HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.10.073?g Burlingame, california October 7, 1968 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingane city council was held above given date. Meeting ca1led to order at 8i05 p.m., ifohnson in the Chair. on the - Uayor PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At rrord fron the Chair, all in the council Chambers arose and gave the Pledge of Allegianee to the FIag. ROLL CALL Present - Couneilmen:Absent - Councilmen: CroBbtT-Di ederi ch sen-Johnson ceorge-Martin councilman George, rbient because of illness, was excused and Council- man Martin, scheduled to arrive, vras temPorarily excused. MINUTE S the Minutes of the regular meeting of September 16, 1968, sub,nri ttedto council previously, vrere approved and adopted. SISTER CITY PRE SENTATION Mayor Johnson recognized 1,1r. Ben t. Hechinger, Chairman, BurlingameSister city cqmittee, who in turn, presented to the city, a bronze plaque cormremorating the dedication of Cuernavaca Park on October 22, 196?, and so named to honor the City of Burlingame's Sister Cityaffiliation vri th the city of Cuernavaca, Uorelos, Mexico. Mr. Hechinger stated that inecribed thereon are the names of those who have been instrumental in the creation and the dedication of Cuernavaca Park, particularly counend ing the Burlingame Lions CIub's donation of the plaque. Mayor Johnson accepted the plaque in behalf of Council and the citizensof Burlingane, expressing appreciation and thanks to the Sister CityGmnittee, to the Lions CIub and to others for their contribution to theprojeet. A conrnunication was directed t)], the Chair to be transmittedto the Lions Club. Mayor Johnson announced that upon the arrival of Counci lman Martin,Council would retire briefly to the caucus roqn, meet.ing in executive session to consider cmrdssion appointments and that in the interim,the orer of business would temporarily postpone the scheduled hearing on the application of cregory & Sons. BIDS - CI?Y SIDEWAIJ( PROGRAM 1968-1969 Contractors' bids received for the proposed sidewalk repair programfor the fiscal year 1968-1969, opened at 2:O0 p.m., on fuesday, October l, 1968, in compliance vrith published notice, were declaredas follours: BIDDER ITEM TMAL U. Peira & SonH. E. Casey Co. Engineering E timate $ls,299.8s 24,4L4.25 $19, 998. OO A csnmunieation frqn the City Engineer, dated october 1, 1958, recomrnended that the firm of U. Peira and Son, the Ic'!,re st responsible bidder be awarded the contract in the total amount of 915,299.95. ANNOUNCEMENT RE: COUNCIL E)GCINIVE SESSION MEETING 380 A memo from the City l{anager, footnoted on the comnunication underdate of October 3, 1968, concurred with the reconunendation. RE SOLUTION NO 69-68 "Awarding contract for City Sidewalk Repair Program - 1968-1969 - ilob No. 68-11" (u. Peira and Son, $15,299.85)rras introduced for pasBage on motion of Councilman crosby, secondedby Councilman Diederichsen and adopted unanimously upon Roll call. COMMI.INI CATIONS 1 . WATE R SY STEM I}TP ROIEII{ENT S A cdEnunication frqn the City Engineer, dated Septedber 27, L968, advised that the Contractor, Fairley Construetors, has satisfaetorilycqnpleted the project for installing miscellaneous water mains andservices within the City and recommended that the project be formally accepted by Council. fhe City Uanager, in a memo footnoted on the ccnnruni cat i on, underdate of October 3, 1958, also recqmnended that the improvements be accepted . RE SOLUTION NO. 70-68 "Acce pting Water System Improvements - ilob@nstructors) was introduced by councilman Crosby vtho moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll ca]-l. 2. PARKIIiIG REGUIATI ON PORTION OP THE OLD BAYSHORE HIGHWEY A cof,nunication frqn the City llanager, dated October 3, 1968, advisedthat the Parking Corunission, together with the Police Department, have reccrrmended that legislation be enacted to prohibit stopping onthe east side of Old Bayshore Highr"ray fron 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., Sundays and llolidays excepted, frqn the corner of the road to the dump and thesoutherly driveway of the Standard Oil Station, a distance of approximate ly I, 1lO feet. lfhe city Attorney r^ras requested thereafter by council to prepare the necessary legislation for consideration at the regular meeting of October 21. 3 A cqnrnunication hras read from the city Engineer to the city Manager, under date of Septembet 27, L968, advising that to apply for a Federal Grant to purchase a boat and motor for monitoring purposes in the operation of the new Waste Water Treatment and Reclamation Works, a Resolution, setting forth reasons and ttre necessity for the purchase, together $rith a statement to the fact thats the equipment is to be uEed for no other purpose, is required for transmittal to the water Pollution Control Administration. The City Engineer reiterated his previous statement that the minimum landscaping required urhen the plant is cqnpleted, could be accqnplished by the Park Department, with the Plant Operators tberbafter maintaining the area. A memo frqn the city Manager, dated oclober 3, 1968, recqmended that a resolution be prepared for Council adoption. fhe City Engineer, in reply to inquiries frqn Counci lman Diederichsen, advised that samples will be taken once a month within a maximum radius of 2,O00 feet frqn the shoreliner that it is his intention to purchase a light weight, aluminum boat that may be housed within the Plant and that when cqtpleled, the oPeration of the Plant will require the emplolment of two additional men. rhe city Attorney vras requested to prepare a resolution aPPropriatefor transmittal. SEWE R T REATMENI PIJAIf,! MONITORING EQUT PMENT REQUE ST FOR SI'PPORT RE AGAINST PROPOSITION NO. 9 A memo frqn the City ttanager, dated October 3, 1968, advised that a lt{r. Richard E. Noonan, Chai rman, Burlingame Education Cmtritteeto Defeat Proposition No. 9, has requested Council to enaet a resolution indieating its opposition to Proposition No. 9 on the forthccming state Election Ballot (watson Tax Initiative. ) Liter- ature on the subject with a copy of a proposed resolution aecompanied the cqununication. lhe City tlanager advised that ![r. Noonan \rou1dto Ccuncil inquiries. Discussion was withheld pending the appearance City Attorney sulrnitted copiea to Council frqn on hcnr the measure will appear on the November be present to reply of !1r. Noonan. tthe ttre Attorney General ba11ot. 5. REPORT ON "PARKS AND OPEN SPACE " A cqflmunication frqn the city Planner, dated October 3, 1968, referred to a "Parks and q)en-Space " report of the Regional Planning Conunission, comnenting that the rePort Presents a very remarkable and conprehensive pJ.an for acquiring and preserving the anenities and recreational opportunies for San Itlateo County and reccnunends a long-term Eystem of prioritiee for acquisitions that should provide an excellent guide for the future. fhe City Planner advised that the Reglonal Planning Comni ssion will meet next on October 17 at the San llateo city IIaIL at which time comnents frqn all the cities are invited- council concurred with a suggestion frolll the city Planner that the Cqmission be cqrurended on its l.rork and that approval of the plan be specified. A written equrunication to that effect $ras requestedto be directed to the Regional Planning Cmnission. F.E SOLIIT I ON S RESOLUTTON NO. 7l-68 "Su pporting the United Bay Area Crusade" was introduced for passage on mot ion of Counci lman Crosby, seconded by councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll calI. OFDIIIANCES None ACKNOWI,EDGEMENT S.COMMIINI CATIONS Mayor alohnson acknordedged receipt of the folloring cqrmunications: 1. Burlingame Citizens Bay Preservation Cmllittee, dated September 23, 1968, submitting a list of four names frca among its membership, seeking appointment to a citizens cmnittee to \,rork with fi[r. Eahanoto and the bayfront plans. Trhe cqununication was placed on file forconsideration at such tirne as a cqmtrittee may be formed; 2. Burlingame Citizens Bay Preservation Comnittee, dated Septetdber 24, 1968, recounending that a Planning Cdrmission vacaney be advertisedin the Advance Star to attract qualified citizEnsi 3. Division of Highways, dated September 27, L95A, announcing apublic hearing at the San Mateo County Fairgrounds at 10:O0 a.m., Wednesday, October 30, 1968, for the purpose of presenting alternativeroute locations for the Junipero Serra Freerray between Woodside and Route 92; 4. City of Tehachapi, dated Septetiber 18, 1968, stating the deathof its Chief of Police as the result of gunshot wound s received whileserving a !,rarrant for an arrest and advising of its proposed State 38"1 4. legiElation particularly to "recapture the significance of a policeman and to strengthen his posieion. " A cqununication was directed sencto the City ccnunend ing its efforts in this behalf; 5. The City of San Pablo, dated Septerdber 19, 1968, urging adoption of a resolution to support that City's proposal tothe 1969 Annua] League of California Cities conference frqn Franci sco; the remove San 6. Dr. Marie D. Bonfilio, dated September 20, L968, re-appealingto Council and to the public to support her project entitled "TheViet Nam Hqre Front. " llayor Johnson recalled Dr. Bonfilio's presentation at the last meetingof CounciL and requested the pleasure of t}le members in stating adefinite position with respect to her request. Tlhe Fire Chief, in attendance, advised that his department has no objection to placing boxes in the fire stations for ttE collectionof small canned goods. Follovring a brief discussion, Counci lman Diederichsen moved that the program initiated by Dr. Bonfilio be endorsed, that a roster be placed outside City Hall, whereon the names, the serial numbers and the APO and FPO of men of this cdrrnunity serving in Viet Nam may be placed and refeffed to by those desiring to send letters or packages r and that depositories be maintained in the fire stations for the collection of food supplies. Ihe motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby. on the question, I{r. u. s. simonds, aIr., former lr{ayor and legionnaire, suggested that Dr. Bonfilio confer lrith the local American l€gion cqtEnander. Mr. Irving Anstrup suggested that a list of the service men may be obtained from military headquarters. Trhe motion was thereafter recorded as unanimous. 7. Pacific Air Transport, Inc., dated September 16, 1968, and Septedber 26, L968, urging Council to endorse its applicationcurrently before the Public Utilities Conuni s sion to establish a !on- stop jet passenger air service betvreen Long Beach and the majorairports in the San Francisco Bay Area, specifically San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland. Action rrras withheld pending the receipt of more information. (Councilman Martin tookhis position on the council rostrum at 8:45 p.m.) BLOOD BANK COMMEMORATION A csnmunication received from Ur. U. S. Simonds, Jr., Coordinator rrB, Day, Peninsula Memorial Blood Bank, announced a special qrent on Saturday, October 12, at whi ch time Supervisor T. Ipuis Chess wilL be honored by the Building Trades Council of San uateo County and requested that an appropriate corununication be addressed to Mr. Chessfron the city council. llayor Johnson stated that a letter has been prepared for presentation to Mr. Chess on that occasion. Mr. Simonds upon invitation fron the Chair, elaborated on ttre forth- coring event. A recess was declared by the Chair at 8:45 p.rn., and Council retiredto meet in executive session for the consideration of appointmentsto the nerr Park and Recreation eomnission. CALL TO ORDER t'he meeting ws again convened by ltayor Johnson at 9:O5 p.rn. 382 RECE S S 383 APPTfCATIONS GREGORY & SONS HOTEIFOFFICE BITILDIIiI3 COII4PIJX llayor irohnson announced that this was the time and place scheduledto conduct a public hearing on the apPlication of Gregory & sonsto construct a hotel and an office building on Burlingame Shore Land co. property adjacent !o the city of Burlingane's "Bayside Park. " A conrnunication was read from the city Planner, dated August 27, 1968, advising that the Planning Conunission, at a public hearing on August 27, approved in prineiple, the aPPlication of Gregory & sons. Tle city Planner advised that the construction proPoses t$ro principal structures rising above a cornrnon parking garager the hote1, fifteen gross stories, approximateE 15O feet in height; the office building ;is lower, but larger in area; the site is bounded ty the city-ornedpark, the freeway and 155 feet of unencumbered frontage on "Extensionof Broad\"ray, " the latter of which provides ttre only access to the property and no improvements have been installed in the area other than a paved center of the road leading to the park area. Continuing, the City Planner advised that the proposed constructionwill require new water and sewer lines that vrill traverse the park, necessitating an agreement bett^reen the developer and the City, thepublic improvements to be installed at the expense of the applicantwill require council agreement with respect to the location, and a driveway, providing a second means of traffic circulation for thestructures, will lead to the proposed parking area of the baysidepark, requiring further couneil approval. A coifitrunication frqn the city Engineer, dated Septedber 25, L958, reported in scrne detail, the installations that will be requiredof the developer to provide sanitary serders, storm drainage and rdater supply facilities and, corulenting on the current traffic probletns r{rithin the imtrediate area, expressed an opinion that "thislarge development will tend to aggravate if not make the situation impossible. " A memofrom the Fire Chief on the subject, related tr.ro problems of concern to the Fire Department; first, the adequacy of the lrater system to meet the required fire flotv and secondly, the design of the buildings wherein acceseibility of fire equiprnent would be d i ffi cult - In closing his report, the Fire Chief stated that "the continued addition of this type of project, plus normal develolxnent, in theindustrial areas of the City will require an increase in fire depart- ment manPor.rer and the neeessity of going to our qrater sources andbriqing more water to the general area. " A conurunication vras read fron the City Planner, dated September Ll ,1968, enlarging on and explaining tJre problems and opinion of staff metdbers. The city Planner included in his report, observations with respect to: 1. Traffic: tfhe applicant has not indicated the size of or the extentof the supporting activities of the hotel or its subsidiary services; more aceurate information is reguired concerning the generation oftraffic involving hotel reaidenee occupanry, service vehicles and business visitors to the csmrercial building and that "according topreEent plans, above tr,ro-th i rd s of the traffic serving Anza-Airport Park will also converge at this point. At the very least, a systemof traffic controls and a nerrr pattern of traffic lanes will have tobe devised at this juncture of conflicting roads; " 2. Overpass Desiqn: ltre absen ce of an approved plan forestalls waysof prevenE should be r.ng soine use alerted that of private property, therefore, the applicant 'any overpass reconsltmiLiiim wil.f. lercate HEARINGS 884 nev, problems of aecessi rl 3. Sugqested Boeq jnto Parl!: The apPlicant's Plans for a private road alonqt one boundary of his proPerty affecting the city's Park, boat parking and parking lot areas \^rould create disadvantages in that cornrnereial traffic would be introduced into the principal activity 9f the park with the major portion of the vehicles turning leftto join the traffic at Broadway t 4. Sanitarv sehrerE: Sanitary Sewers and water supply facilities areinsuffiiient for the proposed intensive use; the only feasible method is to install a force main fron the ProPerty to the sewage disposal plant \rhi ch will require a route across the park property, that the City Engineer has suggested that if such route is aPProved, a pump installation should be provided by the applicant on his property at his expense and an easement granted for the pipe with maintenanee assumed by the o,'rner s i and 5. Wate!: A recently installed 16" water line serving the Anza Airport propE?EGs is located I00 feet within the park and would serve the applicant upon approvel of council, with the cost of instaLlation to A courunication hras read from Mr. A. w. HaIl, President, cregory & Son6, Construction and l{ortgage co., Inc., dated Septe ber 23, L968, advising of the research work conducted to seek a location for a nev, office building to provide world headquarters for Airwest and a Hc,h/ard Johnson Hotel chain and the subseguent approval indicated by the Planning Conunission. The communication acknowledged the major problems that will require Council approval and stated that other restrictions that are currently under consideration are the F.A.A. approval to the height limitation and easements within the property as evidenced by a title report. With respeet to clients, Irir. Ha1I advised that all of the approvalsfor the llo\^rard Johnson hotel have been obtained and that both thehotel and the restaurant will be operated by a subsidiary of thelargest investment fund in the world and a Lease to Ainrest isanticipated to be approved this month r the total cost of constructionwill be $10,000,000.00, with hotel furnishings approximating $30O,O00.00and a like amount for office building furnishings. :[he cornUnication advised that Mr. Robert 'f'hqnpson,offices located in aurlingame, has been retained to problems. Attorney,assist in with legal It{ayor Johnson t}rereafter invited proponents to speak. Ijlr. Robert T'hompson, Attorney, representing the applicants, cqrmenLed upon the outstanding guality of the project and upon the financialresponsibility of those sponsoring the eomplex. Referring to problem items, !lr. Thorflpson advised that diligent con- ferences have been held with members of the City's staff to resolve the issues; that with respect to the City Planner, the roadway has been re-arranged and traffic problems have been handled in a mannerthat \{ri11 improve the movement f 1or.r. Irft. Thcmpson stated that the highlights of the proj ect include parking staIls to accqunodate I, 189 autonobiles, 4OO above the code require- ments, an office building, consisting of an area in excess of 2OO,OOO square feet, five stories in height and featuring an inside "court, " the total cost of the development approximating nine milliondollars; support has been almost unanimous i the Executive comtrittee of the Burlingame Chamber of cqunerce, the Broadway D6velop- ment company and the Planning comnission, in principle, have endorsedthe proposed project; added benefits to the City will include a 385 tar( revente of $94,000.00 per year and presently proposed plans wiJ.l improve traffic conditions in the area of the Grerpass and $rater system improvements, at no cost to the city. Mr. A. W. EaIl, President, cregory & Sons, was introduced by Mr. Tihqnpson, who referred to an artist's rendition of the conplex andprojected to illustrate a golf course, the ball diamonds and the boat lagoon to be developed in the future by the city. t{r. Hall spoke on his meetings with staff members and the applicant's subsequent agreement, at no cost to the City, to install water and sewer facilities and to add fire preventative measures requested tryr the Fire Chief, including the placing of fire hydrants to take advantage of the additional water pressure, the construction of a paved fire lane tr^renty- feet in width and set apart frqn tl:e buildingfor fire eguipment access specifically, and to nodify the plan toprovide doors on the balconies of each floor for purPoses of fire access - On the issue of traffic, Mr. Itall explained the applicant's proposed improvement to accoEodate traffic at the Broad\ray G/erpass inter- section, advising that betrreen $35,000.O0 to $4O,O00.0O would be expended to provide four lanes of traffic at the intersection, removing the existing traffic islands and to place new curbs. Elot plans were displayed indicating the ground area, the three-storied parking stalls, the hotel and parking stalls, the office structure and its interior open-air three-storied court, \..ri th It{r. Hal1 explaining that the office building would be constructedwith a "flair" on two sides and on the other thro sides; adivisional wa1l would be constructed between the hotel and the office and the hotel parking stalls will accqunodate 474 cars and the office building, 715 cars. A schematie plan of the site, the Overpass and the traffic islands together \.rith a schenatic plan of ttte area of the Overpass andtraffic lanes in relation to the site were displayed. Ur. Hall stated that the currently proposed hotel \^ri11 be one of agrou p of ten similar hotels on the vrest coast and in Hawaii, the nei^rest having been recently constructed on Sepulveda and Ventura Boulevards in Los Angeles. there being no further col[nents frcm proponents, the Chair referredto Council. In reply to councilman Diederichsen, the Fire Chief confirmed thatthe pLans with respect to fire facilities no$, meet with his approvaL;that until a test is made of the water flovr, he was not prepared to answer honr much additional water service the sixteen inch waterline serving the Anza Paeific properties will provide. To Councilman Martin's inquiry concerning the balconies, the FireChief advised that instead of blank wallE, the plans will be revisedto provide a door at the north end of each floor of the hotel topermit fire access. Councilman Martin guestioned Ur. Trhqnpson on the square footage allovred for the construction of the 250-roam hotel, who referred theinguiry to lt{r. HalI. RE CE SS A recess was declared \z the Chair at 10:00 pom. CALL TO OFDER the meeting reconvened at 10:15 p.m. 586 IIEARING CONTINIJED In reply to Councilman Hartinrs inquiry, Mr. Hall advised that thetotal area of the proposed complex comprises a 5.8 acre parcel ofland; the garage, including three decks for parking stalIs, 34O,OO0 square feett the hotel, eleven stories and three parking levels, 14O square feet and the restaurant area, 5,000 square feet. Mr. Hall further advised that a permit has been obtained fromthe F.A.A. approving the 150 foot height of the office building. To councilman crosby's inquiry concerning adequate fire protection, the Fire Chief recqmnended that several additional items be includedin the plans for the project: (1) that the dry standpipes remain hret. instead of dry, to be connected directly to the water mains and (2) that the hotel construetion provide a heat actuated alarm system to autornatically alert the fire department vrhen temperatures reach a certain degree. Ii{r. Hall, also in reply to Councilman Crosby, stated that the buildingplans were drawn in a manner to provide for the extention of two decks should additional parking places be required in the future. the Chair thereafter referred to the audience for comnents. Mr. cilbert Rod1i, Jr., President, Burlingane Chamber of coBmerce, advised that the Executive Board of the Chamber of co|merce has voted unanimously to approve the project in principle. Mr. Robert Higgins, speaking in behalf of the Broadway UerchantE Associat.ion, stated that the merchants have petitioned Council byletter, to give serious consideration to approving the project; the only provision being that adequate facilities be provided to maintain a reasonably qood flolrt of traffic. Mr. Duncan Beardsley urged Council to consider the following: (1) thatthe "General Plan" currently under study, has proposed portions of theproperty for the city park and for overpass improvements; (2) that Mr. Han:rmoto at the request of Council is preparing a report on thefeasibility of the northerly access road and (3) that at least nineplans have been prepared for the overpass improvements, several of which propose the inclusion of the subj eet property, thereby raisingthe question whether sueh plans should be considered first. Mr. U. s. simonds, Jr., representing the Building Trades council of San !!,ateo County, cdEnented on the position of the City to "c@nanda beauti ful approach to the Bay adjacent to the Airport; " that "Burlingame has the ability to attract such projects as proposed andthat the City cannot continue to project the overpass into its deliberations. " Mr. Simond s added that, the "project is needed"that it would be a '\,rrond er fu I asset to the Peninsula " and urged Council approval. Mr. E. L. Norberg, Architect, stated that he has in his possession a plan for the overpass improvements, prepared by the Division of High\rays, indicating that the proposed project will not interferewith the Stateis plan. li!r. Irving Anstrup stated that the subject of the "OverPass " has not been resolved and questioned where an overpass would be locatedif the plans of the Division of Highways does not include thisparticular parcel. com0enting on th expressed the op ed ini esirability of the proposed project, Mr. ,lmstrup on that it would, hcn"rever, "interfere. " Irtr. HaIl replied that the recqf,nendations of the Fire Chief were feasible. s87 Mrs. Lorene Sigal, 1355 De Eoto Avenue, stated the opinion that the project "will greatly dwarf the ProPosed park. " Mr. Norberg referred tO hiE cUrrent "traffic plan" tfiat would relieve the traffic congestion and movement in the area of the Overpass. council members were polled !ry the Chair for their cqunents. Councilman Martin's inguiries on the subj ect of "parking " were replied to by Mr. HaIl, vtho confinned that there is no "on-street Parking " Uut lhat the project would provide more ttran sufficient Parking and that with reipeet to the "average use of the Parking sPaces for the office building" not everyone would be driving a car and there is a possibility that a bus service will be provided. Furttler inquiries frqn Council Martin !'rere directed to the Fire Chief and to the City Planner. The Fire Chief explained his recqrunendations eoncerning the installation of "heat" and not "gmoke " activated alarms to be installed in each hotel rodll and ttre system of '\pet " standpipes rather standpipes . Trhe City Planner, with respect to parking, Projected the number of traffic movements per Cay, including an estimated increase with the const.ruction of the proposed project. tlhe City Planner, comrenting on the future development of the East trlillsdale Industrial Park, the 140 acres under development by the Anza Pacific Corporation, stated that two-thirds of the traffic emanating therefrom will be funnelled tourard Brodd\ray. the city Planner furttrer stated the opinion that alternatives to the traffic issue would be (1) to relocate another overpaEs in the area of the lagoon, or (2) to t'sr,ring the traffic movement to the northwest " to utilize the area north of Broadt ay. fn closing, the city Planner stated that any monies that the cityshall receive in the future will have to be expended in thisparticular area and that in his opinion, "it is a wonderful projectin the wrong location. " Counei lman Uartin thereafter spoke on his three main objections tothe construction of the hotel-office complex. 1. ttrat it would create an impossible problen on top of an impossibleproblem (traffic) and that if approved, the expansion of the Broad$ray Overpass will not be accqnplished; 2. That in his opinion, sufficient parking has not been provided forthe project, particularly in connectlon with the office building; and 3. That the "density" is excessive. On the latter point, Councilman Martin, for cqnparative purposes, referred to floor area ratios of the Mills Square development in San Mateo and to the tteynolds .rohnson office twoer and the llyatt Housein Burlingame, to illustrate that the proposed eomplex would havethe high€st floor area ratio permitted in the City of Burlingame. Continuing, Councilman ltartin stated that the massive structure isnot cqrpatible with the "aesthetics" of the area and that while he had no objection to the hotel, in his opinion, the office buildingis superfluous to the cityrs needs. Counci lman Diederichsen spoke on the "difficulty in determining ho^rthe City will grovr" and expressed his concern vrith traffic and congestion at the Overpass intersection, that a form balaneewill be required to assist in the financing of the Overpass. In expressing his approval to "scine type of developflent in the area,' councilman Diederichsen questioned Mr. HaII whether the project could proceed vrithout the constructj.on of the office building. 388 In reply, Mr. Hall stated that he would have no objection, but thatthere would have to be a "change in the economies in the land value. " couneiLman Crosby expressed his concurrence wi ttr atatements made by Councilman Diederichsen, in that the Overpass is alvrays one of issue when a major development is under discussion; that it was hisopinion, hovrever, that the project would be an asset to the City of Burlingame and that regardless, the capacity of the Orerpass can be resolved - I{ayor Johnson also observed that the Broadway Overpass has been a major issue on each project bef,ore Council of recent date; that the proposed project, in her opinion, may be the initial step or theincentive to activate the Overpass improvements. Mayor Johnson referred to the vote of the Planning ComniEsion unanimously approving the project in principle and thereafter expressed her approval to the construction of the hotel-office complex. Mr. Thompson cdrEnented on the issue raised with reapect to I'aesthetics" and ccrnpared the unsightly area surrounding the Ios Angeles Airport vri th what may occur if the use of the subject property were confinedto its M-I use. Mr. Tlhdnpson suggested than an assessment. district may be ovrners east of tdillsdale Industrial Park to finance Phase "Norberg " Overpass plan. formed of f of the Consid erable inter secti on, Broadway andpresent site. discussion arose on conditions prevalent at the Broadwaythe proposed future developnent of the Overpass atthe likelihood of relocating the Overpass from its Councilman Diederichsen, referring to the possibility of financing the expansion of the Overpass by the formation of an AssesEmentDistrict suggested that the subject be further explored. Mr. tlall advised that his cqnpany would be agreeable to becaoing apart of a district, that it is cognizant that "something must be done to improve the Overpass" and that Gregory and Sons would contributeits share of costs. Mr. Thqlpson suggested that the hearing be continued and that interim he confer qrith the city Attorney on the lega1 aspects formulating an assessment district, or some alternative, and further consideration be given by the apPlicants to the issue "parking " within the ccrnplex. Follcering a brief discussion, councilman Diederichsen moved hearing be continued to the regrular meeting of october 21, Tihe motion was seconded by Counci lman crosby and carried. RECE SS A recess was declared by the Chair at 12:05 a.m. CALL TO ORDBR in theof that on that the 1968. ftre meeting was again called STATE BAIJOT PROPOSITI ON NO. to order at 12:15 a.m. 9 Mr. Richard E. Noonan, Chairman, Burlingame Education comtittee to Defeat Proposition No. 9, and Vice-Principal, Burlingame Intermediate School, str oke before Council on the ramifications evident to thecalifornia educational system should ProPosition No. 9 successfully pass and referred to literature pertinent to the subject proposition and why its defeat is necessary. Mr. Gilbert Rod1i, President, Burlingame Chamber of Cq nerce, advised Council that the Executive B€rd of the Chamber of cqllmerce voted unanimously to oppose the measure. 389 A prepared resolution Presented by ur. Noonan was referred to the city Attorney, who, in reply to council inguiry, recqrrtended that his Office prepare an appropriatel-y t orded resolution to oPpose the amendment. council thereafter concurred. UNFINI SHED BUSINESS REPORT ON SERVTCES OF MR. TIANAMOTO A memo frqn the City Manager, dated October 7, 1968, advised that Ir{r. Hananoto is reeonsidering his original "road study proposal " and has indicated that in order to reduce the total eost of consulting services, meetings with a citizens grouP 1.ri11 be limitedto t\{o, with possibly one more meeting rrith the City Council. A brief discussion indicated Council consensus that Mr. Hanaroto's revised proposal r+ould include his professional vietrs on the "aesthetic design of the roadway. " Tlhe City ltanager advised that tle anticipated revised proposal will be presented for council consideration at the next regrular meeting. PROCLAMATION A communication frcm Roger Beck, Pr:blic Relations, dated September 25, 1968, announced the 125th Anniversary of B'nai B'rith, the oldest active service orgarization for:nded in the United States and requested Council's endorsement of a proelamation in recognition thereof. Mayor Johnson declared the week of October 13, 1968, as B'nai B'rith week throughout the City of Burlingame. FI RE DEPARTMENT COMIIIENDAT ION A corununication from Mr. Itarry l{ccrea, Principal, CooLidge school, dated October 4, 1968, addressed to the Fire Chief, and ccrnnend ing the Burlingane Fire Department for its efficiency, and particularlyits resuscitator squad for its admirable efforts the morning of September 23 , 1968, lras ackno\^rledged . COMMT SSION AP POTNTMENI S Mayor Johnson stated that through recent Council legislation, the formerly designated "Recreation Commi ssion " has been changed to "Park and Recreation Corunission " and that Council has confirmedthe follohring appointments to the nerp Csrnission: Victor A. Mangini, 316 Burlingame Avenue i lrlrs. Mildred B. crens, 1105 Bernal Avenue i i{rs. Betty L. Lane, 1130 Clovelly tane, RobertIenardon, 531 FrAncisco Drive; Ed Arnold, 213 Anita Road, william N. Beuttler, 1356 Cortez Avenue and !lrs. Marjorie Herrick, 467 Cumber land Road. rtre Chair requested that the members be so not.ified and that theyre-organize according to the specified procedure. t'he Chair further stated that Council rqill shortly interview applicantsfor appointment to the new "Beautification Comrnission. " ANNOUNCEMEMS fhe follor^ring announcements t ere made by the Chair: 1. I€ague of California Cities Annual conference in Los Angeles, Oetober 13 through October 16t 2. Testimonial Dinner to honor the Po1ice Chiefs of Northern SanMlteo County, Saturday, October 19, 1958 at 7:00p.m., fhunderboltHorel, Eillbrae; 390 3. San Mateo County Council of llayor s meeting, October 25, L968, Hyatt House, En-rrlingame; 4. North County Couneil of Cities meeting Novedber 7, 1968, with the location to be announced later. ACKNOIIIIEDGEME}iITS Minutes from the Health, Safety & Traffic Connnission, the Parking cqnmission, the Library Board and the Planning Cornmissioni reportsfrqn the Fire Department and the city Librarian and the "AnnualAudit Report " were ackncnrledged by the Chair. COIJNCIL INQUIRY RE: IiEARIIIG PENINSUIA AVE. PARKING tI[tTS In reply to an inquiry frotn Counci lman crosby, the city Planner advised that the Parking comEnission has invited property o$rner s residing on the Burlingame side of PeninsuLa Avenue to a public hearing on a proposal concerning "linited parking on the street during certain hours" or "eliminating parking. " ADfOURNMENT trhere being no further transaction of business, the meeting vrasregularly adj ourned at 12:50 a.m. Respectfully subrnitted, IIERBERT K. }|IIITE City C1erk APPROIED: CIiARLO,I'JOHNSON MAYOR '"// /'"-1L4 t1#)/,:*/,-"