HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.06.19148 Burlingame, California June 19, 1967 A regrular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. Ueeting called to order at 8:15 p.m., - Uayor Diederichsen in the Chair. At vrord from the Chair, all in the Council Chanber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. Present - Councilmen: Absent - Councilmen: Cro6by-Diederichsen-Geolge-Johnson-l{artin . None Commissioners Present: Planning Commissioners Cistulli-Kindig. Park Corunissioner Boos Others Present: Civic Improvement Comnittee Chairman Beardsley I,1INI}TES Ihe uinutes of the regular meeting of ifune 5, L967 were approved and adopted following a correcti.on that ttre words "dedicating Cuernavaca Park" in the opening announcement by !tr. Ken West be deleted. lIhe Chair announced that this was the time and place scheduled to con- duct a public hearing on the appeal of the Rector Cadillac Company to overrule the decision of the Planning Cornmission in denying a varianceto erect an eighty-foot rotating siSn on the corner of Cadillac Way and the inner Bayshore Boulevard. A communication was acknotrledged from Mr. if. L. Rector, President, dated April 28, 1967, submitting the written appeal. A cormunication from AD ART, 17L5 - 64th Street, Eoeryville, dated March 20, 1967, advised that the sign has been designed to be esthetic- ally acceptable to the location, that in no way is the sign a detriment nor an invasion of privacy to the citizens of the surrounding community. The communication was accompanied by a set of sketches depicting the desigrn and location of the proposed sigrn. Ihe Chair thereafter invited the support the appeal. applicants to present evidence to !lr. Jack Carpentier, identified himself aa the General Uanager, Rector Cadillac Company and stated that Ur. Robert Ramsey and !1r. Buddy Baer, representing the Ad Art Company, were i.n attendance to reply to Council inquiries. lilr. R.rmsey displayed a rendering of the sign, and in describing the structural details of the eighty-f,oot rotating sigm, featuring a steel supported column, stated that the double-faced sign would be illuninated with the word "Rector" on one aide and the word "Cadillac" on the other; that the anticipated plan also includes a fountain at the base of the pylon. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA}ICE ROLL CALL HEARING APPEAL RECTOR CAD ILIAC RE: EIG}TIY-FOOT ROTAT ING SIGN 149 I{r. Ramsey distributed large photographs comparing the height of the proposed sign with the poorer lines and trees and its visibility from Bayshore Highway traffic routes and the Broadway turn-off, explaining that field surveys indicated the height proposed is necessary to identify the location of the new Cadillac-Rector Building. rihe Chair questioned whether the installation of a "warning" Iight to alert aircraft, particularly helicopters, was necessary, and to whidr inquiry the city Planner advised that in accordErnce with airline regulations, the height of ground construction is one hundred fifty-one feet at this point. there being no further comment s fron the proponents or from those in favor, the Chair invited the comments of those in opposition. A comrnunication was read first fron the California Roadside Council, dated l{ay 3, L967, bearing the sigmature of Urs. Ralph A. Reynolds, President, urgently requesting that the application for the permit be denied and that a "non-moving" sign of the height customary in the particular district be substituted, !tr. Robert creene, 1231 Southdor'm Road, Hillsborough, and a representa- tive of the California Roadside Council, referred to a Paragraph in their cornmrunication and urged that the City maintain its rePutation as a "City of beauty and good taste" by rejecting the application. ur. Everett Kindig, 704 vernon Way, Planning conunissioner, expressed the opinion that "it would be a mistake to apProve " the application; that the Planning Comnission has been able to control the ereetj.on of signs to a degree that they may be visible in the industrial areas but not to traffic on the Freelray and that approval may establish a precedent to future firms locating in the City. litr. I'homas l.{arshall , 2715 Martinez Drive, spoke on the construction of new Freeuays in the southern area of the State, whereon the Federal Government has placed restrictions on the erection of signs along traffic routes. Ir{rs . Ilenry Boos , 7O2 Newhall Avenue, Park Cotrunissioner and a Garden Club affiliate with the california Roadside Council, concurred with the comments expressed in the communication of the latter, adding that she "fe1t that cadiIlac, the uLtimate in automobiles should consider the aesthetic vaLue of their car as well as Burlingame" by restricting the height of a large rotating sign. t{r. Carpentier, in reply to objections raised, stated that a survey made of the area surrounding the location of the building indicated that an eighty-foot sign would not interfere with vision; the sign will revolve slowly, the lighting subdued; the property is isolated and because of the overpass and the height of the trees, a sign of the height proposed is necessary to identify the Company. Mr. carpentier added that the Agency was urged by the City of Burlingame to remain in business in the City and on ttre basis of " survivorship and necessity" a request is therefore before Council . llr. P. sign. R. Taylor, 330 Burl ingane Avenue. exPressed his approval to the t{r. R. w. Bailey, 2819 Arguello Drive, a market consultant, stated that a lorrer sign would serve to identify the agency as effectively as that proposed; motorists turning weat from the overpass will experience a glarei the height proposed will hinder the view of hillside residents, detract from the beauty of the city and may establish a precedent. 150 Following a series of inguiries directed fron the floor to the apel- Iants concerning the height of the Overpass, the projected illuminationof the rotating sign in relation to others within the City and the landscaping, Irlayor Diederichsen referred to Council . Councilman ceorge commented on the 9450,000.00 derived in sales tax revenue from the automobile industry, stating that he was among thoseto encourage the Cadillac Company to give every consideration to the new site recently developed because of the lack of appropriate property availa}le in the City upon which to locate. :Irhe City Planner, in reply to Councilman George's inquiry concerning the height of the s ign displayed on the new wells Fargo Building in the inducstrial area, advised that the building itself is eighty-fourfeet with a twenty-foot sign located on the roof, permissible under provisions of the sign ordinance. Councilman Crosby, ad<norrledging that he also encouraged the locationof the Cadillac Agency, stated he personally had no objectj.on to the proposed height of the sign. Councilman Johnson observed that the City of Burlingame is renowned as a "City of trees" and questioned the wisdom of taking an action that would lead to a "City of signs"; that in her opinion. the Rector Company is not dependent upon a sign for "its successr', that in deference to the Company, a street name nas changed to ',Cadillac Way" and although willing to "modify" the height, she was opposed to aneighty-foot sign. Councilman Uartin, referring to the Eketdres, questioned lr{r. Ramsey concerning the size of the letters, the distance they may be visible and the illuninated intensity compared with the wells Fargo Building, who repLied that the letters are five feet in height, visible fron a maxi:nurn distance of 2,500 feet and less intensified because blue andwhite, rather than red lights, were selected, adding that only ttreletters will be visible at night. Mr. Carpentier, in reply to Councilman Uartin, stated that the fountain referred to is not a part of the sign but can be included in the landscaping plans. Concerning " revolutions per minute " and in reply to Councilman !{artin, I.tr. Ramsey advised that the State Division of Highways has established a range from three to five revolutions per mi.nute as a safety meaaurei conceding, upon further inquiry, that "three r.p.m.," may be made a condj.tion to the approval of the sign. concluding rrith a comment that "we have to recognize as the trees grorr, we will have to raise the height of signs," Councilman Uartin moved that the decision of the Planning Cqnmission be disapproved and ttre appli- cation for a variance be approved, subject to the following conditions: (1) that the sign be limited to an overall height of eighty-feet, (2) that a fountain be installed at the base of the pylon, (3) that the sign rotate at not more than three revolutions per minute t and (4) that said sign be installed and erected generally in accordance with the sketdr. Ihe motion was seconded by Councilman George. on the question, Councilman Johnson inquired as to the effect an eighty-foot sign would place on the R-4 acreage innediately ad joJ,ning, if development occurred in the near future. A Roll Call vote was recorded as follows: Councilmen : Councilmen : Crosby-Diederichsen-George-lr{artin. Johnson. Ayes: Noes: 151 CONSIDERATION TO REOUEST OF OWNERS OF MILLS ESTATE NO. 27 SUBDIVISION Uayor Diederichsen announced that this was the time and place scheduled by Council to consider a request from the owners of Mi1ls Estate No. 27, through the 1aw offices of Carr, Mcclellan, IngersolL, lltrompson and Horn, in a letter dated March 13, 1967, that the hearing wherein CounciL approved the subdivision of ten, rather than fourteen lots, with condi- tions, be reopened. tlhe Chair gave a brief resune of prior action and wherein the amended tentative map, again incorporating the fourteen lots, was examined by the Planning commission at a regular meeting on llay 22, 1967, at which time a majority of the Commission members voted to reconunend approval with the number of lots limited to trrelve. llhe City Attorney, at the request of Council, summarized the position of Council, advising that it may approve or reject tlre request for a re-opening of the original hearing. Mayor Diederidrsen recognized l,[r. David Carr, Attorney, representing the ot ners, qrho stated that the principle reason in requesting a re- opening was based upon the unexpected decision of Council to li.tnit the development to ten lots, necessitating an analysis to determine the feasibility of eliarinating four lots from the originally proposed fourteen-lot subdivision; that primarily, as a matter of "economics" the request is again sutraitted for a fourteen-lot subdivision and evidence has been conrpiled to indicate the high development cost to i.mprove the property. :fhe Chair questioned the logic of Council based upon "economies" only and suggested development of the property would be more reconsidering the issue that discussion on the appropriate . Mr. Carr stated that it may be enlightening to request Mr. smookler (one of the or^rne rs ) to explain the plans; that it is the intention of l,lr. smookler to construct and to live in one of the homes; the proposed one-story dwellings will carry deed restrictions to establish architec- tural controls. llhe Chair requested an opinion from the city Engineer on phases of the tentative map and in his reply, advised that the change in the location of the four-foot concrete right-of-way into the wildlife area is not des ira.ble . Irlr. Carr stated that all the conditions required by Council have been incorporated on the tentative map and the approach to the wildlife area can be relocated. In reply to the Chair, l{r. carr stated that the otdners would prefer the f ourteen lots , but would agree to a t\.,telve 1ot subdivision. To councilman ,Johnson I s inquiries concerning the re-opening of the hear- ing and disposition of the recotrunendation from the Planning Commission, the City Attorney advised that it i.s a matter of Council decision and if the hearing is re-opened, the recommendation also may be considered. Considerable discussion arose on the issue of "economics" with Mr. Robert Sherman, arctritect for the project, quoting development costs, including land acquisition, engineering fees, taxes, legal expenditures and engineering estimates of improvement costsi confirming, in reply to councilman tlartin's inquiry, that he had not obtained a real estate broker's appraisal on the market value of the individual lots. Mr. Carr thereafter requested that the application be deferred until 152 such ti$e as a tentative map is resubmitted by the or*ners on a twelve lot subdivision basis. Following cotnments from Mr. william Cap1an, President, litills Estate Home Owners' Association, Ur. fhomas I'{arshall, 2715 Uartinez Drive and I{r. John Chaney, 2827 arguello Drive, further discussion was concluded. Ihe Chair, replying to an inquiry from Mr. Caplan, advised that the submission of a new tentative map is considered first bl}r the Planning Corunission. COMI4T',NICATIONS A cornmunication from the City l,tanager, dated June L4, 1967, advised that in response to a Council request, the Health, Safety & Traffic Commission has concurred that the intersection of lloward Avende and Crescent Avenue warrants traffic control and has re commended thatit be created into an arterial stop. ORDINAIICE NO. 864 "An Ordinance Amend ing subParagraph c of #13.20.o20of the Municipal Code and Designating Howard Avenue a I'hrough Street" was introduced by Councilman Crosby for first reading. Acting upon advice of the City Attorney that legislation be enacted to effectuate an imrnedi.ate traffic control,RESOLUTTON NO. 38-67 ',Re quir- ing Vehicles approaching Howard Avenue From Crescent Avenue and From Costa Rica Avenue to Stop Before Entering Intersection" hras introduced for passage upon motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon Roll CaII. A memo from the City Manager, dated ilune 15, 1967, advised that the Director of Traffic, follorring a survey, has reconutended that a "Yie1d" sigm be placed on the southnest and northeast corners of She rman Avenue giving Balboa Avenue traffic the right-of-way. ORDINAIiICE NO. 865 "An Ordinance Amendin g #13.2O.O3O of the Burlingame lrlunicipal Code and eroviding for the Installation of Yield Right-of- way Signs" was introduced by Councilman Crosby for first reading. 3. 'TAIID OF HICO INC. '' RE : WITHDRAWAI TWELVE-F@T STRIP FROM CIIY A memo from the City t{anager, dated ilune 16, 1967, advised that a request for withdrawaL of a twelve-foot strip of land (abutting Skyline Boulevard) from the City has been filed by the owners, Land of Hico, Inc., with a reaaon therefor not stipulated and that the City Attorney has prepared a resolution to be filed with the Local Agency Formation Commis- sion for consideration at a hearing scheduled irune 2I, 1967. RESOLUTION NO. 39-67 "Declarin g Tihat It Is Not fihe Intention Of the Burlingame City Council To Initiate Proceedings To Exclude Certain Uninhabited Territory Purporting To Belong To Hico, Inc. " uas intro- duced for passage on motion of Councilman ilohnson, seconded by councilman ceorge and unanimously adopted upon RoIL Cal-1 . PACIFIC WESTERN CONTRACTORS CITY PLANNER RE: "PARKING CREDITS" A communication was acknowledged frcm Joseph D. Geller, Attorney, 475 EI carnino Real, uilIbrae, dated June 13, 1967, representing the I. CRESCENT AVENI'E AND HOWARD AVENT'E AN ARTERIAL STOP 2. "YIELD'' SIGNS BALBOA- SHE R!4AN AVENUES 158 Pacific western contractors, Inc., advising that the latter process of purchasing the Purity lrlarket property located at of llo!,rard Avenue and Primrose Road. is in the the corner llhe communication advised of the cogrnizance of the new owners ttrat the previous o\rne rs had participated in a parking assessment district on a li:nited basis, due to the provision of "on-site, off-street parking"; that with plans in the formation to construct a 17,000 square foot building, a portion of the twenty-seven parking spaces will be removed, thus raising an issue with respect to building on properties previously granted "parking credits. " At the request of the Chair, the City Planner explained circumstances prompting the subject being brought to the attention of Council; that to amend the current exceptions and exemptions prohibiting a property owner from proceeding with any construction that would encroach upon spaces previously credited against the earking District assessment, legislation is necessary. fhe City Planner advised that an additional parcel in the immediate neighborhood of the subject property may experience a similar situation in the future and reeommended that the matter be explored more fully at the next Council study meeting. Council concurred with the reconurendation and acting uPon a suggestion also fron the City Planner, requested that in the interim, Council and nembers of the City's staff consider ways and means to resolve the issue. ?he city Planner was further requested to seek an opinion from Mr. Ernest A. wilson, Attorney, representing the Burlingame Avenue Area Off-street Palking District. RESOLUTIONS CHAI'IBER OF COMIT{ERCE CONTRACT lrhe submission of an annual contract by the Ch anbe r of Commerce, initiated a brief discussion, reherein Mr. Granville Browning, ceneral Manager, in attendance, hras advised to continue the present poliey of preparing and presenting for the approval of Council, an estimated budget on a quarterly basis, and in accordance with terms of the contract, to conrmence with the month of JuIy, 1967. RESoLUTIoN No. 40-67 "Authorizin g the Uayor To D<ecute an Agreement Betrreen the City of Burlingame and the Chamber of Commerce" was intro- duced for passage on motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by councilman ceorge and unanimously adopted upon Roll call . ORDINAIiICES None. T'NF INI SHED BUSINESS 1. CITT HAT.L SITE LANDSCAPING A meno from the City lltanager, dated June 15, 1967, sutxnitted a cost of an interim landscaping program for the City llall site, prepared by the Park superfurtendent, in the amount of 54,4a2.5O. Councilman Uartin moved that the expenditure be approved, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried. A memorandum to Council from the city PLanner, under date of l,lay 15, 1967, setting forth the aforementioned problems, was made a part of and referred to, by lilr. celLer in his communication to Counci.L. 15'4 2. CUERNAVACA PARK "FIXTURES" Councilman Crosby referred to the teans currentl.y using the baseball diamond at Cuernavaca Park and questioned whether a drinking fountain can be installed in the area. the City Engineer advised that he would speak with the Park Superintendent. It{ayor Diederichsen stated that a request has been made that a score- keeper's box be installed to announce the umpire's count. 3. SEWER BOND ISSUE Councilman ceorge, Chairman, Sewer Bond Financing Committee, announced that a program is in progress to acquaint the voters of Burlingame with pertinent information on the necessity of sewer treatment improvements ithat an interim committee has recommended that a Bond Issue scheduled originally for September 19 be extended to October lO, subject to Council approval . Following a brief discussion, Council approved the October loth date for the Sewer Bond proposal . NEW BUSINESS Councilman ilohnson reported that the Sister City Committee is estending invitations to attend a Mexican Dinner at the Tia Margarita, in San Francisco on Friday, alune 23, and reservations may be made thliough its Chairman, ![r. Ben Hec]ringer. 2. DEDICATION CUERNAVACA PARK At the request of Councilman John6on, October 22, L967, was confirmed as the official date to formally dedicate Cuernavaca Park. Councilman Johnson suggested that Council authorize a review of the current Sign ordinance. Ur. Paul ar. Constantino, President, Burl ingarne Chadber of Commerce, reported that the proofs for new City maps will be available and copies will be furnished the City Manager and the City Planner for review prior to final printing. ASKNOWLEDGI"IENTS }{ayor Diederictrsen acJ<no\.r1edged communications received f rom: aI. Edgar Hoover, dated alune 7, L967, announcing Chief of Police Lollin's successful completion of the 79th Session of the FBI National Academy, lflre City of Newark, dated June 5, L967, concerning Regional covernment and the City of San Leandro, soliciting contributions to support "Young America" a group of young citizens, and their trip to repre8ent the United States at D<po '67 in ltontreal, Canada, June 27 and 28. councilman ceorge moved that the next regular meeting of the City Council be held on the 5th of aIuly, instead of on the 3rd of iluly, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried. 1. SISTER CIrY FUNCTION 3. SIGN ORD INANCE REVISION NEW CIT( I'IAP S REGI,LAR I.IEETING NIGHT CHANGE 155 Claims for the month of June, 1957, Nos. 8538-8745. in the total anount of $193,35A.22, duly audited, were approved for palment on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried. Payroll warrants, month of lt{ay, 1967, Nos. 2252-2846, in the total amount of $157,573.52, vere approved on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by councilm.rn George and unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT Etre re being no further transaction of business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:5O p.m. Respectfully sulxnitted, HERBERT K. WHITE, CIT:| CLERK APPROVED: Ar","-,,r'/)*,-;.1"""*- WERNER H. DIEDERICIISEbI, MAYOR WARRANTS PAYROLL APPROVAL