor Day, as a regular meeting of Council. 180 collection and disposal systen for serving ttre entire san francisco Bay-Delta area, culminating in a report to be submitted to the Legislature in January of 1969. the conmun i cat ion further advised that all cities within the Courty are invited to submit comments and recotmrendat ions concerning the prograrn to the Office of the County Engineer, and in turn, all iaforma- tion so received will be reported to the County Board of supervisors for its consideration in conjunction with the county Engineer's report and recommendations. :fhe city Engineer, at the request of the Chair, briefly outlined the purpose of the study program that includee the entire northern and southern areas of the Bay. Co|ment ing that the study rrarranta close attention to forestall a criteria that nay be econornically impractical, the City Engineer advised that Mr. John Jenks, observirtg the studies in progress, will report to his office. Councilman Uartin advised that basically, a study group is in the process of co]lecting physieal information and the data obtained will be of extreme value wten reportg are submitted to the State Legislature. Councilnan ltartin stated the opinion that information will be required from the City of Burlingame and the City Engineer rras requested there- after by Council to continue to observe the study progrram initiated by the Cal.ifornia Water Ouality Board. Mayor Diederichsen announced that this was the time and place to hear objections to tireed assessments againat particular lots parcele of land. scheduled or Ttrere being no one present to object and the City Clerk reporting that no conununication has been received in p rotest, RESOLUIION NO. 48-6? "Fixing Assessment for Weed and Rubbish Abatement, 1967" eras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Rol1 CaIl. RESOLUTION NO. 49-67 "Orderin g the Vacation and Abandonment of Portions of Certain Public Utility Easements, wire Clearance Easements and Anchor Easements as said Eaaements Are Shown on Tihat Certain lr1ap Entitled 'East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2, Burlingame, San ltateo County,California"' was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded \r Councilman ceorge. On the question, the City Engineer, in reply to Council inquiries.. advised that to improve Parce1 No. 2, of a resubdivision of a lot at the corner of Ittahler Road and cilbreth Road, it is necessarlz to vacate a public utility easement i cqrununications received fron both the ga8 and telephone companiee indicated no objection and the facility is of no eervice to the City. A Ro1l CaIl vote on Resolution No. 49-57, rras thereafter recorded as unanimous. ORDINAT{CES - Cons ideration thereof: oRDTNN{CE NO. 867 "An Ordinance Ca11in g a special Election in the city of Burlingame For llhe Purpoae of Submitting to the Electors of Said City a Proposition for the Incurring of a Bonded Indebtednees of Said Cityfor the Acquisition, Construction and Conpletion of a Certain ttunicipal Improvement r Declaring the Estimated Cost of Said Improvement, the RESOLUTIONS 181 Amount of the Principal of Said Indebtedness to be Incurred lftrerefor, and the Maximun Rate of Interest to be Paid Ihereon; Fixing the Date of Said Election, the Uanner of Itolding the Same and Providing for Notice llhereof - Seeerage Treatment and Disposal lrlorks and System" r*as given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Johnaon, seconded by Councilnan Martin, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the follorling vote: Ayes: Noes : I'NFINI SIIED BUSINESS 1. KAT PATCH II APPLICATION At the request of the Chair, the City l{anager referred to inspection reports received from the Health, Fire and Police Departments in connec- tion l'ith the application of Kat Patch II for an entertainment permit, that with the exception of panic hardware on front and rear exit doors, no other violations or deficiencies were notedr the report from the Police Department stated that no grounds were found to disapprove the granting of the license but the operation will be under surveillance. f'he city Attorney, in reply to inquiries from the Chair, stated that the ordinance uses the term "amusement" and referred to the original application received from F. B. schlageter, Attorney, representing the owner, under date of lr{ay 22, 1967, to recall the type "entertainment" proposed "regardless of label ." Mr. schlageter, recogmized \z the Chair, stated that panic hardware has been placed as required by the Fire Departtflent and thereafter introduced lr{rs. Johansen and r. Iltccullough, omer and manager respec- tively of Kat Patch II. Mr. Schlageter stated that permission is sought to a1low waitresees in addition to serving beer, to dance on a raised and illuminated stage upon request of patrons. lhere being no one present responding to the Chair'6 invitation to state their opposition, Councilman Martin recalled that numerous communications had been received by Council from persona opposing the initial opening of the establishment. tn reply to Council inquiry and upon advice from the City Attorney that Council take into consideration the number of cornmunications received originally in protest to the dancing feature of the operation, Councilman Iriartin, having in his possession and referring to the cotrununications, advised that only one directly expressed objection to the dancing. Ir{r. Schlageter at this point, filed with the city Clerk, a petition bearing the signatures of thirty-three "citizens and businessmen of Burlingame" stating their belief "that to a1low the lraitresses of Kat Patch II to dance for the public will not be detrimental to the comlunity. RECES S A recess was declared by the chair at 9:15 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Councilmen: Councilmen: Crosby-D iederich sen-ceorge-Johnson-uartin. None. :Ihe meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m. 182 KAT PATCE II APPLICATION (Continued) I{ayor Diederichsen, in a resume of licenses issued thus far to the applicant, directed inquiries to !1r. schlageter on the "type of dancing" proposed and the "type of costune" to be h,orn by the performers. t/tr. Schlageter advised that dancing will be similar to that viewed on teLevision and in places of entertainment and of a t!T)e accepted by the general public. lhe qraitresses, not professional performers, will be costumed in "nini-type outfits." Councilman Johnson's expressed objection to the "flagrant disregard of rules" by permitting dancing after the original application had been withdrawm, initiated considerable discussion on other establish- ments within the City engaging i.n a type of entertainment similar to the proposal currently before Council, without benefit of a permit. FolLor,ring further discussion, wherein members of Council expressed their individual apprehension on the entertainment feature proposed, Councilman Martin questioned tltr. Schlageter concerning restrictions Council may irnpose if the permit $rere approved; that (1) dancing be permitted only after six o'clock p.m., (2) no drastic change in the attire of waitresses currently serving beer; (3) the issuance of the permit exclusively to Urs. Johansen, the ownerr andt (4) Council be imnediately notified of any change in the management of the business operation. Mr. schlageter, in b€half of his client and the applicant, expressed willingness to comply. A motion was thereafter introduced try Councilman Martin that the permit be approved on a thirty-day basis, subject to the aforementioned conditions. The motion was seconded by counciLnan crosby and folloring a brief discussion rrrherein Councilman ilohnson expressed a reluctance but no objection to test the operation on a trial basis, a Roll Call vote t as recorded ag unanimous. 2. 1968 I'{OBIIESWEEPER ATIIIIORIZED A memo frqn the City Hanager, dated August L7. L967, recomnending the issuance of an order to purchase a nerrs 1968 Uobile Street Sweeper, less trade-in, in the sum of $12,2O4.7O, as allocated in the 1967-1958 Budget, hras concurred in by Council . 3. HEATER RE-!,lIX TREE DAIiIAGE In an sr.rering an inguiry from Councilman Uartin concerning reBtitution for tree damage resul,ting from a heater remix method applied in the resurfacing of city street6, the city uanager advised that the eontractor has indicated that in accordance grith terms of the contract, his firm is liable only if "permanent damage" has occurred. The City Attorney advised that his office will examine the contract and submit his opinion to Council at the next regular rneeting. t'he city Manager, in reply to counciLman crosby, advised that costs to correct the damaged condition of trees and shrubE have been maintained The City Manager was requested to submit a report to Council . Concluding discussion on the subject, councilman ceorqe suggested that in addition, the records should indicate the time allotted to trjm and to deLiver and deposit the material at the municipal fill . 183 .,BI'RI,INGAII{E DAY" AT FIESTA Councilman Johnson and llayor Diederichsen reported on events at the San l,lateo County Fair and Floral Fiesta honoring "Burlingame Day. " ACKNOWLEDGIiIENTS Itre Chair announced receipt of conmunications frqa w. I. Lundry, so. San Francisco, dated August L5, L967 i the covelnor's Office, State of California, dated August 18, 1967, concerning a "Salute to City and County Government week October 8 - 14", the Bay Area Air Pollution District, dated August L7, L957; the Portola D<pedition Bicentennial Foundation, San llateo County Historical Museun and accompanying brochure; and from the Office of the Hon. Leo J. Ryan re: Eigheray Projects in san ljtateo County r nonthly reports from the San l.lateo county Department of Health, the Burlingame Fire and Police Departments and minutes from the Library Board, the Planning Conunission, the Park Comnission and the Health, Safety and Traffic Corunission. Referring to the minutes of the Health, safety & Traffic comnission, Councilman Martin questioned the legality of recording minutes of meetings without a quonrm present and suggested that in such instances, a meeting be adjourned to a study meeting. Councilman Johnson, observing that the minutes received from the Library Board indicate a joint meeting of the Board and the city council scheduled for october L7, 1967, stated that council medbers will be attending the California League of Cities Annua1 Convention the week of October 14. The City Librarian, in attendance, advised that the meeting will be re-scheduled. Councilman Johnson recommended, with Council concurring, that an appro- priate communication be directed to the merdbe 16 of the Burlingame Chanber of colomerce expressing appreciation for their recent contribution for promotion purposes in the current selrer Bond Eleetion canpaign. cLArtts Claims, Nos. 8918-9092, in the total arnount of $95,570.29, month of Augtust, 1967, duly audited, were approved for palment on motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilrnan ceorge. PAYROLL Payroll warrants, Nos. 3400-3955, in the total amount of $150,992.58, month of July, 1967, were approved on motion of councilman Crosby and seconded by Counc ilman Johnson. ANIIOUI{CEUENTS Mayor Diederiehsen announced that the next regular meeting of the San lilateo County CounciL of ltayors has been scheduled oO Friday, Augtrst 25, 1967, in the City of Red\dood City. AD JO I'RNIiiE!TT MOTIONS Councilman lrtartin noved that the next regular meeting of the Burlingame city council be held on Tuesday, septedber 5, 1967, at 8:00 p.m. lltre motion was seconded by councilman Johnaon and unanimously carried. councilman l{artin further moved that the regular meeting conducted on this date be adjourned to Septe bet 5, L967, at 8:0O p.m., seconded by Councilnan Johnaon and unanimously carried. Time of adj ournment: 1O:30 p.m. APPROVED:Respectfully submitted, WERNER H.IEDERTCHSMT,R IIERBERT K. T{IIITE, CITY CLERI( REFERENCE TO CHAMBER OF CO!,IMERCE MNATION