HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.09.03362 Burlingame, california September 3, 1968 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m., l.{ayor Johnson presiding. PLEDGE OF ATLEGIANCE At word f,rom the Chair, all in the Council Chaniber rose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the l'1a9. Present - Councilmen: Absent - Councilmen: Crosby-D iederidrsen-ceorge-.f ohnson-uart in. None. lIhe miJrutes of the previous meeting of August 19, 1958, previously submitted to Council, rrere approved and adopted. I. APPLICATION OF GORDON iIACOP I RE. " BURLINGAI{E CAB CO." Itlayor Johnson announced a continued hearing from the regular meeting of August 19, 1968, on the application of Gordon Jacopi for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to underEake the operation of taxicab service within the City of Burlingame. Upon determination by the Chair that the applicant was not present, nor represented, action was deferred until later in the meeting. The applicant failed to appear and on a motion introduced \z Councilman Diederichsen, seconded by Councilman lt{artin and unanj.rnously carried, the subject was removed from the Council agenda. COIT4MT,NICATIONS A communication frqn the City Engineer to the city litanager dated August 27, L968, advised that Hacl<ett Brothers, Contractor, has satis- factorily completed all requirements of the plans and specifications for construction and installation of storm drain improvements from the Park Department garage in washington Park to Oak Grove Avenue and reconmended that the project be formally accepted by Council. In an addendum to the City Engineer's communication, the City l{anager concurred wittr the recoErnendation under date of August 29, L96A. RESOLUTION NO. 61-68 "Acce pting Storm Drain Improvements--Park Depart- ment Garage to Oak crove Avenue--Job No. 68-9" (Hackett Bros., Inc.) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman George and adopted on the following ro11 calI: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Cro sby-D iede rich sen-ceorge-irohnson-Uart in . None. None. CAI,L TO ORDER ROLL CALL MINUTES HEARINGS I . STORIT{ DRAIN III{PROVE}iE}ITS PARK DEPARTIT{EIiII GARAGE TO OAK GROVE AVENI'E ACCEPTED. 363 2. STATE OF CALIFORNI,A HE,AI,TH AND SAFEIY CODE. A cormunication dated August 26, 1968, to the City Council fron J. H. Cahrell, Chief Building Inapector, and an addendur to said communication frorn the City llanager dated August 29, 1968, c-oncerned a request frsr the Department of nousing and comnunity Development, State of California, for official notification frqn the City Council that the City enforces ordinances prescribing mini.raurn standards equal to or greater than certain provisions of the state Health and safety code. Council indicated reluctance to proceed without further particulars, thereafter referred the matter to the meeting of Septetriber 16, 1968, a report from the city [anager and Chief Building Inspector. and for 3. BAYSIDE PARK FINAL }IASTER PLAN ACCEPTED. A communication was read from Burlingame Citizens Bay Preservation com- mittee, dated septenber 2, 1968, signed blr Anita M. (Mrs. John) Pitcher, Chairman, stating that the Comrittee was organized out of deep concern that the City of Burlingame have the most beautiful, acceasible and well-planned bay front possibLe; that the Corrnittee concurs with the Bay Conservation and Development Conmiseion that continuous public acceas be provided to the bay front from the airport to Coyote Point, including a scenic drive, path and fishing areas; requested the city council to reconsider its prior decision on the Anza Pacific Corporation accesa road and the design of the bay front in view of the "B.C.D.C. preli.rninary plan whictr expressly put the acceas road near Bayshore Highway and away from the bay front." llayor Johnson recogmized Mr. Asa Hanamoto of the firm of Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abey, Landscape ArchitectE, employed by the City to prepare preliminary and final maater plans for the Bayside Park. l.{f. Hanamoto placed on display and explained at length the final master plan drawings, discussing physical aspects sudr as land fiIl, cl imate, plantings, access and parkingi proposed recreational facilities, pedes- trian and bicycle uays, sailing and boating, golf course, picnic areas. He explained that the drawings are not intended to be precise, that a phasing progr.rm, consisting of four general phases to acconplish total development, is proposed and recommended that detail design and working drawings be provided prior to construction to preaerve the quality and unity of the park as proposed. Mr. Hananoto mentioned a conservative estimate, based on current costs, of three million dollars to accompliah construction. In response to Councilman George, lilr. Hananoto agreed to compute an approximate cost figure for the first phaser to Councilman Crosby, softball bleadrers are included in the first phase; to Councilman l{artin, the maater plan includes the section of land leased from Anza Pacific corporation; to Councilnan Diederichsen, costs can increase Eubstantially depending upon the length of time to completion of construction. conuaent s were heard from the audience. Mr. Robert Delzell, 1345 DeSoto Avenue, inquired if an attempt waa made to relate the bay aide of the park to the Anza Pacific corporation development to assure public acceaa to the lrater, requested an opinion frdn ur. Hanamoto on the effect the proposed Anza Pacific road will have on the aeathetics of the park, and stated his position in opposition to the road in the proposed location. Mr. John Pitche!, 2852 Adeline Drive, queationed l,tr. Hanamoto concerning landscaping to create a wind buffer, the latter stating that, hopefully, the existing eucalyptus grove will be preserved to be supplemented with plantings along the t esterly and northerly perimeters. 36{t Mrs. Albert E. Siga1, iIr., 1355 Desoto Avenue, requested the City Council to consider relocating the access road to another area to preserve public access to the bay, and to the preparation of a master plan for the entire waterfront. Mr. Hanamoto explained that the access road was not within the plan- ning scope of the contract with the City for a plan for the park, andthat he was not prepared at this ti.rne to reconrmend on the locationof the road. Irlr. Hanamoto posted a third drawing and discussed possibilities forpublic access from the park to the bay--across the road at grade or,traffic prohibiting, pedestrian and bicycle ways above grade; he suggested amenities of design to make the road aesthetically accept- able in relation to the park. In response to llr. Robert Anderson, 1I3 Crescent Avenue, regarding the economics of the park, Councilman Martin referred to the go1f course, explaining that he, personally, is not convinced that it is desirable or necessary, but that its inclusion vras approved by Council as the result of a professional study made for the City (Sherman Company) and recommendations from the Park and Recreation CoNnissions, the theory being that such facilities are self-supporting and will return revenue to the City. Councilman Martin stated that the need for park space, available to all citizens of an area, exists not only in this City, but county- and nation-wide; that the Council neither expects nor intends that the park shal1 be self-supporting nor a source of revenue to the City; he explained at length the circumstances responsible for including Little teague and softball facilities. Counci.lman llartin referred to the letter read earlier from the Burlingame Citizens Bay Preservation Conunittee, advising that the statement, therein, that the B.C.D.C., preliminary plan locates the access road near Bayshore Highway and a\ray from the bay front is misleading since that is not the official position of B.C.D.C., but a staff suggestion submitted by Mr. Alvin Baurn, Deputy Director. Councilman llartin stated that, as yet, there is no off ici.ally adopted road, that the ultimate location will be determined by the City Council, and that Anza Pacific Corporation, however, is obligated to supply a four Iane road for purposes of public access to its properties. llhe following procedure was suggested by Councilman tlartin for Council's consideration: Accept the final master pIan, thereby terminating the existing contract r enter into a supplementary contract with Ur. Hanamoto and associates to investigate the feasibility of relocating the access road. RESOLUTION NO. 62-68 ,.ACCEPTING FINAT MASTER PLAN BAYSIDE PARK.' x,as introduced for passage on motion of councilman crosby, seconded by Councilman George and adopted on the following roJ-l call: Councilman Irlartin suggested to u!. Hanamoto that the B.c.D.c., plan for a scenic road from coyote Point to the airport be considered when the access road study is undertaken. Council acknovrledged a suggestion from I{r. Eanamoto that a citizens' group be formed to participate in the study. Ayes: councilmen: crosby-Diederi.chsen-ceorge-Johnaon-uartin. Noes: Councilmen: None. Absent Councilmen: None. 385 RECESS A recesa was declared by the Chair at 9:35 p.rn. CAIL TO ORDER Itlayor Johnson reconvened the meeting at 9:45 p.rn. COMMT'NICATIONS (cont. ) 4. APPLICAIION FOR TA)(I SERVICE. Uayor Johnson acknor.rledged an application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to EstabliEh taxi Service in the City of Burlingame, filed by cary F. Aloise and Robert if. warren, announcing a public hearing thereon to be cgnducted at the City Council regular meeting, Novedber 18, 1968. GREC.OE(Y A}ID SONS.PROPOSAL FOR BI'RLINGAI.{E SHORE LATVDS PROPERTY. A conununication fron the city Planner dated August 27, L968, reported that the Planning Conrnission, at its August regular meeting, approved in principle an application for hotel and office building construction on lands of Burlingame shore Land Company adj acent to Bayside Park, and stated that the action of the ConrniEsion must be subrdtted to Council for review since there are public improvements to be constnrcted and utility installations are proposed to traverse the City park. The matter was referred to the regular meeting of October 7, 1968; a study session with the applicanta hras sdreduled for wedneaday. Sept- ember 25, at 8:O0 p.m., in the Council Chamberg. llhe City Planner was requeated by council to prepare a detailed report on problems involved in utilities and other public improvenents. COT'NCIL STT'DY I4EETING. wednesday, October 2, L96A, 8:O0 p.m., city Hal1 Courcil Chambers, was selected as the time and plac€ for the next monthly study meeting. 6 . ABAIIDONI.{ENT OF AIiICIIOR EASEPIENT. A comnunication from the City uanager dated August 29, 196A, advised that all parties concerned, including the utility company, have consented to abandonment of three feet of an anchor eaaement located on property ovrned by ceneral Tire Realty Cotnpany iJr Ingold-Millsdale Industrial Center, and recorunended Council action ordering said abandonment. RESO],UTION NO. 63-68 ''ORDERING TTIE VACATION AND ABANDON!,IENT OF A PORTION OF A CBRIAIII AIiCHOR EASEI,IEN? AS SAID PORTION OF SAID AI{CIIOR E.ASEI.iEI{T AS SIIOIIN ON IAAT CBRTAItr MAP ENTITLED 'IN@I,D-I{IIJSDALE IIIDUSTRIAI, CEIIIER, BITRLINGN,iE, SAN MAIrEO ColnfllY, CALIFORNIA"' rras introduced for passage on motion of Councilnan George, seconded try Councilman Diedericheen and adopted on the fo1lo,ring ro11 caLl: Ayes: Councilmen: Crosb!'-Diederichsen-ceorge-Johnson-ltartin. Noess Councilnen: None. Absent Councilmenl None. 5. Mr. A. i{. Hall, President, Gregory and sons, was present. 386 7 ACTUARIAL SURVEY. A communication from the City l{anager requested approval of execution of Actuarial Contract with the Public Bnployees' Retirement System for the purpose of determining costs of additional survivors benefits requested by Safety Members . A motion introduced by Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously carried, approved execution of said contract. 1. RESOLT'TION NO. 64.68 ''DECLARING INTENTION TO PARTICIPATE IN FORI.IING A @OPERATM LIBRARY SYSTEM " was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilm.rn ceorge. On the question, in response to Councilman ceorge, the City tibrarian reported that the cooperative project has his and the Library Board's approval . The motion was carried on the following roll call. ORDINAIICES - Consideration of: I. ORDINAIICE NO, 886 " PROIIIBITING PARKING FOR II{ORE THAII FOUR HOURS ON CERrAIN STREE?S: was given its second reading, and on a motion introduced by Counci.Iman Crosby, Eeconded by Councilman ceorge, said ordinance passed the second reading and !ra6 adopted on the following roII caII: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilrnen: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Council,men: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen 3 AyeE: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Ayea: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Cro6by-Diedericlr sen-George-iFohnson-Uart in. None. None. Crosby-Diede ri ch sen-ceorge-alohnaon-ltart in . None. None. Cro sby-Diederichsen-ceorge-Johnson-Uart in. None. ilone . Crosby-oiederichsen-ceorge-Johnaon-llartin. None. None. 3 . ORDINANCE NO. 888 " PROHIBITING PARKING ON THE SOI.'ITTTERLY SIDE OF LAIIG ROAD " was given its eecond reading and on a motion introduced by Councilman crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said ordinance passed the second read ing and was adopted on the following ro11 call: Crosby-Diederich sen-George-Johnson-ltartin. None. None . 4. ORDINA}ICE NO. 889 " A}I ORDINANCE OF TIIE CITY COI,'NCIL OF THE CIIY OF BURLINGN4E AUITIORIZING A}I AII{ENDMENT TO TIIE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CIIY COI.,NCIL A}ID rIIE BOARD OF ADT{INISTRATION OR TI{E CALIFORNIA PUBLIC E!,IPIPYAES' RETIREUENT sYsTEI.{ " (cost-of -living increase to retired City employees) was given its second reading and on a motion intro- duced by Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman George, the ordinance passed the second reading and was adopted on the following roll call: RESOLUTIONS 2. ORDINATiICE NO. 887 " PROHIBITING PARI(ING ON MIE CUL-DE-SAC OF BEACH ROAD " was given its second reading and on a motion introduced by Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said ordinance passed the second reading and was adopted on the following roll call: ORD INANCES Introduction of: 1. oRDrNAtitcE No. 890 "AIr{ElrDrNG ss 12.04.030 and 12.04.060 0F rr{E BURLINGAIITE III,NICIPAL @DE FIXING PERI,IIT FEES FOR TIM CONSTRUSTION, RECONSTRUCTION AIID REPAIR OF CT'RBS ADID SIDEWALI(S AIID PRESCRIBING TIIE IOCATION AIID WIDTH OF DRIVEWAYS " was introduced for first reading by councilman ltartin. I'NFINI SHED BUSINESS 1. ADDITIONAL SERGEANT FOR TRAFFIC. A memo from the City l,lanager dated Auguat 29, L968, submitted for council eonsideration a Job Description for the position of Police sergeant, prepared by the Cooperative Personnel Service, and recom- mended that an examination. rrith emphasis on the subject of traffic, be held to eEtablish an eligible 1iEt. Follorring a period of discussion, Council requested the City Manager to have a revised job description, with prfuiary duties oriented to traffic and secondary duties comparable to thoEe of the regular duty sergeant, prepared for the next regular meeting, September 16, 1968. 2 . OVERTI"TiIE PARKING FINES. A conrmunication from the city Attorney under date of August 23, L96A, concerning "Parking Fines - $lO.O0 Fine on Second Notice" advised that the subject was discussed with Helen Prara, Clerk of the l.{unicipal Court, Central District, a8 a reault of Council's query at the meeting of August 19, 1968. Ihe conununication noted in detail the procedure whereby the ugrard revision of the fine schedule was approved, advised that complete discretion in suctr matters repoaes in the judges and, for this reaaon, the City rras not consulted before, nor advised after the increaae in fines becane effective. llayor Johnson announced the next General Assedbly Ueeting of ABAG to be held Friday, September 27, L96A, Hotel Claremont, Berkeley. Councilman Diederichsen and the city Manager will attend a luncheon meeting of the San Uateo County Safety Council Board of Directors, t{edneaday, septetdber ll, 1968, at the villa Chartier, san Irlateo. Councilman Diederichsen, the City Manager and City Attorney will attend the Institute on Labor Relationa, alack Tar Hotel, san Francisco, septe ber 4 through 6, 1968. North County Council of cities will meet fhureday, septer6er 5, 1968, in Pacifica. 36? NEW BUSINESS 1. ANNOUNCE}{ENTS Councilman l!{artin will attend the Bay Area Regional organization scope and shape conference saturday, september 14, 1968, wheeler Hall, University of California, Berkeley, with the City Planner. 2. PROCLAUATIONS uayor Johnson issued ttre follorring proclamations: Au9u6t 15 through October 15, 1968, "MARINE CORPS RESERVE CMC ACTION FIrND FOR VIET NAII{ fll!{E", the week of Septenber 16, 1968, "PENINST LA SYttPHOt{Y WEEK"; the week of septer0ber L7-23, 1968, " CONSTITUTION vlEEK. " Relative to the latter. a corununication was read from the D.A.R., Anson Burlingane Chapter, urging display of the national emblem as a symbol of allegiance. E8E 3 3. COMI,IITNICATIONS 1 A memorandum f rom President's Council on Youth Opportunity, Hubert E. Itumphrey, Chairnan, r,as discussed briefly and the City Clerk l{ras requested to make copies for distribution to Council. 2. Governmental Research council of san Mateo county announcing an open meeting, Ihursday, September 19, 1968, 4:00 p.m., Hyatt Cinema, Burlingame, concerning the proposed "Watson" tax mea6ure. Clifford We11s, Past President, Tri-County Planning Council communi- cation dated Augiu st 13, L968, reporting disbandment of the organ ization and refunding to the City of Burlingame a pro-rata share of the remaining assets in the anount of $32.9L. A communication on a City of San l{ateo letterhead, signed by Linda Giese, Chairman, and Ron wright Co-Chai tman, "San lrlateo's Adopted Screaming Eagles" advised that the cities of San lrlateo and Woodside have formally adopted "A" Company and 'rD" Company, respectively, of the l01st Airborne Division and requested the City of Burlingame to endorse the program. T'he conununicat ion was referred appropriate resolution. to the City Attorney to prepare an Councilman Diedericbsen reported his personal knorledge of, theactivities of Dr. uarie D. Bonfilio, a Burlingame resident, on behalf of the servicemen in Viet Narn and stated that he hoped to have Dr. Bonfilio appear before Council at a future meeting. Councilman Crosby stated that he is chairtnan jll the City of Burlingame_of a group assisting the Uarine Corps Reserve progr.im to rai6e funds to support the civic Action Progran through Care, Inc. 5 Reference was made to a communication from Dan casentini, san Bruno, concerning a testimonial dinner to honor police ctriefs of Northern san uateo county, saturday, october 19, 1968, 6:oo p.m., at the fhunderbolt Hotel, I.{il1brae, and requesting appoi.ntment of a liaisonto assist in planning the affair. A communication from the City Manager dated August 29, 1958, was acknowledged stating that a dance permit granted the Kat Patch for a period of six months has expired and recommendi ng extension for an additional six months under conditions previously approved. Councilman ceorge requested a report on a recent incident in thevicinity of the Kat Patch involving a young man taken into police custody. llayor afohnson reported attendance with the City Irlanager at a recent meeting of the San !{ateo County Council of l{ayors. Councilman Martin reported that there may be a substantial recovery of ABAG funds. ACKNOWLEDGI.{ENTS Minutes of the Library Board, August 20, L95A; Librarian's Report. August 20, 196A; Parking Cormission Minutes of July 24 and August 28, 1968; with reference to the latter minutes, Councilman uartin noted that a quorum was not preaent and that a similar situation has existed 6 Mayor Johnson announced that a member of the Police Department t{ill be requested to serve in the capacity of liaison. REPORTS 369 qrith the Health, safety and traffic Commission. He requested the City ltanager to direct a letter to the Chaitmen of the two Commissions po5.nting out the imposition to staff when business cannot be conducted because of the Iack of a quorum and re cornnrend ing that a procedure be adopted reguiring prior notice when members expect to be absent. tlinuteE of the Planning comnission, August 28, L96a; a communication from Mayor Crespo of the City of Cuernavaca, Uorelos, Mexi.co. BAYSIDE PARX PIAN. In response to an inquiry from the floor, I'layor Johnaon advised that the drawing prepared as part of the Final Master PIan, Bayside Park, will remain on display in the Council Chambers. CIIY E!,{PIOYEE RENDERING ASSISTA}ICE TO I{OTORIST. Councilman crosby reported observing a city employee changing a flat tire for a woman driver earlier in the day, approximately 4:3O p.m., and requested the City lrtanager to attempt to learn his identity for recognition. PROGRESS REPORT--TREA?I.{ENT PL,ANT IUPROVEI,IEN?S . councilman Diederichsen requested a progress report from the city Manager on the se\,rerage Treatment Plant construction. There being no further tranaaction of business, the meeting rras regularly adj ourned at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully suhnitted, HERBERT K.TE CI CLERK lM orARrotrE JflsoN, uavon ADJOURNUEIiI:T APPROVED: