HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.07.05156 Burlingame, California July 5, 1967 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the .bove given date. lteeting called to order at 8:10 p.m.,--ltayor Diedericlrsen in the Chair. At rrord from the Chair, all in the Council Chardber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present - Councilmen: Absent - Councilmen: Crosby-Diede richsen-George-Johnaon-llart in. None. Councilman Uartin, referring to the "t{ills Estate No. 27 Subdivision" before council at the regular meeting of June L9, L967, requeated that the following be ineerted: "the applicant failed to preaent evidence that the subdivision was economically unsound. " fie ninutee submitted previously to Council rrere thereafter approved and adopted. 1. REST'RFACING CITY STREETS APPROVED A corununication fro the Director of Public Works, dated irune 29, 1967, adviged that the Bragato Paving Company hae completed all contractual requiremente for resurfacing miscellaneous atreeta sithin the City and recomnrended that the contract be formally accepted. A meno frdn the City Uanager, footnoted on the comnunication, concurredrrith the recornmendation. In reply to Councilman ceorge's inguiry concerning "final quantities for palpent" referred to in the conununication, the City Engineer advised that the total expenditure for the project was in the amount of $70,085.75, financed mainly from cas Tax Funds and the remainder from the ceneral Fund of the City. RESoLIITIoN No. 41-67 "Acce pting Resurfacing of Hiscellaneous City streets - 1966-1967 - Job Fo. 65-22 - S. s. No. 120" was introduced for paaaage on motion of Councilman crosby, seconded !ryr Councilnan ceorge and adopted unanimously upon Roll Call . Councilman ltartin initiated a discuasion on the damage to trees and shrubbery, particularly noticeable on California Drive and in areaa on Uargarita Avenue and EI Prado Road. Ehe City Engineer reported that the heater-remix method of resurfacing caused the searing of trees and shrubberieg close to the curb line, holrever, the work is guaranteed for a period of one year and damages found to be permanent are recoverable. :Itre City Engineer was requeated to firBt aurvey the proposed areas aad to conault with the contractin I firzr prior to proceeding with the resurfacing program next year. The city litanager, at the request of Councilnan llartin, was directed to investigate the extent of the cuEent danrage thranghout the city for report to Council. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CAI,L Ir{INIr?ES CO}IUUNICATIONS a57 2. FEDERAL GRANT RE: SET{AGE PLAMT CONSTBIT'STION IUP ROVEUETiITS A co:ununicatioa from the City lianager, dated June 30, 1967, referredto information received frorn the State Water Control Board concerning the availability of funds to the varioue California agencies under a Federal Grant. Councilman ceorge, at the request of the Chair, in further detail, advised that the Federal Water Pollution Control Adminlstration has estisated that the State of california will receive an aLlocation of $13,637,650.0Oin federal conatruction granta during the 1967-1968 fiscal year, the City of Burlingane is the fifty-first agencL on a priority list and is scheduled to receive an estimated grant of S450,OOO.OO and the successful paasage of a proposed $1,250,O00.00 City S*er Bond will place the City in a favorable position to submit its final application to receive the Federal allocation this coning fiscal period. Follorring further discuaaion, the regular neeting of August 7, L967, wae scheduled to enact legislation calling for a special sryer bond election on October 10, 1967. SEWER PI"AIflT RE: FOI'IIDATTON INVESTIGATION A corurunication from the city llanager, dated June 30, L96?, advised that it is necessary to acquire borings, engineering studies, field and laboratory analysis and a full report for foundation investigation at the Sewage Treatment Plant to determine the most econonical method of design for additions to the plant; a local engineering firn, shannon and Wilson, Inc., is quatified to perforn the service and has submitted a bid in an atnount not to exceed $5,5OO.00. It was the reconurendation of the Office of the City Englneer and the office of the city t{anager that the work be authorized. Itle City Engineer, in reply to Council inquiries, advised that the City's sewer Plant consulting fim, Jenks and Adanson, is in the process of designing plans for the plant and to determine the extent of the founda- tion work, an investigation of the aoils in and around areas of the new structure is required i seven borings will be made to an approximate depth of one hundred feet and the findings may reduee the overall plant improvement costs . To inquiries from Councilnan llart in and Councilman ceorge, the City Engineer advised that his Office has obtained approval frcnr Jenke and Adamaon, the consulting firn, to engage the local soil experts and the expenditure will be included in the $1,250,000.O0 sewer bond proposal . A motion was thereafter Lntroduced by Councilman Martin that the pro- p $ osal submitted by Shannon and WiLson, Inc., in an amount not to exceed 6,500.00 be accepted. The motion was seconded by Counc iLnan Crosby and unanimously cerrled. A cosmunLcation frou the City Manager, dated June 30, 1967, advisedthat at the request of merchants fronting the east slde of Carolan Avenue, one hundred trrenty-five feet north of Oak Grove Avenue, the Parking Conrmission reviewed and thereafter recoutrnended that a two-hour parklng Limit be established at this Location. Council was advised that it will be necessary to expedite the passing of a sewer bond issue to be eligible to submit a final application for Federal funde. 4. I1.IO-HOUR PARKI}IG LIMIT ONffioAKGRovEAVENUE 158 ORDINANCE NO. 866 "An 0ffinlCipa1 Code Regu lat i Avenue for L25 feet Nor by Counc iluan Johnson for first reading. 5. PETITION WIIITDRAWAL 6. KAT PATCH II APPLICATION TO INSTFLL EOTi'OPERATED POOL TABLES rdlnance Amending ,113.35.040A of the Burlingame ng Parking on the Easterly Slde of Carotantherly of Oak Grove Avenue" !',a s introduced A memo from the City }funager, dated June 30, 1967, advised that the Local Agency Forrnation Conmission has disapproved a petition filed by llico, Inc., to withdraw a narrow strip of Land along the Skyline Boulevard wlthin the clty Limlts of Burllngame. A comunication was read froo Mr. F. B. Schlageter, Attorney, dated June 23, 1957, subrnitting an applicatlon in behalf of his client, Mrs. Helen P. Johansen, to lnstall and operate two coin-operatedpool tables within her establishment, "Kat Patch II," 1205 Burllngaoe Avenue. Mr. Schlageter, in attendance, and In reply to ttayor Diederichgenrglnquiries, advised that the type pool tables proposed Is the current trend in coln-operated entertainment devices; they are referred to as "three-quarter size'r tabtes and the Building Inspector has lndi- cated no obJectlon to the lnstallstlon of tno tables et the loca-tions indicated on the floor plan of the establiehtrEnt. The City Attorney, replying to inqulrles from l.{ayor Diederlchsen, advised that the ordinance sti.pulates that a license is requlred fora "pool or billiard parlor" with no reference to a rrpool or billiardtable'r and the installatlon of pool tables as proposed is incldentalto the operation of the establishnent. Following a brief discussi.on, Counc llman Crosby moved that a permitto install two coin-operated pool tabtes be approved, seconded by Counc ilman George and unanimous ly carrled. 7. I. S. AMSTRUP RE: TROUSDALE DRM Ur. Austrup, ln attendance, repeated a stateEent made in his coumunica-tion that there were a number of trucks uslng TrousdaLe Drive to deposit uraterial to a project that is Located oalnly ln Miltbrae; that ln his oplnion an lnvestigation should be conducted before a permit is issued and the area more strictly patrolled. TRUCK TRAVEL A cor"munication was acknowledged from Mr. Irvlng S. Amstrup, 2708 Trousdale Drive, filing a protest on the issuance of a trucking permit on Trousdale Dr ive followlng a violation of the truck ordinance noted and referred to the Office of the City Manager. Mr. Amstrup questioned 'rwhy should a permit vlolatlon be legallzedafter the fact" and "why should any trucks origlnatlng in Ridwood Cityor San Carlos and destlned for Skyline Boulevard (a State Highway) use any residentlal streetrr concluding his cornnunlcat1on with a request that Council 'rlnstruct enforcement of the present ordinance.r' The City Manager, in considerable detail, related circuEstances whereina paving company was permitted to travel Trousdale for one day todellver asphalt to a freeway project on Skyllne Boulevard and for which the City received the sum of $47.00 for a haullng pemlt. Ttre City Manager stated the oplnlon that the protest was unwarrantedln that the City has refused long-range hauls; has restricted trucktravel on Trousdale Drive to a great extent and that the facts described ln the communication are inaccurate. The Chair, referring to Mr. Amstrupts inquiry in hls coumunication concerning "$60,000.00 or more to eventually re-surface Trougdale Drive from tunnecessary' misuse of the streetrr questioned the City Engineer, who advised that truck fees thus far have paid for thestreet maintenance and the resurfacing of Trousdale Drive wilt not be prograumd for a period of at Least thro years. 159 Followlng further comrnents between the Clty Manager and Mr. Amstrup, Counciluran Martin stated that by approaching the hauling contractor and requirlng the payment of a haullng fee, the ordinance was enforced. RESOLUTIONS - None ORDINANCES Consideration thereof : ORDINANCE NO. 864 trAn Ordinance Amendio-the Municipal Code and Designating was given i.ts second readlng and upon motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Counciluran Crosby, sald Ordinance passed its second readlng and was adopted by the following Roll Call vote: Ayes: Counciluen: Crosby-Diederlchsen-George-Johnson-Martin.Noes: Councilmen: None. ORDIMNCE N0. 865 'rAn Ordinance Amendin g #L3.20.030 of the Burl-ingameallatlon of Yield Right-of- Ave. -Sherman Ave.) was given nc iluran Johnson, seconded by ng Subparagraph C ot llL3.20.O2O Howard Avenue a Through Street'r Mnnicipe-codtbnd Provldlng for the Inst Way Signs" (P.ay Drive-Davis Ilrive; Balboaits second reading and upon ootion of Cou Councilman Crosby, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following Roll CaLl vote: Ayes : Councilmen : Crosby-Diederichsen-C,eorge-Johnson-Martln. Noes: Councilmen: None. UNFIMSHED BUSIMSS None. NEW BUSINESS Mayor George reported on his attendance at the following meetings as Council liaison: I. CIVIL DEFENSE-DISASTER PREPAREDNESS June 22, L967, 8:00 p.m., include coamr.rnity shelters ; (2) introductto accomrodate thirty-three pound women required to handle such items Defense Lines to renr,ain open during do lonso n the agenda: (t) the status ofof a snralt-sized bag designedf sand for the convenience of on occasions of floods; (3) Civil periods of emergency ; 2. CTT|T IMPROVE},IENT COM}fITTEE Councllman Martln announced that the next meeting of the North County Council of Cities would be held ln the City of San Bruno, Thursday, July 5, L967, at whlch t ime his terrn as chairrnan would termlnate. VAR E MI\(ERCIAL SE c-L IN APARIMENT ZONED DI TRICT R-3 Mayor Diederichsen referred to a variance approved by the Plannlng Coumission on June 26, L967, perurltting the construction of a foodstore (coumrcial) at 965 Bayshore Boulevard (apartment) and recom- mended that the variance be appealed. Councllnran Martin moved that Councll on its own lnitiatlve, appeal the declsion of the Plannlng ConEnlssion and that the matter be scheduled for publLc hearing before Council at the regular meeting of July L7,- L967 . The irotion was sedonded by Counclluan Crosby and unanimousLy adopted. The reactivation of the City Improvement Comrlttee, June 27 , L967 ,to assist in the promotion of the forthcoming sewer bond election in october; the appointment of Mrs. Evelyn llill as Secretary and the City Planner as a coEmlttee advisory uember. On the subject of the sewer bond issue, Counc ilrnan George recosmended that a reeting rrith the County Engineer, the City Manager and members of the City Council be scheduled to confer on the possiblllty of the City recelvlng a contribution from the County in behalf of the Burlingame Hills area residents. ANNOUNCEMEIiIT 1.80 NEW BUSINESS (cont inued) Councilman Johnson reported on her attendance as Council llalson tothe following: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Recent Eeeting of the Chambe r of Comnerce Board of Directors, at which time it was suggested that a forrner coEmlttee on the developmentof bayfront properties be reactivated to work in conjunction with the Recreation Comrission ; SISTER CITY COMMITTEE A Mexlcan dinner ln San FSister City Cosnoittee and announced thet the next S on Wednesday, July L2, L9 ranclsco on June 23, attended by nlneteen Council roembers. Councihnan Johnson alsoister City Comnittee oeeting would be held 67; COUNTY COUNCIL OF T'IAYORS Members of the San Mateo County Council of Mayors were requeSted tosubmit their opinions vrith respect to "RegLonal Government" and lnturn, the oaterial to be referred to the Regional Planning Coumissionfor tabulatlon and report thereafter to the San tilateo County Councllof lfuyors . Counc iluran Martin expressed the oplnion that the results of thetabulation should be circulated to all members of City Councils. I{EUORIAL TO CONGRESSMAN YOUNGER AE the request of Councilman Johnson, the Clty Attorney rras authorizedto prepare an appropriate resolution as a trlbute to the memory ofJ. Arthur Younger, revered United States Congressman frour this district, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mayor Diederichsen acknowledged recelpt of minutes fron the Planning Con'miss ion, the Health, Safety & Traffic Coumission, the Parking Corrnission and the Library Board and connnunications from Leo J. Ryan and Carl A. Britschgl, Assemblymen, in reply to Counci.l requests for support of Assembly Bi1ls. ADJOURNMENT The meeting by the Chai APPROVED: was regularly adjourned at 9:55 p.m., wltr that a study meeting would imrediately f RespectfuLly submitted, ZetM WERNER H. DIEDERICHSEN, }4AYOR oht haoll n announcement