HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.09.16370 Burlingame, California Septedber 16, 1968 CALI TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city Council was held on the above given date. Ueeting called to order at 8:O0 p.m., - llayor Johnson in the Chair. At word from the Chair, aII in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present - Councilmen: Absent - Councilmen: Cro sby-D iede rich aen-George- John son-l,lart in . None. 1rhe Minutes of the regular meeting of Septedber 3,to Council previously were approved and adopted. 1968, submitted A communication dated September 12, 1968, frm the City trlanager, referred Council to a cornmunication received from T. ceoffrey Cook, D<alted Ruler, Lodge #1112, B.P.O.E., dated Septedber 8, 1968, re- questing the use of the Burlingame Uunicipal baseball park on lfhursday, october 24, to give a circus performance for charital:Ie purposes andalso, that the usual License fee be waived in this instance. The Chair recognized !{r. William B. IYo, in attendance and spokesmanfor the Elks club. llhe City Attorney, in reply to Councilm.rn ceorge, stated that it iswithin the province of Council to approve the use thereof and also to waive the $25.OO " amusement " ta;< fee. Ur. IYo, answering Councilman George's concern that possible denonstra- tions may be provoked by the presence of the circus, stated his aware- ness of the current "loitering" problem in the Park area and advised that off-duty police officers from the Burlingame Police Departmentwill be engaged by the management of the circus if needed. Councilman Martin moved that the request of the Elks C].ub be granted and that the customary license fee be waived. llhe motion was seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously carried. Councilman Diederichsen, reporting on his personal investigation of the intended use of the property, advised that additional electrical power will be supplied by the circus management and that he has ascertained that additional fire protection will not be necessary. ltayor Johnson recognized Dr. titarie D. Bonfilio, 804 Winchester Drive, who requested, by communication dated September 14, 1968, an audience with Council to explain the purpose of a project entitled, "Ihe Viet Nam llome Front. " Dr. Bonfilio spoke in some detail on her activities thus far in sending 12,O00 pounds of foodstuff, representing three hundred boxea, to military personnel in Viet Nam. PLDGE OF ALLEG IAIiICE ROLL CALL MINI,ITES SAIiI MATEO LODGE B.P.O.E. RE: CIRCUS BENEFIT PERFORTANCE " TIIE VIET NAII HOI,iE FRONT.' PRO.TECT :d^7L Dr. Bonfilio explained that her presence on this occasion r^ras to appealto the citizens of the community to submi.t the names, the ApO, the FpO and the serial numbers of men serving in Viet Nam, and suggested that a roster be maintained in front of City flalI from which names may be selected for the mailing of packages; that in addition, shoppers make a practice of purchasing an articLe of food, particularJ.y canned fruit, each week, to be deposited at convenient locations, possibly at fire stations, for collection and boxing. A list of basic items for servicemen in Viet Nam, as suggested by Marine and Army personnel, was presented for distribution by Dr. Bonfilio and publicity in the local newspapers was solicited. Mayor Johnson, in behalf of Council. cotnmended Dr. Bonfilio on her outstanding service in behalf of the military in Viet Nam. 1. WASTEWATER TREATI4ENP IMPROVEIT{ENTS RECOMIIENDED. A cornmunication received from titr. John H. Jenks, representing Jenks & Adamson, Consulting sanitary and Civil Engineers, dated september 12, 1968, recalled that when a contract was awarded to construct the Wasterdater Treatment and Reclanation Works, it was recommended that additional items of work be included and that his office has now received firm quotations and therefore recomtrends that three added improvements be included within the project construction at this time. concurrence with the recommendations were footnoted on the communication under the same date, from both the Office of the City Manager and the office of the city Engineer. At the request of the Chair, the City Engineer summarized the proposed added improvements with an explanation \"rith respect to their functions: (1) Dissolved Oxygen Automatic Control: To provide a twenty-four hour monitorinq of dissolved oxygen content, adding to the reliability of the oper.+ion, particularly during ti.ne periods when operators are not on duty t (21 lrhird Chlorjnator: tion of plant effluent. To assure a c.ontinuous and efficient disinfec- and (3) Exterior concrete Finish and waterproofing: waterproofing compound Iimited to the main structure and to the office building, wilL add to the aesthetic features of the plant structure. The City Engineer stated that the total additional cost will be in the amount of $15,926.00 and that upon Council approval, a lrritten work order, when accepted by the Contractor, is submitted to the Federal Government for approval. A reference in the communication from Mr. Jenks to his prior letter dated April 22, reconunending that Council consider such matters as landseaping and the purchase of a small boat, initiated a brief discussion. Councilman uartin's recorNrendation that in addition to the three major i.mprovements noted, landscaping and the purctrase of a sample boat also be included at this time, vtas concurred in by Council. The City Engineer suggested that on this occasion, Couneil approve the additional three improvements and that his office investigate the cost of J.andscaping and the sample boat for report at the next meeting of council . COMI,TI'NICATIONS i372 A motion r.ras introduced thereafter by Councilman Crosby, seconded by councilman Diederictrsen and unanimously adopted, that the contractor be issued a change order in the original contract to include the three improvements as presented. A memo from the City ltanager, dated septedber 12, 1958, "Traffic Plan to Break Bottlenedk at Broad\ray Overpass" subnitted by E. L. Norberg, A.I.A. referred to a prepared and Ttre City lr{anager suggested that the proposed improvements be referred for reports thereon from (1) Staff through the City Managerr (2) the Health, safety & Traffic Conunission, and (3) the state Division of Highrrays. Mr. Norberg, in attendance. rras commended by Mayor ilohnson, for his efforts and service in the interest of the public and thereafter requested the pleasure of Council. Councilman l.{artin recommended that staff menibers verify the estimates subnitted and that a review of the proposed plan by staff, also include a review by the Police Department traffic Division as well as the Health, Safety & Traffic Corunission. Councilman Martin expressed the opinion that it would be unwise to approach the State Division of Highways until a definite action is taken by Council. The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, advised of circumstances that have created a delay in his and the City Engineer's review of the various plans that previously have been proposed for the Overpass irn- provements, but that the naterial will have the attention of both offices. I{r. Norberg advised that his current plan j.s existing Overpass plan offered to double the a modification of the capacity. fhe City Engineer reported that it was his understanding that an over- all Overpass p].an remains on file in the San Francisco Office of the State Division of Highways and that his Office will endeavor to ascertain its status. 3. STATE HEALTH A}ID SAFETY CODE. !lr. John H. Ca1we1l, Chief Building hspector, appeared before Council with copies of the Uniform Building code, the Plumbing Code, the National Electric Code and other reLated codes to verify that the City of Burlingame enforces ordinances prescribing standards equal to or greater than certain provisions of the state Health and safety code. Councilman Diederichsen thereafter moved that Council confirm the compliance of the City of Burlingane with provisions of the state Health and safety code and that a formal notice of approval be sub- mitted to the Department of Housing and conununity Development, state of California. Ihe motion was seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously adopted upon a Ro1l CalJ. vote. 2. E. L. NORBERG SUGGESTIONS RE: OVERPASS TRAPFIC IMP ROVEI{ENTS A memo vras acknor^rledged frorn the City Manager, dated SePteriber 12, 1968, enlarging on the information sulrnitted to council at its last meeting and relating to provisions of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code of the state of California. 3?3 A memo from the City Manager, dated Septedber 12, L968, referred to a revised job description for Police Sergeant (traffic) and recommendedthat said job description be referred to the Civil Service Commission with a request that an eligible list be established for Po1ice Sergeant by conducting .rn examination with emphasis on "traffic." 5. PENINSULA AVENUE WIDENING A communication hras received from the County of San l{ateo Engineering and Road Department, dated August 28, 1968, advising that the City of san l*tateo will soon widen its half of Peninsula Avenue to increase the traffic capacity of that pottion of the street under its juris- diction. fhe conurunication continued by stating that "w?rereas Peninsula Avenue is included in the City-County ltighway system, this projeet has been reviewed by the Greater Highways Conrmittee and its Subcomlnittee to determine whether the design features are in accord with the standards required for the system. Since the City of Burlingame is not in a position to widen its half of the street at this titne, the committee showed concerD vrith the operating characteristics of the roadway. " "Consequently it was reconunended " that the City of Burlingane be requested "to conEider the restriction of on-street parking at least during peak traffic hours. " ouring the ensuing discussion, Councilman Diederichsen refered to an allocation of funds to be received by the city of Burlingame from the creater Highways coNnittee and questioned the status of such funds if the city of Burlingame does not participate in the wi.dening project. Mr. clen Ireland, Chairman, creater Eighways Subconunittee, in attendance, advised that Peninsula Avenue will be widened to DeJ.altare Street, not involving the Woodl ake area and that the improvement will have no bearing on monies to be appropriated to the city of Burlingame. Council thereafter requested that the matter of the restriction of "on-street parking" for the fulI length of the City's portion of Peninsula Avenue be referred to the Parking Conunission for recommenda- tion and report to council . Councilman litartin. to clarify the position of Council, stated that consideration given to the reaidents, many of them senior citizena, residing on the atreet, rather than funds, have forestalled the widening of Peninsula Avenue. 6. BURIII{IGAII{E CITIZET\IS BAY PRESERVATION COUI,TIT?EE. A cornmunication was adcnorrledged from the BurlingarDe citizens Bay PreEervation Corrrmittee, signed by !trs. Anita r,1. Pitcher, Chairman, dated septe ber 4, L968, requesting that repreaentatives from the Bay Preservation Comnittee be considered for appointment to a committee to confer with Mr. Hanamoto on a propoaed revised Burlingame Bayside Park roadway plan. lIhe comnrunication was placed on file for future reference . RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 9:30 p.m. 4. SERGEANT ASSIGNED TO TRAE FIC Ihe recommendation rras eoncurred in by Council. g?4 CA],L TO ORDER (lre meeting uras reconvened by Mayor Johnson at 9:40 p.m. SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTURAL SERVICES ROYSTON HANAMOTO BECK AT{D ABEY A memo from the city uanager, dated septe ber 16, 1968, advised of his conference with !lr. Asa llanamoto in the matter of supplemental contractural services with respect to the Bayfront road, in which specific data on the future development of the area is required by members of his staff prior to his submission of a firm proposal . llhe City M.rnager further reported that Mr. Ilananoto has stated that a schematic study, setting forth alternatives and suggestions, alL of vnr ich will require review first with staff, with City officials and with the proposed citizens group may result in as many as eight to ten meetings; however, his proposal can be based upon a lfunit of five meetings. The City llanager, in reply to Councilman ltartin, stated that Mr. Hanamoto thus far has issued no corunitment, but that his proposal will be available to Council at the next meeting. Uayor alohnson questioned the City Planner concerning the qualifications of Mr. Ilanamoto to render an opinion $rith respect to the access road. Tlhe City Planner stated that any reconunendations made by Ur. Ilanamoto would be based on engineering information he would receive and that it was a matter of Council decision. Councilman ceorge and Councilman l{artin eadr expressed the opinion that five meetings or less would be sufficient. Councilman Martin concluded the dj.scussion by stating that engineering matters should be referred to staff, with Mr. Hanamoto to i.nclude in his proposal , his professional opinion concerning the aesthetic features of the access road. BAYSIDE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT #4 RE: SECOND SALE OF PROJECT BONDS Ittr. cerald A. taster, Attorney, representing the legal firm of Wilson, Jones, Uorton and Llmch, refered Council to a cotmunication received from J. Barth & Co., under date of Septedber 12, L968, offering to purchase all of the Second Sale of Bonds for Bayside Improvement District No. 4 and to a Resolution prepared for Council action awarding said sale of bonds. Mr. Laster advised that to assure the availability of monies, it is necessary to se1l bond s prior to Novedber 5, at whidr time Proposition No. 9 on the State-wide election ballot (Watson amendment) if passed, will place strict limitations on tax rates and bond issues after the effective date of tle amendment. In reply to Councilman uartinr s inquiries, Mr. Keyston confirmed that there are no further 1911 bond s affecting Bayside Improvement District No. 4 and that the monies derived from the sale will be deposited into the " construction fund . " Mr. Keyston further stated that monies received will complete the four lane road, the water main system and permit the placement of all improvements within Airport Boulevard, that it does not affect the conpletion of the secondary road, eatimated to be constructed approximately five years hence . 3?5 A nurnber of inquiries lrere raised by ur. iI. B. sherr, 2520 Hayrard Drive, concerning the city's obligation in relation to the project development . Menbers of Council, the City Attorney, the Attorney for the District and the subdivider each in turn, explained phases of the assessment bond procedure, assuring the inquirer that such procedure is normal, that the bonds are encumbrances upon the developer's property, with no financial obligation to be assumed by the City and that it is, in reality, a procedure wherein the City maintains control of the development and is more than adequately protected financially should the developer personally experience financial difficulties. A final inquiry frdr I.{r. Sherr concerning whether Council was commit- ted to the construction of a roadway paralleling the Bay was replied to in the negative. RESOLUTION NO. 65-68 "A Resolution Awardin g SaIe of Bonds - Bayside Improvement District No. 4 - €352,627. - Second Sale" rras thereafter introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon RoIl Ca1l. OTHER RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 66-68 "Commend ing cuittard Chocolate company on the Centennial of Its Founding" rra6 introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilnan ceorge and adopted unanimously upon Ro1I Call. RESOLUTION NO. 67-58 "Commendi ng the City of San Uateo and the Town of Woodside for Adopting Companies of the Firat Battalion, 327th Infantry, First Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, United States Army " rdas intro- duced by Councilman Crosby, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unaninrously adopted upon Rol1 Call. RESOLUTION NO. 68-68 "E (preasing the lhanks and Appreciation of the city of Burlingarne and its officials to Robert B. Hintermann in Recog- nition of Faithful service, " rras introduced for passage upon motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Diederichaen and adopted unanimously upon RolJ. Cal1 . ORDINAIiICES - Consideration thereof : ORDINAIICE NO. 890 "tunendin g Sections 12.04.030 and 12.04O.06O of the Burlingame ltunicipal Code Fixing Permit Fees for the Construction, Reconstruction and Repair of Curbs and Sidewalk s and Prescribing the Location and Width of Driveways " was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman ltartin, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following Roll Call vote: Ayes : Councilmen : Crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-Martin. Noea: Councilmen: None. Absent Councilmen: None. I'NF INI STIED BUSIIIESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. The City Attorney's memo res "Burlingame vs. Southern pacific Company, " advising of the continuance of a hearing on "ad val,orem taxea aa a part of its allowable costs in fixing parking lot chargea" to October 23, L968 t 1 ACKNOWLEDGME}ITS Irlayor Johnson ackno\rledged receipt of the following for filing: 3?6 2. A report from the Presidentrs Council on Youth Opportunity, dated August 19, L968; 3. A communication from the San }lateo County Democratic Central Committee, dated September l, 1968, urging support in encouraging the County Board of Supervisors to conduct open hearings on the issue of "Ilousing Authority"; An invitation from the City of Santa Fe Springs, dated September 3, 1968, to attend a "California Civic Seminar" in palm Desert, Septedber 29-30; 4 5 A resolution from the City of Pacifica expressing appreciation for "Mutual Aid Assistance During Civil Distrubances in the City"; and 6. Minutes from the Health, Safety & Traffic Commission, dated August 8, 1968, and the August monthly report from the Burlingame Po1ice Department. Communications from Edhrin L. Pierce, submitting his resignation as a medber of the Planning Commission and from I{r. Maurice !.{arshall. member of the Park Commission, requesting that his name be withdragn for consideration on the new Beautification Commission, were acknovrl- edged with regret and rrritten commendations instructed to be trans- mitted to the two Cornmission members. october 7 , 1968, t as selected by Council for names to be presented for consideration to fill the vacanqa on the Planning Conunission and for appointments to the new Beautification commiss ion. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES NOTICE A bulletin fron the League of California Cities, dated SePtember 11, 1968, requested that in order to expedite and make more efficient the business session at the Annual League Conference in Los Angeles, october 13-16, each City Council designate a voting representative and an alternate voting representative. Uayor Johnson and Vice-Irlayor Uartin were selected voting and alternate voting representative respectively and an enclosed "voting delegate form" waa authorized forrparded to the Berkeley office of the League. CIT]' HALL ARCHITECTS. PAYMENT A memo from the City Manager, dated September L2, L96A, advised that a bill has been presented fron the City IIaII ardritects in the amount of $21 ,47o.71, representing 35% of the 8% estimate of ',ruly 16. 1968, as per agreement. fhere being no objection from Council, a $rarrant hras ordered drawrr on the City Treasury in the stated .rmount. ,.CIVIL DISORDER., SUMI'IARIZ ED Events recently witnessed at a civil disorder in the City of Berkeley, Augrust 30-31 , by aurlingame Police sergeant M. D. Porter and officers O. Kruttschnitt and B. A. Marshall and reported in detailed for:n, was acknowledged by ltayor Johnson. CO!I},lI SS ION RES IGNATIO}IS ,J77 ANNOI'NCEMENTS lIhe Chair announced the following meetings: 1. An all-day forum on the critical drug abuse problem, sponsored by the san ateo county citizens council on "Drug Abuse " to be conducted on Friday, october 4, California Ieachers' Association building; 2. A Burlingarne Chaniber of comerce general mernbership ureeting on septettrber 27, 196A, at whictr time a resolution adopted by Council commending the cuittard Chocolate Company on its l00th anniversary will be presented; 3. An open forum, ifhursday, September 19, 1968, at the Hyatt cinema, on the strbject "Property Tax Linitation" sponsored ry the Governmental Researctr Council, in cooperation with the local Chanbers of comnerce, the Peninsula Manufacturers' AEsociation and the san l{ateo County Development Aesociation; 4. A Red cross barbecue on septedber 18, 1968; 5. A "Forget-me-not" Drive, sponsored by the Disabled war Veterans' commencing the first week in Noverdber, 6. A meeting of the "Sister City" participants to be conducted at the forthcoming League of california Cities annual conference in October; 7. A dinner meeting and tribute to "Law and itustice " honoring the Po1ice Chiefs of the cities in the North San Mateo Council of Citiesat the rhunderbolt Hotel in ttillbrae on October 19, 1968 - Police Officer C. L,eonelli serving as the city of Burlingame liaison; 8. A Te8timonial Dj-nner honoring retiring Police Officer Robert B. Hintermann on Friday, September 27, aX the Hyatt Housei 9 A special atudy session, Septembet 25, at which time Council will meet with representatives of cregory and Sons concerning the latters' proposal for Burlingane Shore tands propertyi and 10. A regular study meeting scheduled for wednesday, October 2. COT'NCIL MEUBER REPORTS Councilman Martin reported briefly on his recent attendance at a Bay Area Regionaf Organization meeting and announced his forthcoming attendance at an ABAG meeting on Septerdber 27. Councilman Diederichsen reported on his attendance in company with the City Attorney and the City l.lanager at a recent Institute on Labor Relations for City Officials and stated that the teague of California Cities will soon release a sunmary thereof for presentation to Council . CLAI!,tS Warrants, Month of Septerdber, 1968, Nos. 1308-1466, in the total sumof 9343,101.74, duly audited, were approved for palment on motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilman Diederichsen. Payroll warrants, Uos. 381-937, Month of August, 1968, in the total arnount of $16O,336.30, rrere approved on motion of Councilman Croaby and seconded by Councilman Diederichsen. PAYROLL APPROVAL 378 REPORT FROM COI,IN CI LMAN GEORGE 1. Councilman ceorge released the number of telephone calls received by ttre telephone operator located in the Burlingame Police Depart- ment between the hours of 8:O0 a.m., and 5:0O p.m., as the result da reent telephone survey during a given period. 2. Mvising of his informal discussion with bank officials, Councilman George reconmended that the City titanager obtain additional infor- mation concerning fees to serve the remaining 1915 Public Improve- ment Assessment bonds, currently being serviced by the Office of the City Treasurer. AD.TOURN},IENT there being no further transaction of business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, IIERBERT K. WI{ITE, CIIY CLERI( APPROVED: MAYOR I u .t CTIARLOTTE